Marine Micropaleontology

(The TQCC of Marine Micropaleontology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Phytoplankton and zooplankton paleocommunity change before and during the onset of the Lau Extinction Event (Ludlow, Silurian)13
Beyond biostratigraphy: Conodont matters in evolving planetary scenarios13
Benthic ostracod diversity and biogeography in an urbanized seascape13
Macroecology, macroevolution, and paleoecology of Ostracoda12
Foraminifera associated with macroalgae on tropical coastal sandstone reefs11
Editorial Board10
The record of marine ingression in western Gondwana from Devonian conodonts in the Amazonas and Solimões basins, Brazil10
Humid climate phases on the Island of Rhodes (Greece) during the late Pliocene at times of sapropel formation10
Response of bay ostracod assemblages to Late Holocene sea-level, centennial-scale climate, and human-induced factors in northeast Beppu Bay, Japan9
Carbonate dissolution and environmental parameters govern coccolith vs. alkenone abundances in surface sediments from the northwest North Atlantic9
Pleistocene surface-ocean changes across the Southern subtropical front recorded by cryptic species of Orbulina universa9
Microfossil fragmentation across the Paleocene-Eocene transition at ODP Site 1209 (North Pacific): Implication for reconstructing nannofossil fluxes.8
Microboring variability in bioclasts from a carbonate platform and a mixed carbonate ramp: Paleoenvironmental implications (Upper Triassic, Slovenia)8
Editorial Board8
The hidden agglutinated foraminifera of the mid-Cretaceous hemipelagic carbonate deposits: A method–derived bias?8
Editorial Board8
New paleocene calcareous nannofossils: Carlamuelleria, Davidbukrya, Mauriceblackia, Noelia and Senelia8
Holocene paleoceanography and glacial history of Lincoln Sea, Ryder Glacier, Northern Greenland, based on foraminifera and ostracodes8
Editorial Board7
Integrated statistical analysis of calcareous nannofossil and elemental geochemistry of an outcrop from of the eastern Cenomanian Western Interior Seaway: Novel insights of shallow marine paleoceanogr7
Origin and evolution of the Neogene calcareous nannofossil Ceratolithus7
Ostracods sensitivity to reconstructing water depths and oxygen levels: A case study from the Middle-Late Eocene of the Beni Suef area (Egypt)7
Holocene paleo-redox conditions in a microbial dolomitic lake using benthic foraminifera as bioindicators7
Significance of conodont data for explaining geosystem perturbations during the Middle Devonian Kačák Episode7
Editorial Board7
Use of Me/Ca ratios as proxies for coastal marine conditions in ostracod shells of Sinocytheridea impressa and Neomonoceratina delicata6
The ciliophoran affinity of Radiosperma textum, and its relation to other marine ciliate cysts6
In the shadow of giants: Calcareous nannoplankton and smaller benthic foraminifera from an Eocene nummulitic accumulation (Transylvanian Basin, Romania)6
Living and dead foraminiferal assemblages of the last decades from Kveithola Trough: Taphonomic processes and ecological highlights6
Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Pirabas Formation (Neogene, Pará State-Brazil)6
Living coccolithophore communities in the central Mediterranean Sea (Summer 2016): Relations between ecology and oceanography6
Response of foraminiferal assemblages to precession-paced environmental variation in a mid-latitude seaway: Late Turonian greenhouse of Central Europe6
Calcareous nannoplankton response to early Eocene warmth, Southwest Pacific Ocean6
Silicoflagellate evolution through the Cenozoic6
Middle Miocene final demise of remnants of an eastern Neotethyan seaway, Naga Hills, Indo-Myanmar Range5
Late Quaternary Ponto-Caspian dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece (eastern Mediterranean Sea)5
Corrigendum to “Microbial-dominated dendrolites in the Zhangxia Formation of the Cambrian Miaolingian: A case study of the Dongping section, Shandong Province, eastern China” [Marine Micropaleontology5
Early Cretaceous monsoonal upwelling along the northern margin of the Gondwana continent: Evidence from radiolarian cherts5
Unitary Associations of the Aptian-Albian calcareous nannofossils of the Essaouira-Agadir Basin (NW Africa)5
Sea-level fluctuations during the Danian-Selandian interval in Sinai, Egypt: Insights from benthic foraminiferal biofacies analysis5
An endemic conodont fauna of Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) age from the Santa Gertrudis Formation, southwestern Gondwanan margin and its paleobiogeographic relationships5
New insights into the earliest occurrence, possible evolutionary lineage, palaeogeography and palaeoclimatic implications of Nicklithus amplificus: Evidence from the Adriatic Sea, Indian Ocean and Par5
Implications of finding Peraclis spp. in the Holocene sediments of the northeastern Arabian Sea5
Seasonal patterns of coccolithophores in the ultra-oligotrophic South-East Levantine Basin, Eastern Mediterranean Sea5
Ocean gateways and circulation dynamics: Unveiling the deep water-mass properties in the western equatorial Pacific since the Middle Miocene5
Salt marsh ostracods on European Atlantic and North Sea coasts: Aspects of macroecology, palaeoecology, biogeography, macroevolution and conservation5
Relative sea-level reconstructions by using foraminiferal transfer functions5
Marine and marginal marine Ostracoda as proxies in geoarchaeology4
The Palorbitolinoides event in the Kazhdumi Formation of Southwest Iran and equivalent strata of the Arabian Plate: An expression of the K100 middle Albian transgression4
Coccolithophore assemblage changes over the past 9 kyrs BP from a climate hotspot in Tasmania, southeast Australia4
Tracing ecological fluctuations during the Middle to Late Jurassic of Jhura, Kutch, India, using foraminifera4
Publisher’s note4
Ian Jeffrey Slipper obituary4
Investigating the stable isotopic composition of Globocassidulina biora as a potential tracer of (paleo)environmental conditions near the Antarctic Peninsula4
How does the Southern Ocean palaeoenvironment during Marine Isotope Stage 5e compare to the modern?4
Influence of modern environmental gradients on foraminiferal faunas in the inner Kongsfjorden (Svalbard)4
Editorial Board4
The Miocene Climatic Optimum at the interface of epicontinental sea and large continent: A case study from the Middle Miocene of the Eastern Paratethys4
Investigating the benefits and costs of spines and diet on planktonic foraminifera distribution with a trait-based ecosystem model4
Deep-ocean circulation in the North Atlantic during the Plio-Pleistocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (~2.65–2.4 Ma)4
Editorial Board4
Determining the habitat depth of the planktic foraminifera Dentoglobigerina altispira in the eastern Arabian Sea during the middle Miocene4
Environmental drivers of size changes in lower Jurassic Schizosphaerella spp4
Implication of size fraction on benthic foraminiferal-based paleo-reconstructions: A case study from the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic)4
Merging databases for CNN image recognition, increasing bias or improving results?3
Corrigendum to “An endemic conodont fauna of Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) age from the Santa Gertrudis Formation, southwestern Gondwanan margin and its paleobiogeographic relationships” [Marine Mic3
Extraction of calcareous dacryoconarid microfossils from limestones and mudrocks by surfactants paired with freeze-thaw processing3
A new methodology for foraminifera extraction from cemented calcareous shelf sediments3
Conodonts paleobiogeographic dynamic of the Pennsylvanian epicontinental sea Itaituba-Piauí, in the northern intracratonic Brazilian basins, Western Gondwana3
Biodiversity and evolutionary phases of Lochkovian (Lower Devonian) conodonts in the Pyrenees: A comparative study3
Two new ceratioid cornucavate dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Cretaceous, Gulf of Suez, Egypt3
Nutrients and hydrography explain the composition of recent Mediterranean planktonic foraminiferal assemblages3
Editorial Board3
Editorial Board3
Taxonomy of recent shallow marine Ostracods from Al-Hudeida City-Yemen3
Stable oxygen isotopes in shallow marine ostracodes from the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas3
Microbial-dominated dendrolites in the Zhangxia Formation of the Cambrian Miaolingian: A case study of the Dongping section, Shandong Province, eastern China3
The Aptian-Cenomanian ostracod "Conchoecia?"/Neorichterina: Taxonomic review and its paleoecological, paleobiogeographic, and biostratigraphic significance3
Corrigendum to “Sarmatian biostratigraphy of a marginal sea in northern Croatia based on calcareous nannofossils” [Marine Micropaleontology 101928 161 (2020)]3
Relative abundance and biometry of Bolivina ordinaria on the northern continental slope of the Pelotas basin during the late Quaternary3
Ostracod response to monsoon and OMZ variability over the past 1.2 Myr3
Distribution of modern benthic foraminiferal assemblages across the Northeast Greenland continental shelf3
Local hydrodynamic in coastal system affects the coccolithophore community at a short spatial scale3
Threads of microbial activity on quasi-anoxic environments: Case studies from Oligocene to Miocene of the Central Paratethys3
The influence of submarine canyons-related processes on recent benthic foraminiferal distribution, Espírito Santo Basin, Southeastern Brazil3
Evolution of the Maastrichtian–Paleocene sedimentary basin in the Safaga-Quseir region, Red Sea Coast, Egypt3
Palaeoceanographic and palaeoenvironmental controls on late Quaternary benthic foraminifera of the western continental slope of South Africa3
Changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblages linked to dramatic climate change over the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Taramsa Section, Central Nile Valley, Egypt3
Bashkirian-Moscovian (Lower–Middle Pennsylvanian) conodonts from the Amazonas Basin, northern Brazil: Biostratigraphy, biofacies, and paleobiogeographic significance for Western Gondwana3
Late Neogene chronostratigraphy and integrated paleoecological trends in the southwestern Caribbean Sea3
Testing an indirect palaeo-seagrass indicator: Benthic foraminifera from the Lower Pleistocene Posidonia meadow of Fauglia (Tuscany, Italy)3
Editorial Board3
Pseudofurnishius (Conodonta) from the Triassic Drežnica section, Bosnia and Herzegovina3
High-resolution Danian–Selandian benthic foraminifera-based paleoenvironmental reconstruction and response to sequence stratigraphy: Inferences from the Elles section, El Kef Basin, Tunisia3
Molecular and morphological analysis of Biddulphia sensu lato: a new diagnosis of Biddulphia, with a description of the new genera Biddulphiella and Neobrightwellia3