Mathematics of Operations Research

(The median citation count of Mathematics of Operations Research is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Distributionally Robust Stochastic Optimization with Wasserstein Distance79
Nonparametric Learning Algorithms for Joint Pricing and Inventory Control with Lost Sales and Censored Demand54
Statistics of Robust Optimization: A Generalized Empirical Likelihood Approach39
Characterization, Robustness, and Aggregation of Signed Choquet Integrals37
A Theory for Measures of Tail Risk31
Strong and Weak Equilibria for Time-Inconsistent Stochastic Control in Continuous Time27
Last-Mile Shared Delivery: A Discrete Sequential Packing Approach22
A Mean Field Game of Optimal Portfolio Liquidation21
On the Optimality of Affine Policies for Budgeted Uncertainty Sets19
Fast Hybrid Schemes for Fractional Riccati Equations (Rough Is Not So Tough)19
Steady-State Analysis of the Join-the-Shortest-Queue Model in the Halfin–Whitt Regime19
Competitive Equilibrium with Indivisible Goods and Generic Budgets17
Closing the Gap for Makespan Scheduling via Sparsification Techniques17
Stochastic Graphon Games: I. The Static Case17
A Dynamic Network Model of Interbank Lending—Systemic Risk and Liquidity Provisioning16
Approximate Markov-Nash Equilibria for Discrete-Time Risk-Sensitive Mean-Field Games15
A Block Successive Upper-Bound Minimization Method of Multipliers for Linearly Constrained Convex Optimization15
A Stochastic Analysis of Queues with Customer Choice and Delayed Information14
The Running Intersection Relaxation of the Multilinear Polytope13
Entropy Regularization for Mean Field Games with Learning13
Power-of-d-Choices with Memory: Fluid Limit and Optimality13
Bridging Bayesian and Minimax Mean Square Error Estimation via Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization12
Extrapolated Proximal Subgradient Algorithms for Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Fractional Programs12
Posted Price Mechanisms and Optimal Threshold Strategies for Random Arrivals12
Optimal Retirement Under Partial Information11
A Primal–Dual Learning Algorithm for Personalized Dynamic Pricing with an Inventory Constraint11
A Case Study on Stochastic Games on Large Graphs in Mean Field and Sparse Regimes11
Convergence of Finite Memory Q Learning for POMDPs and Near Optimality of Learned Policies Under Filter Stability11
Affine Storage and Insurance Risk Models11
Variational Analysis of Composite Models with Applications to Continuous Optimization10
Optimal Policy for Dynamic Assortment Planning Under Multinomial Logit Models10
Inf-Convolution, Optimal Allocations, and Model Uncertainty for Tail Risk Measures10
Distributional Transforms, Probability Distortions, and Their Applications10
From Monetary to Nonmonetary Mechanism Design via Artificial Currencies10
Optimal Transport-Based Distributionally Robust Optimization: Structural Properties and Iterative Schemes9
Accelerated Stochastic Algorithms for Convex-Concave Saddle-Point Problems9
Geometrically Convergent Simulation of the Extrema of Lévy Processes9
Polynomial Upper Bounds on the Number of Differing Columns of Δ-Modular Integer Programs9
Game of Thrones: Fully Distributed Learning for Multiplayer Bandits9
Pure Nash Equilibria and Best-Response Dynamics in Random Games9
Proximal-Like Incremental Aggregated Gradient Method with Linear Convergence Under Bregman Distance Growth Conditions9
Asymptotic Optimality of Power-of-d Load Balancing in Large-Scale Systems9
Heavy-Traffic Analysis of Queueing Systems with No Complete Resource Pooling9
A Probabilistic Approach to Extended Finite State Mean Field Games8
Ghost Penalties in Nonconvex Constrained Optimization: Diminishing Stepsizes and Iteration Complexity8
Multivariate Monotone Inclusions in Saddle Form8
New Algorithms for Solving Zero-Sum Stochastic Games8
Stochastic Recursive Inclusions in Two Timescales with Nonadditive Iterate-Dependent Markov Noise8
Strong Metric (Sub)regularity of Karush–Kuhn–Tucker Mappings for Piecewise Linear-Quadratic Convex-Composite Optimization and the Quadratic Convergence of Newton’s Method8
Robust Markov Decision Processes: Beyond Rectangularity8
Regular Matroids Have Polynomial Extension Complexity8
On the Existence of Pairwise Stable Weighted Networks8
A Dynamic Contagion Risk Model with Recovery Features8
Optimal Electricity Demand Response Contracting with Responsiveness Incentives8
Distributed Stochastic Optimization with Large Delays7
Equilibria and Systemic Risk in Saturated Networks7
Dynamic Set Values for Nonzero-Sum Games with Multiple Equilibriums7
On Optimality Conditions for Nonlinear Conic Programming7
General Error Estimates for the Longstaff–Schwartz Least-Squares Monte Carlo Algorithm7
Nonzero-Sum Stochastic Games and Mean-Field Games with Impulse Controls7
Finite State Mean Field Games with Wright–Fisher Common Noise as Limits ofN-Player Weighted Games7
The Limit of Stationary Distributions of Many-Server Queues in the Halfin–Whitt Regime7
Surplus-Invariant Risk Measures7
Mean Field Analysis of Deep Neural Networks7
Bypassing the Monster: A Faster and Simpler Optimal Algorithm for Contextual Bandits Under Realizability7
A Theoretical Framework for Instance Complexity of the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem6
Quasi-Popular Matchings, Optimality, and Extended Formulations6
Terminal Ranking Games6
Popularity, Mixed Matchings, and Self-Duality6
The Exact Modulus of the Generalized Concave Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz Property6
Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation6
Load Balancing Under Strict Compatibility Constraints6
Stability and Instability of the MaxWeight Policy6
A New Augmented Lagrangian Method for MPCCs—Theoretical and Numerical Comparison with Existing Augmented Lagrangian Methods6
Stochastic Zeroth-Order Riemannian Derivative Estimation and Optimization6
Heavy-Traffic Insensitive Bounds for Weighted Proportionally Fair Bandwidth Sharing Policies6
McKean–Vlasov Optimal Control: Limit Theory and Equivalence Between Different Formulations6
Envy-Free Division of Land6
On Integer Programming, Discrepancy, and Convolution6
Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Geometric Optimization6
A Variable Sample-Size Stochastic Quasi-Newton Method for Smooth and Nonsmooth Stochastic Convex Optimization6
Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods: Improvement6
Directional Necessary Optimality Conditions for Bilevel Programs5
Proximal Gradient Methods with Adaptive Subspace Sampling5
Stochastic Optimization with Decision-Dependent Distributions5
Time-Consistent Conditional Expectation Under Probability Distortion5
Approximation and Convergence of Large Atomic Congestion Games5
Strong Algorithms for the Ordinal Matroid Secretary Problem5
Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Dynamic Targets for Expected Terminal Wealth5
Graphical Convergence of Subgradients in Nonconvex Optimization and Learning5
Second-Order Optimality Conditions for Nonconvex Set-Constrained Optimization Problems5
A General Framework for Learning Mean-Field Games5
Multiagent Online Learning in Time-Varying Games5
Interactive Information Design5
A Generalized Newton Method for Subgradient Systems5
A Dynkin Game on Assets with Incomplete Information on the Return5
Approximation Algorithms for D-optimal Design5
Optimality of Independently Randomized Symmetric Policies for Exchangeable Stochastic Teams with Infinitely Many Decision Makers5
Intertemporal Choice with Continuity Constraints5
Edge-Weighted Online Windowed Matching5
A Study of Convex Convex-Composite Functions via Infimal Convolution with Applications5
Prophet Matching with General Arrivals4
A Discrete Convex Min-Max Formula for Box-TDI Polyhedra4
Efficient Allocations in Double Auction Markets4
Fluid Limits for Multiclass Many-Server Queues with General Reneging Distributions and Head-of-the-Line Scheduling4
On Capacity-Filling and Substitutable Choice Rules4
Iteration Complexity of a Proximal Augmented Lagrangian Method for Solving Nonconvex Composite Optimization Problems with Nonlinear Convex Constraints4
Convexification of Permutation-Invariant Sets and an Application to Sparse Principal Component Analysis4
Monotonicity and Weighted Prenucleoli: A Characterization Without Consistency4
Stationary Discounted and Ergodic Mean Field Games with Singular Controls4
Heavy Traffic Limits for Join-the-Shortest-Estimated-Queue Policy Using Delayed Information4
Computation of Dynamic Equilibria in Series-Parallel Networks4
Adaptive Bin Packing with Overflow4
Core Nonemptiness of Stratified Pooling Games: A Structured Markov Decision Process Approach4
Control-Stopping Games for Market Microstructure and Beyond4
Variance Regularization in Sequential Bayesian Optimization4
Shapley–Snow Kernels, Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems, and Stochastic Games4
Consensus Halving for Sets of Items4
Statistical Query Algorithms for Mean Vector Estimation and Stochastic Convex Optimization4
Parametric Computation of Minimum-Cost Flows with Piecewise Quadratic Costs4
Limit Equilibrium Payoffs in Stochastic Games4
Conditional Uniformity and Hawkes Processes4
Correlated Equilibria and Mean Field Games: A Simple Model4
Finite-Memory Strategies in POMDPs with Long-Run Average Objectives4
Prophet Inequalities for Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables from an Unknown Distribution4
A Unifying Framework for Submodular Mean Field Games4
Dynkin Games with Incomplete and Asymmetric Information4
Solving Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Compound Stochastic Programs with Applications to Risk Measure Minimization4
Time-Varying Semidefinite Programs4
Trust Your Data or Not—StQP Remains StQP: Community Detection via Robust Standard Quadratic Optimization4
On Uniform Exponential Ergodicity of Markovian Multiclass Many-Server Queues in the Halfin–Whitt Regime4
Optimistic Posterior Sampling for Reinforcement Learning: Worst-Case Regret Bounds4
Unanimous and Strategy-Proof Probabilistic Rules for Single-Peaked Preference Profiles on Graphs4
Acyclic Gambling Games4
Distribution-Free Contextual Dynamic Pricing3
Multiplayer Bandits Without Observing Collision Information3
Sufficiency of Markov Policies for Continuous-Time Jump Markov Decision Processes3
Error Analysis of Surrogate Models Constructed Through Operations on Submodels3
Equilibria Existence in Bayesian Games: Climbing the Countable Borel Equivalence Relation Hierarchy3
Hypergraph k-Cut for Fixed k in Deterministic Polynomial Time3
Coordinate Descent Without Coordinates: Tangent Subspace Descent on Riemannian Manifolds3
Convergent Nested Alternating Minimization Algorithms for Nonconvex Optimization Problems3
Stationary Waiting Time in Parallel Queues with Synchronization3
Distributionally Robust Markov Decision Processes and Their Connection to Risk Measures3
Maximum Spectral Measures of Risk with Given Risk Factor Marginal Distributions3
Set Relations via Families of Scalar Functions and Approximate Solutions in Set Optimization3
Analyzing Approximate Value Iteration Algorithms3
Distributionally Robust Inventory Control When Demand Is a Martingale3
Geometric Rescaling Algorithms for Submodular Function Minimization3
Polyhedral Clinching Auctions for Two-Sided Markets3
Sample-Driven Optimal Stopping: From the Secretary Problem to the i.i.d. Prophet Inequality3
Parametric Shortest-Path Algorithms via Tropical Geometry3
About the Structure of the Integer Cone and Its Application to Bin Packing3
Satisficing in Time-Sensitive Bandit Learning3
From Perspective Maps to Epigraphical Projections3
Suboptimal Local Minima Exist for Wide Neural Networks with Smooth Activations3
Quantitative Convergence for Displacement Monotone Mean Field Games with Controlled Volatility3
Conic Optimization with Spectral Functions on Euclidean Jordan Algebras3
Control Policies Approaching Hierarchical Greedy Ideal Performance in Heavy Traffic for Resource Sharing Networks3
Guarantees in Fair Division: General or Monotone Preferences3
Universal Barrier Is n-Self-Concordant3
Game on Random Environment, Mean-Field Langevin System, and Neural Networks3
Sufficient Optimality Conditions in Bilevel Programming3
Stochastic Load Balancing on Unrelated Machines3
M-Convex Function Minimization Under L1-Distance Constraint and Its Application to Dock Reallocation in Bike-Sharing System3
The Efficiency of Resource Allocation Mechanisms for Budget-Constrained Users3
Efficient Online Linear Optimization with Approximation Algorithms3
Shapley–Scarf Housing Markets: Respecting Improvement, Integer Programming, and Kidney Exchange3
On Computing the Nonlinearity Interval in Parametric Semidefinite Optimization3
A General Analysis of Sequential Social Learning3
Dynamic Optimal Reinsurance and Dividend Payout in Finite Time Horizon3
Asymptotic Properties of Stationary Solutions of Coupled Nonconvex Nonsmooth Empirical Risk Minimization3
An Equilibrium Model for the Cross Section of Liquidity Premia3
Coupled Learning Enabled Stochastic Programming with Endogenous Uncertainty3
Assortment Planning for Recommendations at Checkout Under Inventory Constraints3
Geometrical Bounds for Variance and Recentered Moments3
Large Fork-Join Queues with Nearly Deterministic Arrival and Service Times3
Convergence Rates for Regularized Optimal Transport via Quantization3
The Buck-Passing Game2
Hölderian Error Bounds and Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz Inequality for the Trust Region Subproblem2
Corrigendum: Greed Works—Online Algorithms for Unrelated Machine Stochastic Scheduling2
ɛ-Strong Simulation of Fractional Brownian Motion and Related Stochastic Differential Equations2
Probability Distributions on Partially Ordered Sets and Network Interdiction Games2
Penalty and Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Constrained DC Programming2
Computing Approximate Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games via Best-Responses2
A Primal-Dual Smoothing Framework for Max-Structured Non-Convex Optimization2
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Rank-One-Generated Cones2
Exactness of Parrilo’s Conic Approximations for Copositive Matrices and Associated Low Order Bounds for the Stability Number of a Graph2
Impact of Network Structure on New Service Pricing2
Power Forward Performance in Semimartingale Markets with Stochastic Integrated Factors2
Control of Fork-Join Processing Networks with Multiple Job Types and Parallel Shared Resources2
A Sparse Version of Reznick’s Positivstellensatz2
Infinite-Horizon Optimal Switching Regions for a Pair-Trading Strategy with Quadratic Risk Aversion Considering Simultaneous Multiple Switchings: A Viscosity Solution Approach2
Discrete Choice Prox-Functions on the Simplex2
Uniqueness of Clearing Payment Matrices in Financial Networks2
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Semilinear Costs and State Constraints, with Applications to Large Deviations in Games2
A Semidefinite Relaxation Method for Partially Symmetric Tensor Decomposition2
The Power of Subsampling in Submodular Maximization2
Infinite Horizon Stochastic Impulse Control with Delay and Random Coefficients2
Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for Fair Rent Division2
On Polyhedral Approximations of the Positive Semidefinite Cone2
A Feasible Method for Solving an SDP Relaxation of the Quadratic Knapsack Problem2
An Optimal Streaming Algorithm for Submodular Maximization with a Cardinality Constraint2
The Value of Insight2
A Sensitivity Analysis of the Price of Anarchy in Nonatomic Congestion Games2
Sparse Solutions of a Class of Constrained Optimization Problems2
Algorithms for Competitive Division of Chores2
Exact Optimal Stopping for Multidimensional Linear Switching Diffusions2
On the Scenario-Tree Optimal-Value Error for Stochastic Programming Problems2
Linear Programming and Community Detection2
Extension of Monotonic Functions and Representation of Preferences2
A Classical Search Game in Discrete Locations2
On the Douglas–Rachford Algorithm for Solving Possibly Inconsistent Optimization Problems2
Stability, Memory, and Messaging Trade-Offs in Heterogeneous Service Systems2
Fair Cake Division Under Monotone Likelihood Ratios2
Naive Feature Selection: A Nearly Tight Convex Relaxation for Sparse Naive Bayes2
Reducing Bias in Event Time Simulations via Measure Changes2
Sensitivity Analysis of the Maximal Value Function with Applications in Nonconvex Minimax Programs2
Dynamic Fair Resource Division2
Resistant Sets in the Unit Hypercube2
Convergence Analysis of Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent Under the Growth Condition2
Active‐Set Newton Methods and Partial Smoothness2
Bilateral Trade: A Regret Minimization Perspective2
Small-Loss Bounds for Online Learning with Partial Information2
A Randomly Weighted Minimum Arborescence with a Random Cost Constraint2
Asymptotic Optimality of Constant-Order Policies in Joint Pricing and Inventory Models2
Dissolving Constraints for Riemannian Optimization2
Minimal and Locally Edge Minimal Fluid Models for Resource-Sharing Networks2
Proximity and Flatness Bounds for Linear Integer Optimization2
An Optimal High-Order Tensor Method for Convex Optimization2
Discrete Dividend Payments in Continuous Time2
On Linear Programming for Constrained and Unconstrained Average-Cost Markov Decision Processes with Countable Action Spaces and Strictly Unbounded Costs1
The Pareto Frontier of Inefficiency in Mechanism Design1
Risk-Averse Optimal Control in Continuous Time by Nesting Risk Measures1
A Complementary Pivot Algorithm for Competitive Allocation of a Mixed Manna1
On the Efficient Implementation of the Matrix Exponentiated Gradient Algorithm for Low-Rank Matrix Optimization1
Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design for Non-monotone Submodular Objectives: Offline and Online1
Binary Extended Formulations and Sequential Convexification1
Online Learning over a Finite Action Set with Limited Switching1
Approximate Nash Equilibria in Large Nonconvex Aggregative Games1
Asymptotically Optimal Sequential Design for Rank Aggregation1
Algorithms for Persuasion with Limited Communication1
Mixed-Integer Convex Representability1
Solving Optimal Stopping Problems via Randomization and Empirical Dual Optimization1
Optimal Stopping of a Random Sequence with Unknown Distribution1
Stabilizing Weighted Graphs1
A Convex Form That Is Not a Sum of Squares1
Online Bipartite Matching with Reusable Resources1
Strong Convexity of Feasible Sets in Off-line and Online Optimization1
Fair Integral Network Flows1