Physics Letters A

(The TQCC of Physics Letters A is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Time-dependent C-operators as Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants in non-Hermitian th89
Maximum enhancement of entanglement in cavity magnomechanics85
Circular dichroism in atomic vapors: Magnetically induced transitions responsible for two distinct behaviors78
Monolayer BGe as a promising anode material with ultrahigh specific capacity for Mg-ion batteries60
Entanglement criterion and strengthened Bell inequalities based on the Pearson correlation56
Structural, magnetic, and electronic diversity of VTe2 monolayer54
Approaching certain central-field Schrödinger problems through the harmonic oscillator green's function53
Analytical eigenstate solutions of Schrödinger equation with noncentral generalized oscillator potential by extended Nikiforov-Uvarov method52
Segregation thickness effect on the mechanical behaviors of nanocrystalline Ni-doped W alloy52
Painlevé's analysis, integrability and detecting chaos-order-chaos transition by the SALI and mLE methods of three-dimensional Armbruster Guckenheimer Kim galactic potential50
Strain engineering of multi-interband optical transitions in β12-borophene48
Temperature and size effects on the oscillatory frequency of electron velocity in p-i-n GaAs semiconductor47
Ultra low-power multistability in PT-symmetric periodic structures with satur47
WITHDRAWN: Design and analysis of broadband Terahertz absorber based on multi-layer and multi-ribbon structures of molybdenum disulfide47
Theoretical study on the Y-Ba-H hydrides at high pressure46
Editorial Board45
Terahertz magnetic excitation in a collinear antiferromagnet: Canonical transformation model and atomistic spin simulations43
Gaussian tripartite entanglement in the simultaneous measurement of position and momentum43
Role of copper dopant in two-photon absorption and nonlinear optical properties of sprayed ZnS thin films for optical limiting applications43
On some reasons why the time reversal operator could be unitary42
A note on degeneracy of excited energy levels in massless Dirac fermions40
Editorial Board40
Metal–insulator transition in type II heterostructures based on transition metal dichalcogenides40
Enhanced spatially focused superbunched emission from a line of few interacting atomic dipoles39
Multi-class quantum classifiers with tensor network circuits for quantum phase recognition38
Structural and mechanical properties of Al/TiC interface with vacancies: First-principles study37
Path-dependent correlations in dynamically tuned Ising models and its short-time behavior: Application of Magnus expansion37
The optimal approximation of qubit states with limited quantum states37
The [100] direction strained Ge136
Optimizing optoelectronic properties and energy harvesting potential of Co-doped LaFeO3: A DFT-based investigation35
Remarks about Bell-nonclassicality of a single photon35
Magnetocaloric and electrocaloric heat engine and refrigeration cycles in the open Fermi-Hubbard optical dimer with attractive interactions33
Near-field coupling and wireless signal transmission using a magnetoelectric laminated composite antenna33
Fermionic condensate and the vacuum energy-momentum tensor for planar fermions in homogeneous electric and magnetic fields32
Magneto-tunable photoresponse in ZnO-rGO/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/ITO heterostructure: An opto-spintronic phenomenon32
Competing van der Waals and dipole-dipole interactions in optical nanocells at thicknesses below 100 nm32
Resilient Mølmer-Sørensen gate with cavity QED30
Overshooting phenomena of heat conduction in suspended graphene30
Elastic and inelastic behavior of boron nitride nanocones at finite strains29
Orbital driven two-dome superconducting phases in multiorbital superconductors29
Propagation of chirped gray solitons in weakly nonlocal media with parabolic law nonlinearity and spatio-temporal dispersion29
Quantifying the quantumness of pure-state ensembles via coherence of Gram matrix27
Reputation-based adaptive strategy persistence can promote cooperation considering the actual influence of individual behavior27
Solitons and vortices formation in deformed photonic graphene26
Low temperature electrical conduction mechanisms in disordered materials with an application to Calcium Strontium Copper Titanate ceramics25
Electron-phonon coupling and magnetic proximity effects on the RKKY interaction in topological crystalline insulators25
On the magnetocaloric effect in single crystals25
A new perspective to discuss Korteweg-de Vries-like equation25
Nonlinear bandgap transmission by discrete rogue waves induced in a pendulum chain25
Adjustable low-frequency bandgap of flexural wave in an Euler-Bernoulli meta-beam with inertial amplified resonators24
Bright and dark solitons in a nonlinear saturable medium24
A DFT study of the proximity effect in the spin-orbit coupling in Au/graphene, Au/silicene, and Bi/silicene bilayers24
Regular spinors and fermionic fields24
Optical solitons in fiber Bragg gratings with cubic–quartic dispersive reflectivity by enhanced Kudryashov's approach24
Data-driven vector soliton solutions of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation using a deep learning algorithm24
Device-independent randomness certification using multiple copies of entangled states24
Sequentially witnessing entanglement by independent observer pairs24
Investigation of shallow water waves and solitary waves to the conformable 3D-WBBM model by an analytical method23
Reduced role of the wavefunctions' curvature of quantum potentials in non-standard quantum systems23
Exploiting weak magnetic anisotropy on the stability of spin-spirals and skyrmions lattice in VX2 (X=S, Se) monolayers23
Stopping surface magneto-plasmons by non-reciprocal graded waveguides23
Atomic-scale simulation of nanojoining of Cu-Ag core-shell nanowires23
A harmonic study of electric field nonlinearity and field reversal in collisionless capacitive discharges driven by sawtooth-like waveforms23
Theoretical study on the electronic and transport properties of top and edge contact MoSi2N4/Au heterostructure23
Effect of hopping anisotropy on the d-wave pairing in the Hubbard model: From two-leg ladder to square lattice22
CO-induced thermal decomposition of LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O222
Tunable electronic properties of the ferromagnetic VS2/ZnPSe3 van der Waals heterostructure under external electric field22
Mixed vortex quantum droplets in a radially periodic potential22
Analysis for weak-value-amplification measurement in trapped ion systems21
Nonlinearity in surface plasmon polaritons at interface between triple quantum dot and nanocomposite medium21
Investigations on antiferromagnetic skyrmion crystal generated by a staggered magnetic field21
Interplay of fractionality and PT- symmetry on a 1D lattice21
Time optimal control for spin I = 121
Enhancement of superconductivity due to kinetic-energy effect in the strongly correlated phase of the two-dimensional Hubbard model20
Bifurcation of traveling waves in a liquid film with broken time-reversal symmetry20
A new method of generating the lump molecules and localized interaction solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional SK equation20
Theoretical prediction of intrinsic carrier mobility of monolayer C7N6: First-principles study20
Effects of temporal disorder in the continuous phase transition of a catalytic reaction system20
Interplay between electron and ion plasma waves20
Investigation of the collective effects in the cosmic Zevatron based on cyclotron auto-resonance by preliminary particle-in-cell simulations19
Analogue Hawking temperature of a laser-driven plasma19
Microscopic Hamiltonian and chaotic behavior for Barium Titanate nanoparticles revealed by photonic tunneling model19
Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of center decorated hexagon and tetragon structures18
Effects of uniaxial strain on elastic and electronic properties of hydrogenated XC (X=Si, Ge, and Sn) monolayers by first-principles calculations18
Axisymmetric oscillatory modes in cylindrical magnetized plasma bounded by a conducting wall18
Extraction of product and higher moment weak values: Applications in quantum state reconstruction and entanglement detection18
Stress-induced change of ground-state energy of a semiconductor core-shell nanocrystal: Effect of mismatch strain and hydrostatic pressure18
Bound state energy of finger gate and top gate with consideration of Rashba-Dresselhaus-Zeeman effects18
Ferromagnetism of Ni and I co-doped CdS: A first-principles study18
Weinberg-Salam model as non-Abelian Landau-Ginzburg theory of superconductivity18
A real-time Threat Image Projection (TIP) model base on deep learning for X-ray baggage inspection17
Active control of parity-time symmetry phase transition in terahertz metasurface17
Dynamic antiferroelectric behavior of dielectric susceptibility of a ferroelectric heterostructure17
Mechanism of wave resonance based on excitation of evanescent waves in locally expanded waveguides17
Quantum mechanics using two auxiliary inner products17
Reviving modulational instability with third-order dispersion17
Moving binary Bose-Einstein condensates in a weak random potential16
Quantum entanglement & purity testing: A graph zeta function perspective16
Hall effect in ytterbium hydrides16
Confinement of bright matter-wave solitons on top of a pedestal-shaped potential16
Transparent boundary conditions for the sine-Gordon equation: Modeling the reflectionless propagation of kink solitons on a line16
First observation of quasi–monochromatic optical Cherenkov radiation in a dispersive medium (quartz)16
Dynamical excitation of spin-orbit coupled spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate in a narrow box trap16
Gyrokinetic simulations of double tearing modes in toroidal plasma15
Target holder as a specific sensor for laser-induced plasma ablation15
Localized pulses in optical fibers governed by perturbed Fokas–Lenells equation15
Depolarization-mediated monoclinic states in ultrathin [111] PbTiO3 epitaxial films15
Phase-matching quantum key distribution based on pulse-position modulation15
Effects of an indirectly-coupled quantum dot on the Andreev reflection induced by Majorana modes15
Comment on “Removing non-smoothness in solving Black-Scholes equation using a perturbation method”15
Kinematic vortices induced by defects in gapless superconductors15
Generation and steady motion of skyrmionium in racetracks under successive pulsed currents and magnetic fields15
Controllable fast-slow light conversion in cavity-magnon system with multiple yttrium iron garnets15
Diversity behavior in a community model with spatial heterogeneity14
The method of images on lossless dielectric ground planes14
A modified expression for breakdown voltage of Townsend discharge in a non-uniform electric field and uniform axial magnetic field14
Tunable rheological behaviour of magnetized complex plasma14
High-performance monolayer or bilayer SiC short channel transistors with metallic 1T-phase MoS2 contact14
Wave vector filtering of electron in semiconductor nanostructure comprising of δ-magnetic-barrier and rectangular electric-barrier14
Robust inverse scattering method to the complex modified Korteweg-de Vries equation with nonzero background condition14
Intermittency of gravity wave turbulence on the surface of an infinitely deep fluid: Numerical experiment14
Three dimensional ideal MHD equilibria with non-parallel flow and pressure anisotropy14
Flexoelectricity and electronic properties of monolayer GaSe under shear strain gradient14
Equilibration of isolated systems: Investigating the role of coarse-graining on the initial state magnetization14
Plasmon-enhanced photoluminescence spectroscopy of a single molecule in the subnanometer cavity14
How is a plane wave seen by an observer in circular motion at constant angular velocity?14
Localization induced by quantized fields14
Shift manipulation of intrinsic localized mode in ac driven Klein Gordon lattice14
Persistent revivals in a system of trapped bosonic atoms14
Recovery of a generic local Hamiltonian from a degenerate steady state14
Metastable oscillations in an evolutionary game: Synchronization and control14
Localized Alfvén wave current drive in axisymmetric toroidal geometry14
Quantum dynamics on tight binding small world networks and flat band spectra13
The dynamics of current-driven vortex in two-band superconductor with s+d wave pairing13
Influence of errors on the transport of quantum information through distant quantum dot spin qubits13
Enhanced s⁎-wave component of the superconducting gap in overdoped HTSC cuprates with orthorhombic distortion13
Insights into controllable electronic properties of 2D type-II Twin-Graphene/g-C3N4 and type-I Twin-Graphene/hBN vertical heterojunctions via external electric field and strain engineering13
Pairing in the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice with hopping up to the third-nearest-neighbor13
Cu doping effect on the structure and charge transport behavior of Nd5/3Sr1/3NiO413
The interplay between reputation and heterogeneous investment enhances cooperation in spatial public goods game13
Giant dipole moment induced by an interface13
Editorial Board13
A new nonlinear integral-differential equation describing Rossby waves and its related properties13
Irreversible behaviour of a gas owing to Unruh radiation13
Tunable non-reciprocity of elastic waves in one-dimensional magnetoelastic phononic crystal plate with oblique incident angle13
Electron beam energy slicing performance in laser wakefield acceleration13
Calculations on the stopping power of the warm dense matter at the Bragg peak13
Vertical quantum tunneling transport based on MoS2/WTe2 nanoribbons13
Non-asymptotic homogenization of 3-D periodic structures12
Polarization conversion of free-space light by metasurface-dressed on-chip waveguide12
Bursting behaviors as well as the mechanism of controlled coupled oscillators in a system with double Hopf bifurcations12
The cavitation dynamics of a strongly driven single spherical gas bubble in high viscosity liquids12
Transmission across a ribbon containing a square PT impurity12
Universality in nonlinear passage through the miscible-immiscible phase transition in two component Bose-Einstein condensates12
Stabilizing meandering scroll waves and ordering scroll wave turbulence by a circularly polarized electric field in highly excitable media12
Two-dimensional matrix parabolic cylinder beams12
Impact of multi-step punishment on the spatial prisoner's dilemma game12
Superconductivity in cuprates governed by topological constraints12
Electron transmission through a quantum point contact in a tilted magnetic field and a crossed electric field: Fertig-Halperin transformation and its extension12
Low-dimensional life of critical Anderson electron12
Defect manipulations in the quaternary semiconductor Y2Ti2O5S2: The DFT insights12
Phonon hydrodynamic transport and Knudsen minimum in thin graphite12
Highly spin-polarized current in an antiferromagnetic MnBi2Te4 film12
Nonlinear phase estimation based on nonlinear interferometers with coherent and squeezed vacuum light12
Landau-Zener transition between two levels coupled to continuum12
Continuous-variable (3,3)-threshold quantum secret sharing based on one-sided device-independent security11
Generalized effective-potential Landau theory for a tunable state-dependent hexagonal optical lattice11
Manakov solitons in unbiased photorefractive materials with both the pyroelectric effect and photovoltaic effect11
Linear and nonlinear optical properties surface plasmon polariton localization in plasmonic crystal metallic nanowires11
Predicted open-framework crystal structures of sodium-silicon at high pressures11
Controllable rogue waves in a compressible hyperelastic plate11
Magneto-optical conductivity of nodal loop semimetals11
Multipartite entanglement and purity dynamics in channels influenced by fractional Gaussian noise11
Photon-assisted tunneling through a regular B-form single-stranded DNA with Majorana zero modes11
Half-metallicity and enhanced magnetism in monolayer T-CrTe2 by lithium adsorption11
Pd nanometal inclusion in phosphate glass via PdO and Si: Impact on Sm3+ photoluminescence11
Thermodynamics at zero temperature: Inequalities for the ground state of a quantum many-body system11
Flat-band states induced negative differential resistance in organic-ferromagnetic devices11
Displacement-noise-free interferometeric gravitational-wave detector using unidirectional neutrons with four speeds11
Spin-orbit coupled bosons in a double-well potential11
Partial-rogue waves that come from nowhere but leave with a trace in the Sasa-Satsuma equation11
Spin disorder induced magnetization and susceptibility originating in NiO6 octahedra of nickelates11
Evanescent modes in curved geometry10
Comment on “Splitting frequency of the (2 + 1)-dimensional Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator in an external magnetic field”10
Tuning the electronic, magnetic and optical properties of monolayer Cr2Ge2Te6 through surface adsorption10
Structural aspects and magnetoelectric behavior of hexagonal Sr1-xBaxMnO3 (x=0, 0.4) manganites: Effect of leakage currents10
New solutions for the (3 + 1)-dimensional Charney–Obukhov equation10
A two-dimensional disordered magnetic metamaterial10
Influence of heat treatment conditions on crystallization and magnetic property of FeZrB amorphous alloys10
Stress effect on bandgap change of a semiconductor nanocrystal in an elastic matrix10
Universal features of point defect spectrum in graphene10
Excitation of resonances in planar metamaterials at a two-layer dielectric interface for substrate integrated electronics10
Crystalline orientation-related magnetic anisotropy in transition metal dichalcogenides 1T′-MoTe2/Co heterostructures10
Phase characterization of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates: A Majorana stellar representation approach10
Editorial Board10
Strain induced magnetic phase transition in slightly doped graphene nanoribbons10
Generalized shock stand-off distance equation of a sphere with dependence in viscosity10
Theoretical study of electron compressibility in semiconductor quantum wires10
Effects of optical lattices on bright solitons in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates10
Anisotropic phonon transport in van der Waals nanostructures10
Tunable Dirac points and zero-energy modes in periodic curved graphene superlattices10
Quasi-bound electron pairs in two-dimensional materials with a Mexican-hat dispersion10
All meromorphic traveling waves of cubic and quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equations10
Modulation of the contact barrier at VS2/MoS2 interface: A first principles study10
Control of photodissociation of the molecular ion HD+ with two completely overlapping laser pulses10
Electrically coupled optomechanical cavities as a tool for quantum nondemolition measurement10
Ultimate precision of joint parameter estimation under noisy Gaussian environment10
An angular rainbow of light from curved spacetime10
Wide-band dual-mode adaptive angle anisotropic thermal emitter9
A new quantization rule to the bound state problem in non-relativistic quantum mechanics9
Molecular dynamics simulations for quasicrystals under the Born-Gauss potentials9
Measurement of the muon transfer rate from muonic hydrogen to oxygen in the range 70-336 K9
Simultaneous enhancement of Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity in ZnSnO by the engineering of grain boundaries using post annealing9
Error correction of the continuous-variable quantum hybrid computation on two-node cluster states: Limit of squeezing9
Effect of Cauchy noise on a network of quadratic integrate-and-fire neurons with non-Cauchy heterogeneities9
Nonlinear wave dynamics under the presence of a strong horizontal electric field and a bathymetry9
On kinematic viscosity, scaling laws and spectral shapes in Rayleigh-Taylor mixing plasma experiments9
Achieving optimal magnetic flux expulsion of a Nb3Sn superconducting radio-frequency cavity via spatial temperature gradient9
Experimental realization of Schumacher's information geometric Bell inequality9
Random density matrices: Closed form expressions for the variance of squared Hilbert-Schmidt distance9
Effect of plasmonic Aluminum nanoparticles shapes on optical absorption enhancement in silicon thin-film solar cells9
Reflected continuously tunable acoustic metasurface with rotatable space coiling-up structure9
Stability and decay rate of space-periodic solutions to porous medium equations with convection9
Magnetic properties of Mn-doped monolayer MoS29
Critical current density in granular REBa2Cu3O7- superconductors with different interlayer magnetic coupling9
Continuous-variable entanglement dynamics in Lorentzian environment9
Mechanical, electronic and thermodynamic properties of crystalline molecular hydrogen at high pressure9
Superadiabatic-based shortcuts for the fast generation of multi-partite W states of distant transmon qubits9
Majorana-modified electron transport through one quantum-dot system with ferromagnetic leads9
The spike state in type-I mesoscopic superconductor9
Understanding the in-gap defect states in the photo-generated electrons’ dynamics over two dimensional defective bismuth oxybromide9
Editorial Board9