IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering

(The H4-Index of IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering is 24. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Analysis of Sound Fluctuations in Shallow Water in High Sea States161
Seal-Inspired Underwater Glider With a Rigid-Flexible Composite Hull141
CEWformer: A Transformer-Based Collaborative Network for Simultaneous Underwater Image Enhancement and Watermarking92
Table of Contents72
Three-Dimensional Geomorphometric Modeling of the Arctic Ocean Submarine Topography: A Low-Resolution Desktop Application66
A Novel Tracker of Adaptive Directional Ridge Separation and Prediction for Detecting Whistles59
Reconstructing Internal Tides Field Based on Sampling by Autonomous Underwater Vehicles55
Broadband Off-Grid DOA Estimation Using Block Sparse Bayesian Learning for Nonuniform Noise Variance48
Turbid Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Parameter-Tuned Stochastic Resonance45
Time Evolution of Bistatic Acoustic Scattering: Mechanism Loci Identification for Broadside Cylinder Near a Flat Interface42
End-to-End Plankton Database Collection System40
Editorial Farewell From Your Outgoing EiC39
2022 Index IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Vol. 4737
Multipath Data Fusion With Recursive ML-PDA and Generative ML-PMHT for VLO Targets in Underwater Environment31
Method for Remote Sensing Oil Spill Applications Over Thermal and Polarimetric Imagery31
Residual Learning With Multifactor Extreme Learning Machines for Waveheight Prediction30
Angular MIMO for Underwater Wireless Optical Communications: Link Modeling and Tracking30
2023 Index IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Vol. 4829
Multifrequency Phased-Arrays With Dynamic Range Ratio Control for Coastal Monitoring29
Convolutional Neural Networks and Transformers-Based Techniques for Underwater Marine Debris Classification: A Comparative Study29
Corrections to “Coherence-Induced Bias Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Sonar Along-Track Micronavigation” [Jan 22 162-178]27
Unsupervised Domain Transfer for Task Automation in Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Intervention Operations26
Estimation of Synthetic Aperture Resolution by Measuring Point Scatterer Responses25
Seabed Characterization Experiment: Analysis of Broadband Data24
Autonomous Underwater Environment Perceiving and Modeling: An Experimental Campaign With FeelHippo AUV for Forward Looking Sonar-Based Automatic Target Recognition and Data Association24
New Insight Into Internal Waves for Maritime Applications: A Novel Optical Method With Ocean Experimental Results24