Public Relations Review

(The median citation count of Public Relations Review is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board104
A case for the plausibility of public relations licensing: The carrot of privileged communication58
Communication with intent: A typology of communicative interaction in engagement57
Social media advocacy and gun violence: Applying the engagement model to nonprofit organizations’ communication efforts50
Academics engaging through the media—Insights from creating a monthly column on crisis management47
In whose interests? When relational engagement to obtain a social license leads to paradoxical outcomes40
Framing, agency, and athlete activism: The case of simone biles at the 2020 olympics36
Editorial Board35
Plain old Bess in a different dress? Disruptions of public relations in the digital age35
Virtual community engagement: Engaging virtual communities for nation branding through sports31
It is all in the name: Toward a typology of public relations professionals’ ethical dilemmas31
Developing the scale of presidential candidate's dialogic communication (PCDC) during the 2017 presidential campaign in South Korea29
Identity resilience in times of mediatization: Comparing employees’ with citizens’ perceptions of a public organization28
Consumer rewarding mechanism in global corporate activism: An experiment using the Russia-Ukraine War27
Using corporate social responsibility to enhance media reputation following a firm crisis: Evidence from China25
The impact of diversity communication on employee organizational identification and employee voice behaviors: A moderated mediation model25
Restoring trust through transparency: Examining the effects of transparency strategies on police crisis communication in Mainland China24
Key issue operatives in an issue-driven network: Public relations as a “pocket of strength” in campus sexual assault awareness and prevention24
Instilling warmth in artificial intelligence? Examining publics’ responses to AI-applied corporate ability and corporate social responsibility practices24
Theorizing issue-driven public attention and expectations in audience responses to corporate sociopolitical activism: A mixed-method analysis23
Social media theory in public relations: A curation of a neglected topic in public relations research23
Protecting organizational reputation during a para-crisis: The effectiveness of conversational human voice on social media and the roles of construal level, social presence, and organizational listeni23
Shaping media relations scholarship: A systematic review22
Social media in public relations scholarship: A database-based systematic review of published articles from 2015 to 202021
Communicating and managing aspirational talk-action tensions: An integrated approach of CSR discourse analysis21
How does it depend?: A systematic review of the contingency theory of accommodation in communication scholarship20
Capturing the dynamic tension in CSR discourses: Toward an integrative circuit of culture model20
A new framework for managing “crisis spillover” as a type of sticky crisis: Initial insights from a crisis communication expert panel20
New public segmentation for political public relations using political fandom: Understanding relationships between individual politicians and fans20
A quiver full of arrows: An examination of tactics employed by CEO activists in Ghana20
Relationship cultivation strategies in the metaverse19
Corporate social advocacy or social issues management? Examining state flagship universities’ responses to the killing of George Floyd19
A cross-disciplinary review of crisis spillover research: Spillover types, risk factors, and response strategies19
Employees’ voice behavior in response to corporate social irresponsibility (CSI): The role of organizational identification, issue perceptions, and power distance culture19
What constitutes great IDEA? An examination of corporate diversity communication on facebook and external and internal stakeholder reactions19
Regenerative crisis, social media publics and Internet trolling: A cultural discourse approach18
A preliminary study for developing perceived ESG scale to measure public perception toward organizations’ ESG performance18
Communicating corporate LGBTQ advocacy: A computational comparison of the global CSR discourse18
Editorial Board17
The processes-to-end(s) paradox of public relations17
Engagement in context: Making meaning of the Latino community health engagement process17
Navigating change in the era of COVID-19: The role of top leaders’ charismatic rhetoric and employees’ organizational identification17
How do public organizations communicate their alliances on Facebook and how does the public react? A longitudinal analysis17
Dissecting moral judgements: Using moral foundation theory to advance the contingency continuum16
The U.S. capability framework for public relations and communication management: Results of a national three-stage study16
Commentary is free: Issue management and gaining capital with thought leadership16
Social media engagement with organization-generated content: Role of visuals in enhancing public engagement with organizations on Facebook and Instagram14
Managing relationships on Facebook: A long-term analysis of leading companies in Germany14
A process view of crisis misinformation: How public relations professionals detect, manage, and evaluate crisis misinformation14
Political public relations, leadership, and COVID-19: A comparative assessment of Prime Ministers Ardern and Morrison on Facebook and Twitter14
Explorations on mediated communication and beyond: Toward a theory of social media14
What fosters interorganizational frame convergence: Examining a semantic network during the opioid crisis14
The dual-continuum approach: An extension of the contingency theory of strategic conflict management14
Arts promotion and Black urban displacement: Exploring the paradox of the positive in government public relations and urban renewal discourse13
Spotlight on a complex crisis spillover: A multi-organisational perspective on rebuilding trust and reducing distrust in the Australian banking industry13
Apologies combined with other crisis response strategies: Do the fulfillment of individuals' needs to be heard and the timing of response message affect apology appropriateness?13
Getting called out: Effects of feedback to social media corporate social responsibility statements13
Enhancing young consumer’s relational and behavioral outcomes: The impact of CEO activism authenticity and value alignment13
Beyond reputational and financial damage: Examining emotional and religious harm in a post-crisis case study of Hillsong Church13
The reputational benefits of instructing information: The first test of the revised model of reputation repair13
Internal crisis communication: The effects of negative employee-organization relationships on internal reputation and employees’ unsupportive behavior13
Bias in candidate sourcing communication: Investigating stereotypical gender- and age-related frames in online job advertisements at the sectoral level13
Coping with workplace racial discrimination: The role of internal communication13
Enhancing Employee Engagement via Leaders’ Motivational Language in times of crisis: Perspectives from the COVID-19 outbreak12
Explicating the public memory dialectic in public relations: The case of Donald Trump, The Oath Keepers, and January 6, 202112
Increasing employee advocacy through supervisor motivating language: The mediating role of psychological conditions12
Reconceptualizing employee disengagement as both attitudinal and behavioral: Narratives from China12
Critical humanism for public relations: Harnessing the synergy of gender, race and sexuality research12
Managing multi-stakeholder relationships in nonprofit organizations through multiple channels: A systematic review and research agenda for enhancing stakeholder relationship marketing12
Business-centered versus socially responsible corporate diversity communication. An assessment of stakeholder (dis)agreement on Twitter12
Networks of international public relations production: The case of Latin American organizations’ connections to U.S. agents11
Standing their ground: Southern white hegemonic defense of place through camouflaged narrative continuity11
How individuals use nonprofit organizations’ social media pages: Understanding functions of and networks from individual posts for social change11
Spiritual but not religious seek unrestricted connection to selves, others, and earth: Formative research on the explosive growth of an ‘inactive public’ beyond the organization11
Can we build a relationship through artificial intelligence (AI)? Understanding the impact of AI on organization-public relationships11
Warranted inferences of mediation and possibility of a threshold effect: Verifying the mediating effects of anger in situational crisis communication theory11
The ethical dimension of public relations in Europe: Digital channels, moral challenges, resources, and training10
Exploring trauma-informed listening among public relations professionals10
Capability gap in relation to public relations´ strategic issues in Latin America10
Agonism in the arena: Analyzing cancel culture using a rhetorical model of deviance and reputational repair10
Retelling the past crisis: Crisis memory and its influences on organizational reputation and public responses10
Enhancing supportive intention through perceived legitimacy: Social media influencer leadership and charismatic legitimization in CSR communication10
Managing spillover: Response strategies to another Charity’s crisis9
The experiences of English National Health Service professional communicators during the Covid-19 pandemic9
Corporate lobbying: Role perceptions and perceived influence on political decisions of public affairs professionals9
Conceptualizing allegiant communication behavior: A cross-national study of employees’ self-orchestration of voice and silence9
Integrated financial communication: Insights on the coordination and integration among investor relations and public relations departments of listed corporations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland9
Finding renewal in the midst of disaster: The case of the deepwater horizon oil spill9
Rumor behaviors as collective problem-solving: The moderating roles of regulatory focus9
Editorial Board9
“OK at the moment”: The important role listening plays in the relationship between black residents and local government9
Crisis management on social media: Effect of pre-crisis inoculation strategy and midst-crisis organizational interactivity9
A two-path model of the impact of LGBTQ+ diversity CSR levels on public response8
Timeliness, responsiveness and the human voice: The effects of dialogic strategies and the mediating role of perceived communication ethicality on social media relationship building8
“A symbol of service and sacrifice, mourning and memory”: Public relations and public memory the 100th year commemoration of the tomb of the unknown soldier8
An exploration of PR Week UK’s framing of specialist PR identities (1985–2010)8
Editorial Board8
Crime has a PR component: Public relations in U.S. mystery novels8
The role of public relations in a counterhegemony: A case study of the 1968 poor people’s campaign8
Presidential crisis: An analysis of Biden & Trump’s crisis communications strategies in response to allegations of sexual misconduct8
Engaging universe 4.0: The case for forming a public relations-strategic intelligence hybrid8
The paradoxical effects of communicating CSR activities: Why CSR communication has both positive and negative effects on the perception of a company’s social responsibility8
A blame narrative approach to apologetic crisis management: The serial apologiae of United Airlines8
Rethinking the start date for media relations and press releases: The peace movement of the 1800s8
Culture and internal communication in Chile: Linking ethical organizational culture, transparent communication, and employee advocacy8
Words matter: The impact of workplace verbal aggressiveness on workgroup relationship conflict, work-life conflict, and employee-organization relationships8
Dignity and respect or homocommodification? Applying moral philosophy to LGBTQ public relations8
Revisiting the SMCC model: How Chinese public relations practitioners handle social-mediated crises8
Modeling the antecedents and outcomes of perceived relationship investment (PRI) in nonprofit organizations7
Addressing participation, belonging, and temporality in public formation and maintenance: Advancing a rhetorical approach to publics7
Corporate social advocacy as engagement: Nike's social justice communication7
Reinforcing and challenging whiteness through crisis communication: Proposing a discourse of community repair7
The state of social-mediated crisis communication research through the lens of global scholars: An updated assessment7
Examining strategic diversity communication on social media using supervised machine learning: Development, validation and future research directions7
Stakeholder influence, government power, and new opportunities for Chinese Internet companies: A multilevel network analysis of cross-sector networks7
Pushing hands and buttons: The effects of corporate social issue stance communication and online comment (in)civility on publics’ responses7
Role conceptions of university communicators: A segmentation analysis of communication practitioners in higher education institutions7
University Engagement for Enlightening CSR: Serving Hegemony or Seeking Constructive Change7
A temporal approach to online discussion during disasters: Applying SIR infectious disease model to predict topic growth and examining effects of temporal distance7
“Don’t Mess with Ukrainian Farmers”: An examination of Ukraine and Kyiv’s official Twitter accounts as crisis communication, public diplomacy, and nation building during Russian invasion7
Public relations lessons from the pandemic: A systematic review of the COVID-19 research in public relations published from 2020 to early 20237
Understanding how corporate social responsibility partnership factors influence nonprofit supportive intentions7
Public relations in the new millennium: Towards a synoptic view of fifteen years of research in Public Relations Review in the 21st century (2000–2014)7
Publics’ perceptions of legitimacy in corporate social advocacy: A computational analysis of the role of ideological congruence7
Who does (not) want to engage in internal social media? Employees’ segmentation into different user types7
Pragmatic optimism, crisis leadership, and contingency theory: A view from the C-suite7
The moral foundations of responsible business: Using computational text analysis to explore the salience of morality in CSR communication7
Designing effective corporate social advocacy campaigns using valence, arousal, and issue salience6
“If it can be done, it will be done:” AI Ethical Standards and a dual role for public relations6
So sorry, now please watch: Identifying image repair strategies, sincerity and forgiveness in YouTubers’ apology videos6
Public expectations of crisis outcomes in the social media era in China: A communication-mediated psychological mechanism6
Visual communication and public relations: Visual frame building strategies in war and conflict stories6
Dynamics between fragmentation and unity: Identity and nonprofit relationship management in the Asian American Community6
Internal public relations’ role with workplace, spirituality, and religion6
Editorial Board6
Confronting controversial content: Examining online narratives and frames in #CancelSpotify and #NetflixWalkout6
Fixing the barn door before the horse bolts: Effects of pre-crisis engagement and stealing thunder in crisis communication6
A systematic review of digital internal communication6
Emotional intelligence and public relations: An empirical review6
Socially stigmatized company’s CSR efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic: The effects of CSR fit and perceived motives6
Editorial Board6
Artificial intelligence for internal communication: Strategies, challenges, and implications6
Optimizing organizational corrective communication: The effects of correction placement timing, refutation detail level, and corrective narrative type on combating crisis misinformation narratives6
The role of ethical leadership in building influence: Perspectives from female public relations professionals6
Shaping corporate character via chatbot social conversation: Impact on organization-public relational outcomes6
The role of the corporate purpose and how investor relations officers make sense of it6
The relationship between public-relations and journalists in WhatsApp technology6
Editorial Board5
Apologies as identification management: A theoretical model5
When publics collide: Developing the dual orientation conflict model in inter-public conflict5
Social media users’ crisis response: A lexical exploration of social media content in an international sport crisis5
How organization response influences public sentiment and behavior in online crises: The role of response strategies, tenor of discourse and executives5
Morality rules: Understanding the role of prior reputation in consequences of scansis5
The Effects of Corporate Elitism and Groupthink on Organizational Empathy in Crisis Situations5
Legitimacy, issue management, and gun debate5
Organizational legitimacy for high-risk facilities: Examining the case of NBAF5
Editorial Board5
Cultivating employee creativity through strategic internal communication: The role of leadership, symmetry, and feedback seeking behaviors5
Editorial Board5
Exploring leisure and municipal government public relations for community: A case example of parks and recreation5
Public responses to nonprofit social media messages: The roles of message features and cause involvement5
Megaphoning effects of skepticism, cynicism, and situational motivation on an environmental CSR activity5
Unpacking publics’ disengagement and information behaviors: Roles of psychological distance, feasibility and desirability in an environmental sustainability issue5
What do we know about government public relations (GPR)? A systematic review of GPR in public relations literature5
Computer mediation vs. dialogic communication: How media affordances affect organization-public relationship building5
Fans, friends, critics, and foes: How CSR-based stakeholder segmentation differentiates perceived corporate ethics, trust, and perceived brand quality5
Crisis communication: The mediating role of cognitive and affective empathy in the relationship between crisis type and crisis response strategy on post-crisis reputation and forgiveness5
Corporate responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by Fortune 500 companies5
Building bridges for anti-racism activism: Testing situational theory of problem solving and problem chain recognition effect5
Engaging through stories: Effects of narratives on individuals’ skepticism toward corporate social responsibility efforts5
When public relations meets social media: A systematic review of social media related public relations research from 2006 to 20205
Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication: FEMA’s Twitter use during the 2017 hurricane season4
Politicization of corporations and their environment: Corporations’ social license to operate in a polarized and mediatized society4
Narrative persuasion by corporate CSR messages: The impact of narrative richness on attitudes and behavioral intentions via character identification, transportation, and message credibility4
Crisis response strategy manipulation: A systematic review and a test of nuances4
Fake news: How emotions, involvement, need for cognition and rebuttal evidence (story vs. informational) influence consumer reactions toward a targeted organization4
Beyond the code: The impact of AI algorithm transparency signaling on user trust and relational satisfaction4
Perceptions about corporate positioning on controversial sociopolitical issues: Examining big pharma engagement with patient advocacy4
Who’s missing out? The impact of digital networking behavior & social identity on PR job search outcomes4
How controversial businesses communicate CSR on Facebook: Insights from the Canadian cannabis industry4
A call for reconfiguring evaluation models, pedagogy, and practice: Beyond reporting media-centric outputs and fake impact scores4
Stakeholder engagement in a multicultural context: The contribution of (personal) relationship cultivation to social capital4
Social presence for strategic health messages: An examination of state governments' use of Twitter to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic4
Introducing the Co-oriented Scansis (CoS) model: A case of chatbot, Lee-Luda4
Computational strategic communication in a data-driven world4
Toward an authentic corporate social advocacy (CSA): An internal perspective of BLM advocacy4
The state of internal communication in Latin America: An international Delphi study4
Editorial: Special issue on the spillover effect of crises4
Relationship cultivation and public engagement via social media during the covid-19 pandemic in China4
U.S. Fortune 500’s stakeholders engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence for proactive approaches4
Convergence or divergence? A cross-platform analysis of climate change visual content categories, features, and social media engagement on Twitter and Instagram4
A conceptual update to image restoration theory (IRT) via an analysis of the vice-presidential campaign of Kamala Harris4
Examining characteristics of prebunking strategies to overcome PR disinformation attacks4
Putting ethics of care into public relations: Toward a multi-level agency model4
Holistic understanding of individuals’ prosocial behaviors: A configurational approach4
Impacted publics’ perceptions of crisis communication decision making4
What drives a tough call: Determining the importance of contingency factors and individual characteristics in communication executives’ stance decision-making through a conjoint analysis4