Behavioural Processes

(The TQCC of Behavioural Processes is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Comparing extinction and contrast effects for operant wheel running and lever pressing on a multiple schedule27
Cost does not prevent pigeons from investing in the future23
Aerial urination suggests undescribed sensory modality and social function in river dolphins20
Innate visual discrimination abilities of zebrafish larvae17
Learning performance is associated with social preferences in a group-living fish17
Not just for males: Flehmen as a tool for detection of reproductive status and individual recognition across sexes in four African equid species17
Runway extinction in terrestrial toads (Rhinella arenarum): Instrumental or Pavlovian?17
Ontogeny of social hierarchy in two European house mouse subspecies and difference in the social rank of dispersing males14
Distinct acute stressors exert an antagonistic effect on complex grooming during novelty habituation in rats13
Food handling shapes the laterality of paw use in the Chinese red panda (Ailurus styani)13
Aroma-dillo or Area-dillo? An examination of armadillos’ sensory modality bias13
The role of collective behaviour in fish response to visual cues13
Preterm rat survival is enhanced by gestational environmental enrichment11
TEMPORARY REMOVAL: Dominance style and intersexual hierarchy in wild bonobos from Wamba11
Comparison of the exploratory behaviour of wild and laboratory mouse species11
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Exploring emotional contagion in zebrafish: A virtual-demonstrator study of positive and negative emotions11
Landmark use by ghost crab (Ocypode quadrata) during wayfinding in a complex maze11
SQAB 2022: New directions in learning research10
Sample-comparison mapping and joint stimulus control10
Effort-motivated behavior resolves paradoxes in appetitive conditioning10
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Individual differences in habituation: Innate covariation between habituation, exploration, and body size in naïve chicks (Gallus gallus)10
Behavioural responses to separation from human companion in the domestic cat: A survey-based study10
Social attributes shape antipredator behavior strategies in the ruddy ground-dove9
Stress-related impairment of fear memory acquisition and disruption of risk assessment behavior in female but not in male mice9
Binge eating behavior and incentive motivation with a cafeteria diet9
Behavioural variables influence contact call rate more than characteristics of the vegetation in a group-living passerine species9
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Daily running trials increase sprint speed in endangered lizards (Gallotia simonyi)8
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Modulation of dear enemy effects by male dusky warblers (Phylloscopus fuscatus) at different reproductive stages8
Learning about reward identities and time7
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Search image formation for spider prey in a mud dauber wasp.7
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Individual differences in the perception of cue-outcome contingencies: A signal detection analysis7
Hot crabs with bold choices: Temperature has little impact on behavioural repeatability in Caribbean hermit crabs7
The effect of adulteration with a bitter tastant, denatonium benzoate, on the reinforcing value of sucrose7
Resurgence during transitions from variable- to fixed-interval schedules7
Social investigation and social novelty in zebrafish: Roles of salience and novelty7
ABA, AAB and ABC renewal with Pavlovian Conditioning of Tentacle Lowering procedure in the snail Cornu aspersum7
Using social network analysis to confirm the ‘gambit of the group’ hypothesis for a small cetacean6
Relationship between acoustic traits of protesting cries of domestic kittens (Felis catus) and their individual chances for survival6
Unpredictable mealtimes rather than social jetlag affects acquisition and retention of hippocampal dependent memory6
Attention bias and novel object test in rams (Ovis aries) under intensive farming6
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The consistency of exploration behaviours across life stages in a native Australian rodent, the fawn-footed mosaic-tailed rat Melomys cervinipes6
Female control of a novel form of cannibalism during copulation in a South American widow spider6
Matching is acquired faster than mismatching by pigeons when salient stimuli are presented manually6
The effect of experience on collective decision-making6
Aging to 24 months increased C57BL/6J mouse social sniffing and hippocampal Neto1 levels, and impaired female spatial learning6
Irrational behavior in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris): A violation of independence from irrelevant alternatives6
Sexual stimulation of captive Iberian ibex bucks (Capra pyrenaica): Effect of male social rank on the response to estrous females6
Dyadic response facilitation of object play in Balinese long-tailed macaques6
Behavioral economic demand modeling chronology, complexities, and considerations: Much ado about zeros6
Torrent frogs emit acoustic signals of a narrower spectral range in habitats with longer-lasting biotic background noise6
Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) discriminate between naturally-ordered and scramble-ordered chick-a-dee calls and individual preference is related to rate of learning6
Paint marking using CO2 anaesthetization does not affect exploratory and recruitment behaviours in the rock ant, Temnothorax rugatulus6
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Lack of subspecies-recognition in breeding Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica transitiva)6
Laterality in the Cape mole-rat, Georychus capensis6
Examining sex disparities in risk/reward trade-offs in Smith's zokors, Eospalax smithii6
Manipulating monoamines reduces exploration and boldness of Mediterranean field crickets6
1-Back reinforcement matching and mismatching by pigeons: Implicit or explicit learning?5
Modeling resurgence with an evolutionary theory of behavior dynamics5
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Effects of delay sequence in a delay discounting task5
Chronic high-dose testosterone impairs economic decision making, but has no effect on memory in male rats5
Abbreviated fixed-interval interventions promote self-control in rats5
Three methods of behavioural testing to measure anxiety – A review5
Habituation: It’s not what you think it is5
Experimental evidence of aposematic signal in black tadpoles5
The effect of delay and social distance in the dictator and ultimatum games5
Proximity and preening in captive Humboldt penguins5
Exploration of a novel environment is not correlated with object neophobia in wild-caught house sparrows (Passer domesticus)5
Incentive-salience attribution is attenuated in spontaneously hypertensive rats, an animal model of ADHD5
Sex-based differences, diurnal and seasonal trends in thermoregulatory behaviour of nesting Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)5
Social behaviour and foraging success of little egrets (Egretta garzetta)5
Agonistic behaviors of boxer shrimps (Stenopus Species): Insights into the importance of antennae, antennules and tactile contact5
How’s my kitty? Acoustic parameters of cat-directed speech in human-cat interactions5
Behavioural plasticity of motor personality traits in the common vole under three-day continual observation in a test box5
An introduction to “discrete choice experiments” for behavior analysts5
Male gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) concentration-dependent social responses to diluted mental gland pheromones5
The emergence and early development of socio-sexual behavior in beluga calves (Delphinapterus leucas)5
Behavioral responses to predator and heterospecific alarm calls are habitat-specific in Eurasian tree sparrows5
Feline faces: Unraveling the social function of domestic cat facial signals5
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Behavioural changes of native freshwater prawn in the presence of a predator fish5
Models of conditioned reinforcement and abnormal behaviour in captive animals4
The role of stimulus combinations in the repeated assessment of resurgence4
An evaluation of hedonic responses in taste-potentiated odor aversion using the analysis of licking microstructure and orofacial reactivity4
Recognition of novelty in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) and tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum)4
Exposure to humans after weaning does not reduce the behavioural reactivity of extensively reared Merino lambs4
Inter-annual fluctuations of sociability in the common shrew (Sorex araneus L.) as determined by a preference test: A case of balancing selection?4
Social isolation of unfamiliar cattle by groups of familiar cattle4
Acute caffeine enhances sign-tracking in male Sprague-Dawley rats4
Activity behavior of goitered gazelles in an arid environment4
Patrolling the area, not ousting intruders, relates to reproductive success for territorial male Leon Springs pupfish, Cyprinodon bovinus4
Individual variation in activity budgets of a stable population of killer whales in managed care across a year4
Horses can learn to identify joy and sadness against other basic emotions from human facial expressions4
The effect of observing trained conspecifics on the performance and motivation of goldfish, Carassius auratus, in a spatial task4
Effect of feed-time duration on discrimination of vocalizations in a go/no-go operant paradigm4
The influence of guided tours on the welfare of white-handed gibbons and capuchin monkeys at Maia Zoo4
Overmatching under food uncertainty in foraging pigeons4
Sexual maturity, lack of partner choice and sperm precedence in the promiscuous ladybird beetle Eriopis connexa (Germar): Who is my father?4
Can a traditional partner preference test quantify monogamous behavior in captive coyotes?4
Does the sound environment influence the behaviour of zoo-housed birds? A preliminary investigation of ten species across two zoos4
Maternal deprivation effect on morphine-induced CPP is related to changes in opioid receptors in selected rat brain regions (hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and nucleus accumbens)4
Collective behaviour of the European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) is influenced by signals of differing acoustic complexity4
Disentangling the “many-eyes”, “dilution effect”, “selfish herd”, and “distracted prey” hypotheses in shaping alert and flight initiation distance in a colonial seabird4
The strain of unfamiliar conspecifics affects stress identification in rats4
Prevention of self-grooming in rats: Evidence for a rebound effect4
Pigeon leadership hierarchies are not dependent on environmental contexts or individual phenotypes4
Theoretical note: Quantity and concentration as co-determinants of the reinforcing value of sucrose: A re-analysis of some previously published data4
Social isolation interaction with the feeding regime differentially affects survival and results in a hump-shaped pattern in movement activity4
Corrigendum to “The development of socio-sexual behavior in belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) under human care” [Behav. Processes 171 (2020) 104025]4
Hand preference for a bimanual coordinated task in captive hatinh langurs (Trachypithecus hatinhensis) and grey-shanked douc langurs (Pygathrix cinerea)4
Assessing the exploratory profile of two zebrafish populations: Influence of anxiety-like phenotypes and independent trials on homebase-related parameters and exploration4
Relationship between boldness and exploratory behavior in adult zebrafish4
Behavioural reactivity testing in sheep indicates the presence of multiple temperament traits4
Using the ‘stranger test’ to assess social competency in adult female Long Evans rats reared with a Fischer 344 partner4
Similar attention and performance in female and male CD1 mice in the peak procedure3
Reproductive advantage of the winners of male-male competition in Drosophila prolongata3
Dogs fail to recognize a human pointing gesture in two-dimensional depictions of motion cues3
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The effects of response disequilibrium on social media use: A laboratory analogue3
Responses to environmental enrichment are associated with personality characteristics in chestnut-bellied seed finches (Sporophila angolensis)3
Non-stereotyped amplitude modulation across signature whistle contours3
Variation-set structure: Extraction of important segments in pigeon learning3
Evolution of cooperation in an n-player game with opting out3
Mechanisms of expression of object play: A comparative study of stone handling in two captive groups of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis)3
Year-round sexual segregation in the Pyrenean chamois, a nearly monomorphic polygynous herbivore3
A single brief stressful event time-dependently affects object recognition memory and promotes familiarity preference in marmoset monkeys3
Choice and rate-amount independence in a titration procedure3
Female preference for song frequency in the cicada Mogannia formosana Matsumura (Hemiptera: Cicadidae)3
Time, uncertainty, and suboptimal choice3
“How not to judge a deer by its cover”: A personality assessment study on captive adult red deer males (Cervus elaphus)3
Effects of water restriction and dirt on grooming behavior in neotropical rodents (Trinomys setosus and T. yonenagae) (Echimyidae)3
Analixity: An open source, low-cost analysis system for the elevated plus maze test, based on computer vision techniques3
Non-individualistic ultrasonic and audible isolation calls throughout ontogeny in a rodent, Eolagurus luteus3
Rich-lean transitions produced by stimuli associated with accurate and inaccurate responding by pigeons3
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A mixed-species shoal including fewer heterospecifics is preferred by jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus juveniles3
Threespine stickleback do not use social cues to learn about predation risk3
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Higher offspring mortality in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii) that spontaneously present with large nest building behaviour3
Exploring innovative problem-solving in African lions (Panthera leo) and snow leopards (Panthera uncia)3
The role of contingency discriminability in suboptimal choice3
Memory for surface objects in an arena by the horse (Equus ferus caballus) under saddle: Evidence for dual process theory of spatial representation3
Rats’ use of hierarchical organization in serial pattern learning3
How to perceive the insecticide? The Neotropical termite Nasutitermes corniger (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) triggers alert behavior after exposure to imidacloprid3
An investigation of population variation in maze exploration and its predictors in wild Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata)3
The presence of informed conspecifics improves individual foraging efficiency in naïve sheep3
Relationship between reinforcement rate and response rate in Pavlovian and operant conditioning with compound stimuli in rats3
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Motivating operations as contexts for operant discrimination training and testing3
Taste-induced facial responses in black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi)3
Activity vs exploration: Locomotion in a known and unknown environment differs in Atlantic cod juveniles (Gadus morhua)3
Domestication effects on aggressiveness: Comparison of biting motivation and bite force between wild and domesticated finches3
Reproductive success diminished following mate loss for females but not males in a monogamous rodent3
Effect of different experiences with humans in dogs’ visual communication3
Female pond frog vocalisation deters sexual coercion by males3
3D-printed operant chambers for rats: Design, assembly, and innovations3
Adulteration of sucrose with citric acid: Effect on reinforcing value, examined using an adjusting-magnitude schedule of reinforcement3