Nuclear Physics A

(The TQCC of Nuclear Physics A is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
QCD hidden-color hexadiquark in the core of nuclei406
Fragmentation functions for Ξ65
Higher forbidden unique β− decay transitions and shell-model interpretation61
Boltzmann distributions on a quantum computer via active cooling39
Role of hexadecapole deformation in fission potential energy surfaces of 240Pu31
The study on the multiplicity dependence of ridge behavior in pp collisions at s26
A modified macroscopic-microscopic nuclear mass formula within considering isospin effect and continuum states23
Study on the reaction channels in the 6Li+89Y system with multi-angular proton and deutron-γ coincidence analysis22
A new potential model for alpha decay calculations20
Kink of the nuclear charge radius isotope shift and overlaps of the neutron and proton orbitals in lead20
Machine learning light hypernuclei18
Angular differential cross section measurement for 11B(p, α0)8Be reaction with proton energy of 2.5 MeV17
Experimental 7Be production cross section from the Li16
Electromagnetic properties of Λ hypernuclei with a beyond relativistic mean-field approach15
Evaporation residue cross-section measurements for 30Si+142Ce system15
Investigating the influence of input angular momentum on independence hypothesis in heavy-ion induced fusion reactions15
Editorial Board14
Lifetime measurement of the E  = 2485.3 keV level of 25Al populated through 24Mg(p,γ)25Al resonance reaction14
Electromagnetic multipoles of positive parity states in 27Al by elastic and inelastic electron scattering13
Systematic investigation of the high-spin structures in the odd-odd nuclei 166,168,170,172Re by a particle-number conserving method13
Possible antimagnetic rotation bands in 100Pd: A particle-number conserving investigation13
Direct 16O-cluster knockout from 24Mg(g.s.13
Heavy quarkonia in a baryon asymmetric strongly magnetized hot quark matter12
Probing heavy-ion collisions with the yield ratios of neutron-proton at intermediate energy12
Comparative analysis of nucleonic flows for isospin degree of freedom12
Quantum entanglement of SO(6)-U(5) transitional nuclei in the interacting boson model-2 (IBM-2)11
Incipient reflection asymmetry in 127Xe11
Second flavor of heavy ions11
Editorial Board11
Cross section measurements of 27Al(γ, x)24Na reactions as monitors for laser-driven bremsstrahlung γ-ray11
Editorial Board11
Editorial Board11
Modified excluded volume hadron resonance gas model with Lorentz contraction10
Subbarrier fusion and elastic scattering cross-sections based on modified Thomas-Fermi method potentials10
Momentum dependence of near-threshold photoproduction of Ξ− hyperons off nuclei and their properties in the nuclear medium10
Thermal properties of nuclei using RMF theory with average value gap parameter10
Analysis of the pion-nucleus scattering within the folding and the Kisslinger type potentials10
Editorial Board10
Production cross sections of Λ9
Methods of calculating widths for decays to unbound states9
Bottomonia production in p + p collisions under NRQCD formalism9
Gravitational form factors of N(1535) in QCD9
Editorial Board9
Improvement of evaporation residual cross sections for superheavy nuclei using a neural network method9
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Editorial Board9
Theoretical calculation of alpha decay half-lives of Neptunium nuclei using modified generalized liquid drop model8
Editorial Board8
Comparing the effects of nonlocal sources on the neutron-nucleus elastic scattering process8
Application of ANCs for calculation of β+ decay of 17F nucleus8
Effect of entrance channel parameters on the elastic scattering of light nuclei8
On the multipole mixing ratio of the 1066 keV transition from the 0.52 μs isomer of 180Hf8
Transitional patterns in the spherical mean-field plus quadrupole-quadrupole and pairing model within two-j shells8
Improved high-precision mass measurements of mid-shell neon isotopes8
Bound states and electromagnetic radiation of relativistically rotating cylindrical wells8
New determination of |Vcb| using the three-loop QCD corrections for the B → D⁎ semi-leptonic decays8
Editorial Board8
Prerequisites for heavy quark coalescence in heavy-ion collisions7
Ground state deformation comparison between covariant density functional theory and proxy-SU(3) model in transitional nuclei7
105Rh yield from the proton induced fission of uranium7
Cluster radioactivity in trans-lead region: A systematic study with modified empirical formulas7
Study of charm and bottom quark energy loss and associated meson RAA spectra in proton-lead collisions at 7
Cluster structure of 20Ne: Evidence for D7
Isoscalar and isovector giant resonances in 44Ca, 54Fe, 64,68Zn and 56,58,60,68Ni7
Shell-model study for GT-strengths corresponding to β decay of 60Ge and 62Ge7
New modified empirical formulae for favoured and unfavoured α-decay7
Antikaon-nucleon interaction within three-dimensional approach: Homogeneous and inhomogeneous Lippmann-Schwinger equations7
On the width of the K−D atom ground state7
Structures of terminating bands in Er isotopes7
An improved Gamow-like formula for cluster radioactivity7
Broken SU(6) symmetry and massive hybrid stars7
Handedness correlation from quark polarization7
Excitation functions for nat6
A systematic analysis for one proton radioactivity of ground state nuclei6
The correlation of quadrupole transition rates of deformed nuclei by non-parametric approach6
What to expect from microscopic nuclear modelling for keff calculations?6
Erratum to “A new Δh method and its application to the asymptotic normalization constants of the 16O bound states” [Nucl. Phys. A 1014 (2021) 122257]6
Re-examination of nuclear structure properties and shape co-existence of nuclei around A ∼ 706
TOTEM-ATLAS ambiguity: Shouldn't one worry?6
Exploring the competition between α-decay and proton radioactivity: A comparative study of proximity potential formalisms6
Quarkyonic equation of state with momentum-dependent interaction and neutron star structure6
Di-gluonium sum rules, I = 0 scalar mesons and conformal anomaly6
α-decay half-lives new semi-empirical relationship including asymmetry, angular momentum and shell effects6
Systematics of electric dipole excitations for odd-mass 233−239U isotopes6
Description of temperature effects on proton radioactivity6
Erratum to “Systematic Trends of 026
Fusion and fission barrier heights and positions within the Generalized Liquid Drop Model5
QCD parameters and SM-high precision from e+e−→ Hadrons: Updated5
Editorial Board5
On the possibility of testing the two-peak structure of the LHCb hidden-charm strange pentaquark P(4459)0 in near-threshold antikaon-induced charmonium production on protons and nuclei5
Forbidden beta decay properties of 135,137Te using shell-model5
Probing multi-particle bunching from intermittency analysis in relativistic heavy-ion collisions5
Controlling volume fluctuations for studies of critical phenomena in nuclear collisions5
Gluon generalized TMDs and Wigner distributions in boost invariant longitudinal space5
On the sound speed in hyperonic stars5
Probing deformed nuclei: Experimental insights into excited states of 152,153,154Gd isotopes through fusion-evaporation reactions5
Efficiency corrections for factorial moments and cumulants of overlapping sets of particles5
Predictions for the sPHENIX physics program5
Investigation of the proton radius of the Borromean halo nucleus 19B5
Erratum to “Localization of peripheral reactions and sensitivity to the imaginary potential” [Nucl. Phys. A 1006 (2021) 122109]5
Deformation in 92−128Pd isotopes5
Imaging constituent quark shape of proton with exclusive vector meson production at HERA5
Study of the Nuclear Structure of some FP-Shell Nuclei with Skyrme Effective Interaction5
Effect of entrance channel parameters on compound nucleus formation probability in heavy ion fusion reactions5
Heavy particle radioactivity of superheavy element Z = 1265
Nucleation of baryons in relativistic hadron-nucleus collisions5
A new Δh method and its application to the asymptotic normalization constants of the 16O bound states5
Theoretical study of isotope production in the peripheral heavy-ion collision 136Xe + Pb at 1 GeV/nucleon4
Editorial Board4
(γ, χ(J = 0,1)) and (γ, η) production in electron-positron annihilation at s<4
Special features of nuclear structure of 128-134
a0(980)-meson twist-2 distribution amplitude within the QCD sum rules and investigation of D → a0(980)(→ηπ)e+ν4
Alpha decay study of Thorium isotopes using double folding model with NN interactions derived from relativistic mean field theory4
Editorial Board4
Level scheme of 164Dy obtained from 163Dy(nth4
Editorial Board4
A proposed solution for the lifetime puzzle of the 229m4
A model-independent irreducible tensor formalism to analyse the sequential decays of the triple strange process 4
A model-free procedure to correct for volume fluctuations in E-by-E analyses of particle multiplicities4
Editorial Board4
Optical potential parameters of light nuclear fusion based on precise Coulomb wave functions4
Exploring the QGP phase above the deconfinement temperature in pp and A − A collisions at LHC energies4
Nucleon electroweak form factors using spin-improved holographic light-front wavefunctions4
Editorial Board4
Shell model based description of single-particle and collective excitations in 66Zn4
The isovector density-dependence of the M3Y nucleon-nucleon interactions and related soft and hard equations of state4
Heavy-ion fusion cross sections in the barrier and high-energy regions: Signature of energy dependence in the repulsive core potential4
Systematic shell-model study for structure and isomeric states in 200−210Po isotopes4
Investigation of the cold valley paths for the synthesis of isotopes of Ubh in optimum orientations4
A theoretical investigation on the spectroscopy and structure of the exotic tetraquark states4
Editorial Board4
Tensor and isovector–isoscalar terms of relativistic mean field model: Impacts on neutron-skin thickness, charge radius, and nuclear matter4
Re-examination of astrophysical S-factor of proton capture Be4
Exploring asymmetric fission in 180Hg⁎ compound nucleus using dynamical cluster-decay model4
Nuclear mass predictions with multi-hidden-layer feedforward neural network4
Davydov-Chaban Hamiltonian with deformation-dependent mass term for the Kratzer potential4
241Am and 245Cm as candidates for the ROT effect investigation4
Precise resonance parameter measurement in the 12C(p,γ)13N astrophysically important reaction4
Coexistence of quartets and pairs in even-even N > Z nuclei4
Electromagnetic dipole transitions below 4 MeV in odd-neutron 161,163Dy4
Exploring light nuclei production at RHIC and LHC energies with A Multi-Phase Transport model and a coalescence afterburner4
Proton inelastic scattering in inverse kinematics as a mean for determining decay rates in continuum: The 9Be + p case4
Algebraic solutions for o(124
Rapidity window dependence of ridge correlations in the glasma4
Editorial Board4
Coulomb field correction due to virtual e+e− production in heavy ion collisions4
Threshold anomalies in 9Be + 12C4
Cross-shell excitations in doubly magic 132Sn and its nearest neighbours4
12B(n,γ)13B reaction as an alternative path to astrophysical synthesis of 13C isotope4