Letters in Mathematical Physics

(The median citation count of Letters in Mathematical Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The Davey–Stewartson I equation: doubly localized two-dimensional rogue lumps on the background of homoclinic orbits or constant19
Set-theoretic Yang–Baxter & reflection equations and quantum group symmetries18
Inductive construction of stable envelopes16
Temperature and entropy–area relation of quantum matter near spherically symmetric outer trapping horizons14
Around spin Hurwitz numbers14
A realisation of the Bershadsky–Polyakov algebras and their relaxed modules14
4D Chern–Simons theory and affine Gaudin models14
Braided $$\varvec{L_{\infty }}$$-algebras, braided field theory and noncommutative gravity12
Modular categories are not determined by their modular data12
Quantum gravity and Riemannian geometry on the fuzzy sphere11
Improved Lieb–Oxford bound on the indirect and exchange energies11
Universal edge scaling in random partitions11
Stable maps to Looijenga pairs: orbifold examples11
Reduction of multisymplectic manifolds11
Spectral properties of the Dirac operator coupled with $$\delta $$-shell interactions11
A note on the Fröhlich dynamics in the strong coupling limit11
On the Bott index of unitary matrices on a finite torus10
On the global Hadamard parametrix in QFT and the signed squared geodesic distance defined in domains larger than convex normal neighbourhoods10
The implementation of the unified transform to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic initial conditions10
Folded quantum integrable models and deformed W-algebras10
Relativistic perfect fluid spacetimes and Ricci–Yamabe solitons9
Persistence of the spectral gap for the Landau–Pekar equations9
Accessory parameters in confluent Heun equations and classical irregular conformal blocks9
Jacobi Ensemble, Hurwitz Numbers and Wilson Polynomials9
On the Zakharov–Mikhailov action: $$4\hbox {d}$$ Chern–Simons origin and covariant Poisson algebra of the Lax connection9
Entire positive p-k-convex radial solutions to p-k-Hessian equations and systems9
A formula for symmetry recursion operators from non-variational symmetries of partial differential equations8
Spin generalizations of the Benjamin–Ono equation8
Maximal speed of quantum propagation8
Melonic dominance and the largest eigenvalue of a large random tensor8
A probabilistic framework for particle-based reaction–diffusion dynamics using classical Fock space representations8
Twisted cohomotopy implies M5-brane anomaly cancellation7
Batalin–Vilkovisky quantization of fuzzy field theories7
Harmonic analysis for rank-1 randomised Horn problems7
A note on the Gannon–Lee theorem7
Quantized enveloping superalgebra of type P7
Nonconstant hexagon relations and their cohomology7
Classification of Grothendieck rings of complex fusion categories of multiplicity one up to rank six6
A note on odd reflections of super Yangian and Bethe ansatz6
Odd reflections in the Yangian associated with $$\mathfrak {gl}(m|n)$$6
Geometric Dirac operator on the fuzzy sphere6
The Fermi gerbe of Weyl semimetals6
Higher genera Catalan numbers and Hirota equations for extended nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy6
Admissible-level $$\mathfrak {sl}_3$$ minimal models6
Recurrence times, waiting times and universal entropy production estimators6
Analyticity and resurgence in wall-crossing formulas5
Magnetic impurities, integrable vortices and the Toda equation5
Deformed $$\sigma $$-models, Ricci flow and Toda field theories5
Complex hyperkähler structures defined by Donaldson–Thomas invariants5
Surface defects in gauge theory and KZ equation5
Modulated crystals and almost periodic measures5
Defects, nested instantons and comet-shaped quivers5
Inverse scattering transformation for the N-component focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions5
Gauge theories on compact toric manifolds5
Towards a bihamiltonian structure for the double ramification hierarchy5
On refined Chern–Simons and refined ABJ matrix models5
Optimality of the pretty good measurement for port-based teleportation5
Interplay between symmetries of quantum 6j-symbols and the eigenvalue hypothesis5
On semisimplicity of module categories for finite non-zero index vertex operator subalgebras5
Holomorphic Relative Hopf Modules over the Irreducible Quantum Flag Manifolds5
Lattice ground states for embedded-atom models in 2D and 3D5
Some examples of quantum graphs5
M2-branes and $${\mathfrak {q}}$$-Painlevé equations5
Constrained Toda hierarchy and turning points of the Ruijsenaars–Schneider model5
Modularity of Bershadsky–Polyakov minimal models5
Hybrid models for homological projective duals and noncommutative resolutions5
Gelfand–Tsetlin bases of representations for super Yangian and quantum affine superalgebra5
Existence and stability of standing waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with a critical rotational speed4
Local stability of ground states in locally gapped and weakly interacting quantum spin systems4
Degenerate Riemann–Hilbert–Birkhoff problems, semisimplicity, and convergence of WDVV-potentials4
Algebraic structures and position-dependent mass Schrödinger equation from group entropy theory4
Ward–Schwinger–Dyson equations in $$\phi ^3_6$$ quantum field theory4
Lagrangian 3-form structure for the Darboux system and the KP hierarchy4
Poncelet property and quasi-periodicity of the integrable Boltzmann system4
Static near-horizon geometries and rigidity of quasi-Einstein manifolds4
Baxterisation of the fused Hecke algebra and R-matrices with gl(N)-symmetry4
The Brown measure of the sum of a self-adjoint element and an imaginary multiple of a semicircular element4
3d mirror symmetry of the cotangent bundle of the full flag variety4
Doubling bialgebras of finite topologies4
On the closedness and geometry of tensor network state sets4
Weak coupling limit for Schrödinger-type operators with degenerate kinetic energy for a large class of potentials4
A Drinfeld-type presentation of affine $$\imath $$quantum groups II: split BCFG type4
Determination of the rich structural wave dynamic solutions to the Caudrey–Dodd–Gibbon equation and the Lax equation4
Two-sided Bogoliubov inequality to estimate finite size effects in quantum molecular simulations4
The u-plane integral, mock modularity and enumerative geometry4
Periods of the multiple Berglund–Hübsch–Krawitz mirrors4
Non-commutative Hermite–Padé approximation and integrability4
On a Batalin–Vilkovisky operator generating higher Koszul brackets on differential forms4
Improved energy estimates for a class of time-dependent perturbed Hamiltonians4
Purely linear response of the quantum Hall current to space-adiabatic perturbations4
Algebraic classical W-algebras and Frobenius manifolds4
On Feynman graphs, matroids, and GKZ-systems4
Variational approach to relative entropies with an application to QFT4
A comparison theorem for cosmological lightcones4
Microscopic conservation laws for the derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger equation4
Characterizing Schwarz maps by tracial inequalities4
Truncated geometry on the circle4
Hölder estimates for magnetic Schrödinger semigroups in $${\mathbb {R}}^{d}$$ from mirror coupling3
The Scott conjecture for large Coulomb systems: a review3
Asymptotic relative submajorization of multiple-state boxes3
Quasi-bialgebras from set-theoretic type solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation3
Matroid connectivity and singularities of configuration hypersurfaces3
The $${\mathbb {F}}_p$$-Selberg integral of type $$A_n$$3
Matrix model for the total descendant potential of a simple singularity of type D3
Classification of topological invariants related to corner states3
Cutkosky’s theorem for massive one-loop Feynman integrals: part 13
Meromorphic open-string vertex algebras and modules over two-dimensional orientable space forms3
C*-algebraic approach to interacting quantum field theory: inclusion of Fermi fields3
Deformations of the Zolotarev polynomials and Painlevé VI equations3
On the effective quasi-bosonic Hamiltonian of the electron gas: collective excitations and plasmon modes3
Heat kernels of the discrete Laguerre operators3
Integrable triples in semisimple Lie algebras3
Approximate recoverability and relative entropy II: 2-positive channels of general von Neumann algebras3
Gauge groups and bialgebroids3
Quantum Gaussian maximizers and log-Sobolev inequalities3
Dirac operator spectrum in tubes and layers with a zigzag-type boundary3
The Padé interpolation method applied to additive difference Painlevé equations3
Multiplication kernels3
Real-normalized differentials with a single order 2 pole3
Quantisations of the Volterra hierarchy3
Supersymmetric W-algebras3
The bifunctional formalism: an alternative treatment of density functionals3
Algebra of Dunkl Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector3
Miquel dynamics, Clifford lattices and the Dimer model3
An infinite family of higher-order difference operators that commute with Ruijsenaars operators of type A3
Categorification of algebraic quantum field theories3
Resolution à la Kronheimer of $$\mathbb {C}^3/\Gamma $$ singularities and the Monge–Ampère equation for Ricci-flat Kähler metrics in view of D3-brane solutions of supergravity3
BKP hierarchy, affine coordinates, and a formula for connected bosonic n-point functions3
Mod-two APS index and domain-wall fermion3
A note on the positive mass theorem with boundary3
Optimization of the lowest eigenvalue of a soft quantum ring3
Constructing a Lie group analog for the Monster Lie algebra3
On forms, cohomology and BV Laplacians in odd symplectic geometry3
On fully supported eigenfunctions of quantum graphs3
Symmetric matrix ensemble and integrable hydrodynamic chains3
Free energy asymptotics of the quantum Heisenberg spin chain3
On the M2–Brane Index on Noncommutative Crepant Resolutions3
Existence and uniqueness of asymptotically flat toric gravitational instantons3
Coproduct for affine Yangians and parabolic induction for rectangular W-algebras3
Approximation of semiclassical expectation values by symplectic Gaussian wave packet dynamics2
Strictification theorems for the homotopy time-slice axiom2
Second-order integrable Lagrangians and WDVV equations2
On the spacetime structure of infrared divergencies in QED2
Twisted submanifolds of $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$2
On the rigorous derivation of the incompressible Euler equation from Newton’s second law2
Improved resolvent bounds for radial potentials2
On non-compact Cotton solitons2
From torus bundles to particle–hole equivariantization2
Isoresidual fibration and resonance arrangements2
Variational principles for conformal geodesics2
Super topological recursion and Gaiotto vectors for superconformal blocks2
On periodic p-adic generalized Gibbs measures for Ising model on a Cayley tree2
A Poisson algebra on the Hida Test functions and a quantization using the Cuntz algebra2
Inverse transmission eigenvalue problems for the Schrödinger operator with the Robin boundary condition2
Continuum limit of the lattice quantum graph Hamiltonian2
Cyclotomic expansion of generalized Jones polynomials2
On the second realization for the positive part of $$U_q(\widehat{sl_2})$$ of equitable type2
BV equivalence with boundary2
On invariant linearization of Lie groupoids2
Numerical stability and efficiency of response property calculations in density functional theory2
A variational framework for the inverse Henderson problem of statistical mechanics2
Circular quiver gauge theories, isomonodromic deformations and $$W_N$$ fermions on the torus2
Heavenly metrics, BPS indices and twistors2
Five-dimensional gauge theories and the local B-model2
A notion of entropy for causal fermion systems2
$${\mathcal {N}}=1$$ super topological recursion2
Positive line modules over the irreducible quantum flag manifolds2
Serre–Lusztig relations for $$\imath $$quantum groups II2
The universal algebra of the electromagnetic field III. Static charges and emergence of gauge fields2
The BCS energy gap at low density2
Orbital-free spherical density functional theory2
Nonabelian embedding tensors2
Ruminations on matrix convexity and the strong subadditivity of quantum entropy2
Coloured $$\mathfrak {sl}_r$$ invariants of torus knots and characters of $${\mathcal {W}}_r$$ algebras2
Derived Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorems2
Isomonodromic Laplace transform with coalescing eigenvalues and confluence of Fuchsian singularities2
Almost Kähler metrics and pp-wave spacetimes2
Stochastic symplectic ice2
The Drinfeld–Kohno theorem for the superalgebra $${\mathfrak {gl}}(1|1)$$2
Gluing II: boundary localization and gluing formulas2
Pseudo-symmetric spacetimes admitting F(R)-gravity2
The geometry and DSZ quantization four-dimensional supergravity2