IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering

(The TQCC of IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Analysis of Sound Fluctuations in Shallow Water in High Sea States161
Seal-Inspired Underwater Glider With a Rigid-Flexible Composite Hull141
CEWformer: A Transformer-Based Collaborative Network for Simultaneous Underwater Image Enhancement and Watermarking92
Table of Contents72
Three-Dimensional Geomorphometric Modeling of the Arctic Ocean Submarine Topography: A Low-Resolution Desktop Application66
A Novel Tracker of Adaptive Directional Ridge Separation and Prediction for Detecting Whistles59
Reconstructing Internal Tides Field Based on Sampling by Autonomous Underwater Vehicles55
Broadband Off-Grid DOA Estimation Using Block Sparse Bayesian Learning for Nonuniform Noise Variance48
Turbid Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Parameter-Tuned Stochastic Resonance45
Time Evolution of Bistatic Acoustic Scattering: Mechanism Loci Identification for Broadside Cylinder Near a Flat Interface42
End-to-End Plankton Database Collection System40
Editorial Farewell From Your Outgoing EiC39
2022 Index IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Vol. 4737
Method for Remote Sensing Oil Spill Applications Over Thermal and Polarimetric Imagery31
Multipath Data Fusion With Recursive ML-PDA and Generative ML-PMHT for VLO Targets in Underwater Environment31
Residual Learning With Multifactor Extreme Learning Machines for Waveheight Prediction30
Angular MIMO for Underwater Wireless Optical Communications: Link Modeling and Tracking30
Convolutional Neural Networks and Transformers-Based Techniques for Underwater Marine Debris Classification: A Comparative Study29
2023 Index IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Vol. 4829
Multifrequency Phased-Arrays With Dynamic Range Ratio Control for Coastal Monitoring29
Corrections to “Coherence-Induced Bias Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Sonar Along-Track Micronavigation” [Jan 22 162-178]27
Unsupervised Domain Transfer for Task Automation in Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Intervention Operations26
Estimation of Synthetic Aperture Resolution by Measuring Point Scatterer Responses25
New Insight Into Internal Waves for Maritime Applications: A Novel Optical Method With Ocean Experimental Results24
Seabed Characterization Experiment: Analysis of Broadband Data24
Autonomous Underwater Environment Perceiving and Modeling: An Experimental Campaign With FeelHippo AUV for Forward Looking Sonar-Based Automatic Target Recognition and Data Association24
Robust Chinese Remainder Theorem–Based Synthetic Aperture Sonar Motion Estimation23
Riding Stress Wave: Underwater Communications Through Pipeline Networks22
Cross-Track Seabed Imaging and Buried Object Detection With a Multibeam Sonar21
Spatial Coherence of Speckle for Repeat-Pass Synthetic Aperture Sonar Micronavigation21
A Robust Sidescan Sonar Bottom-Tracking Method Based on an Adaptive Threshold21
2024 Index IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Vol. 4921
Experimental Investigation of a Bidirectional Impulse Turbine for Oscillating Flows at Various Resistive Loads21
Development of a Real-Time Latching Control Algorithm Based on Wave Force Prediction20
Target Detection and Segmentation in Circular-Scan Synthetic Aperture Sonar Images Using Semisupervised Convolutional Encoder–Decoders20
Seabed Classification From Multispectral Multibeam Data19
3-D Adaptive AUV Sampling for Classification of Water Masses18
Passive Acoustic Signal Processing at Low Frequency With a 3-D Acoustic Vector Sensor Hosted on a Buoyancy Glider18
Experimental Demonstration of an Autonomous Distributed-Consensus Network for Underwater Passive-Acoustic Detection18
Estimating the Motion Parameters of Sound Sources Using a Network of Compact Arrays18
The Effects of Cross-Sectional Geometry on Wave-Induced Loads for Underwater Vehicles17
Fast Detection of Small Targets in High-Resolution Maritime Radars by Feature Normalization and Fusion17
Exploiting Spatial–Temporal Joint Sparsity for Underwater Acoustic Multiple-Input–Multiple-Output Communications16
A Kriged Compressive Sensing Approach to Reconstruct Acoustic Fields From Measurements Collected by Underwater Vehicles16
Terrain-Aided Navigation With Coarse Maps—Toward an Arctic Crossing With an AUV16
Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Robotic Sediment Sampling Systems16
A Fully-Autonomous Framework of Unmanned Surface Vehicles in Maritime Environments Using Gaussian Process Motion Planning16
Improving the Link Availability of an Underwater Wireless Optical Communication System Using Chirped Pulse Compression Technique16
A CNN for Range and Seabed Estimation on Normalized and Extracted Time-Series Impulses15
Simplified Drag Modeling for the Dynamics of an Underwater Manipulator15
Real-Time Outlier Detection Applied to a Doppler Velocity Log Sensor Based on Hybrid Autoencoder and Recurrent Neural Network15
Semantic Segmentation in Underwater Ship Inspections: Benchmark and Data Set14
Hybrid Seabed Parameterization to Investigate Geoacoustic Gradients at the New England Mud Patch14
Multitask Sparse Bayesian Channel Estimation for Turbo Equalization in Underwater Acoustic Communications14
Frequency-Domain Decision Feedback Equalization for Single-Carrier Transmissions in Fast Time-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channels14
Multiheterogeneous AUV Swarm Technology Exemplified by the MAUS Project: Cooperation, Mission Planning and Hybrid Communication14
The Oceanographic Sensitivity of the Acoustic Channel in Shallow Water14
Optimization Design Method of the Umbilical Cable Global Configuration Based on Representative Fatigue Conditions14
A Dense Subframe-Based SLAM Framework With Side-Scan Sonar14
Joint Channel Estimation and Decoding for Underwater Acoustic Communication With a Short Pilot Sequence14
Real-Valued Sparse Bayesian Learning for Off-Grid Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) Estimation in Ocean Acoustics14
Binocular Underwater Measurement With Multicolor Structured Light13
ADRC-Based Underwater Navigation Control and Parameter Tuning of an Amphibious Multirotor Vehicle13
Interference-Constrained Scheduling of a Cognitive Multihop Underwater Acoustic Network13
A Robust Graph-Based Bathymetric Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Approach for AUVs13
Joint Equalization and Self-Interference Cancellation for Underwater Acoustic In-Band Full-Duplex Communication13
CGF-Unet: Semantic Segmentation of Sidescan Sonar Based on Unet Combined With Global Features12
Compressive Sensing of Cyclic Bispectrum12
Robust and Flexible Maritime ISAR Tracking Algorithm for Multiple Maneuvering Extended Vessels in Heavy-Tailed Clutter Using Skewed Multiple Model MB-Sub-RMM-TBD Filter12
Development and Motion Mechanism of a Novel Underwater Exploration Robot for Stratum Drilling12
Conventional Beamforming Algorithm Based on Polarization Filtering for an Acoustic Vector-Sensor Linear Array Mounted Near a Baffle12
NWSP: A Novel Indicator for Ocean–Land Interface Extraction Using Bathymetric LiDAR12
Reinforcement Learning Based Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Alignment for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles11
Diver-Robot Communication Glove Using Sensor-Based Gesture Recognition11
Information-Driven Path Planning for Hybrid Aerial Underwater Vehicles11
Bayesian Iterative Channel Estimation and Turbo Equalization for Multiple-Input–Multiple-Output Underwater Acoustic Communications11
A Two-Stage Underwater Enhancement Network Based on Structure Decomposition and Characteristics of Underwater Imaging11
Optimization of Flight Parameters for Petrel-L Underwater Glider11
Optimal Path Planning of Autonomous Marine Vehicles in Stochastic Dynamic Ocean Flows Using a GPU-Accelerated Algorithm11
Acoustic Assessment of Polymetallic Nodule Abundance Using Sidescan Sonar and Altimeter10
Generation Mechanism of Acoustic Doppler Velocity Measurement Bias10
Table of Contents10
A CFAR Detection Approach for Identifying Gas Bubble Seeps With Multibeam Echo Sounders10
DAPNet: Dual Attention Probabilistic Network for Underwater Image Enhancement10
Adaptive Neural Output Feedback Tracking Control of Underactuated Ships Against Uncertainties in Kinematics and System Matrices10
Evaluation of UKF-Based Fusion Strategies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Multisensor Navigation10
Sonar Point Cloud Processing to Identify Sea Turtles by Pattern Analysis9
UVC-Based Biofouling Suppression for Long-Term Deployment of Underwater Cameras9
Active Bayesian Deep Learning With Vector Sensor for Passive Sonar Sensing of the Ocean9
Hybrid Modeling Based Semantic Segmentation of Forward-Looking Sonar Images9
Generalized Optimal Control for Autonomous Mine Countermeasures Missions9
Expansion of Field of View for Near-Field Fast Beamforming in 3-D Acoustic Imaging Based on the Optimized Subregion Approach9
A Shared Control Framework With Constrained Optimization and Guiding Force Feedback for Teleoperation of Underwater Electric Manipulator9
Variable Buoyancy or Propeller-Based Systems for Hovering Capable Vehicles: An Energetic Comparison9
Processing Continuous Active Sonar Transmissions to Achieve an Arbitrarily Fast Update Rate With Full Instantaneous Bandwidth8
A New Miniaturized Acoustic Transmitter for Marine Animal Tracking8
Modeling of a Marine Hydrokinetic Cycloturbine Vehicle8
Call for papers: Special Issue on IEEE MetroSea 20238
Digital In-Line Holography for Large-Volume Analysis of Vertical Motion of Microscale Marine Plankton and Other Particles8
Validation of Targets in Sonar Imagery Using Multispectral Analysis8
Table of Contents8
Table of Contents8
Call for papers: Special Issue on Sensors, Actuators, and Energy Harvesting for Sustainable Ocean Observing Systems8
Measurement of Tidal Currents Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle8
The Same Reflective Characteristics for Different Effective Geoacoustic Parameters in Different Models8
Low-Complexity Uncertainty-Set-Based Robust Adaptive Beamforming for Passive Sonar8
Excellence in Review 20208
A Physics-Based Inversion of Multibeam Sonar Data for Seafloor Characterization8
A Strategy for Sizing and Optimizing the Energy System on Long-Range AUVs7
Underwater Acoustic Signal Classification Based on Sparse Time–Frequency Representation and Deep Learning7
A Maneuvering Model for an Underwater Vehicle Near a Free Surface—Part II: Incorporation of the Free-Surface Memory7
Deep Semisupervised Semantic Segmentation in Multifrequency Echosounder Data7
Multitask Cooperative Formation Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles With Interception of Moving Objects7
An Efficient and Robust Underwater Image Compression Scheme Based on Autoencoder7
Compounding Approaches for Wind Prediction From Underwater Noise by Supervised Learning7
Collaborating Underwater Vehicles Conducting Large-Scale Geospatial Tasks7
Monitoring Tidal Currents and Macroturbulence in a High-Flow Tidal Channel Using a Kilometer-Scale Acoustic Travel-Time Instrument7
Forward Speed Prediction of a Free-Running Wave-Propelled Boat7
The Effects of Vertical Correlation Characteristics on Vertical Array Gain Performance in Deep Water7
Demonstration of Underwater Channel State Information Acquisition in Grand Passage, Nova Scotia7
A Comparison of Two Methods for Simulating Spatial Coherence-Based Motion Estimation7
On the Use of Tiny Convolutional Neural Networks for Human-Expert-Level Classification Performance in Sonar Imagery7
Adaptive Sampling of Surface Fronts in the Arctic Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle7
Reconstructing High-Frequency Radar Derived Ocean Surface-Current Fields Using Spatio-Temporal Kriging7
Object Modeling From Underwater Forward-Scan Sonar Imagery With Sea-Surface Multipath7
Editorial Presenting Abstracts of Accepted/Published JOE Papers at MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conferences7
Spatial Diversity and Geoacoustic Inversion Using Distributed Sources and Receivers7
Follow-the-Leader Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Surface Vessels: Design and Experiments7
Estimating AUV Motion Using a Dual-Sided Synthetic Aperture Sonar7
Autonomous Ship Collision Avoidance in Restricted Waterways Considering Maritime Navigation Rules7
Experimental Study of Acoustic Channel Reciprocity in the Shallow Ocean7