Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics

(The TQCC of Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Novel Chain and Ribbon ZnO Nanoporous Crystalline Phases in Cubic Lattice71
Mössbauer and Magnetic Properties Investigation of REFe0.5Cr0.5O3 (RE=La, Y) Perovskite53
The Trivalent Rare‐Earth Dopant in the KBaPO4 and KSrPO4 Compounds: An Atomistic Simulation Study36
Optical Index Matching, Flexible Electrospun Substrates for Seamless Organic Photocapacitive Sensors34
Investigation of Solid–Solid Transition in Ti and Zr at High Pressure by Electrical Resistivity26
Spin‐Polarized Edge‐State Transport in L‐Shaped MoS2 Nanodevice Modulated by Exchange Field and Electric Field24
Comparison of the Multiferroic Properties of Ion‐Doped Hexagonal LuFeO3 and LaFeO322
Backside Absorbing Layer Microscopy: Monolayer Counting in 2D Crystal Flakes20
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal‐Doped MoS2 Monolayer: First‐Principles Calculations20
Si‐Doping of Low‐Temperature‐Grown GaAs Heterostructures on (100) and (111)A GaAs Substrates19
Competing and Anisotropic Exchange Interactions in the Kagome Lattice Ferromagnet Co3Sn2S218
First‐Principles Study of Structural and Elastic, Electronic, and Thermoelectric Properties of PdSe218
Characterization of Graphene and Indium Tin Oxynitride Thin Films for Use as Layers in Resistive Memories18
Transformation Dynamics of Nanosized Bi Films into Semiconductor Films of Bismuth Oxide in the Cold Plasma Device18
Defect Structure and Luminescence of κ‐Ga2O3 Micro‐Monocrystals17
Investigation of Mg1−xNixS Alloys for Spintronic and Optoelectronic Application16
Detecting Strain Effects Due to Nanobubbles in Graphene Mach–Zehnder Interferometers16
First‐Principles Investigation on the Structural, Mechanical, and Bonding Properties of ZrB2 Under Different Pressures15
High‐Efficiency Separation of Near‐Zigzag Single‐Chirality Carbon Nanotubes by Gel Chromatography15
Mechanical Properties Analysis on a Novel Negative Poisson's Ratio Voronoi Foam‐Filled Corrugated Tube Under Impact Loading15
1D Vertical Ferroelectricity in Functionalized Carbon/Boron Nitride Nanotubes15
Strain‐Induced Selective Active Gas Sensor Based on Fe‐Loaded Black Phosphorus15
Ultrafast Exciton and Trion Dynamics in High‐Quality Encapsulated MoS2Monolayers15
Interband Transitions and Critical Points of Single‐Crystal Thoria Compared with Urania15
Selective Area Growth of Cubic Gallium Nitride in Nanoscopic Silicon Dioxide Masks14
Influence of A‐Site Doping on the Local Structure and Magnetic Behavior of BiFeO3 Nanoparticles Investigated by X‐Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy14
First‐Principles Study of Schottky Barrier Heights on Metal/4H‐SiC Polar Interfaces14
Extended Poisson's Ratio Range in Chiral Isotropic Elastic Materials14
Antiphase Domain Boundary Formation in 2D Ba–Ti–O on Pd(111): An Alternative to Phase Separation14
Landau‐Level Spectrum and the Effect of Spin–Orbit Coupling in Monolayer Graphene on Transition Metal Dichalcogenides13
A New‐Type Lightweight Helical Elastic Metamaterial with Ultra‐Low‐Frequency Bandgaps13
Molecular Dynamics Study on Adding Tungsten‐Carbide Grains to 304 Stainless Steel Polycrystals13
Machine Learning for Orbital Energies of Organic Molecules Upwards of 100 Atoms12
Intrinsic Defect and Deformation on Local Structure Caused by Rare‐Earth Ions in the Na3V2(PO4)2F3 Cathode Material12
Dynamical Pathways for the Interaction of O2, H2O, CH4, and CO2 with α‐Alumina Surfaces: Density‐Functional Tight‐Binding Calculations12
Majority and Minority Carrier Traps in Manganese as‐Implanted and Postimplantation‐Annealed 4H‐SiC11
Influence of Solvent Properties on the Measurement Accuracy of Specific Rotation of Chiral Molecular Solutions Based on Photonic Spin Hall Effect11
Growth of MnxAu1−x Films on Cu(001) and Ag(001) Single‐Crystal Substrates11
Electron Spin Resonance Study of Hydrogen‐Free Germanium‐Doped Diamond‐Like Carbon Films11
Cover Picture11
Structural, Electronic, and Vibrational Properties of N2O4 under Pressure from First‐Principles Study11
The Near‐Infrared‐II Optical Tuning and Electronic Engineering of MoS2 Bilayers Doped by Halogen Elements11
Phase Transformations in the AlMg Alloys Driven by High‐Pressure Torsion10
Dispersive Spectra of Phonon Modes and Fröhlich Electron–Phonon Coupling Properties in AlGaN Quantum Rings: Wurzite versus Zinc‐Blende Structure10
Adsorption and Migration of a Single Lithium on Tetra‐Penta‐Hepta‐Graphene Nanoribbon: a Density Functional Theory Approach10
Charge and Spin Transports Through a Normal Lead Coupled to an S‐Wave Superconductor and Majorana Fermions10
Solution of the Spectral Problem for (2m,m) Carbon Nanotubes by Green's Function Method10
Stacking Fault Manifolds and Structural Configurations of Partial Dislocations in InGaN Epilayers10
Reversibly Tuning the Optical Properties of Defective Transition‐Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers10
Dielectric Behavior and Spontaneous Polarization as a Consequence of Berry Quantum Phase Effect: The case of La2NiMnO6 Double Perovskite—A New Approach to Polarization10
DFT Calculations for Some Perovskites and Their Solid Solutions10
Magnetoresistance of Nanosized, Granular Sr2FeMoO6–δ–SrMoO4 Core–Shell Structures10
Twin‐Peak Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Phase of Diffusive SrBi1.98La0.02Nb2−xTaxO9 Materials10
Revealing the Synthesis of Triangular Silver Nanoplates: A Study of the Photochemical Growth Mechanism around the pH and Trisodium Citrate Variations10
Measuring Energy Gaps of Organic Semiconductors by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopies10
Magnetoresistance and Electric Polarization in the LuxMn1–xS Compound9
Enhanced Li Adsorption in Single‐Walled Blue Phosphorus Nanotubes by B, C, N, and Si‐Doping9
Plasmon Dynamics in Electron‐Doped Graphene and AA‐ versus AB‐Stacked Bilayer Graphene9
Investigating the Secondary Electron Emission of Nanomaterials Induced by a High‐Resolution Proton Beam9
Evolution and Intersection of Extended Defects and Stacking Faults in 3C‐SiC Layers on Si (001) Substrates by Molecular Dynamics Simulations: The Forest Dislocation Case9
Generalizing Fowler–Nordheim Tunneling Theory for an Arbitrary Power Law Barrier9
Photoluminescence of Double Quantum Wells: Asymmetry and Excitation Laser Wavelength Effects9
Monolayer NbNSe with High Fermi Velocity and Anisotropic Properties9
Absorption and Photoluminescence of Silicon Nanocrystals Investigated by Excited State DFT: Role of Embedding Dielectric and Defects9
Optical Stability of Thick‐Shell CdSe@ZnS/ZnS Quantum Dots Dissolved in n‐Octane in Wide Range of Mass Concentration: Photoluminescence Decay Study8
Partially Auxetic Properties of Face‐Centered Cubic Hard‐Sphere Crystals with Nanochannels of Different Sizes, Parallel to [001]‐Direction and Filled by Other Hard Spheres8
Dislocation Dynamics in Monocrystalline Si near the Melting Point Studied in Situ by X‐Ray Bragg Diffraction Imaging8
Selenizing Possibilities of Cu2HgSnS4—i.e., Cu2HgSn(SexS1−x)4 Compound Semiconductor: Potential Candidate for Solar Phot8
Experimental Identification of Atomic Orbital Contributions to SnS Valence Band using Polarization‐Dependent Angle‐Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy8
Nanoscale Mapping of Sub‐Gap Electroluminescence from Step‐Bunched, Oxidized 4H‐SiC Surfaces8
Trivial and Topological Bound States in Bilayer Graphene Quantum Dots and Rings8
Form and Function of Disorder8
Propagating Surface Plasmon Polaritons Excited at the Graphene Oxide/AgAu Alloy Interface Enhance Nonlinearity8
Mechanically Modulated Ferromagnetism and Critical Properties of Flexible Perovskite SrRuO3 Thin Film8
Ab Initio Hydrogen Dynamics and the Morphology of Voids in Amorphous Silicon8
A Modeling Study of Electron Transport in GaN/AlGaN Superlattices Using Monte Carlo Simulation7
Weak Electron Irradiation Suppresses the Anomalous Magnetization of N‐Doped Diamond Crystals7
Insights on Elastic Anisotropy and Thermal Properties of Mg–Ti–O Compounds from First‐Principles Calculations7
Crystal Growth and Physical Properties Evolution in Co‐Doped NiTe2 System7
Impact of Inversion Domain Boundaries on the Electronic Properties of 3C‐SiC7
Dynamical Pathways for the Interaction of O2, H2O, CH4, and CO2 with α‐Alumina Surfaces: Density‐Functional Tight‐Binding Calculations7
Broadband Efficient Dual‐Polarization Airy Beam Generation with Reflective Metasurface7
Etchless Fabrication of High‐Quality Refractory Titanium Nitride Nanostructures7
First‐Principles Study of the Effects of La2+/3+ Doping and Oxygen Vacancies on TiO2 Magnetism, Carrier Lifetime, Activity, and Absorption Spectra7
Surface Structure and Temperature‐Reversible Phase Transition of Sn on W(110) Surface7
Resonant Tunneling Effects on the Double‐Barrier Electron Blocking Layer of a Nitride Deep‐UV Light‐Emitting Diode7
Study on Bandgap Property of Three‐Dimensional Star‐Like Double‐Arrow Lattice7
Microstructure of High‐Chromium Ferritic–Martensitic Steels for Next‐Generation Reactors7
Unconventional Photon Blockade in Quantum‐Well Microcavities with Squeezed Light7
Synthesis and Electronic Characterization of Weyl Semimetal TaSb2Polycrystalline Material7
Multiferroic Properties of Pure, Transition‐Metal and Rare‐Earth–Doped BaFe12O19 Nanoparticles7
Effect of Zinc Substitution on Structural, Dielectric, and Electrical Characteristics of Pb(Zr0.48Ti0.52)O3 Ceramics7
Effect of Internal Pressure on Incipient Ferroelectricity of Nanoconfined Water Molecules Observed in Hydrothermally Grown Beryl Crystals7
Changing Spin and Orbital Ground State Symmetries in Colloidal Nanoplatelets with Magnetic Fields7
On the Temperature‐ and Pressure‐Dependent Structure of Liquid Phosphorus: A Reverse Monte Carlo Study7
Incorporation and Interaction of Co‐Doped Be and Mg in GaN Grown by Metal‐Organic Chemic Vapor Deposition7
Prediction of Ta2C‐Type Vacancy‐Layered Structures in the Ternary Hf–Ta–C System6
Investigation of Rod‐Shaped Single‐Graphene Quantum Dot6
The Stability and Electronic and Thermal Transport Properties of New Tl‐Based MAX‐Phase Compound Ta2TlX (X: C or N)6
Effect of BiFeO3 Doping and Annealing Temperature on the High‐Temperature Dielectric Relaxation Properties in BaTiO3–SrTiO3 Lead‐Free Ceramics6
Effects of Strain‐Induced Cyclic Transformation on the Microstructure of the Peened Surface of SUS 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel6
Computational Search for Compounds with the Highest Melting Temperature in the Ternary HfC‐Based Ceramics6
Electronic, Structural, Optical, and Magnetic Characteristics A2MgS4 of (A=Dy, Er) Spinel Sulfides: A Density Functional Theory Study6
Nonlinear Optical Effects in Europium Melilite Eu2MgSi2O76
Reproducibility of the Optical Absorption Edge in Amorphous GeS26
Fourier‐Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of MoTe2 Thin Films6
Nitrogen Concentration Dependence of Two‐Step Photocurrent Generation by Below‐Gap Excitation in GaPN Alloys6
Bulk and Surface Electrical Properties of BiSb on Flat and Ion‐Beam Nano‐Patterned InP Substrates6
Gas Sensors Based on Pseudohexagonal Phase of Gallium Oxide6
Theoretical Investigation of Quantum Capacitance of M2C MXenes as Supercapacitor Electrode6
A Computational Understanding of Electronic, Magnetic, Mechanical, Thermoelectric, and Thermodynamic Properties of Rhodium‐Based Full‐Heusler Alloys Rh2MnX (X = Sc, Ti, Zr)6
Josephson Transmission Line Revisited6
Effects of Surface States on the Green Luminescence in ZnO6
First‐Principles Study of Structural, Electronic, and Elastic Properties of Sb2S3 under Pressure6
Identification of the Nitrogen Interstitial as Origin of the 3.1 eV Photoluminescence Band in Hexagonal Boron Nitride6
Imogolite: Curvature‐Induced Hospitality for Trivalent Dopants6
Magnetic Behavior of Light Lanthanide (La–Tb) in Linear‐Chain Nitrilo‐Tris‐Methylenephosphonates with Different Structures6
Photons, Orbital Angular Momentum, and Neutrons6
A New‐Type Lightweight Helical Elastic Metamaterial with Ultra‐Low‐Frequency Bandgaps6
GaN and InGaN Based Nanocomposites for Ammonia Gas Sensing Applications6
Phase Calibration of the Parametric Gate in the Superconducting Circuits6
Tuning Confined States and Valley G‐Factors by Quantum Dot Design in Bilayer Graphene6
Switchable Phase Transition from Crystalline to Amorphous States of Cadmium Sulfate Octahydrate Single Crystals by Shock Waves6
Pyramid Formation by Etching of InxGa1−xN/GaN Quantum Well Structures Grown on N‐face GaN for Nanooptical Light Emitters6
Auxetics and Other Systems with Unusual Characteristics6
Optical Properties of Synthesized Hexagonal CdTe Nanoparticles Having Hexagonal Phase: Density Functional Theory‐Supported Calculation of Bandgap and Density of States6
DFT Study about the Effect of Doping on the Properties of GaSb Material and Designing of High‐Efficiency Infrared Photodetector6
Space Charge Region beyond the Abrupt Approximation6
Suppression of Mixing of Metastable Zincblende Phase in GaN Crystal Grown on ScAlMgO4 Substrates by Radio‐Frequency Plasma‐Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy5
Electrochemical Etching of Nitrogen Ion‐Implanted Gallium Nitride – A Route to 3D Nanoporous Patterning5
Divulging the Potential of Sodium Carbide Thin Film for Semiconductor Applications5
Effect of Introducing Defects and Doping on Different Properties of Monolayer MoS25
Polarized UV–Visible Photoluminescence from Bulk β‐Ga2O3 Crystals5
Closed‐Loop Defect States in 2D Materials with Honeycomb Lattice Structure: Molybdenum Disulfide5
Vortex Phase Diagram and Pinning Mechanisms of Air‐Annealed FeTe0.8S0.2 Single Crystals5
Structural Properties of Nanometer‐Sized Gold Nanoparticles on a Silicon Substrate5
Impact of the Lead‐Free Crystal Matrix 0.94NBaTiO3‐0.06SrTiO3 on the Photoluminescence Properties of Eu+35
Growth Mechanism of Spiky Nb2O5 Nanoparticles and their Electrochemical Property5
Controlled Charge Polarity in WSe2 Field‐Effect Transistor Grown by Self‐Flux Method5
Control of Metal‐Rich Growth for GaN/AlN Superlattice Fabrication on Face‐to‐Face‐Annealed Sputter‐Deposited AlN Templates5
First‐Principles Study on the Spin Polarization of Single‐Walled Arsenic Nitride Nanotubes Decorated with C, O, Ge, and Se5
Presence of High Density Positive Fixed Charges at ALD–Al2O3/GaN (cap) Interface for Efficient Recovery of 2‐DEG in Ultrathin‐Barrier AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure5
Computational Prediction of Structural, Optoelectronic, Thermodynamic, and Thermoelectric Response of the Cubic Perovskite RbTmCl3 via DFT‐mBJ + SOC Studies5
GaAsBi: From Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth to Devices5
Realization of High‐Resistive Ni‐Doped GaN Crystal by Hydride Vapor‐Phase Epitaxy5
Reliability of 1.5 × 1.5 mm2β‐Ga2O3 Power Diodes and Application in DC–DC Converter5
Hydrogen Donors in Anatase TiO25
An Examination of the Vibrational, Mechanical, Thermoelectric Features and Stability of Novel Half‐Heusler XVIn (X = Pd, Pt) by Density Functional Theory Computation5
Pressure Dependence of Mechanical and Thermodynamic Properties of MAX‐Phase M2GaC (M = Nb and Ta) from First‐Principles Calculations5
Superconductive Sodalite‐Like Clathrate Hydrides MXH12$\left(\text{MXH}\right)_{12}$ with Critical Temperatures of near 300 K under Pressures5
P4S10 Modification for Lithium Metal Anode Surface5
Nonclassical Thermal Twist of the Chiral Gyroid Lattice5
Abnormal Site Preference of Al and Ga in Gd3Al2.3Ga2.7O12:Ce Crystals5
Optical Index Matching, Flexible Electrospun Substrates for Seamless Organic Photocapacitive Sensors5
Mössbauer Spectrometry of Model Binary Fe100−xCrx (1 ≤ x ≤ 50) Alloys5
Hydrogen Incorporation in Semiconductors5
Effect of Different Concentrations of Co Doping on the Properties of η′‐Cu6Sn5 and Ni3Sn4: First‐Principles Study5
The Pressure‐Induced Structural Stability, Mechanical, and Optoelectronic Properties of Pb2ScTaO6 Perovskite: a Density Functional Theory Study5
Surface‐Enhanced Electronic Raman Scattering at Various Metal Surfaces5
Adiabatic Potential for Conformational Change of VGa–VN Complex Defects in GaN5
Promising 2D Carbon Allotropes with Intrinsic Bandgaps Based on Bilayer α‐Graphyne5
Molybdenum Induced Modifications in the Quantum Capacitance of Graphene‐Based Supercapacitor Electrodes: First‐Principle Calculations5
Effect of Dopants on Σ3 (111) Grain Boundary in Diamond5
A Poisson–Nernst–Planck Model of Ion Transport and Interface Segregation in Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor Structures and Solar Cells5
Design of Perovskite‐Based Photodetector Demonstrating Wide Spectral Responsivity Employing Graphene Oxide for Enhanced Electron Transport5
Anelastic and Magnetic Properties of Polycrystalline La0.6Sr0.4Fe1−xCuxO3−δ5
Density Functional Theory Study on the Interfacial Properties of CuS/Bi2S3 Heterostructure5
An Investigation of Reconfigurable Magnetomechanical Metamaterials5
Thermal Stability of L12‐Modified Al2.5Cu0.5Ti Particles in Al Matrix5
Third‐Order Susceptibility of Lithium Niobate: Influence of Polarons and Bipolarons5
Inelastic Scattering in Weak Localization for Single‐Layer Graphene5
A Study of Thermoelectric Performance of TlGaSe2 Layered Dichalcogenides from First‐Principles Calculations: Vacancy Defects Modeling and Engineering5
Activation Energy of DC Hopping Conductivity of Lightly Doped Weakly Compensated Crystalline Semiconductors5
Analysis of the Electronic, Magnetic, Elasto‐Mechanical, Thermoelectric, and Thermodynamic Potential of Ruthenium‐Based Full Heusler Alloys Ru2MnX (X = V and Nb)4
Circuit Emulating Neural Response Based on Ga2O3 Photomemristor4
Luminescence Enhancement of Red‐Emitting Sr9MnK(PO4)7 Phosphor via Energy Transfer and Charge Compensation4
The Introduction of Intermediate Layers for InGaN Growth on ScAlMgO4 through Trihalide Vapor‐Phase Epitaxy4
Visible–Near‐Infrared Diffuse Reflectance and Optical Energy Gap of Sodium Niobate Modified by Mn Ions: Na(Nb1−zMnz)O3and (Na1−xBi4
The Effects of Alloying Elements on the Bonding Strength of Diamond/Carbide/Cu Interface Based on First‐Principles Calculations4
Mass Imbalance Effects in the Excitonic Condensation of the Extended Falicov–Kimball Model4
Ni‐Alloyed Copper Iodide Thin Films: Microstructural Features and Functional Performance4
Magnetic Helicity in a Chiral‐Polar Magnet Ni2InSbO64
Effect of Au Deposition Rate on the Gold Droplet Velocity on Si(111) and Si(011) Surfaces (Monte Carlo Simulation)4
Monte Carlo Simulation of a Mixed Spin‐1/2 and Spin‐3/2 Ising Ferrimagnetic System with Site Dilution4
On the Auxetic Potential of Synthesizable Calix[4]arene Polymers4
Insight into the Grain Refining Mechanism of Al–Ti–C and the Interfacial Properties between the Inoculants and Aluminum4
Optical Investigations of Nano‐LEDs Based on Submicron‐Sized III‐Nitride Platelets4
Atomic and Electronic Structures of the Interfaces between Perovskite La0.75Sr0.25MnO3 and Brownmillerite SrCoO2.54
Effects of Twin Boundary on Tensile Properties and Deformation Mechanism of Ni–Co Alloy Nanopillars4
Reflectometry with Polarized Neutrons on In Situ Grown Thin Films4
An Experimental Proposal to Study Collapse of the Wave Function in Traveling‐Wave Parametric Amplifiers4
High‐Temperature Annealing and Patterned AlN/Sapphire Interfaces4
Mist‐Chemical Vapor Deposition Homoepitaxial β‐Ga2O3 Films Grown on Ni Mask4
Near‐Field Phase‐Contrast Imaging of Micropores in Silicon Carbide Crystals with Synchrotron Radiation4
Elucidating the Surface Properties of Sr3PbO Inverse‐Perovskite Topological Insulator: A First‐Principles Study4
Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure, the Density of States, Optical Properties, and Superconducting Transition Temperature of ZrBeSi Crystal under Pressure4
Uniaxial Molecular Alignment in Thin Films Composed of Discrete NDI‐T2 Oligomers Investigated by Variable‐Angle Spectroscopic and Imaging Ellipsometry4
2D V–VI Binary Nanosheets with Square Lattice: A Theoretical Investigation4
Local Structure, Structural, Vibrational, and Optical Properties of Natural Zircon4
Electronic Structure and Optical Property of 2D MgPX3 (X = S and Se) Monolayer by Density Functional Theory4
Coercivity, Activation Volumes, and Interactions in BaFe12O194
Magnetic Penetration Depth and Coherence Length in a Single‐Crystal YBa2Cu3O7−δ4
Optoelectronic Characterization of 2D Graphene‐Based Heterostructures: Gr/MoS2 and Gr/WS24
High‐Purity Er3N@C80 Films: Morphology, Spectroscopic Characterization, and Thermal Stability4
Mass Imbalance Effects in the Excitonic Condensation of the Extended Falicov–Kimball Model4
Cover Picture4
Quasi‐Static Mechanical Properties of a Modified Auxetic Re‐Entrant Honeycomb Metamaterial4
Calculation of Graphene Work Function Variations Due to Alkali Metal + Oxygen Adsorption4
Tin Gallium Oxide Epilayers on Different Substrates: Optical and Compositional Analysis4
Understanding Carbon Nanotubes Functionalization and Their Interactions with Lipids Toward Drug Delivery Systems: A Combined Experimental and Computational Spectroscopic Investigation4
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Van der Waals Layered Metal Phosphorous Trichalcogenides4
Optical Properties of 3‐Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons Produced by a Combination of Chemical Vapor Deposition with a Bottom‐up Approach4
Effect of Twin Spacing and Loading Mode on Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanism of NiCoAl Columnar Polycrystalline Alloy4
Exact Analytical Solutions for the Kinks, the Solitons and the Shocks in Discrete Nonlinear Transmission Line with Nonlinear Capacitance4
Octahedral Tilting and Modulation Structure in Perovskite‐Related Compound La1/3NbO34
Investigation of Excitons Properties in Atomically Thin CsPbBr3 Perovskite Film4
2D Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Properties and Applications4
Graphene‐Based Angle‐Insensitive and Tunable Single‐Band and Dual‐Band Metamaterial Terahertz Absorber4
Superconducting Properties of Welded Three Top‐Seeded YBa2Cu3O7−x Produced with NdBCO/YBCO/MgO Thin‐Film Seed4
Interlayer Excitonic Spectra of Vertically Stacked MoSe2/WSe2 Heterobilayers4
Investigation of Electronic Structure, Magnetic, Mechanical, Thermodynamic, Thermoelectric, and Optical Properties of Half‐Metallic V2MnSb and V2FeSb Heusler Alloys4
Hard X‐Ray Photoemission Study of Heusler‐Type Fe2−xRexVAl Thermoelectric Compounds4
Polarization Spectroscopy of Anisotropic Plasmons in Self‐Oriented Nanoclusters of Gold on Monolayer of Nitrogen Atoms Chemisorbed at GaAs(001) Surface4
A Theoretical Study of Local Electronic–Magnetic Properties for LiCoMnO4 in the Charge and Discharge Process3
Theoretical Mapping of Interaction between Alkali Metal Atoms Adsorbed on Graphene‐Like BC3 Monolayer3
Structural, Electrical, and Magnetic Properties of Hexagonal Lu0.5−xZrxSc0.5FeO3 Ceramics3
Mixtures of Silver Nanowires and Nanocellulose Nanowires for Green Chemistry Quasi‐1D Transparent Electrodes3
Apparent Negative Stiffness Induced by Constriction3
A Linear Thermoelectricity Theory for Thermoelectric Materials3
Density Functional Theory Study of the High‐Pressure Characterization of Nitrogen‐Rich Energetic Materials: Bis‐Triaminoguanidinium Azotetrazolate (TAGzT)3
Optical and Electronic Properties of p‐type Transparent Conductive Oxide Cs2Pb2O3: A Density Functional Theory Study3
Electronic, Elastic, and Thermoelectric Properties of Bulk CdX (X = S, Se, and Te) Binary Semiconductors from First‐Principles Approaches3
Fabrication of Bariumtrisulphide Thin Films as Precursors for Chalcogenide Perovskites3