Progress in Aerospace Sciences

(The TQCC of Progress in Aerospace Sciences is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Recent progresses in lightweight carbon fibre reinforced lattice cylindrical shells213
Editorial Board128
Time-marching schemes for spatially high order accurate discretizations of the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations112
Analytical and numerical solutions to classical rotor designs102
Recent innovations to advance space electric propulsion technologies98
An overview of testing methods for aeroengine fan noise88
Review of hybrid aquatic-aerial vehicle (HAAV): Classifications, current status, applications, challenges and technology perspectives87
Machine learning algorithms for delaminations detection on composites panels by wave propagation signals analysis: Review, experiences and results85
Multi-rotor wake propagation and flow development modeling: A review70
On pathways to green aviation69
Review of the hybrid gas - electric aircraft propulsion systems versus alternative systems68
Review of hybrid-electric aircraft technologies and designs: Critical analysis and novel solutions68
Research and development of aerospace vehicles with air breathing electric propulsion: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow67
Review of path planning in prospective multi-target active debris removal missions in low earth orbits60
Combustor technology of high temperature rise for aero engine56
Recent developments in the aero-optical effects of high-speed optical apertures: From transonic to high-supersonic flows51
Additive manufacturing in the new space economy: Current achievements and future perspectives46
Corrigendum to “Review of hybrid laminar flow control systems” [Prog. Aero. Sci. 93(2017), 24–52]46
Review of using small UAV based meteorological measurements for road weather management41
A review of satellite-based atomic oxygen sensing methods40
Editorial Board39
A holistic review of the current state of research on aircraft design concepts and consideration for advanced air mobility applications38
Sustainable aircraft design — A review on optimization methods for electric propulsion with derived optimal number of propulsors38
Editorial Board35
Advancements and prospects of boundary layer ingestion propulsion concepts35
Improved instrumental techniques, including isotopic analysis, applicable to the characterization of unusual materials with potential relevance to aerospace forensics34
Editorial Board33
The prospects for green aviation by 205032
Editorial Board27
Editorial Board27
Review on the design of an aircraft crashworthy passenger seat26
Turbulent boundary layer trailing-edge noise: Theory, computation, experiment, and application26
Editorial Board26
Algorithms and applications of intelligent swarm cooperative control: A comprehensive survey25
A comprehensive review on Cislunar expansion and space domain awareness25
Prediction of concentrated vortex aerodynamics: Current CFD capability survey25
Enhancing detonation propulsion with jet in cross-flow: A comprehensive review25
Screening of metal fuels for use in composite propellants for ramjets24
A review of aircraft auxiliary power unit faults, diagnostics and acoustic measurements24
Artificial Intelligence for Trusted Autonomous Satellite Operations22
Responsive tolerant control: An approach to extend adaptability of launch vehicles22
Network-based analysis of fluid flows: Progress and outlook21
Advances in Integrated System Health Management for mission-essential and safety-critical aerospace applications21
Recent developments in the aeroelasticity of morphing aircraft20