Lithuanian Mathematical Journal

(The TQCC of Lithuanian Mathematical Journal is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On the evaluation of risk models with bivariate integer-valued time series7
The Estimation of Parameters for the Tapered Pareto Distribution from Incomplete Data7
The law of large numbers for weakly correlated random elements in the spaces lp, 1 ⩽ p < ∞5
A functional limit theorem for self-normalized linear processes with random coefficients and i.i.d. heavy-tailed innovations5
Some Limit Theorems for the Cell Load in the Generalized Allocation Scheme5
Comparing Two Independent Populations Using a Test Based on Empirical Likelihood and Trimmed Means4
Limit Theorems for Linear Random Fields with Tapered Innovations. I: The Gaussian case4
Multiseasonal discrete-time risk model revisited4
Green’s function and existence of solutions for a third-order boundary value problem involving integral condition3
Stable fluctuations of iterated perturbed random walks in intermediate generations of a general branching process tree*3
On general sums involving the floor function with applications to k-free numbers2
Precise large deviations for aggregate claims of a compound renewal risk model with arbitrary dependence between claim sizes and waiting times*2
Uniform Cramér moderate deviations and Berry–Esseen bounds for superadditive bisexual branching processes in random environments2
Hankel determinants of order four for a set of functions with bounded turning of order α2
On the arguments of the roots of the generalized Fibonacci polynomial2
Second Hankel determinant of logarithmic coefficients of inverse functions in certain classes of univalent functions2
Variance of a strongly additive function defined on random permutations2
On the exceptional set for Diophantine inequality with unlike powers of primes2
Generalized moments of sums with heavy-tailed random summands2
Almost sure central limit theorems for the parabolic Anderson model with Neumann/Dirichlet/periodic boundary conditions2
Sharp bounds on Hankel and Hermitian–Toeplitz determinants of associated Sakaguchi functions2
Structural stability for temperature-dependent bidispersive flow in a semi-infinite pipe2
Evaluation of functional relation formula for the Clausen and Glaisher functions and multiple L-values1
A hybrid mean value involving hyper-Kloosterman sums and mth Cochrane sum1
On the Distribution of the Digits in Lüroth Expansions1
Sieving the Rationals1
On the Poincaré expansion of the Hurwitz zeta function1
On the independence of greedy expansions of certain algebraic numbers in a Pisot or Salem base1
The local regularity conditions for the Navier–Stokes equations via one directional derivative of the velocity1
On lower partial moments for the investment portfolio with variance-gamma distributed returns1
Joint occupation times in an infinite interval for spectrally negative Lévy processes on the last exit time1
Finite volume ADI scheme for hybrid dimension heat conduction problems set in a cross-shaped domain1
On Some Approximations for Sums of Independent Random Variables1
Ground state solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger equations with critical Berestycki–Lions nonlinearities1
Some definite integrals arising from selfdecomposable characteristic functions1
CQR-based inference for the infinite-variance nearly nonstationary autoregressive models1
Wright function in the solution to the Kolmogorov equation of the Markov branching process with geometric reproduction of particles*1
The quaternary Piatetski-Shapiro inequality with one prime of the form p = x2 + y2 + 11
Nodal solutions for some semipositone problemsvia bifurcation theory1
Analyzing arithmetic word problems: Blink of an eye for textbooks authors1
Richter’s local limit theorem, its refinement, and related results*1
Weighted Value Sharing and Uniqueness Problems Concerning L-Functions and Certain Meromorphic Functions1
Variance asymptotics for the area of planar cylinder processes generated by Brillinger-mixing point processes1
The famous American economist H. Markowitz and mathematical overview of his portfolio selection theory1
Almost sure central limit theorems for the maxima of randomly chosen random variables1
Properties of the random effect transformation1
Diophantine approximation with one prime of the form p = x2 + y2 + 11
Sums of multiplicative coefficients twisted by Frobenius traces1
How to compare power towers?1
On multidimensional locally perturbed standard random walks1
A Hardy–Ramanujan-type inequality for shifted primes and sifted sets1
Simultaneous Ruin Probability for Two-Dimensional Fractional Brownian Motion Risk Process over Discrete Grid1
A k-Sample Test for Functional Data Based on Generalized Maximum Mean Discrepancy1
Joint universality of Hurwitz zeta-functions and nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta-function. II1
On an elementary proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra1