Drug and Alcohol Dependence

(The TQCC of Drug and Alcohol Dependence is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Recovery among sexual minorities in the united states population: Prevalence, characteristics, quality of life and functioning compared with heterosexual majority252
Applying a behavioral economic approach to understanding smoking processes: The indirect effect of past quit experiences176
Associations of discomfort intolerance, discomfort avoidance, and cannabis and alcohol use among persons with chronic pain receiving prescription buprenorphine for opioid use disorder170
Patient and provider experiences with opioid use disorder care delivered via telehealth: A systematic mixed-studies review135
Examining Bi-directional links between distinct affect states and tobacco lapse during a cessation attempt107
Bariatric surgery and alcohol and substance use: A case-control survey study99
Tobacco cessation, mental health, and substance use in a community pharmacist-linked cessation program for people experiencing homelessness96
Divergence in cannabis and alcohol use disorder prevalence trends from 2002 to 201990
Rural houselessness among people who use drugs in the United States: Results from the National Rural Opioid Initiative83
Men’s influence of maternal substance use before, during, and after pregnancy: A qualitative study of men with criminal-legal involvement83
Validation of Screening Instruments for Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders among Men and Women in Eastern Cape, South Africa.68
Fathers’ alcohol consumption and risk of substance-related disorders in offspring67
Prevalence and associations of classic psychedelic-related seizures in a population-based sample67
A systematic review of genetic variation within nicotinic acetylcholine receptor genes and cigarette smoking cessation62
Birth order and alcohol-related mortality by ethnic origin and national context: Within-family comparisons for Finland and Sweden59
Drinking cultures and socioeconomic risk factors for alcohol and drug use disorders among first- and second-generation immigrants: A longitudinal analysis of Swedish population data55
Impact of COVID-19 on stimulant use disorder treatment: A national cohort study in the Veterans Health Administration54
Generational shifts in attitudes and beliefs about alcohol: An age-period-cohort approach53
Canada’s cannabis legalization and drivers’ traffic-injury presentations to emergency departments in Ontario and Alberta, 2015-201951
Effects of access condition on substance use disorder-like phenotypes in male and female rats self-administering MDPV or cocaine50
Strengthened and posterior-shifted structural rich-club organization in people who use cocaine50
Nine-year substance use treatment outcomes with buprenorphine for opioid use disorder in a federally qualified health center49
Integrated behavioral interventions for adults with alcohol use disorder: A systematic review48
Trends in pharmacy-based dispensing of buprenorphine, extended-release naltrexone, and naloxone during the COVID-19 pandemic by age and sex – United States, March 2019 – December 202046
Within-person and between-person associations of access to environmental reward with alcohol and cannabis use and consequences among young adults46
Comparison of the Bluetooth iCOquit, piCO, and Vitalograph for the assessment of breath carbon monoxide among adults initiating smoking cessation and standardized canisters46
Effect of HIV, antiretrovirals, and genetics on methadone pharmacokinetics: Results from the methadone antiretroviral pharmacokinetics study45
Increasing the visibility of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders in substance use research: A call to action45
VOICES: An efficacious trauma-informed, gender-responsive cannabis use intervention for justice and school-referred girls with lifetime substance use history44
Energy drinks and alcohol use among adolescents: A longitudinal study43
Modeling the impact of interventions during an outbreak of HIV infection among people who inject drugs in 2012–2013 in Athens, Greece.41
Trajectories of alcohol use and problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of social stressors and drinking motives for men and women41
Vaping and psychotic experiences among college students in the United States41
Health care provider decision-making around prenatal substance use reporting39
Racialized and beneficiary inequities in medication to treat opioid use disorder receipt within the US Military Health System38
Craving among individuals with stimulant use disorder in residential social model-based treatment – Can exercise help?37
Patients at a drug detoxification center share perspectives on how to increase hepatitis C treatment uptake: A qualitative study37
Differential alcohol treatment response by gender following use of VetChange37
Frequent teenage cannabis use: Prevalence across adolescence and associations with young adult psychopathology and functional well-being in an urban cohort37
Estimating the impact of state cigarette tax rates on smoking behavior: Addressing endogeneity using a natural experiment36
Oxycodone-related deaths in Sweden 2006–201836
Mediators of effects of a digital alcohol intervention for online help-seekers: Findings from an effectiveness trial36
Canada’s cannabis legalization and police-reported cannabis-related criminal incidents among youth, 2015–202135
"A way to liberate myself": A qualitative study of perceived benefits and risks of chemsex among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Almaty, Kazakhstan35
National and regional trends in seizures of shrooms (psilocybin) in the United States, 2017–202235
Outcomes and experiences after child custody loss among mothers who use drugs: A mixed studies systematic review35
Investigation into the biomolecular bases of blunted cocaine-induced glutamate release within the nucleus accumbens elicited by adolescent exposure to phenylpropanolamine35
Misrepresentation of MDMA in the United States, 1999–202334
Social addiction or nicotine addiction? The effect of smoking social motivation on inhibitory control under smoking social cues: Evidence from ERPs33
Assessment of abuse liability and switching potential of menthol-flavored pod-based electronic nicotine delivery systems among US adults who smoke cigarettes32
A randomized controlled trial of intermittent theta burst stimulation to the medial prefrontal cortex for tobacco use disorder: Clinical efficacy and safety32
Reply to Foxon F. & Shiffman S. Regarding Comments on “Adjei et al. 2024 Symptoms of nicotine dependence by E-cigarette and cigarette use behavior and brand: A population-based, nationally represe31
Healthy recovery: A stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial of a healthy lifestyle intervention for people attending residential alcohol and other drug treatment31
N-oleoyl alanine attenuates nicotine reward and spontaneous nicotine withdrawal in mice30
Buprenorphine abuse and health risks in Iran: A systematic review30
Health-related quality of life of alcohol use disorder with co-occurring conditions in the US population30
The Prison and Transition Health (PATH) cohort study: Prevalence of health, social, and crime characteristics after release from prison for men reporting a history of injecting drug use in Victoria, A30
Attentional ERPs in consumers of smoked and insufflated cocaine associated with neuropsychological performance30
Integrating cognitive bias modification for pain and opioid cues into medication for opioid use disorder clinical care: Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary results30
Hepatitis C virus infection and polysubstance use among young adult people who inject drugs in a rural county of New Mexico29
Substance use and treatment characteristics among pregnant and non-pregnant females, 2015–201929
Impact of California’s tobacco and cannabis policies on the retail availability of little cigars/cigarillos and blunt wraps29
Worsening trends in the frequency of methamphetamine and other stimulant use between treatment admission and discharge29
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol discrimination: Effects of route of administration in rats29
“Everybody looks at it as drug use instead of pain management”: Experiences of chronic pain and its management among older people living with HIV who use drugs in Vancouver, British Columbia29
Medical provider stigma experienced by people who use drugs (MPS-PWUD): Development and validation of a scale among people who currently inject drugs in New York City28
Effects of prenatal exposure to methadone or buprenorphine and maternal separation on anxiety-like behavior in rats28
Exposure to tobacco retail outlet tobacco marketing and initiation of cigarette and e-cigarette use: Depressive symptoms as a moderator28
Pregnant women’s alcohol consumption and knowledge about its risks: An Israeli survey28
“Ganja Mamas”: Online discussions about cannabis use in pregnancy28
Reporting on Addiction: An Innovative, Collaborative Approach to Reduce Stigma by Improving Media Coverage and Public Messaging about Addiction Treatment and Recovery28
Left frontal pole repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces cigarette cue-reactivity in correlation with verbal memory performance27
To end the opioid crisis, we must address painful social disparities27
A comparison of registered and published primary outcomes in clinical trials of opioid use disorder: ACTTION review and recommendations27
Drug overdose mortality rates by educational attainment and sex for adults aged 25–64 in the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2015–202127
Impact of the Russian invasion on opioid agonist therapy programs in Ukraine: A qualitative study27
Neighborhood-level association between release from incarceration and fatal overdose, Rhode Island, 2016–202027
Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol consumption in Argentina: Comparative analysis from 2009, 2013, and 201827
Do people with opioid use disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder benefit from dding Individual opioid Drug Counseling to buprenorphine?27
Characteristics and circumstances of cocaine-related completed suicide in Australia, 2000–202127
Strong associations among PTSD, pain, and alcohol and drug use disorders in VA primary care patients26
Associations between early childhood adversity and behavioral, substance use, and academic outcomes in childhood through adolescence in a U.S. longitudinal cohort26
Functional evaluation of NK1 antagonism on cue reactivity in opiate dependence; An fMRI study26
Trends in overdose experiences and prevention behaviors among people who use opioids in Baltimore, MD, 2017–201926
Intermittent access cocaine self-administration produces context-specific escalation and increased motivation26
A review of factors associated with methadone maintenance treatment adherence and retention in Vietnam25
Editorial Board25
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) impairs cognitive function during withdrawal via activation of the arachidonic acid cascade in the hippocampus25
Self-efficacy as a mediator of patient navigation interventions to engage persons living with HIV and substance use25
Alcohol consumption and dependence risk among male and female Veterans: Trajectories and predictors25
Alcohol and cigarette smoking consumption as genetic proxies for alcohol misuse and nicotine dependence25
Momentary associations between affect and craving as a function of perceived smoking opportunity in young adults smoking 1–5 cigarettes per day: An ecological momentary assessment study25
Editorial Board25
Feminine gender norms and syndemic harmful drinking, sexual violence, and sexually transmitted infections among Black women at risk for HIV25
Effect of a selective personality-targeted prevention program on 7-year illicit substance related outcomes: A secondary analysis of a cluster randomized controlled trial24
I can’t believe I missed that! How the fear of missing out impacts on alcohol behaviours24
Parental binge drinking and offspring’s high school non-completion: A prospective HUNT survey and educational registry study24
Patterns of opioid and benzodiazepine use with gabapentin among disabled Medicare beneficiaries – A retrospective cohort study24
Multi-modal neuroimaging reveals differences in alcohol-cue reactivity but not neurometabolite concentrations in adolescents who drink alcohol24
Smoking cessation among adolescents in Europe: The role of school policy and programmes24
Test-retest reliability and cross-cultural applicability of DSM-5 adopted diagnostic criteria for ketamine use disorders23
Clinical and demographic factors associated with stimulant use disorder in a rural heart failure population23
Ethnic density effect on alcohol-related hospitalizations among Chinese enclaves and ethnoburbs in California, 2007–201123
Sex differences in the development of conditioned place preference induced by intragastric alcohol administration in mice23
Does food use disorder exist? Item response theory analyses of a food use disorder adapted from the DSM-5 substance use disorder criteria in a treatment seeking clinical sample23
Driving while under the influence of hallucinogens: Prevalence, correlates, and risk profiles23
Reliability and validity of DSM-IV and DSM-5 methamphetamine use disorder diagnoses using the Chinese Version of the Semi-Structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism (SSADDA)23
New-onset addictions in patients with alcohol dependence: A cross-sectional study23
A comparison of alcohol and commercial tobacco use in populous American Indian/Alaska Native states23
Genetic Insights into the causal relationship between cannabis use and diabetic phenotypes: A genetic correlation and Mendelian randomization study23
Initial evidence of delay discounting’s predictive utility for alcohol self-administration in ecologically valid contexts among young adults who drink heavily23
Effects of inhaled low-concentration xenon gas on naltrexone-precipitated withdrawal symptoms in morphine-dependent mice23
Letter to the Editor regarding: Is implementation of ASAM-based addiction treatment assessments associated with improved 30-day retention and substance use? (By Mark et al., 2021)22
Trends in buprenorphine dosage and days supplied for new treatment episodes for opioid use disorder, 2010–201922
A one year prospective examination of risk factors for pod-vape use among young adults22
Methamphetamine use shortens telomere length in male adults and rats22
Trajectories of alcohol and cannabis use among emerging adults with a history of unstable housing: Associations with functioning over a two-year period22
Reply to: Decrease in prevalence but increase in frequency of non-marijuana drug use following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in a large cohort of young men who have sex with men and young transge22
Drug and alcohol dependence acute effects of pod-style e-cigarettes in vaping-naïve smokers22
Are short AUDIT screeners effective in identifying unhealthy drinking of varying severity? A prison population study22
Testing the validity of the AUDIT-C and AUDIT-3 to detect unhealthy alcohol use among high-risk populations in Zambia: A secondary analysis from two randomized trials21
Hospitalisation following therapeutic community drug and alcohol treatment for young people with and without a history of criminal conviction21
Examining how the geographic availability of alcohol within residential neighborhoods, activity spaces, and destination nodes is related to alcohol use by parents of young children21
Staying or moving: Results of a latent transition analysis examining intra-individual stability of recreational substance use among MSM in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study from 2004 to 201621
Examination of gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate-glutamine levels in association with impulsive behavior in adolescent marijuana users21
Cost of Hepatitis C care facilitation for HIV/Hepatitis C Co-infected people who use drugs21
Learning with conviction: Exploring the relationship between criminal legal system involvement and substance use and recovery outcomes for students in collegiate recovery programs21
Opioid overdose survivors: Medications for opioid use disorder and risk of repeat overdose in Medicaid patients21
Past 12-month nonfatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Ukraine: City-level estimates and risk factors from a cross-sectional study21
Aripiprazole and topiramate, alone or in combination, block the expression of ethanol-induced conditioned place preference in mice21
Comparative analysis between CDT in serum and Ethyl glucuronide in hair to define the best reliable tool for the diagnosis of alcohol abuse21
A virtual reality platform for the measurement of drinking topography21
Lack of effect of the nociceptin opioid peptide agonist Ro 64-6198 on pain-depressed behavior and heroin choice in rats21
Dopamine D2/3 receptor availability in cocaine use disorder individuals with obesity as measured by [11C]PHNO PET21
Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on substance use and HIV21
Facilitating treatment initiation and reproductive care postpartum to prevent substance-exposed pregnancies: A randomized bayesian pilot trial20
Acceptability and participation predictors for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to test a smoking cessation intervention after discharge from mental health wards20
Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of potential life lost due to alcohol among veterans: Overall and between persons with minoritized and non-minoritized sexual orientations20
Measurement of public health impacts of cannabis legalization in Canada to reflect policy maker priorities: A rapid scoping review of instruments and content domains20
Effect of menthol/mint-flavored pods on young JUUL E-cigarette users’ subjective experience, puffing behavior, and nicotine exposure: A pilot study20
Gender-specific correlates of nonmedical use of prescription medications in a diverse primary care sample20
A novel long-acting formulation of oral buprenorphine/naloxone produces prolonged decreases in fentanyl self-administration by rhesus monkeys20
A qualitative study of smokers’ assessments of four smoking cessation interventions delivered in a hospital emergency department20
Validity of the DSM-5 tobacco use disorder diagnostics in adults with problematic substance use20
Cannabis use and subjective response to alcohol in the human laboratory19
National survey findings on law enforcement agency drug response practices, overdose victim outcomes, and Good Samaritan Laws19
Latent patterns of sleep disturbance, pain impact, and depressive symptoms in residential substance use treatment19
Gender parity and homophily in the Drug and Alcohol Dependence editorial process19
Polygenic risk score for problematic alcohol use predicts heavy drinking and alcohol use disorder symptoms in young adulthood after accounting for adolescent alcohol use and parental alcohol use disor19
A qualitative study of alcohol use disorder psychotherapies for transgender and nonbinary individuals: Opportunities for cultural adaptation19
Emotional distress and pain catastrophizing predict cue-elicited opioid craving among chronic pain patients on long-term opioid therapy19
Editorial Board19
Developmental trajectories of alcohol and cannabis concurrent use in a nationally representative sample of United States youths19
Editorial Board19
Editorial Board19
The Effect of the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System 1115 Demonstration Waiver on Substance Use Disorder Treatment Access: Evidence from California18
To be aware, or to accept, that is the question: Differential roles of awareness of automaticity and pain acceptance in opioid misuse18
Impulsivity in cocaine users compared to matched controls: Effects of sex and preferred route of cocaine use18
Reduction of nicotine and ethanol intake in alcohol-preferring (UChB) female rats by the α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonists 5-bromocytisine and cytisine18
Alcohol use trajectories across the life course: Influences of childhood predictors and consequences for late-life health18
Differences in child and adult biopsychosocial characteristics associated with regular cannabis use in individuals with and without cannabis use disorder18
Non-prescribed pharmaceutical stimulants use among adolescents: A way to self-care or peer success?18
Development and validation of the Schedule for the Assessment of Insight in Alcohol Dependence (SAI-AD): Dimensions and correlates of insight in alcohol use disorder18
Editorial Board18
Risks of returning to opioid use at treatment entry and early in opioid use disorder treatment: Role of non-opioid substances18
Maternal continuous oral oxycodone self-administration alters pup affective/social communication but not spatial learning or sensory-motor function17
Alcohol use and alcohol-related consequences are associated with not being virally suppressed among persons living with HIV in the Rakai region of Uganda17
Findings from a pilot study of buprenorphine population pharmacokinetics: A potential effect of HIV on buprenorphine bioavailability17
Screening in Trauma for Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOMP): Results from a prospective cohort of victims of traumatic injury17
Correlates of hazardous alcohol drinking among trans and non-binary people in Canada: A community-based cross-sectional study17
Geo-spatial risk factor analysis for drug overdose death in South Florida from 2014 to 2019, and the independent contribution of social determinants of health17
Drug overdose mortality by race/ethnicity across US-born and immigrant populations17
Does substance use disorder treatment completion reduce the risk of treatment readmission in Chile?17
Wearable biosensors have the potential to monitor physiological changes associated with opioid overdose among people who use drugs: A proof-of-concept study in a real-world setting17
The role of virtual socializing and unstructured socializing in adolescent vaping17
Influence of nicotine form and nicotine flux on puffing behavior and mouth-level exposure to nicotine from electronic nicotine delivery systems17
“It’s probably going to save my life;” attitudes towards treatment among people incarcerated in the era of fentanyl17
Between- and within-group effects of alcohol and cannabis co-use on AUD/CUD in the NSDUH 2002–201917
The effects of combination levodopa-ropinirole on cognitive improvement and treatment outcome in individuals with cocaine use disorder: A bayesian mediation analysis17
Alcohol consumption patterns and unhealthy aging among older lifetime drinkers from Spain17
Neighborhood disadvantage and prescription drug misuse in low-income urban mothers17
The Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire: A cross-country examination among university students in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Argentina, and the United States17
Conceptualizing stigma in contexts of pregnancy and opioid misuse: A qualitative study with women and healthcare providers in Ohio17
Women-centered drug treatment models for pregnant women with opioid use disorder: A scoping review17
Maternal opioid exposure, neonatal abstinence syndrome, and infant healthcare utilization: A retrospective cohort analysis17
The frequency of severe Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the neonatal period using data from the French hospital discharge database between 2006 and 201317
Opioid agonist therapy switching among individuals with prescription-type opioid use disorder: Secondary analysis of a pragmatic randomized trial17
Social anxiety disorder is a risk factor for alcohol use problems in the National Comorbidity Surveys17
Xylazine spreads across the US: A growing component of the increasingly synthetic and polysubstance overdose crisis16
Patient navigation for perinatal substance use disorder treatment: A systematic review16
Predictors of substance use disorder treatment and mutual support group participation among Black women across the criminal legal spectrum: A latent class approach16
Correlates of solitary alcohol and cannabis use among American Indian adolescents16
Ethnoracial differences in workplace drug testing and policies on positive drug tests in the United States16
Behavioral predictors of individual differences in opioid addiction vulnerability as measured using i.v. self-administration in rats16
Racialized environments and syringe services program implementation: County-level factors16
Estimated number of injection-involved drug overdose deaths, United States, 2000 – 201816
Long-term opioid therapy tapering: Trends from 2014 to 2018 in a Midwestern State16
Ethanol drinking at adulthood is sensitive to S1-R antagonism and is promoted by binge ethanol self-administration at adolescence16
Editorial Board16
Alcohol consumption, heavy episodic drinking and the perpetration of antisocial behaviours in Australia16
Use of laboratory data for illicit drug use surveillance and identification of socioeconomic risk factors16
Opioid pain medication misuse, concomitant substance misuse, and the unmet behavioral health treatment needs of transgender and gender diverse adults16
The association of type of cannabis product used and frequency of use with problematic cannabis use in a sample of young adult cannabis users16
Gender-Sexuality Alliances as a moderator of the association between victimization, depressive symptoms, and drinking behavior among LGBTQ+ youth16
A dose-response meta-analysis on the relationship between average amount of alcohol consumed and death by suicide16
Opioid-related deaths before and after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders in Los Angeles County16
Short-term binge drinking, marijuana, and recreational drug use trajectories in a prospective cohort of people living with HIV at the start of COVID-19 mitigation efforts in the United States16
Disclosure processes as predictors of relationship outcomes among people in recovery from opioid use disorder: A longitudinal analysis16
The effects of cannabis use on physical health: A co-twin control study16
Acute effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on resting state connectivity networks and impact of COMT genotype: A multi-site pharmacological fMRI study15
Trends in homelessness and injection practices among young urban and suburban people who inject drugs: 1997-201715
Comparative impact of methamphetamine and other drug use on viral suppression among sexual minority men on antiretroviral therapy15
Varenicline and related interventions on smoking cessation: A systematic review and network meta-analysis15
Structural racism and violence as social determinants of health: Conceptual, methodological and intervention challenges15
A systematic review and behaviour change technique analysis of remotely delivered alcohol and/or substance misuse interventions for adults15
Prenatal opioid administration induces shared alterations to the maternal and offspring gut microbiome: A preliminary analysis15
Utilizing telemedicine during COVID-19 pandemic for a low-threshold, street-based buprenorphine program15
The use of Australian SMART Recovery groups by people who use methamphetamine: Analysis of routinely-collected nationwide data15
The association between risky decision making and cocaine conditioned place preference is moderated by sex15
A collaborative care intervention to improve opioid prescribing among providers caring for persons with HIV: Impact on satisfaction, confidence, and trust15
Outpatient follow-up and use of medications for opioid use disorder after residential treatment among Medicaid enrollees in 10 states15
Transitions of care between jail-based medications for opioid use disorder and ongoing treatment in the community: A retrospective cohort study14
Comparison of the effects of alcohol and cannabis on visual function and driving performance. Does the visual impairment affect driving?14
Effect modification of legalizing recreational cannabis use on the association between e-cigarette use and future cannabis use among US adolescents14
Estimating the community prevalence, child traits, and maternal risk factors of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) from a random sample of school children14
A mixed-methods study to inform the clarity and accuracy of cannabis-use and cannabis-tobacco co-use survey measures14
Why do Americans use marijuana?14
Dependence motives and use contexts that predicted smoking cessation and vaping cessation: A two-year longitudinal study with 13 waves14
Appeal of e-cigarette flavors: Differences between never and ever use of combustible cigarettes14
Illegal product purchasing in the experimental tobacco marketplace: Effects of menthol cigarette and cigarette ventilation ban14
Trends in comorbid opioid and stimulant use disorders among Veterans receiving care from the Veterans Health Administration, 2005–201914
Gender, sexual orientation identity, and initiation of amphetamine injecting among people who inject drugs: Examination of an expanding drug era in Montreal, Canada, 2011–1914
Factors supporting substance use improvement for Black Americans: A population health observational study14
Relationship perceptions and conflict behavior among cannabis users14
Validity and reliability of in-person and remote oral fluids drug testing compared to urine drug testing14
Prescription opioid use and employment: A nationwide Finnish register study14
Shame and stigma in association with the HCV cascade to cure among people who inject drugs14