Journal of English and Germanic Philology

(The TQCC of Journal of English and Germanic Philology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
What Do We Mean By Anglo-Saxon? Pre-Conquest to the Present30
The Language of Birds in Old Norse Tradition4
Dark Riders: Disease, Sexual Violence, and Gender Performance in the Old EnglishMæreand Old NorseMara2
Fights and Games: Terms for Speech in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight2
Awriten on þreo geþeode: The concept of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin in Old English and Anglo-Latin Literature1
Trees, Woodlands, and Forests in Old Norse-Icelandic Culture1
The Heavenly Field: A Reconsideration of Mother Earth in the Æcerbot Rite1
The Word-Foot Theory of Old English Meter, Version II1
Fabliau Afterlives: Magic, the Grotesque, and the Fifteenth-Century Fabliau1
Phonological Evidence for Resolution in Early Middle English1
Time and Commemoration in English Monastic Hagiography1
The Old Norse–Icelandic Hagiography of St Ambrose of Milan: Manuscript Tradition, Sources, and Composition1
Flemish Immigration and Geoffrey of Monmouth's De gestis Britonum1
The Value of the Canterbury Tales Project, and Textual Evidence in the Emendation ofCanterbury TalesIII.1171
Evolutionary Insights Into a Maladapted Viking inGísla saga1
Piers Plowman and the Reinvention of Church Law in the Late Middle Ages0
Krisen, Kriege, Katastrophen: zum Umgang mit Angst und Bedrohung im Mittelalter0
God’s Exiles and English Verse: On the Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry0
Enfeoffment to Use, Legalism, and Humanism in Gower's Mirour de l'Omme0
A Critical Companion to Old Norse Literary Genre0
Miraculously Cured: On Physical, Sensory, and Mental Difference in the Biskupa sögur0
Riddles at Work in the Early Medieval Tradition: Words, Ideas, Interactions0
Grundzüge einer Poetologie des Textendes der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters0
The Matter of Virtue: Women's Ethical Action from Chaucer to Shakespeare0
Middle English Lyrics: New Readings of Short Poems0
Transfiguring Medievalism: Poetry, Attention, and the Mysteries of the Body0
Literary Value and Social Identity in The Canterbury Tales0
Reykjaholt Revisited: Representing Snorri in Sturla Þórðarson's Íslendinga Saga0
Viking Mediologies: A New History of Skaldic Poetics0
Chaucer’s Squire’s Tale, Franklin’s Tale, and Physician’s Tale: An Annotated Bibliography 1900–20050
Gender, Poetry, and the Form of Thought in Later Medieval Literature: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth A. Robertson0
Writers, Editors and Exemplars in Medieval English Texts0
Front Matter0
Rivalrous Masculinities: New Directions in Medieval Gender Studies0
Beards and Texts. Images of Masculinity in Medieval German Literature0
Priests and their Books in Late Anglo-Saxon England0
The Saga Mind and the Beginning of Icelandic Prose0
Beyond the Critical Edition: Beowulf, New Materialism, and the Promise of an Object-Oriented Palaeography0
Gripla Vol. 300
Birds in Medieval English Poetry: Metaphors, Realities, Transformations0
Kommentar zu den Liedern der Edda0
Deofles Cræftum ond Dracan Fellum: Grendel's Glof and Early Welsh Tradition0
Birds of Creation in the Old English Exeter Book0
Between Artifice and Manifestation: Literary Composition in the Prologue of the Kaiserchronik and Other Early Vernacular Prologues0
Unmännlichkeit in den Isländersagas: Zur narrativen Funktion von “ergi” und “níð.”0
Wissenswelt triuwe: Kollokationen–Semantisierung–Konzeptualisierung0
Die Kunst der Intrige: Studien zur höfischen Epik des 12. Jahrhunderts0
Diebstahl und Raub in den Isländersagas: Einfallstore in die norröne Erzähl- und Vorstellungswelt0
Myth and Magic in the Medieval Far North0
Poetry and British Nationalisms in the Bardic Eighteenth Century: Imagined Antiquities0
Prostitution in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. The Dark Side of Sex and Love in the Premodern Era0
Interpreting MS Digby 86: A Trilingual Book from Thirteenth-century Worcestershire0
God's Patients: Chaucer, Agency, and the Nature of Laws0
Back Matter0
Arthurianism in Early Plantagenet England: From Henry II to Edward I0
Cato the Icelander0
Front Matter0
Settlements and Strongholds in Early Medieval England: Texts, Landscapes, and Material Culture0
Entering Behind the Veil: Uurd and the Evangelistic Ingenuity of the Hêliand0
Inschriftlichkeit: Materialität, Präsenz und Poetik des Geschriebenen im höfischen Roman0
Rowing in the Breca Episode from a Narrative Perspective0
Kong Magnus Håkonsson Lagabøtes landslov I-II: Norrøn tekst med fullstendig variantapparat del I og II0
An Icelandic Literary Florilegium: A Festschrift in Honor of Úlfar Bragason0
Neomedievalism, Popular Culture, and the Academy: From Tolkien to Game of Thrones0
Dialectal Variation in Old Saxon and the Origins of the Hêliand Manuscripts0
Father Chaucer: Generating Authority in The Canterbury Tales0
Chaucer and Religious Controversies in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras0
Bloodlines: Purity, Warfare, and the Procreative Family in the Old English Bede0
Gothic leiþu, “strong drink; fruit wine?” and its Cognates in the Germanic Languages0
The Virgin Mary's Book at the Annunciation: Reading, Interpretation, and Devotion in Medieval England0
Outlawry, Liminality, and Sanctity in the Literature of the Early Medieval North Atlantic0
The Victorine Library and Scholarly Networks Behind Niðrstigningar saga0
Dating and Authenticity of Skaldic Verse in some Sagas of Icelanders0
Reading the Anglo-Saxon Self Through the Vercelli Book0
Translation Effects: Language, Time, and Community in Medieval England0
The Art and Thought of the ‘Beowulf’ Poet0
Mobility and Identity in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales0
Discourse in Old Norse Literature0
Chaucerotics: Uncloaking the Language of Sex in The Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde0
Shapeshifters in Medieval North Atlantic Literature0
Apocrypha Hiberniae II: Apocalyptica 20
Enigma, Audience, Locale: The Ruin as Riddle0
Little Lewis and Latin Folk in Chaucer's Prologue to the Treatise on the Astrolabe0
Margins, Monsters, Deviants: Alterities in Old Norse Literature and Culture0
Liver-Rhymes: A Continental Connection toVǫlsa þáttrand the Faroesedrunnur?0
Henry Daniel and the Rise of Middle English Medical Writing0
Gripla XXXII0
A Companion to Chivalry0
Back Matter0
Long Lives of Short Sagas: The Irrepressibility of Narrative and the Case of Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra0
A Lexicon of Nordic Medieval Law0
The Chronology and Canon of Ælfric of Eynsham0
Writing Across Time in the Twelfth Century: Historical Distance and Difference in the Kaiserchronik0
“This carpenter wende he were in despeir”: Misinterpretation and the Nightmare in Chaucer's Miller's Tale0
Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature0
“Rede hit sofft”: John Audelay's Practice of Care0
Negotiating Boundaries in Medieval Literature and Culture: Essays on Marginality, Difference, and Reading Practices in Honor of Thomas Hahn0
Medieval Things: Agency, Materiality, and Narratives of Objects in Medieval German Literature and Beyond0
The Oxford Guide to Middle High German0
The Devil's Historians: How Modern Extremists Abuse the Medieval Past0
Medieval Romances Across European Borders0
Co-Presence and Consumption: Eating Kin(ship) In Old Norse Myth And Legend0
Rebel Angels: Space and Sovereignty in Anglo-Saxon England0
The End-Times in Medieval German Literature: Sin, Evil, and the Apocalypse0
The Etiquette of Early Northern Verse0
Analogical Perspectives on the Comparison between Vǫlundr and Daedalus0
Inventing William of Norwich: Thomas of Monmouth, Antisemitism, and Literary Culture, 1150–12000
Minni and Muninn: Memory in Medieval Nordic Culture0
Enlistment: Lists in Medieval and Early Modern Literature0
Dominican Resonances in Medieval Iceland. The Legacy of Bishop Jón Halldórsson of Skálholt0
Handbuch Frauenlob0
Description and Narrative in Middle English Alliterative Poetry0
Wisdom's Journey: Continental Mysticism and Popular Devotion in England, 1350–16500
The Art of Allusion: Illuminators and the Making of English Literature, 1403–14760
Finding Bede in the “Lindisfarne” Gospels: Aldred the Scribe and “beda ðe broema boecere”0
Play Time: Gender, Anti-Semitism and Temporality in Medieval Biblical Drama0
Re:writing: Medial Perspectives on Textual Culture in the Icelandic Middle Ages0
Later Middle English Literature, Materiality, and Culture: Essays in Honor of James M. Dean0
Shakespeare’s Ovid and the Spectre of the Medieval0
Dream, Bliss, and the Shaping of Emotional Meaning in Beowulf0
The Pre-Christian Religions of the North: Research and Reception, Volume II: From c. 1830 to the Present0
Biblical Commentary and Translation in Later Medieval England: Experiments in Interpretation0
Cistercian Stories for Nuns and Monks: The Sacramental Imagination of Engelhard of Langheim0
Visible English: Graphic Culture, Scribal Practice, and Identity, c. 700-c.15500
Influences of Pre-Christian Mythology and Christianity on Old Norse Poetry: A Narrative Study of Vafþrúðnismál0
Talk and Textual Production in Medieval England0
Proverbia Septentrionalia: Essays on Proverbs in Medieval Scandinavian and English Literature0
“Profitable” Gower: Commonplacing and the Early Modern Confessio Amantis0
Medieval Affect, Feeling, and Emotion0
Translating the Nonhuman Across Old and Modern English Verse0
Women's Friendship in Medieval Literature0
Editing and Interpretation of Middle English Texts: Essays in Honour of William Marx0
The Dynastic Drama of Beowulf0
Beyond “Germanic” and “Christian” Monoliths: Revisiting Old English and Old Saxon Biblical Epics0
On the Difference between Rhythm and Meter in Poetry: Beowulf as a Case in Point0
Contest, Translation, and the Chaucerian Text0
Pursuing Middle English Manuscripts and their Texts: Essays in Honour of Ralph Hanna0
The Mappae Mundi of Medieval Iceland0
Jómsvíkinga Saga, Hauks þáttr Hábrókar, Sigurðar þáttr slefu, Eindriða þáttr ilbreiðs, þorsteins þáttr skelks, Eindriða þáttr og Erlings, Raudðúlfs þáttr, Vǫlsa þáttr0
Proportion, Perspective, and Number in The Parlement of the Thre Ages0
Frisians of the Early Middle Ages0
Old Norse Myths as Political Ideologies: Critical Studies in the Appropriation of Medieval Narratives0
Dating Beowulf: Studies in Intimacy0
The Phoenix and the Interlingual Dimensions of Early English Literary Culture0
The Dedicated Spiritual Life of Upper Rhine Noble Women: A Study and Translation of a Fourteenth-Century Spiritual Biography of Gertrude Rickeldey of Ortenberg and Heilke of Staufenberg0
Hrinde Bearwas: The Trees at the Mere and the Root of All Evil in Beowulf0
Textual Identities in Early Medieval England: Essays in Honor of Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe0
Environmental Description and Social Elevation in Torrent of Portyngale0
Heinrich Wittenwilers ›Ring‹ als Krisenexperiment: Erwartung und Störung didaktischer Kommunikation0
Saints, Cure-Seekers and Miraculous Healing in Twelfth-Century England0
Sturlunga saga I-III0
The Viking Way: Magic and Mind in Late Iron Age Scandinavia0
Murder in the Baðstofa: Bathing and the Dangers of Domestic Space in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature0
The Penn Commentary on Piers Plowman, Volume 4: C Passūs 15–19; B Passūs 13–170
“The Game Crooks”: Law, Justice, and the Devils of the Towneley Judgment Play0
Phylacteries, the Archive, and Byrhtferth’s Enchiridion0
Modeling Recursive and Linear Temporalities in the Old English Menologium0
Geoffrey Chaucer in Context. The Oxford Handbook of ChaucerThe Oxford Handbook of Chaucer0
Strange Footing: Poetic Form and Dance in the Late Middle Ages0
Continental England: Form, Translation, and Chaucer in the Hundred Years’ War0
Symptomatic Subjects: Bodies, Medicine, and Causation in the Literature of Late Medieval England0
The Saga of the Sister Saints. The Legend of Martha and Mary Magdalen in Old Norse-Icelandic Translation0
The Afterlife of St Cuthbert: Place, Texts and Ascetic Tradition, 690–15000
Þrymskviða, Þrymlur, and Tord af Havsgaard—a Case of Early Antiquarianism?0
Latin Manuscripts of Richard Rolle at the University of Illinois0
Medieval Jews, Modern Ballads: Chaucer, “Little Hugh,” and “Sir Hugh” of Lincoln0
Northern Memories and the English Middle Ages0
Marian Literary Culture: Lydgate, his Heirs, and the End of Tragedy0
Author, Scribe, and Book in Late Medieval English Literature0
Raising the Roof in Cædmon's Hymn0
The Legacy of Boethius in Medieval England: The Consolation and its Afterlives0
Cultures of Witnessing: Law and the York Plays0
Oldtidssagaernes verden0
Medieval Narratives of Alexander the Great: Transnational Texts in England and France0
Bonds of Secrecy: Law, Spirituality, and the Literature of Concealment in Early Medieval England0
A Note on the Old Norse-Icelandic Verb at dreyma “to dream”0
Law and the Imagination in Medieval Wales0
Dreamworlds, Storyworlds: Narrative Proliferation and the Case of Stjörnu-Odda draumr0
The Medieval Cultures of the Irish Sea and the North Sea: Manannán and his Neighbours0
Räume erzählen–erzählende Räume. Raumdarstellung als Poetik. Mit einer examplarischen Analyse des Nibelungenliedes0
Approaches to Teaching the Middle English Pearl0
Lesebuch Frauenlob. Texte, Übersetzungen, Kommentare0
Historical and Intellectual Culture in the Long Twelfth Century: The Scandinavian Connection0
Dominating Demons in the Old English Prose Acts of Andrew0
Slow Scholarship: Medieval Research and the Neoliberal University0
A New Companion to Malory0
The Church as Sacred Space in Middle English Literature and Culture0
Excremental Desire, Queer Allegory, and the Disidentified Audience of Mankind0
The Poet and the Antiquaries: Chaucerian Scholarship and the Rise of Literary History, 1532–16350
A Landscape of Words: Ireland, Britain and the Poetics of Space, 700–12500
Kumlbúa þáttr, an Eschatological Event: The Traumatic Ontology of Being in Time in Medieval Iceland0
A Critical Companion to English Mappae Mundi of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries0
Wulfstan and his Library: The De officio missae and The Homiliary of Saint-Père de Chartres0
Addiction, Waste(d) Labor, and the Debate of the Carpenter's Tools0
Borrowed Objects and the Art of Poetry: Spolia in Old English Verse0
Skikkjurímur. “We shall find ourselves better women”0
Erzählen von Unmâze: Narratologische Aspekte des Kontrollverlustes im Willeham Wolframs von Eschenbach0
Staging Contemplation: Participatory Theology in Middle English Prose, Verse, and Drama0
The Contemporary English Chronicles of the Wars of the Roses0
Compatibilist Theology and the Composition of Þórðar saga kakala0
Preaching Apocrypha in Anglo-Saxon England0
A Comparative Grammar of the Early Germanic Languages0
The Weather in the Icelandic Sagas: The Enemy Without0
Death and the Pearl Maiden: Plague, Poetry, England0
The Early Icelandic Moral Economy According to the Major Poems of Egill Skallagrímsson0
Beowulfkvädet: Den nordiska baugrunden0
Emma, Emperor and Evangelist: The Production of Authority in the Frontispiece to British Library, MS Additional 332410
Islands in the West: Classical Myth and the Medieval Norse and Irish Geographical Imagination0
Theater of the Word: Selfhood in the English Morality Play0
The Forgotten Chaucer Scholarship of Mary Eliza Haweis, 1848–18980
Scribes of Space: Place in Middle English Literature and Late Medieval Science0
Harley Manuscript Geographies: Literary History and the Medieval Miscellany0
Avant la lettre: Philip Perry, Reconversionist Aesthetics, and the Medieval Literary0
Imagining Anglo-Saxon England: Utopia, Heterotopia, Dystopia0
The Christian Jew and the Unmarked Jewess: The Polemics of Sameness in Medieval English Anti-Judaism0
Diversität als Potential. Eine Neuperspektivierung des frühesten Minnesangs0
The Permeable Self: Five Medieval Relationships0
The York Corpus Christi Play: Selected Pageants0
Beowulf as Children's Literature0
Shame and the Breast in Ælfric’s Life of St. Agatha and the Harley Psalter0
Landscape in Middle English Romance: The Medieval Imagination and the Natural World0
Mechthild von Magdeburg ‘Lux divinitatis’ — ‘Das liecht der gotheit’. Der lateinisch-frühneuhochdeutsche Überlieferungszweig des ‘Fliessenden Lichts der Gottheit’. Synoptische Ausgabe0
The Pagan Earl: Hákon Sigurðarson and the Medieval Construction of Old Norse Religion0
Studies on Late Antique and Medieval Germanic Glossography and Lexicography in Honour of Patrizia Lendinara0
Etymology and Wordplay in Medieval Literature0
Lov og lovgivning i middelalderen. Nye studier av Magnus Lagabøtes landslov0
Dietmar von Aist: Vielschichtige Poetik. Studien zu einer literarhistorischen und forschungsgeschichtlichen Standortbestimmung0
As Though “Wit” Never Were: The Dual Pronoun as Interpretive Crux in The Wife's Lament0
“Watte vocat”: Human and Animal Naming in Gower’sVisio Anglie0
The Signifying Power of Pearl: Medieval Literary and Cultural Contexts for the Transformation of Genre0
Balaam's Ass: Vernacular Theology before the English Reformation. Volume 1: Frameworks, Arguments, English to 12500
Scribal Readers: Reading in the Variants ofPoema Morale0
Men and Masculinities in the Sagas of Icelanders0
Approaches to Teaching Langland’s Piers Plowman0
Masculinities in Old Norse Literature0