Animal Feed Science and Technology

(The median citation count of Animal Feed Science and Technology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Conventional loose mineral with added red clover leaf (Trifolium pratense L.) reverses vasoconstriction associated with tall fescue toxicosis in steers69
Amylose and amylopectin levels affect the growth performance and metabolism in pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus64
Tannins in the diet for lactating goats from different genetic groups in the Brazilian semiarid: Nitrogen, energy and water balance44
Evaluation of response time in monitoring system on the accuracy of recording individual feeding behavior and feed intake in dairy cows39
Effects of dietary pomegranate seed oil addition to diets for laying hens on fatty acid profile of eggs37
Optimizing amla (Phyllanthus emblica) fruit powder supplementation in liquid feed fed to Holstein dairy calves: Insights from growth performance and health events37
Influence of dietary Plukenetia conophora seed on growth performance, hepatic antioxidant status, blood chemistry, fillet quality, fatty acid, and oxidative stability of Clarias gariepinus35
Effects of nonanoic acid on performance and hematological and biochemical parameters for weaned piglets33
Particle size distribution, energy consumption, nutrient composition and in vitro ileal digestion characteristics of hammer milled maize and soybean meal affected by moisture content32
High-pressure processing inactivation of Salmonella in raw pet food for dog is enhanced by acidulation with lactic acid31
Editorial Board29
Role of butyrate as part of milk replacer and starter diet on intestinal development in pre-weaned calves. A systematic review28
Improper sample preparation negatively affects near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) nutrient analysis of ground corn27
Apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids by pigs is not affected by increasing dietary calcium from deficient to excess concentrations, but phosphorus digestibility is reduced27
Effect of simulated foregut digestion on the antioxidant capacity of plants naturally consumed by horses26
Performance and enteric methane emission of growing beef bulls from different genetic groups subjected to two supplementation strategies grazing tropical grass in the rainy season26
In vitro assessment of enzymatic phytate dephosphorylation during digestive process of different feeds and feed ingredients26
Estimation of the ideal dietary essential amino acid pattern for pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) in the later-juvenile growth phase25
Short communication: Postpartum plasma amino acid concentration in primi- and multiparous Holstein cows25
Concentration of available energy and digestibility of amino acids in extruded and pelleted defatted rice bran fed to growing pigs25
The regulation of AMPK pathway in liver abnormal lipid deposition caused by high carbohydrate diet in rice field eel24
Trans-gauche-trans disulphide conformers measured by means of FT-Raman may be predictors of apparent digestibility of crude protein in feather meal fed to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)24
Effects of polyphenol oxidases on proteolysis and lipolysis during ensiling of Moringa oleifera leaves with or without pyrocatechol23
Editorial Board23
Effects of diet supplementation with sodium selenite and selenium-enriched in puppies’ health performance from post-weaning to adulthood22
Storage temperature and time and its influence on feed quality of fungal treated wheat straw22
Effects of allicin addition on growth performance, rumen microbiome, and ruminal epithelial proteome of high-grain-fed goats22
Clarifying the relationships among bacteria, lipid-related enzymes, main polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) silage using various sugar supplementation21
Effects of pre-weaning supplementation with fennel seed powder in two terms on growth performance, health status, and blood metabolites of Holstein dairy calves21
Application of near infrared hyperspectral imaging for identifying and quantifying red clover contained in experimental poultry refusals21
Chemical composition and porcine in vitro disappearance of heat-pretreated and multi-enzyme-supplemented soybean hulls20
Editorial Board20
Maternal cysteine intake influenced oxidative status and lipid-related gut microbiota and plasma metabolomics in male suckling piglets20
Physical-chemical characteristics of “Red Meal”, a novel non-defatted additive in the fish feed from cracked biomass of Haematococcus pluvialis20
Effects of nitrate sources on in vitro methane production and ruminal fermentation parameters in diets differing in starch degradability20
Supplemental effects of amino acid-complexed trace minerals on broiler breeder hen performance20
Energy and amino acid digestibility of raw, steam-pelleted and extruded red lentil in growing pigs20
Editorial Board20
Effect of tomato pomace and different ratios of linoleic acid to alpha-linolenic acid in starter diet on growth performance and blood metabolites in Holstein calves19
Effects of ruminally-protected lysine and Megasphaera elsdenii on performance and carcass characteristics of finishing cattle19
Editorial Board19
Short- and long-term effects of early life exposure to concentrate or hay on feed sorting and rumen fermentation19
Assessment of field traits, nutrient composition and digestible amino acids of corns with different endosperm textures for poultry and swine19
Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on the nutrient digestibility and ileal digesta characteristics of cannulated growing pigs fed corn- or barley-sorghum-based diets19
Effects of dietary cation-anion differences at the early stage of transitional period on dry matter intake and plasma Ca metabolism in beef cows19
Editorial Board18
Addition of xylanase to high and low nutrient density diets on nutrient digestibility and palatability, fecal characteristics, fermentation products and intestinal permeability in dogs18
Mixed ensiling with by-products and silage additives significantly valorizes drought-impaired whole-crop corn18
Uncovering the physiological impacts of soybean meal replacement by Narbonne vetch (Vicia narbonensis) meal in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) diets: Towards the future and sustainable European aq18
Plant-based polymer as a thermoresistant carrier of phytase in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) diets18
Toxicology of aspartame to largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) on the basis of antioxidant capacity, liver histology and the intestinal microbiota18
Sodium nitrite-based additives improve the conservation and the nutritive value of guinea grass silage18
Physicochemical properties, short chain fatty acids production and in vitro fermentation of fibrous ingredients using cecal inoculum from sows18
Internal versus external fat in extrusion of dry expanded dog kibbles containing soy – Impact on process stability and product quality17
Effect of the dietary administration pattern of silver nanoparticles on growth performance, biodiversity of digestive microbiota and tissue retention in broiler chickens17
Implications of dietary phosphorus sources on zootechnical performance and stress response of the pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei17
Effects of rumen-protected arginine supplementation on the plasma amino acids and gut microbiota of sika deer (Cervus nippon)17
Effect of dietary isopropanol on the performance and milk quality of dairy cows17
Cultivation of forage maize in boreal conditions – Assessment of trade-offs between increased productivity and environmental impact17
The distinctive short-term response of late-pregnant prolific ewes to various doses and mixtures of propylene glycol and glycerol drenching17
Fermented agar by-product and sunflower cake mixture as feedstuff for European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)17
Effects of long-term feeding of Achyranthes japonica Nakai extract as a supplement to diets with different protein levels diets on the growth performance and meat quality characteristics of growing-fa17
Grape seed extract supplementation in heat-stressed preweaning dairy calves: I. Effects on antioxidant status, inflammatory response, hematological and physiological parameters17
Effects of an ensiled mixture based on orange pulp on the intake and performance of fattening male lambs17
Nutrient composition and digestibility by growing pigs of amino acids and energy vary between wheat middlings from Europe and the United States17
Dietary guanidinoacetic acid as arginine spare molecule for beef cows at late gestation: Effects on cow’s performance and metabolism, and offspring growth and development17
Can dietary phytogenic mixture improve performance for growth, digestive enzyme activity, blood parameters, and antioxidant and related gene expressions of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus?17
Effect of dietary flaxseed meal on growth, blood biochemistry, reproductive hormones and oocyte development in previtellogenic Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869)17
Proposal and validation of integrated alfalfa silage quality index (ASQI) method for the quality assessment of alfalfa silage for lactating dairy cows16
Determination of true ileal digestibility of phosphorus of fish meal in broiler diets16
The effect of Spirulina supplementation in ewes’ oxidative status and milk quality16
Ligularia virgaurea improved nutrient digestion, ruminal fermentation, and bacterial composition in Tibetan sheep grazing on the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau in winter16
An evaluation of elevated branched-chain amino acid inclusions on the performance of broiler chickens offered reduced-crude protein, wheat-based diets from 7 to 28 days post-hatch16
Feed intake, rumen fermentation and performance of dairy cows fed diets formulated at two starch concentrations with either conventional urea or slow-release urea16
Exploring the combination of Asparagopsis taxiformis and phloroglucinol to decrease rumen methanogenesis and redirect hydrogen production in goats16
Meta-analysis of the effects of essential oils on consumption, performance, and ruminal fermentation of beef cattle16
Effect of solid-state fermentation of Brewer's spent grain on digestibility and digestive function of european seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles16
Potential of feeding microwave-treated forage hays to improve sheep intake, digestion, nitrogen partitioning, and metabolism16
Effect on growth, gonad development, health and disease resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila of Origanum minutiflorum essential oil in Cyprinus carpio16
Partial fishmeal replacement by soybean meal induces fish growth retardation and gut inflammation via gut mucosal barrier dysfunction and dysbiosis in largemouth bass16
Effects of dietary supplementation of different amounts of yeast extract on oxidative stress, milk components, and productive performance of sows15
Milk production, rumen function, and digestion in dairy cows fed diets differing in predominant forage and concentrate type15
Assessment of RumiWatch noseband sensors for the quantification of ingestive behaviors of dairy cows at grazing or fed in stalls15
Antioxidant and anti-apoptotic potential of whole-pomegranate extract promoted growth performance, physiological homeostasis, and meat quality of V-line rabbits under hot summer conditions15
Including dietary valine and tryptophan, but not isoleucine, above the requirement for growing pigs may partly ameliorate negative effects of excess leucine from corn protein on nitrogen balance and g15
Effects of corn straw treated with CaO on rumen degradation characteristics and fermentation parameters and their correlation with microbial diversity in rumen15
Dietary phosphorus affects growth, glucolipid metabolism, antioxidant activity and immune status of juvenile blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala)14
Effects of varying protein and lipid levels, with or without the addition of L-carnitine supplementation on growth performance and nutrient utilization of Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer) reared in re14
Efficacy of a novel phytase in response to low and high phytate diets using a short-term digestibility model in broiler chickens at two ages14
Energy values of Tenebrio molitor larvae meal and tilapia byproduct meal for broiler chickens determined using the regression method14
Fish meal replacement by Brachytrupes portentosusas for Oreochromis niloticus: Effect on growth, feed utilization, fatty acid profiles, hematology, and histological changes14
Feeding mango wastes to dairy goats: Effects on diet digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and milk yield and composition14
Review: Role of silage volatile organic compounds in influencing forage choice behavior and intake in ruminants14
Complete feed versus concentrate and straw fed separately: Effect of feeding method on eating and sorting behavior, rumen acidosis, and digestibility in crossbred Angus bulls fed high-concentrate diet13
Propionic acid-based additive with surfactant action on the nutritive value of rehydrated corn grain silage for growing ewe lambs performance13
Quantitative assessment of transferable antibiotic resistance genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) fed Hermetia illucens-based feed13
Optimum dietary levels of lysine and methionine reduces the crude protein requirement and improves growth in Snubnose pompano (Trachinotus blochii)13
The effects of Bacillus subtilis spores and yeast cell wall supplementation on growth and health in Holstein dairy calves13
Incorporating sardine cooking water aromas into plant-based diets for European seabass: Effects on appetite regulation, growth and sensory properties of fish flesh13
Growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of male goat kids supplemented by alternative feed resources: Olive cake and cactus cladodes13
Evaluation of plant-based recipes meeting nutritional requirements for dog food: The effect of fractionation and ingredient constraints13
Dietary inclusion of mature lemon grass and curry leaves affects nutrient utilization, methane reduction and meat quality in finisher lambs13
Supplementation of feedlot lambs with magnesium oxide and sodium bicarbonate: Effects on performance, nutrient digestibility, rumen environment, serum biochemistry and antioxidant indices13
Effects of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on growth performance, fecal scores, vitamin D3 metabolites, antioxidant status, and inflammatory and stress-related parameters in weaning calves13
Supplemental effects of fish oil and powdered/coated docosahexaenoic acid on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile and fecal coliform and lactic acid bacteria counts in weaner 12
Dietary inclusion of nonconventional roughages for lowering enteric methane production and augmenting nutraceutical value of meat in cull sheep12
Ruminal undegradable protein enriched diet during late gestation of beef cows affects maternal metabolism and offspring’s skeletal muscle development12
Characterization of various wheat types and processing methods using in vitro ruminal batch cultures12
Combination of fiber-degrading enzymatic hydrolysis and lactobacilli fermentation enhances utilization of fiber and protein in rapeseed meal as revealed in simulated pig digestion and fermentation in 12
Editorial Board12
Increasing concentrations of low SMCO swedes in the diet of dairy cows improves performance and ruminal metabolism without affecting dairy cow health12
Temporal variation in nutritive value of forage in kermes oak shrublands12
A potential new biomarker to monitor the phosphorus balance in dry dairy cows12
The complete replacement of fish meal with Clostridium autoethanogenum protein in practical diet did not affect the growth, but reduced the flesh quality of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei12
The use of near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopy to rapidly measure the nutrient composition and the in vitro rumen dry matter digestibility of brown seaweeds12
Replacing alfalfa hay with paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera L.) silage in diets do not affect the production performance of the low lactating dairy cows11
Feeding habits and the influence of pellet diameter on the feeding responses of the flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) in captivity11
Effect of non-encapsulated and encapsulated mimosa (Acacia mearnsii) tannins on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, methane and rumen fermentation of South African mutton Merino ram lambs11
Influences of growth stage and ensiling time on fermentation profile, bacterial community compositions and their predicted functionality during ensiling of Italian ryegrass11
Replacement of soybean oil with cold-extracted fat from Hermetia illucens in young turkey diets: Effects on performance, nutrient digestibility, selected organ measurements, meat and liver tissue trai11
Exogenous xylanase increases total tract digestibility of energy and fiber in diets for gestating and lactating sows, but does not influence reproductive performance of sows11
Dietary supplementation with Macleaya cordata extract inclusion affects growth performance, rumen fermentation, bacterial communities, and immune responses of weaned lambs11
Effects of several commercial or pure lactic acid bacteria inoculants on fermentation and mycotoxin levels in high-moisture corn silage11
Enhanced cholesterol utilization and impact on growth through taurine supplementation in high plant-based diets of Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei in biofloc system11
Enhancing protein recovery in green biorefineries through selection of plant species and time of harvest11
Fattening lambs with divergent residual feed intakes and weight gains: Unravelling mechanisms driving feed efficiency11
Use of Napier grass and rice straw hay as exogenous additive improves microbial community and fermentation quality of paper mulberry silage11
Grape seed extract supplementation in heat-stressed preweaning dairy calves: II. Effects on growth performance, blood metabolites, hormonal responses, and fecal fermentation parameters11
Phytic acid in Rhamdia quelen nutrition: Antioxidant or antinutrient?11
Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in canola meal fed to gestating or lactating sows without or with a multi-enzyme complex11
Effects of prebiotic supplementation on the concentration of short-chain fatty acids in the ceca of broiler chickens: A meta-analysis of controlled trials11
The acetyl bromide lignin method accurately quantitates lignin in forage11
Dietary alternatives to in-feed antibiotics, gut barrier function and inflammation in piglets post-weaning: Where are we now?11
Inclusion of dried citrus pulp in the barley-based supplementary concentrate to beef cattle offered grass silage: Intake, digestibility, feed efficiency, and carcass and meat quality traits10
Astaxanthin-enriched Oedocladium sp. improves liver health by enhancing fatty acid oxidation and suppressing inflammation in Trachinotus ovatus that was fed a high-fat diet10
Dietary protein requirement of female climbing perch, Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) broodstock10
Dietary inclusion of Pediococcus acidilactici probiotic promoted the growth indices, hemato-biochemical indices, enzymatic profile, intestinal and liver histomorphology, and resistance of Nile Tilapia10
Effects of harvest period and mixed ratio on the characteristic and quality of mixed silage of alfalfa and maize10
Histidine requirement of snubnose silver pompano Trachinotus blochii10
Application of two crucial hemicellulolytic enzymes in fish diet: Xylanase and mannanase10
Evaluation of type of grinding of lucerne hay and wheat straw in diets for growing rabbits with two levels of neutral detergent fibre10
Effects of dietary iron concentrations on growth performance, ascites incidence, blood biochemical parameters, and antioxidant status of broiler chickens in ascites inducing condition10
Effect of application rate of sodium nitrite and hexamine on the fermentation and the chemical composition of guinea grass silage harvested at different stages of maturity10
Capillary rheometry as a model methodology for obtaining insight in feed mash behaviour at conditions approximating pellet manufacturing10
Determination of eleven total amino acids including cyst(e)ine by HPLC-DAD/FLD in complete dry and wet pet foods and their feed materials10
Dietary nano-selenium improves health of liver and intestine of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella after overwintering10
Carrot pulp improves performance and antioxidant status of ewes and their lambs10
Phytogenic blend in the diet of growing Holstein steers: Effects on performance, digestibility, rumen volatile fatty acid profile, and immune and antioxidant responses10
Supplementing graded levels of Fish oil in the feeds of Labeo rohita fingerlings: Effects on tissue n-3 LC-PUFA deposition, Δ6 fad gene expression, blood metabolites and fish performance10
In vitro simulated canine and feline gastrointestinal digestion of fructooligosaccharides and isomaltooligosaccharides and their effects on intestinal microbiota10
Fermentative parameters and chemical composition of mixed silages from corn-crotalaria intercropping10
Effects of defatted yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) on growth performance, intestine, and liver health of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)10
In vitro rumen degradation, fermentation, and methane production of four agro-industrial protein-rich co-products, compared with soyabean meal10
Feeding strategies for rearing replacement beef heifers in a grazing system under tropical conditions9
Response of calves fed starters based on either steam-flaked corn grain or steam-flaked barley grain to dietary protein content in Holstein dairy calves9
Effects of chromium propionate supplementation on lactation performance, nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation patterns, and antioxidant status in Holstein cows under heat stress9
Evaluation of increasing concentrations of fish waste silage in diets on growth performance, gastrointestinal microbial population, and intestinal morphology of broiler chickens9
A study of the potential effect of dietary fishmeal replacement with cricket meal (Gryllus bimaculatus) on growth performance, blood health, liver antioxidant activities, intestinal microbiota and imm9
Nutritional composition of fresh carcass of turbot fed with Bacillus subtilis SMF1, B. licheniformis LMF1 and B. siamensis DL3 and its relationship with intestinal flora9
Effect of psychrotrophic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum L75 with exoploysaccharides-producing property on fermentation, bacterial community, and antioxidant activity of oat silage at low temperature9
The effect of biochar supplementation on feed utilization, milk production and methane emission in lactating dairy cows9
Meta-analysis of the relationship between dietary condensed tannins and methane emissions by cattle9
Effects of maternal rumen-protected methionine supplementation on ewe colostrum composition, lamb growth performance, rumen development and microbiome9
Effects of tanniferous sainfoin and Acacia mearnsii extract on urinary N excretion and ammonia volatilization from the slurry of dairy cows9
Novel animal feed binder from soybean hulls -evaluation of binding properties9
Effects of rumen degradable starch on growth performance, carcass, rumen fermentation, and ruminal VFA absorption in growing goats9
Dietary valine affects growth performance, intestinal immune and antioxidant capacity in juvenile largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)9
Chemical composition, protein quality indicators and in vitro protein digestibility of commercial soybean meals from different origins for use in poultry feeding9
Editorial Board9
A mixture of free and microencapsulated essential oils combined with turmeric and tannin in the diet of cattle in the growing and finishing phase: A new tool to enhance productivity9
Corrigendum to 'Low sanitary housing conditions increase protein fermentation in piglets but do not aggravate the effects of protein fermentation on intestinal health' [Animal Feed Sci. Technol. 301 (9
A meta-analysis of yeast products for beef cattle under stress conditions: Performance, health and physiological parameters9
The effect of enzymatically-modified canola meal on growth performance, nutrient utilization, and gut health and function of broiler chickens9
Survey on the occurrence of silage volatile organic compounds in the Po Valley - Italy9
Black cumin meal (Nigella sativa) as an alternative feed resource during the suckling period of Awassi ewes: Assessments of performance and health9
Partial replacement of fish meal by cottonseed protein concentrate and the effects of preconditioning water content and die temperature on pellet physical quality of extruded floating fish feed9
Effects of arginine and/or N-carbamylglutamate supplementation on growth, biochemical composition and expression of growth-regulating factors of hybrid sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii ♀ ×A. baerii ♂) j9
Dietary Bacillus species modulate lipid metabolism-related parameters, growth, water quality, and bacterial load in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus )9
Supplementation of lysophospholipids in calf starter: Effects on growth performance, blood metabolites, health, and ruminal ammonia nitrogen concentration9
Dietary supplementation with flavonoids from mulberry leaves improves growth performance and meat quality, and alters lipid metabolism of skeletal muscle in a Chinese Hybrid Pig9
Dietary grape proanthocyanidins modulate gut microbiome and neuroendocrine response in dogs9
Utilization of different lysine isomers: A case study on the growth, metabolic enzymes, antioxidant capacity and muscle amino acid composition in Macrobrachium rosenbergii9
Using supplemental condensed tannin to mitigate tall fescue toxicosis in non-pregnant, non-lactating ewes consuming tall fescue silage8
Influence of extruded soybean meal with different fat contents and varying oleic acid content on floating fish feed quality and composition8
Effects of different protein sources in low-phosphorus diets on calculated basal endogenous loss of phosphorus by growing pigs8
Slow-releasing urea coated with low-trans vegetable lipids: Effects on lamb performance, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance, and blood parameters8
Methane emission, nitrogen and energy utilisation of beef cattle when replacing or omitting soybean meal in a forage-based diet8
Influence of mineral source and inclusion levels of iron, copper, and zinc on the oxidative stability of extruded cat food8
Protein value and health aspects of the seaweeds Saccharina latissima and Palmaria palmata evaluated with mink as model for monogastric animals8
Editorial Board8
Raman spectroscopy of fresh feces is a practical tool for identifying animal species and estimating diet characteristics8
Post-extraction algal residue as a protein supplement for beef steers consuming forage: Palatability and nutrient utilization8
Interactive effect of calcium, citric acid, and high-dose phytase on performance of broiler chicken fed diet severely limited in phosphorus8
Partial replacement of canola meal with dried dairy waste as a protein source in the diet of dairy cow: Effects on lactation performance, ruminal measurements, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen bal8
Effects of replacing fishmeal with dietary wheat gluten meal (WGM) on growth, serum biochemical indices, and antioxidative functions, gut microbiota, histology and disease resistance for juvenile shri8
Effects of grazing management and concentrate supplementation on intake and milk production of dairy cows grazing orchardgrass8
Effects of dietary daidzein supplementation on reproductive performance, immunity, and antioxidative capacity of New Zealand White does8
Boswellia sacra resin as a phytogenic feed supplement to enhance ruminal fermentation, milk yield, and metabolic energy status of early lactating goats8
Comparison of digestible and available phosphorus release values for a novel phytase determined with fecal phosphorus digestibility and bone mineralization in weaner pigs8
Nutritional, ruminal, and metabolic parameters of beef bulls fed high-energy diets as a function of dietary addition of a magnesium oxide blend associated or not with monensin8
Effect of sialyllactose administration on growth performance and intestinal epithelium development in suckling piglets8
Effect of monensin and/or probiotics on feed intake, apparent digestibility, ruminal, serum and urinary variables, and nitrogen balance of steers8
Feeding pellets inoculated with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain H57 improves production parameters in young Merino wethers8
Editorial Board8
Pregelatinized starch improves growth and mitigates adverse liver/intestinal histomorphology in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, juveniles8
Immunohistological visualization of the effect of soybean processing on Kunitz trypsin inhibitor8
Effects of mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) on glucose and lipid metabolism of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) fed with high carbohydrate diet8
Assessing the potential use of a feed additive based on biochar on broilers feeding upon productive performance, pH of digestive organs, cecum fermentation and bacterial community8
Rumen fluid preservation for in vitro gas production systems8
Quantifying the interactions between dietary fibers and macronutrient digestibility in broiler chickens: the importance of considering fiber solubility8
The effect of different temperatures applied during extrusion on the nutritional value of faba bean and degradation of phytic P isomers8
Effect of sodium lignosulfonate and propionic acid application rate on dry matter losses, nutritional composition, in vitro gas production, and fungal populations of high moisture alfalfa hay mini bal8
Positive effect of dietary emodin on growth, antioxidant capacity, inflammatory response, intestinal microbiota and resistance of Micropterus salmoides against MSRV infection7
Comparisons of commercially available NIRS-based analyte predictions of haylage quality for equid nutrition7
Performance and ileal amino acid digestibility in broilers fed diets containing solid-state fermented and enzyme-supplemented canola meals7
Performance of Holstein calves receiving increased nutrient intake through the addition of skim milk or milk replacer powder to the whole milk7
Effects of passion fruit seed (Passiflora edulis) on performance, carcass traits, antioxidant activity, and meat quality of growing rabbits7
Milk plane of nutrition and alfalfa hay provision in neonatal Holstein calves: growth performance, ruminal fermentation characteristics, and blood biochemical attributes7
Increased dietary methionine levels and supplemental L-carnitine do not prevent the development of white striping in broiler chickens7
Energy and nutrient intake on white striping, wooden breast and carcass composition in broilers from three genetic lineages at different ages7
Ethanolic extract of mango seed in broiler feed: Effect on productive performance, segments of the digestive tract and blood parameters7
Dietary guar gum supplementation reduces the adverse effects of high-fat diets on the growth performance, antioxidant capacity, inflammation, and apoptosis of juvenile largemouth bass (Micropterus sal7
Separating the effects of chemical and microbial factors on fermentation quality and bacterial community of Napier grass silage by using gamma-ray irradiation and epiphytic microbiota transplantation7
Effect size and land-requirements of plant-based feeding interventions to reduce methane emissions from cattle and sheep in European subalpine regions7
Metabolomic changes in the liver tissues of cows in early lactation supplemented with dietary rumen-protected glucose during the transition period7
Effect of phytase and carbohydrases supplementation on digestibility, palatability, fecal characteristics and fecal fermentation products in dogs fed plant-protein diet7
Porcine in vitro fermentation characteristics of canola co-products in neutral and acidic fermentation medium pH7
Effects of exogenous xylanase supplementation in plant-based diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and digestive enzyme activities of juvenile mori (Cirrhinus mrigala)7
Net portal appearance of proteinogenic amino acids in Iberian pigs fed betaine and conjugated linoleic acid supplemented diets7
Effects of herbage mass and herbage allowance on bite mass of grazing dairy cows7
Ammonia fiber expansion increases in vitro digestibility and fermentability of corn distillers dried grains with solubles with or without carbohydrases7
Editorial Board7
Evaluating the relationship between in vitro and in situ starch degradation rates7
The importance of particle size on organic matter and crude protein in vitro digestibility of maize and soybean meal7
Bee propolis extract as a phytogenic feed additive to enhance diet digestibility, rumen microbial biosynthesis, mitigating methane formation and health status of late pregnant ewes7
Using n-alkanes to estimate herbage intake and diet composition of cattle fed with natural forages in Madagascar7
The impacts of low fishmeal diet to the antioxidant capacity, endoplasmic reticulum stress, apoptosis and intestinal health of Litopenaeus vannamei as the went on of the feeding trial7
The usefulness of NIRS calibrations based on feed and feces spectra to predict nutrient content, digestibility and net energy of pig feeds7
Role of conventional and split feeding of various limestone particle size ratios on the performance and egg quality of Hy-Line® W-36 hens in the late production phase7
Editorial Board7
Evaluation of Bacillus sp. SW1-1 as a dietary additive in diets for olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus7
Determination of digestible valine requirements in male and female Cobb 500 broilers7
Effects of tributyrin supplementation in calf starter on growth, blood parameters and development of rumen and small intestine in Holstein calves fed milk replacers with different fatty acid profile7
The degradation of four different horse feeds in vitro previously evaluated in ponies in vivo7
Effects of raw and fermented rapeseed cake on ruminal fermentation, methane emission, and milk production in lactating dairy cows7
Effects of waste milk on growth performance, immunity, and gut health of dairy calves7
The effect of increasing the level of oat hulls, extent of grinding and their interaction on the performance, gizzard characteristics and gut health of broiler chickens fed oat-based pelleted diets7
Dietary Chlorella vulgaris modulates the performance, antioxidant capacity, innate immunity, and disease resistance capability of Nile tilapia fingerlings fed on plant-based diets7
Operational conditions and potential benefits of grains micronization for ruminant: A review7
Nutrient digestibility of heat- or heat plus citric acid-pretreated dried distillers grains with solubles for pigs7