Public Relations Review

(The H4-Index of Public Relations Review is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board104
A case for the plausibility of public relations licensing: The carrot of privileged communication58
Communication with intent: A typology of communicative interaction in engagement57
Social media advocacy and gun violence: Applying the engagement model to nonprofit organizations’ communication efforts50
Academics engaging through the media—Insights from creating a monthly column on crisis management47
In whose interests? When relational engagement to obtain a social license leads to paradoxical outcomes40
Framing, agency, and athlete activism: The case of simone biles at the 2020 olympics36
Plain old Bess in a different dress? Disruptions of public relations in the digital age35
Editorial Board35
Virtual community engagement: Engaging virtual communities for nation branding through sports31
It is all in the name: Toward a typology of public relations professionals’ ethical dilemmas31
Developing the scale of presidential candidate's dialogic communication (PCDC) during the 2017 presidential campaign in South Korea29
Identity resilience in times of mediatization: Comparing employees’ with citizens’ perceptions of a public organization28
Consumer rewarding mechanism in global corporate activism: An experiment using the Russia-Ukraine War27
The impact of diversity communication on employee organizational identification and employee voice behaviors: A moderated mediation model25
Using corporate social responsibility to enhance media reputation following a firm crisis: Evidence from China25
Instilling warmth in artificial intelligence? Examining publics’ responses to AI-applied corporate ability and corporate social responsibility practices24
Restoring trust through transparency: Examining the effects of transparency strategies on police crisis communication in Mainland China24
Key issue operatives in an issue-driven network: Public relations as a “pocket of strength” in campus sexual assault awareness and prevention24
Protecting organizational reputation during a para-crisis: The effectiveness of conversational human voice on social media and the roles of construal level, social presence, and organizational listeni23
Theorizing issue-driven public attention and expectations in audience responses to corporate sociopolitical activism: A mixed-method analysis23
Social media theory in public relations: A curation of a neglected topic in public relations research23
Shaping media relations scholarship: A systematic review22