CALPHAD-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry

(The TQCC of CALPHAD-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Phase equilibria in the FeO–Fe2O3–SiO2 system: Experimental measurement and thermodynamic modeling67
Combined experimental and CALPHAD investigation of equimolar AlCoCrFeNiX (X=Mo,Ta,W) High-Entropy Alloys21
Implementation of an extensible property modeling framework in ESPEI with applications to molar volume and elastic stiffness models20
Experimental study of isothermal sections of the ZrO2–HfO2–Eu2O3 ternary diagram at 1500 °С and 1700 °С20
Experiment investigation and thermodynamic assessment of the ternary Ti–Mo-Hf system19
Experimental study and thermodynamic calculation of the Y–Co–Fe system17
Revisiting the SGTE lattice stability of bcc aluminum16
Phase equilibria study in the system “Fe2O3”-ZnO-Al2O3-(PbO+CaO+SiO2) in air15
Modification of Lu's (2005) high pressure model for improved high pressure/high temperature extrapolations. Part I: Modeling of platinum at high pressure/high temperature14
Experimental study and thermodynamic modeling of the Cu–Sn–Si–O system and sub-systems14
Towards more realistic simulations of microstructural evolution in oxidic systems14
Associated solution model rebuilt13
Diffusivities and atomic mobilities in bcc Ti–V–Mo alloys13
Experimental study and thermodynamic assessment of thermodynamic properties of pure Li2CO3 and K2CO313
Genesis of plasticity-induced serrated metal flow in medium-Mn steel12
Interdiffusivity matrices and atomic mobilities in fcc Co–Ni–Si and Cu–Co–Ni–Si alloys: Experiment and modeling12
Binary Ti–Fe system. Part I: Experimental investigation at high pressure11
ICME guided design of heat-treatable Zn-modified Al–Mg alloys11
Correlation governs the impurity (Ti, Zr, Hf) diffusion in face−centered cubic iridium through first−principles calculation11
Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the Mg–Cu–Ca ternary system11
First-principles-based statistical thermodynamic study of atomic interactions and phase stability in Ni-rich Ni-W alloys11
The interdiffusivity matrices in fcc_A1 Ni–Cr–V alloys: A high-throughput evaluation by CALTPP program10
Rapid screening of high-throughput ground state predictions10
Phase-equilibria investigation of the Dy-Mo-Si ternary system at 1173 K (900 °C)10
Phase relationship in V2O3-rich region of the V2O3–CaO system between 1573–1773 K at PO2 = 10−10 and 10−11 atm10
Thermodynamic optimization of the Mn–P and Fe–Mn–P systems10
On the use of Boltzmann's transformation to solve diffusion problems9
Phase equilibria in the EuBr2-AgBr pseudobinary system9
Phase diagrams of Bi–Sb–Se–Te system9
Diffusion coefficient measurement and atomic mobility assessment for bcc Ti–V–Fe ternary alloys9
A third generation CalPhaD assessment of the Fe–Mn–Ti system part I: The binary subsystems Fe–Mn, Fe–Ti and Mn–Ti9
Thermodynamic reassessment of Fe–Nb–V system9
Phase diagram of ternary Co–Fe–Ge system (I): Experimental9
Modeling the viscosity of silicate melts containing Fe oxide: FeO/Fe2O3 containing system9
Effect of alloying on stability of grain boundary in γ phase of the U–Mo and U–Nb systems9
Summary report of CALPHAD XLIX – Stockholm, Sweden, 20229
Thermodynamic description of Mg–Zn–Sb system supported by experimental work and extrapolation to the Mg–Zn–Al–Sb quaternary system9
Experimental investigation of the phases transitions on O-rich side of the Zr–O system8
Investigation of the thermal stability of U – 9 wt. % Nb – 3 wt. % Zr alloys using drop calorimetry8
Thermodynamic modeling of CaO-SiO2-VOx system by the generalized central atom model8
Diffusion assessments for the Al–Cu–Ni system by diffusion triple experiment and two-dimensional diffusion simulation8
Vaporization studies on Mn-doped lead titanate8
Thermodynamic coupling in the computation of dendrite growth kinetics for multicomponent alloys8
Study on the isothermal section at 1373K in the Fe–Mo–V system and atomic mobility of the V-rich bcc phase8
Thermodynamic modeling of the Mg–Mn–Zn system based on the refinement of the Mg–Zn and Mn–Zn systems8
Comment on the paper "Experimental investigation of the Ni–V–W ternary phase diagram", Calphad: Comput. Coupling Phase Diagrams Thermochem. 76 (2022) 1023848
Editorial Board8
Sm–Ti binary thermodynamic database and phase diagram8
Contribution to the Ti–Co–Sn system7
Interdiffusion behaviors and mechanical properties in Zr-Nb-Hf system7
Editorial Board7
Thermodynamic properties of magnesium orthovanadate Mg3(VO4)2 at high temperatures (298.15–1473 K)7
Liquidus projection of the Al–V–Zr system7
Experimental investigation of diffusion behaviors in γ and γ’ Ni–Al–Co alloys7
Modelling the thermodynamic data for hcp Zn and Cu–Zn alloys– an ab initio and calphad approach7
Thermodynamic modeling with uncertainty quantification using the modified quasichemical model in quadruplet approximation: Implementation into PyCalphad and ESPEI7
Magnetically altered phase stability in Fe-based alloys: Modeling and database development7
The specific heat of Al-based compounds, evaluation of the Neumann-Kopp rule and proposal for a modified Neumann-Kopp rule7
Generic energy formalism for reciprocal quadruplets within the two-sublattice quasichemical model6
Phase transition, microstructure and solidification of Ce–La–Fe and Ce–Nd–Fe alloys: Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation6
Study on diffusion and Kirkendall effect in diffusion triples for fcc Ni–Al–Ta alloys6
Thermodynamic properties of neodymium silicates at high temperature (298.15–1273K) and thermodynamic reassessment of the Nd2O3-SiO2 system6
Bridging the gap between atomic scale and thermodynamics for structurally complex multiphase multi-element systems: Metallic borides in Al-based metal–matrix composites as a case study6
Use of third generation data for the pure elements to model the thermodynamics of binary alloy systems: Part 3 – The theoretical prediction of the Al–Si–Zn system6
Thermodynamic descriptions of the binary Ni–Sn and ternary Cu–Ni–Sn systems over entire composition range: A revisit6
Rheological properties of Al2O3–CaO–SiO2 slags6
Interdiffusion behaviors and mechanical properties in BCC Zr-rich Zr–Nb–Ta system6
Experimental investigation and thermodynamic assessment of the Al–Er system6
Re-investigation the phase equilibria and thermodynamic assessment of the Nd-Sn binary system6
Corrigendum to “Thermodynamic assessment of the Ce-Rh system by the combination of ab-initio calculations and the CALPHAD approach” [Calphad 87 (2024) 102747]6
Thermodynamic assessment of the Ga–Lu system by the combination of ab-initio calculations and the CALPHAD approach6
Reassessment of mobility parameters for Cantor High Entropy Alloys through an automated procedure6
Thermodynamics of monoclinic and tetragonal hafnium dioxide (HfO2) at ambient pressure6
Experimental investigation and thermodynamic assessment of the Ag–Cr–Y and Ag–Cu–Y ternary systems6
Corrigendum to “Thermodynamic assessment of the Ni-Co-Re system and diffusion study of its fcc phase” [Calphad 85 (2024) 102688]6
Experimental investigation and CALPHAD modeling of phase equilibria of the Cu–Ag–Zr system6
Experimental investigation and kinetic analysis of Al–Zn–Mg alloy coating5
CALPHAD-based modeling of pressure-dependent Al, Cu and Li unary systems5
CALPHAD modeling of the glass transition for a pure substance, coupling thermodynamics and relaxation kinetics5
Data-driven study of the enthalpy of mixing in the liquid phase5
Thermodynamic assessment of the CaO-Gd2O3–SiO2 system5
CALPHAD and the materials genome A 10 year anniversary5
A third generation CalPhaD assessment of the Fe–Mn–Ti system Part II: The ternary system Fe–Mn–Ti5
Measurement of the sub-solidus phase relation of CaO-Nb2O5-TiO2 system at 1300 °C and thermodynamic assessment of G(Ca4Ti3O10) and G(CaTi2O4)5
The composition dependences of thermodynamic, dynamic and structural properties of Al–Ni melts5
The power of computational thermochemistry in high-temperature process design and optimization: Part 1 — Unit operations5
Phase equilibria study and thermodynamic assessment of CaO–MgO–P2O5 system5
Thermodynamic assessment of La–Fe–Si systems5
Interdiffusion and atomic mobility of the Mg–Sn–Zn system5
Assessment of thermal conductivity for FCC Al-X (X=Zn, Mg) and Al-Zn-Mg alloys: Experiments and modeling5
The study of the Pb–Se–Te phase diagram: Part 2 – The thermodynamic assessment of the Se–Te and Pb–Se–Te systems5
New approach to the compound energy formalism (NACEF) part I. Thermodynamic modeling based on the sublattice model5
Critical evaluation and thermodynamic modeling of the Al–Li binary system5
Summary report of CALPHAD GLOBAL, 20215
Thermodynamic modeling of the Te-X (X = Zr, Ce, Eu) systems5
Phase-field simulation of core-rim structure at the early sintering stage in TiC-WC-Ni cermet5
Diffusion coefficients and atomic mobilities in the BCC phase of the Al–Nb–V system5
Thermodynamic assessment of the Ta–Ge system supported by ab initio calculations5
Thermodynamic assessment of the Cr–Si binary system5
Thermodynamic study on the phase diagram of the Hg-Ca and Hg-Sr binary systems for dental amalgam restoration application5
Summary report of CALPHAD L – Boston, USA, 20235
Thermodynamic modeling of the Ti–Al–V system over the entire composition and a wide temperature range5
Assessment of atomic mobilities in the Al-Li fcc_A1 phase5
Thermodynamic reassessment of Sn–Zr system assisted by DFT phonon calculations5
Thermodynamic modeling of the Ni-Ti-Cr system and the B2/B19′ martensitic transformation5
Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the Cr–Zr–Si system5
Assessment of the precipitation kinetics of Al3Sc and Al3Li in binary alloys using an improved cluster dynamics model5
Effect of alloying elements on the dissolution behavior of iron in magnesium melt4
Size- and shape-dependent phase diagram of Ga-Sb nanoparticles4
Thermodynamic properties of Na2MgSiO4: DFT calculation and experimental validation4
Phase equilibria analysis of hematite pellets during induration4
Comparative study on the viscosity modeling of the Ag–Au–Cu liquid alloys4
Geometric acceleration of complex chemical equilibrium calculations — Algorithm and application to two- and three-component systems4
Diffusivities and atomic mobilities in bcc Ti–Mo–Ta alloys4
Thermodynamic properties of sodium hexatitanate (Na2Ti6O13) at high temperature (298.15–1573 K)4
Third-generation CALPHAD description of pure GeO2 at 1 atm4
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Atomic mobilities and diffusivities in the bcc phase of Ti–Nb–Sn system4
Thermodynamic analysis for solidification path of simulated ex-vessel corium4
Thermodynamic re-modelling of the Cu–Nb–Sn system: Integrating the nausite phase4
Thermodynamics of liquid Pb–In–Sn alloys determined by vapour pressure measurements4
Steels classification by machine learning and Calphad methods4