Journal of Graph Theory

(The TQCC of Journal of Graph Theory is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On Turán problems with bounded matching number12
Heroes in oriented complete multipartite graphs12
Connected search for a lazy robber11
On a generalized Erdős–Rademacher problem9
Adaptable and conflict colouring multigraphs with no cycles of length three or four9
Bounding the tripartite‐circle crossing number of complete tripartite graphs9
Equitable oriented coloring9
On the saturation spectrum of odd cycles8
Issue Information8
Turán numbers T(n,5,3) $T(n,5,3)$ and graphs without induced 5‐cycles8
Turán numbers for disjoint paths8
Planar Legendrian Θ ${\rm{\Theta }}$‐graphs7
The extremal average distance of cubic graphs7
Modularity of minor‐free graphs7
Forest formulas of discrete Green's functions7
Local orthogonality dimension7
Large monochromatic components of small diameter6
Cheeger‐like inequalities for the largest eigenvalue of the graph Laplace operator6
Proof of a conjecture of Plummer and Zha6
Issue Information6
Independent set and matching permutations6
Signed colouring and list colouring of k‐chromatic graphs6
Tree embeddings and tree‐star Ramsey numbers6
Even A‐cycles have the edge‐Erdős–Pósa property6
Classifying intrinsically linked tournaments by score sequence6
Highly edge‐connected regular graphs without large factorizable subgraphs5
Longest cycles in 3‐connected hypergraphs and bipartite graphs5
Good acyclic orientations of 4‐regular 4‐connected graphs5
Chromatic λ‐choosable and λ‐paintable graphs5
Issue Information5
Degree sum conditions for the existence of homeomorphically irreducible spanning trees5
Find subtrees of specified weight and cycles of specified length in linear time4
Kempe equivalence of 4‐critical planar graphs4
A necessary condition for generic rigidity of bar‐and‐joint frameworks in d‐space4
Counting hypergraphs with large girth4
On the extremal function for graph minors4
On Seymour's and Sullivan's second neighbourhood conjectures4
Powers of Hamiltonian cycles in randomly augmented Dirac graphs—The complete collection4
Issue Information4
Asymptotically good edge correspondence colourings4
On construction for trees making the equality hold in Vizing's conjecture4
Turán number for odd‐ballooning of trees4
Recognizing graphs close to bipartite graphs with an application to colouring reconfiguration4
A new graph parameter to measure linearity4
Critical properties of bipartite permutation graphs4
Decreasing the mean subtree order by adding k edges4
Packing of spanning mixed arborescences3
Counterexamples to Gerbner's conjecture on stability of maximal F‐free graphs3
Oriented discrepancy of Hamilton cycles3
Oriented diameter of maximal outerplanar graphs3
Seurat games on Stockmeyer graphs3
Highly connected triples and Mader's conjecture3
Finding dense minors using average degree3
On bisections of graphs without complete bipartite graphs3
Issue Information3
The connectivity of the dual3
Greedoids from flames3
Triangles in C5‐free graphs and hypergraphs of girth six3
On the mean subtree order of trees under edge contraction3
The edge‐connectivity of vertex‐transitive hypergraphs3
A Construction of a 3/2‐Tough Plane Triangulation With No 2‐Factor3
Removable edges in near‐bipartite bricks3
Spanning trees in graphs of high minimum degree with a universal vertex I: An asymptotic result3
Fractional factors and component factors in graphs with isolated toughness smaller than 13
Erdös–Hajnal conjecture for new infinite families of tournaments3
Symmetries of the honeycomb toroidal graphs3
On the edge‐biclique graph and the iterated edge‐biclique operator3
Revisiting semistrong edge‐coloring of graphs3
Minimum degree stability of C2k+1 ${C}_{2k+1}$‐free graphs3
Integer flows on triangularly connected signed graphs3
Edge‐transitive cubic graphs of twice square‐free order3
Issue Information3
Equitable List Coloring of Planar Graphs With Given Maximum Degree3
Exact bipartite Turán numbers of large even cycles3
On the order of antipodal covers3
Kings in multipartite hypertournaments2
Sparse halves in K4‐free graphs2
Issue Information2
Antimagic orientation of graphs with minimum degree at least 332
Inducibility in the hypercube2
Large cycles in generalized Johnson graphs2
Subdivisions with congruence constraints in digraphs of large chromatic number2
Graphs with the unique path property: Structure, cycles, factors, and constructions2
Contractible edges in longest cycles2
Graphs with girth 2ℓ+1 $2\ell +1$ and without longer odd holes are 3‐colorable2
Regular Turán numbers and some Gan–Loh–Sudakov‐type problems2
Rainbow independent sets in certain classes of graphs2
A short note on conflict‐free coloring on closed neighborhoods of bounded degree graphs2
Erratum: The 2‐surviving rate of planar graphs with average degree lower than 922
On oriented m $m$‐semiregular representations of finite groups2
Between proper and strong edge‐colorings of subcubic graphs2
Making an H $H$‐free graph k $k$‐colorable2
Isoradial immersions2
Issue Information2
Sharp threshold for embedding balanced spanning trees in random geometric graphs2
Exact values for some unbalanced Zarankiewicz numbers2
On asymptotic packing of convex geometric and ordered graphs2
On two cycles of consecutive even lengths2
Hamilton‐connected {claw, bull}‐free graphs2
Issue Information2
Face distributions of embeddings of complete graphs2
Partitioning edges of a planar graph into linear forests and a matching2
Complete directed minors and chromatic number2
Minimal bricks with the maximum number of edges2
Two disjoint cycles in digraphs2
Hamilton‐connected {claw,net}‐free graphs, II2
On the Ubiquity of Oriented Double Rays2
A graph polynomial from chromatic symmetric functions2
Tight Upper Bound on the Clique Size in the Square of 2‐Degenerate Graphs2
ZDP(n) ${Z}_{DP}(n)$ is bounded above by n2−(n+3)∕2 ${n}^{2}-(n+3)\unicode{x02215}2$2
A proof of Frankl–Kupavskii's conjecture on edge‐union condition2
Long monochromatic even cycles in 3‐edge‐coloured graphs of large minimum degree2
C10 Has Positive Turán Density in the Hypercube2
Erdős–Pósa property of obstructions to interval graphs2
Maximum diameter of 3‐ and 4‐colorable graphs2
Random polynomial graphs for random Turán problems2
Issue Information2
Interval colorings of graphs—Coordinated and unstable no‐wait schedules2
Circular coloring and fractional coloring in planar graphs2
On Stahl's conjectures about the region distributions of bouquets2
Towards Nash‐Williams orientation conjecture for infinite graphs2
Defective acyclic colorings of planar graphs2
Connectivity preserving trees in k‐connected or k‐edge‐connected graphs1
Andrásfai and Vega graphs in Ramsey–Turán theory1
Issue Information1
Improved bounds for the oriented radius of mixed multigraphs1
Automated testing and interactive construction of unavoidable sets for graph classes of small path‐width1
The strong clique index of a graph with forbidden cycles1
Meyniel's conjecture on graphs of bounded degree1
Threshold for stability of weak saturation1
Issue Information1
Maximum spectral radius of outerplanar 3‐uniform hypergraphs1
On graphs for which large books are Ramsey good1
Ramsey numbers of the quadrilateral versus books1
Wreath product in automorphism groups of graphs1
Breaking small automorphisms by list colourings1
Local version of Vizing's theorem for multigraphs1
The product structure of squaregraphs1
A density bound for triangle‐free 4‐critical graphs1
All longest cycles in a 2‐connected partial 3‐tree share a common vertex1
Partitioning kite‐free planar graphs into two forests1
Disjoint total dominating sets in near‐triangulations1
On the number of star‐shaped classes in optimal colorings of Kneser graphs1
Subdivisions of maximal 3‐degenerate graphs of order d+1 $d+1$ in graphs of minimum degree d $d$1
Supereulerian regular matroids without small cocircuits1
A relation between the cube polynomials of partial cubes and the clique polynomials of their crossing graphs1
4‐Separations in Hajós graphs1
Coloring count cones of planar graphs1
Nonabelian flows in networks1
Bounding the mim‐width of hereditary graph classes1
Locally common graphs1
Distinguishing infinite graphs with bounded degrees1
Chromatic number is Ramsey distinguishing1
The list linear arboricity of graphs1
Exact Results for Generalized Extremal Problems Forbidding an Even Cycle1
Perfect matchings in highly cyclically connected regular graphs1
Issue Information1
Short rainbow cycles for families of matchings and triangles1
Planar graphs having no cycle of length 4, 7, or 9 are DP‐3‐colorable1
The (t−1) $(t-1)$‐chromatic Ramsey number for paths1
Issue Information1
Bounds on Ramsey games via alterations1
Counting connected partitions of graphs1
Strong coloring 2‐regular graphs: Cycle restrictions and partial colorings1
Independence number of edge‐chromatic critical graphs1
Corrigendum: The diameter of AT‐free graphs1
A tight bound for independent domination of cubic graphs without 4‐cycles1
Uniform hypergraphs with many edge‐colorings avoiding a fixed rainbow expanded complete graph1
On independent domination of regular graphs1
A tight upper bound on the average order of dominating sets of a graph1
The average order of a connected induced subgraph of a graph and union‐intersection systems1
Gallai‐like characterization of strong cocomparability graphs1
Uniformly 3‐connected graphs1
Ubiquity of oriented rays1
A decomposition method on solving the linear arboricity conjecture1
Issue Information1
Mader's conjecture for graphs with small connectivity1
Forbidden subgraphs and 2‐factors in 3/2‐tough graphs1
Multiplicity of  the second‐largest eigenvalue of a planar graph1
Star transposition Gray codes for multiset permutations1
Making a tournament k $k$‐strong1
Issue Information1
Distinguishing threshold of graphs1
On the number of maximal independent sets: From Moon–Moser to Hujter–Tuza1
Issue Information1
The maximum number of maximum generalized 4‐independent sets in trees1
The Erdős–Gyárfás function with respect to Gallai‐colorings1
Elusive properties of infinite graphs1
Covering 2‐colored complete digraphs by monochromatic d $d$‐dominating digraphs1
Flip distance and triangulations of a polyhedron1
Maker Breaker on digraphs1
Anti‐Ramsey number of expansions of paths and cycles in uniform hypergraphs1
Odd edge‐colorings of subdivisions of odd graphs1
Strong arc decompositions of split digraphs1
Variants of the Gyárfás–Sumner conjecture: Oriented trees and rainbow paths1
Double Vizing fans in critical class two graphs1
Stability from graph symmetrization arguments in generalized Turán problems1
Removal of subgraphs and perfect matchings in graphs on surfaces1
A bound on the dissociation number1
Weak degeneracy of graphs1
Turán and Ramsey numbers for 3‐uniform minimal paths of length 41
Issue Information1
Dense circuit graphs and the planar Turán number of a cycle1
Issue Information1
Strong chromatic index and Hadwiger number1
Edge proximity conditions for extendability in regular bipartite graphs1
Rectilinear approximation and volume estimates for hereditary bodies via [0, 1]‐decorated containers1
Berge–Fulkerson coloring for C(12)‐linked permutation graphs1
Complementary cycles of any length in regular bipartite tournaments1