Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A-Physic

(The TQCC of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A-Physic is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
ANFIS Computing for M/M/$$\infty$$ Queue with Two Types of Service Interruption and Balking13
A Study on Countability in the Context of Multiset Topological Spaces12
Global Dynamics of a Fractional-order Ebola Model with Delayed Immune Response on Complex Networks8
Investigation and Comparison of Nutritional Supplements (Elements and Compounds) in Various Tea Leaves using Spectroscopic Techniques7
Polyaniline Based Voltammetric and Potentiometric Sensors with Electrochemically-Influenced Ion-Discriminating Positions for Determination of Mercury(II)7
Estimation of Lining Pressure for Stability of Elliptical Tunnel in Cohesive-Frictional Soils7
Influence of Second-Order Partial Slip Conditions on Peristaltic Transport of MHD Pseudoplastic Fluid with Suction and Injection7
On Weakly Douglas Warped Product Finsler Metrics6
Thermal Device Beyond the Carnot Limit5
Advances in All Optical Spintronic Memory5
Review Paper on Ni-Cu ferrite5
Mathematical Approach on Chipping Volume Estimation Generated During Rotary Ultrasonic Drilling for Float Glass4
Effect of Seismicity on the Seismic Resilience of a R.C. Building4
On the Existence Theorem of a Three-Step Newton-Type Method Under Weak L-Average4
Strongly Clean Semiring4
Differentiation of Chemical Components in Basaltic Melts During Eruptions: An Example from Tolbachik–Hawaiian Fissure Zones and Etna Vent4
Determination of EDTA in Aqueous Medium4
Effect of Phase-Lags Model on Thermoelastic Interactions of Nonlocal Elastic Hollow Cylinder with Voids Material in the Presence of Time-Dependent Heat Flux4
An Analytical Approach to Realize Hypersecant Optical Soliton Pulse Based HALF-ADDER4
Independent Fuzzy Graph: A New Approach3
Approximation Process Based on Parametric Generalization of Schurer–Kantorovich Operators and their Bivariate Form3
Analytical Solution for Unsteady Adiabatic Flow Behind the Blast Wave in a Non-ideal Gas and Small Inert Solid Particles Mixture3
On Mechanical, Thermal, Morphological and Shape Memory Effect of Sol-Gel Prepared ZnO Nanoparticle Reinforced PLA Composites Materials3
Multi-Zone Fence Perimeter Surveillance: A New Edge-FOG Architecture for Efficient Detection and Classification of Intrusion3
Diameter Estimation of $$(m,\rho )$$-Quasi Einstein Manifolds2
Stagnation-Point Flow of the Williamson Nanofluid Containing Gyrotactic Micro-organisms2
Estimation of Crustal Tilting from Petrotectonic Interpretation of Mesozone Granitoid and its Marginal Parts, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India2
Injectivity of Harmonic Mappings with Fixed Analytic Part2
Invariant Projective Properties Under the Action of the Lie Group $$\textrm{SL}(3;\mathbb {R})$$ on $$\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^2$$2
The New Solar Radiation Estimation Models Using Different Weight Functions in the Moving Least Squares Approach2
A Facile Sodium Ethoxide Mediated Knoevenagel Condensation for Production of Ethyl(E)-2-Cyano-3-Substituted Aryl/Alkyl Acrylates2
Rough Statistical Convergent Functions Defined on Amenable Semigroups2
Ground Improvement Technique to Mitigate Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction for Structures Resting on Pile Foundations2
Rate of Convergence of $$\lambda$$-Bernstein-Beta type operators2
Emerging Memory Technologies for Data Storage and Brain-Inspired Computation: A Global View with Indian Research Insights with a Focus on Resistive Memories2
Effect of Environmental Gradient on Organic Carbon Stock of Wacho Forest Soil, South Western Ethiopia2
Investigation on Electrical Discharge Machining Parameters of Aluminium7075/Boron Carbide/Titanium Diboride Hybrid Composites by Grey Relational Analysis2
Bicomplex Caputo Derivative: A Comparative Study with Bicomplex Riemann–Liouville Operators and Applications2
Forecasting the Semg Signal Using Wavelet Transform and Anfis Model2
Optimal Control Strategies for COVID-19 Using SEIQR Mathematical Model2
Potentials and Fields of Space-Charge Waves in the Coaxial Elliptical Waveguide Consisting of An Annular Plasma in the Presence of An Axial Magnetic Field2
Surface Roughness Influence on the Dynamic Performance of Rayleigh Step Bearing Lubricated with Couplestress Fluid2
Unreliable Single Server Double Orbit Retrial Queue with Balking2
Two-Parameter Singular Perturbation Boundary Value Problems Via Quintic B-Spline Method1
On Randers Conformal Transformation of m-th Root Metric1
The Occurrence of Vanadiferous Titanomagnetite in Offshore Sediments, Gulf of Khambhat, West Coast of India1
Dark Energy Cosmological Models in Lyra Geometry for Bianchi-I Space Time1
Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Solutions of a Variable-Order Nonlinear Integro-differential Equation in a Banach Space1
Graphene and Graphene Oxide: A Long Race Horse1
Space of Wijsman $$\mu $$-Deferred Cesàro I-Statistically Convergent of Order (a, b) Set Sequence1
On $$\alpha $$-Split Domination in Graphs1
On the Quaternion Transformation and Field Equations in Curved Space-Time1
Effect of Polyvinylpyrrolidone on Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Silver Metal Nanoparticles: A Comparative Analysis1
On Fourier Approximation of Periodic Functions and Their Conjugates Belonging to the Weighted Lipschitz Class1
Noether-Type Conserved Quantities on Time Scales for Birkhoffian Systems with Delayed Arguments1
Mathematical Modeling: Zoonotic Strength of Infectivity on COVID-191
Antimicrobial Evaluation of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Compared with Date Fruit Extracts1
Review on Thermogravimetric Analysis of Carbon Dots1
Kagome Magnets: The Emerging Materials for Spintronic Memories1
Symptomatic Study of Celiac Disease Patients Using Fuzzy Logic1
On Conformally Flat Exponential $$(\alpha , \beta )$$-Metrics1
Experimental Study and Analysis of Meteorological and Wavefront Profile for Terrestrial Free Space Optical Communication Link at Lat.10.66° and Long.79.05°1
On the Wavelet Transform for Boehmians1
IoT Adoption for Smart Cities Waste Management using Pythagorean Fuzzy MEREC-SWARA-ARAS Method1
Analysis of Waves at Boundary Surfaces at Distinct Media with Nonlocal Dual-Phase-Lag1
On Application of a Positioning System Using Photosensors with User Mobility Support in HealthCare System1
On Ricci Pseudo-Symmetric Mixed Generalised Quasi-Einstein–Hermitian Manifolds1
A Brief History of Modelling Marine Ecology in the Upper Ocean1
Dynamics of a Non-autonomous Prey–Predator Model with Age-Structured Growth in Prey and Predation of Beddington–DeAngelis Type with Reliance on Alternative Food1
Modelling and Optimization of Resistance Spot Weld Responses Using RSM–GA Technique for DP590 Steel Sheets1
On the Blast Wave Propagation and Structure in a Rotational Axisymmetric Perfect Gas1
New Types of Convergence of Complex Uncertain Double Sequences1
Existence of Finite Global Norm of Potential Vector Field in a Ricci Soliton1
Mitigation Strategies Using Nano-enabled Technologies for Sustainable Development Goals1
Extraction of Lignosulfonate from Jute Sticks and its Application in Lead–Acid Battery1
Formation of 360° Domain Wall in a Ferromagnetic Nanowire by Splitting and Recombination of 180° Domain Wall1