Empirical Economics

(The median citation count of Empirical Economics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A homogeneous approach to testing for Granger non-causality in heterogeneous panels181
Quantile regression with nonadditive fixed effects132
Feasible generalized least squares for panel data with cross-sectional and serial correlations117
The volatility of Bitcoin and its role as a medium of exchange and a store of value102
The spatial spillover effect of urban sprawl and fiscal decentralization on air pollution: evidence from 269 cities in China81
Ecological footprint, electricity consumption, and economic growth in China: geopolitical risk and natural resources governance55
Cross-country differences in the size of venture capital financing rounds: a machine learning approach48
Does institutional quality foster economic complexity? The fundamental drivers of productive capabilities45
Contemporaneous causality among one hundred Chinese cities45
The impact of economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19 on renewable energy stocks43
Stock market returns and oil price shocks: A CoVaR analysis based on dynamic vine copula models32
Green innovations and patenting renewable energy technologies28
Natural resources and income inequality in developed countries: synthetic control method evidence25
Sector connectedness in the Chinese stock markets24
Modelling systemic risk using neural network quantile regression20
Real estate listings and their usefulness for hedonic regressions19
COVID-19 and the volatility interlinkage between bitcoin and financial assets19
How do energy price hikes affect exchange rates during the war in Ukraine?19
Effects of tax administration corruption on innovation inputs and outputs: evidence from small and medium sized enterprises in Vietnam18
The effect of health on economic growth: a meta-regression analysis18
Financial inclusion, financial technology, and economic development: a composite index approach17
Growth, inequality and poverty: a robust relationship?15
Modal regression for fixed effects panel data14
Estimating the effects of ESG scores on corporate credit ratings using multivariate ordinal logit regression14
Uncertainty in an emerging market economy: evidence from Thailand14
Institutions and FDI from BRICS countries: a meta-analytic review14
Determining the efficiency of residential electricity consumption14
Patent value indicators and technological innovation14
Cross-country connectedness in inflation and unemployment: measurement and macroeconomic consequences13
The effects of parental involvement in homework: two randomised controlled trials in financial education13
The agency problem revisited: a structural analysis of managerial productivity and CEO compensation in large US commercial banks13
Economic applications of quantile regression 2.013
How does AirBnb affect local Spanish tourism markets?12
Inflation expectations and consumer spending: the role of household balance sheets12
Debt and financial market contagion11
Aggregate efficiency of industry and its groups: the case of Queensland public hospitals11
Estimating poverty and vulnerability to monetary and non-monetary poverty: the case of Vietnam11
Industry electricity price and output elasticities for high-income and middle-income countries11
The role of price spillovers: what is different in China11
Retirement routes and the well-being of retirees10
The African tragedy: the effect of democracy on economic growth10
Gender differences in wage expectations: the role of biased beliefs10
Semi-parametric models of spatial market integration10
Testing for overall and cluster convergence of housing rents using robust methodology: evidence from Polish provincial capitals10
Complex network analysis of volatility spillovers between global financial indicators and G20 stock markets9
Strategic asset allocation and the demand for real estate: international evidence9
Bargaining power and information asymmetry in China’s water market: an empirical two-tier stochastic frontier analysis9
Impact of asset size on performance and outreach using panel quantile regression with non-additive fixed effects9
Do methane emissions converge? Evidence from global panel data on production- and consumption-based emissions9
United States Oil Fund volatility prediction: the roles of leverage effect and jumps9
A note on the Bitcoin and Fed Funds rate9
Air pollution and internal migration: evidence from an Iranian household survey9
The forecasting of consumer exchange-traded funds (ETFs) via grey relational analysis (GRA) and artificial neural network (ANN)9
Hedging against inflation: housing versus equity8
The impact of TV series on tourism performance: the case of Game of Thrones8
FDI and educational outcomes in developing countries8
Wrong skewness and finite sample correction in the normal-half normal stochastic frontier model8
Does economic inequality breed murder? An empirical investigation of the relationship between economic inequality and homicide rates in Canadian provinces and CMAs8
Benchmarking the performance of US Municipalities8
Does corporate governance affect financial analysts’ stock recommendations, target prices accuracy and earnings forecast characteristics? An empirical investigation of US companies8
Do you feel the heat around the corner? The effect of weather on crime7
Nonlinear nexus between corruption and tourism arrivals: a global analysis7
The impact of CEO compensation and excess reserves on bank risk-taking: the moderating role of monetary policy7
Extensions of the Pesaran, Shin and Smith (2001) bounds testing procedure7
Measuring systemic risk and contagion in the European financial network7
Dynamic network and own effects on abnormal returns: evidence from China’s stock market7
Price bubbles of agricultural commodities: evidence from China’s futures market7
Measuring Knightian uncertainty7
The causal impact of mental health on tobacco and alcohol consumption: an instrumental variables approach7
Contagion or interdependence? Comparing spillover indices7
Model-based indicators for the identification of cyclical systemic risk7
Revisiting the asymmetric impacts of the exchange market pressure on the inflation, interest rate and foreign trade balance in Eastern Europe7
Economic volatility and financial deepening in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from panel cointegration with cross-sectional heterogeneity and endogenous structural breaks6
Changing selection into full-time work and its effect on wage inequality in Germany6
When are trend–cycle decompositions of GDP reliable?6
The effect of Eurosystem asset purchase programmes on euro area sovereign bond yields during the COVID-19 pandemic6
The long shadow of child labour on adolescent mental health: a quantile approach6
Persistent and transient inefficiency in adult education6
Trade liberalization, credit constraints, and export quality upgrading6
Live large or die young: subsidized loans and firm survival in Brazil6
The effect of migration on unionization in Austria6
Labour market uncertainty after the irruption of COVID-196
Governments’ economic support for households during the COVID-19 pandemic and consumer confidence6
A decade of violence and empty stadiums in Egypt: when does emotion from the terraces affect behaviour on the pitch?6
Indirect and direct effects of the subprime crisis on the real sector: labor market migration6
Do the determinants of foreign direct investment have a reverse and symmetric impact on foreign direct divestment?6
Fiscal reaction functions for the advanced economies revisited6
The border effect on mergers and acquisitions6
Are exports and imports of India’s trading partners cointegrated? Evidence from Fourier bootstrap ARDL procedure6
Estimating the effects of Syrian civil war6
Okun’s law revisited in the time–frequency domain: introducing unemployment into a wavelet-based control model6
Drinking is different! Examining the role of locus of control for alcohol consumption6
Systemic risk: a network approach6
Exploring the technology–healthcare expenditure nexus: a panel error correction approach6
Economic disasters and aggregate investment5
Do minimum wages improve self-rated health? Evidence from a natural experiment5
Immigration and tax morale: the role of perceptions and prejudices5
How does monetary policy affect income inequality in Japan? Evidence from grouped data5
Measuring China's core inflation for forecasting purposes: taking persistence as weight5
Were they a shock or an opportunity?: The heterogeneous impacts of the 9/11 attacks on refugees as job seekers—a nonlinear multi-level approach5
Distributional differences in the time horizon of executive compensation5
The effect of peer employment and neighborhood characteristics on individual employment5
Effectiveness of monetary policy under the high and low economic uncertainty states: evidence from the major Asian economies5
On directors’ compensation: a multilevel analysis of Spanish listed companies5
A simple, robust test for choosing the level of fixed effects in linear panel data models5
Direct and network effects of idiosyncratic TFP shocks5
Preference estimation in centralized college admissions from reported lists5
The impact of commodity price volatility on fiscal balance and the role of real interest rate5
External shocks, cross-border flows and macroeconomic risks in emerging market economies5
Working capital management, financial constraints and exports: evidence from European and US manufacturers5
Is social capital associated with individual social responsibility? The case of social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic5
The noise error component in stochastic frontier analysis5
Effects of R&D spending on productivity of the Russian firms: does technological intensity matter?5
Do migrant remittances affect household spending? Focus on wedding expenditures5
The effect of Islamic revolution and war on income inequality in Iran5
Electoral systems and income inequality: a tale of political equality4
‘Investing’ in care for old age? An examination of long-term care expenditure dynamics and its spillovers4
Does certainty on the winner diminish the interest in sport competitions? The case of formula one4
Macroeconomic effects of the ECB’S forward guidance4
Preventing NEETs during the Great Recession: the effects of mandatory activation programs for young welfare recipients4
Are the responses of output and investment to oil price shocks asymmetric?: The case of an oil-importing small open economy4
Price relationship among domestic and imported beef products in South Korea4
Local fiscal multipliers of different government spending categories4
Baldwin versus Cecchini revisited: the growth impact of the European Single Market4
Using structural break inference for forecasting time series4
Dynamic modelling of consumption patterns using LA-AIDS: a comparative study of developed versus developing countries4
The Belt and Road Initiatives and the growth of total factor productivity: based on the perspective of the regional import of intermediate goods4
Forecasting unemployment with Google Trends: age, gender and digital divide4
The efficiency of COVID cases to COVID policies: a robust conditional approach4
Institutions and economic development: new measurements and evidence4
The impact of fiscal rules on government debt: evidence from the CFA zone4
The effect of neighbourhood and spatial crime rates on mental wellbeing4
“Bottom-up” abatement on climate from the “top-down” design: lessons learned from China’s low-carbon city pilot policy4
Sunk costs in the NBA: the salary cap and free agents4
The connectedness between Hong Kong and China real estate markets: spillover effect and information transmission4
Nonlinearity in the causality and systemic risk spillover between the OPEC oil and GCC equity markets: a pre- and post-financial crisis analysis4
A bias-corrected fixed effects estimator in the dynamic panel data model4
Financial stability and local economic development: the experience of Italian labour market areas4
Predicting household resilience with machine learning: preliminary cross-country tests4
Multidimensional poverty vulnerability in rural China4
Does national income mediate the relationship between trade and government size?4
Mobile payment adoption and the decline in China’s household savings rate4
True or spurious long memory in the cryptocurrency markets: evidence from a multivariate test and other Whittle estimation methods4
Livestock production and income inequality in rural Vietnam4
The short-term impact of the 2020 pandemic lockdown on employment in Greece4
Is there a patience premium on migration?4
Score-driven stochastic seasonality of the Russian rouble: an application case study for the period of 1999 to 20204
Within-country poverty convergence: evidence from Mexico4
Spatial stochastic frontier model with endogenous weighting matrix4
Residual-based cointegration and non-cointegration tests for cointegrating polynomial regressions4
Lack of fiscal transparency and economic growth expectations: an empirical assessment from a large emerging economy4
Aggregation, asymmetry, and common factors for Bangladesh’s exchange rate–trade balance relation4
A replication note on humanitarian aid and violence4
Economic determinants of regional trade agreements revisited using machine learning4
Modelling and forecasting risk dependence and portfolio VaR for cryptocurrencies4
Spatial effects of nutrient pollution on drinking water production3
Composite forecasting of vast-dimensional realized covariance matrices using factor state-space models3
ICT, technological diffusion and economic growth in Chinese cities3
German forecasters’ narratives: How informative are German business cycle forecast reports?3
Bunching below thresholds to manipulate public procurement3
Explaining German outward FDI in the EU: a reassessment using Bayesian model averaging and GLM estimators3
Testing for the rationality of central bank interest rate forecasts3
US partisan conflict shocks and international stock market returns3
Climate change and urban total factor productivity: evidence from capital cities and municipalities in China3
Green or grey stocks? Dynamic effects of carbon markets based on Chinese practices3
Bribery, regulation and firm performance: evidence from a threshold model3
Macroeconomic effects of inflation targeting in emerging market economies3
Corruption and partisan polarization: evidence from the European Union3
The COVID-19 pandemic and Asian American employment3
The effect of infrastructure investment on tourism demand: a synthetic control approach for the case of Kuelap, Peru3
Spatial panel simultaneous equations models with error components3
Progressivity and redistributive effects of income taxes: evidence from India3
Is it good to be bad or bad to be good? Assessing the aggregate impact of abnormal weather on consumer spending3
Global risks, the macroeconomy, and asset prices3
Public subsidies and innovation: a doubly robust machine learning approach leveraging deep neural networks3
Does the shadow economy matter for tourism consumption? New global evidence3
Risk preference and entrepreneurial investment at the top of the wealth distribution3
Measuring uncertainty: A streamlined application for the Ecuadorian economy3
The great moderation: updated evidence with joint tests for multiple structural changes in variance and persistence3
Heterogeneous Effects of Job Displacement on Earnings3
Oral interventions in the foreign exchange market: evidence from Australia3
COVID-19, lockdowns and international trade: evidence from firm-level data3
Sooner or later? The impact of child education on household consumption3
The labor market impacts of graduating from university during a recession: evidence and mechanisms3
Changing vulnerability in Asia: contagion and spillovers3
Information loss in volatility measurement with flat price trading3
Machine learning approaches to testing institutional hypotheses: the case of Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2001)3
Revisions in the Norwegian National Accounts: accuracy, unbiasedness and efficiency in preliminary figures3
Big data forecasting of South African inflation3
Combination of economic policies: how the perfect storm wrecked the Brazilian economic growth3
The dynamics of US foreign aid decisions3
Student work during secondary education, educational achievement, and later employment: a dynamic approach3
Nonlinear responses of consumption to wealth, income, and interest rate shocks3
Understanding trends and drivers of urban poverty in American cities3
Predicting recessions with a frontier measure of output gap: an application to Italian economy2
Oil price shocks and China’s consumer and entrepreneur sentiment: a Bayesian structural VAR approach2
On the causality between household and government spending on education: evidence from a panel of 40 countries2
Lights and GDP relationship: What does the computer tell us?2
Easing financial constraints through carbon trading2
New insights on the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) for Central Asia2
Does sending letters increase the take-up of social benefits? Evidence from a new benefit program2
The economic impact of the first wave of the pandemic on 50+ Europeans2
Bayesian nonlinear expectation for time series modelling and its application to Bitcoin2
Kernel-based time-varying IV estimation: handle with care2
Unitary or collective households? A nonparametric rationality and separability test using detailed data on consumption expenditures and time use2
Globalization, long memory, and real interest rate convergence: a historical perspective2
Regional income dynamics in Bangladesh2
A dynamic analysis of household debt using a self-organizing map2
Does climate change affect economic data?2
Determinants and international influences of the Chinese freight market2
Foreign portfolio investment patterns: evidence from a gravity model2
The short- and medium-term distributional effects of the German minimum wage reform2
Simultaneous identification of fiscal and monetary policy shocks2
Forecasting GDP with many predictors in a small open economy: forecast or information pooling?2
Predicting cryptocurrency crash dates2
Forecasting in the presence of in-sample and out-of-sample breaks2
Finance and inequality in a panel of US States2
Bayesian estimation of stochastic tail index from high-frequency financial data2
Gender match and negotiation: evidence from angel investment on Shark Tank2
The role of the digital economy in tourism: mechanism, causality and geospatial spillover2
Trade and employment volatility of firms during the global financial crisis and post-crisis2
Climate transition risk in determining credit risk: evidence from firms listed on the STOXX Europe 600 index2
Labour supply, retirement, and consumption responses of older Europeans to inheritance receipt2
Do financial markets respond to macroeconomic surprises? Evidence from the UK2
Time connectedness of fear2
The effect of fertility on female labor supply in a labor market with extensive informality2
Multivariate models of commodity futures markets: a dynamic copula approach2
Assessing the impacts of pandemic and the increase in minimum down payment rate on Shanghai housing prices2
Export specialization, trade liberalization and economic growth: a synthetic control analysis2
Will the last be the first? Ranking German macroeconomic forecasters based on different criteria2
Effects of incentive pay on systemic risk: evidence from CEO compensation and CoVar2
Export growth drivers and economic development2
Dynamism of the housing rental market in Guayaquil, Ecuador: an empirical analysis2
Social capital and informal credit access: empirical evidence from a Vietnamese household panel survey2
The presence of a latent factor in gasoline and diesel prices co-movements2
Does the macroeconomy matter to market volatility? Evidence from US industries2
A new fractional integration approach based on neural network nonlinearity with an application to testing unemployment hysteresis2
A comprehensive impact evaluation of active labour market programmes in Slovenia2
Hedging strategies among financial markets: the case of green and brown assets2
Quantile regression version of Hodrick–Prescott filter2
Housing boom and non-housing consumption: evidence from urban households in China2
Innovation spillover and merger decisions2
The increasing opportunity cost of sequestering CO2 in the Brazilian Amazon forest2
Between the Eurozone crisis and the Brexit: the decade of British outward FDI into Europe2
The wage curve within and across regions: new insights from a pairwise view of US states2
GDP effects of pandemics: a historical perspective2
Likelihood-based inference for dynamic panel data models2
Trends in tax revenues of transition economies: an empirical approach2
Fiscal policy in the US: a new measure of uncertainty and its effects on the American economy2
The impact of pandemic on dynamic volatility spillover network of international stock markets2