Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

(The H4-Index of Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics is 29. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A thermo-mechanical terrestrial model of Arctic coastal erosion130
Solution of fuzzy fractional order differential equations by fractional Mellin transform method97
Strong approximation for fractional wave equation forced by fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter 95
Fast relaxed inertial Tseng’s method-based algorithm for solving variational inequality and fixed point problems in Hilbert spaces84
Randomized derivative-free Milstein algorithm for efficient approximation of solutions of SDEs under noisy information82
Optimal error analysis of space–time second-order difference scheme for semi-linear non-local Sobolev-type equations with weakly singular kernel74
Exponential fitting for interpolation of oscillatory functions. A numerical approach62
A new perspective for analytical and numerical soliton solutions of the Kaup–Kupershmidt and Ito equations56
Multiscale model reduction for stochastic elasticity problems using ensemble variable-separated method55
Modified Greenwood statistic and its application for statistical testing51
Optimally weighted loss functions for solving PDEs with Neural Networks47
Gaussian Markov Random Fields over graphs of paths and high relative accuracy46
An effective operator splitting method based on spectral deferred correction for the fractional Gray–Scott model42
Model order reduction for parameterized electromagnetic problems using matrix decomposition and deep neural networks40
A discontinuous Galerkin method for systems of stochastic differential equations with applications to population biology, finance, and physics37
Fast finite time fractional-order robust-adaptive sliding mode control of nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics37
Computation and verification of contraction metrics for exponentially stable equilibria36
Convergence rates for iteratively regularized Gauss–Newton method subject to stability constraints35
Fixed points in generalized parallel and sequential dynamical systems induced by a minterm or maxterm Boolean functions35
Superconvergence of Legendre spectral projection methods for mth ord34
An efficient Sinc-collocation method via the DE transformation for eighth-order boundary value problems33
Expressions for joint moments of elliptical distributions33
A non-uniform corner-cutting subdivision scheme with an improved accuracy32
Jacobi spectral method for variable-order fractional Benney–Lin equation arising in falling film problems32
Improved enrichments and numerical integrations in SGFEM for interface problems32
A hybrid method based on the Chebyshev cardinal functions/wavelets for time fractional coupled Klein–Gordon–Schrödinger equations32
Inference for stress–strength reliability of multi-state system with dependent stresses and strengths using improved generalized survival signature30
Fast artificial boundary method for the heat equation on unbounded domains with strip tails29
Conditional variational autoencoder with Gaussian process regression recognition for parametric models29