SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

(The TQCC of SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Adaptive Tracking Control of Hybrid Switching Markovian Systems with Its Applications96
Nonlinear Quasi-hemivariational Inequalities: Existence and Optimal Control84
Sub-Super-stochastic Matrix with Applications to Bipartite Tracking Control over Signed Networks63
Dynamic Event-Triggered Leader-Follower Consensus Control for MultiAgent Systems61
A Hidden-Memory Variable-Order Time-Fractional Optimal Control Model: Analysis and Approximation40
Optimizing Static Linear Feedback: Gradient Method38
Policy Optimization for $\mathcal{H}_2$ Linear Control with $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ Robustness Guarantee: Implicit Regularization and Global Convergence29
Graphon Mean Field Games and Their Equations29
Policy Gradient Methods for the Noisy Linear Quadratic Regulator over a Finite Horizon27
Optimal Control Problems Driven by Time-Fractional Diffusion Equations on Metric Graphs: Optimality System and Finite Difference Approximation26
On the Equilibrium Strategies for Time-Inconsistent Problems in Continuous Time25
Nonlinear Detectability and Incremental Input/Output-to-State Stability22
Stability Analysis for Stochastic Neutral Switched Systems with Time-Varying Delay22
Convergence Rates of Inertial Primal-Dual Dynamical Methods for Separable Convex Optimization Problems21
Interval Observer Design and Consensus of MultiAgent Systems with Time-Varying Interval Uncertainties21
Prescribed-Time Mean-Nonovershooting Control under Finite-Time Vanishing Noise21
Convergence and Equilibria Analysis of a Networked Bivirus Epidemic Model19
Quadratic Matrix Inequalities with Applications to Data-Based Control19
Multimarginal Optimal Transport with a Tree-Structured Cost and the Schrödinger Bridge Problem19
Optimal Incentives to Mitigate Epidemics: A Stackelberg Mean Field Game Approach19
Stochastic Input-to-State Stability of Impulsive Stochastic Nonlinear Systems in Infinite Dimensions18
Switched Dynamic Systems with Logic Switching and Its Stability Analysis17
Multilinear Control Systems Theory17
Impacts of Game-Theoretic Activation on Epidemic Spread over Dynamical Networks16
The Role of Asymptomatic Infections in the COVID-19 Epidemic via Complex Networks and Stability Analysis16
Failure of Smooth Pasting Principle and Nonexistence of Equilibrium Stopping Rules under Time-Inconsistency16
Mean-Field Optimal Control and Optimality Conditions in the Space of Probability Measures16
The Switch Point Algorithm16
Linear-Quadratic Stochastic Stackelberg Differential Games for Jump-Diffusion Systems15
Stability Analysis of Stochastic Impulsive Switched Systems with Deterministic State-Dependent Impulses and Switches14
Optimal Equilibria for Multidimensional Time-Inconsistent Stopping Problems14
Robust Feedback Stabilization of N-Level Quantum Spin Systems13
Classical and Quantum Controllability of a Rotating Symmetric Molecule13
Reduction and Analysis of Boolean Control Networks by Bisimulation13
Projected Dynamical Systems on Irregular, Non-Euclidean Domains for Nonlinear Optimization13
Exploratory HJB Equations and Their Convergence13
Fictitious Play in Zero-Sum Stochastic Games13
Convex Synthesis of Accelerated Gradient Algorithms13
Sparse Optimal Control of a Phase Field Tumor Model with Mechanical Effects12
Social Optima in Mean Field Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Control with Volatility Uncertainty12
A Stochastic Subgradient Method for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Multilevel Composition Optimization12
Identifiability of Infection Model Parameters Early in an Epidemic12
Intrinsic Lipschitz Regularity of Mean-Field Optimal Controls12
Optimal Control with Nonregular Mixed Constraints: An Optimization Approach11
McKean--Vlasov SDEs in Nonlinear Filtering11
Event-Triggered Gain Scheduling of Reaction-Diffusion PDEs11
A Scalable Approach to Compute Delay Margin of a Class of Neutral-Type Time Delay Systems11
Geometric Analysis of Differential-Algebraic Equations via Linear Control Theory11
On Second-Order Cone Positive Systems11
Global Stabilization of Compressible Flow between Two Moving Pistons11
Collision Avoidance of Multiagent Systems on Riemannian Manifolds11
Two-Person Zero-Sum Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Differential Games11
Stability for Stochastic McKean--Vlasov Equations with Non-Lipschitz Coefficients10
Optimal Policies for Convex Symmetric Stochastic Dynamic Teams and their Mean-Field Limit10
A Second Order Dynamical System and Its Discretization for Strongly Pseudo-monotone Variational Inequalities10
Delay Effect on First-Order Consensus over Directed Graphs: Optimizing PID Protocols for Maximal Robustness10
Topology Optimization for Incremental Elastoplasticity: A Phase-Field Approach10
Random Horizon Principal-Agent Problems10
State Constrained Control Problems in Banach Lattices and Applications10
State-Dependent Temperature Control for Langevin Diffusions10
Upper Envelopes of Families of Feller Semigroups and Viscosity Solutions to a Class of Nonlinear Cauchy Problems9
Controllability of One-Dimensional Viscous Free Boundary Flows9
Bisimulations of Probabilistic Boolean Networks9
Improved Results on Stabilization of $G$-SDEs by Feedback Control Based on Discrete-Time Observations9
Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman--Isaacs Equations for Time-Delay Systems9
Small Gain Theorems for General Networks of Heterogeneous Infinite-Dimensional Systems9
Linearly Constrained Linear Quadratic Regulator from the Viewpoint of Kernel Methods9
Analysis and Design of Strongly Stabilizing PID Controllers for Time-Delay Systems9
Optimal Tracking Portfolio with a Ratcheting Capital Benchmark9
A Q-Learning Algorithm for Discrete-Time Linear-Quadratic Control with Random Parameters of Unknown Distribution: Convergence and Stabilization9
Optimal Control of the Two-Dimensional Evolutionary Navier--Stokes Equations with Measure Valued Controls9
Robust Stability of Full Information Estimation9
Stability of Time-Delay Systems with Delayed Impulses: Average Impulsive Estimation Approach9
Stabilization of Wave Equation on Cuboidal Domain via Kelvin--Voigt Damping: A Case without Geometric Control Condition9
Finite-Time Analysis and Restarting Scheme for Linear Two-Time-Scale Stochastic Approximation9
Lyapunov--Krasovskii Characterization of the Input-to-State Stability for Switching Retarded Systems9
M$^2$ Spectral Estimation: A Flexible Approach Ensuring Rational Solutions8
A Distributed Optimal Control Model Applied to COVID-19 Pandemic8
Infinite Horizon Forward-Backward SDEs and Open-Loop Optimal Controls for Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Problems with Random Coefficients8
Nonconvex Integro-Differential Sweeping Process with Applications8
Luenberger Observers for Infinite-Dimensional Systems, Back and Forth Nudging, and Application to a Crystallization Process8
Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems for a Class of Semilinear Parabolic Equations8
Convex Optimization for Finite-Horizon Robust Covariance Control of Linear Stochastic Systems8
Robustness to Incorrect Priors and Controlled Filter Stability in Partially Observed Stochastic Control8
Oblique Projection Exponential Dynamical Observer for Nonautonomous Linear Parabolic-like Equations8
Optimal Control and Stabilization for Discrete-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems with Input Delay8
Funnel Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems with Relative Degree One8
Nondegenerate Abnormality, Controllability, and Gap Phenomena in Optimal Control with State Constraints8
Output Regulation of Infinite-Dimensional Nonlinear Systems: A Forwarding Approach for Contraction Semigroups8
Comparison of Information Structures for Zero-Sum Games and a Partial Converse to Blackwell Ordering in Standard Borel Spaces8
Optimal Control of the Sweeping Process with a Nonsmooth Moving Set8
Moment-Driven Predictive Control of Mean-Field Collective Dynamics8
Competition versus Cooperation: A Class of Solvable Mean Field Impulse Control Problems8
Proportional Integral Regulation Control of a One-Dimensional Semilinear Wave Equation7
A Cucker--Smale Inspired Deterministic Mean Field Game with Velocity Interactions7
Feedforward Neural Networks and Compositional Functions with Applications to Dynamical Systems7
On the Numerical Solution of a Time-Dependent Shape Optimization Problem for the Heat Equation7
Integral Operator Riccati Equations Arising in Stochastic Volterra Control Problems7
On the Continuous Finite-Time Stabilization of the Double Integrator7
Boundary Controllability for a Degenerate Wave Equation in Nondivergence Form with Drift7
Graph-Theoretic Stability Conditions for Metzler Matrices and Monotone Systems7
Event-Triggered Distributed Estimation with Decaying Communication Rate7
Closed-Loop Equilibrium Strategies for General Time-Inconsistent Optimal Control Problems7
How to Detect a Salami Slicer: A Stochastic Controller-and-Stopper Game with Unknown Competition7
Regularity and Stability of Feedback Relaxed Controls7
Optimal Control of Port-Hamiltonian Descriptor Systems with Minimal Energy Supply7
Optimal Control of Soft Materials Using a Hausdorff Distance Functional7
Extension of PID Regulators to Dynamical Systems on Smooth Manifolds (M-PID)7
Stabilization of Highly Nonlinear Hybrid Stochastic Differential Delay Equations with Lévy Noise by Delay Feedback Control6
Stationary Markov Nash Equilibria for Nonzero-Sum Constrained ARAT Markov Games6
The Barabanov Norm is Generically Unique, Simple, and Easily Computed6
A Class of Stochastic Games and Moving Free Boundary Problems6
Distributional Robustness in Minimax Linear Quadratic Control with Wasserstein Distance6
Time-Inconsistent Consumption-Investment Problems in Incomplete Markets under General Discount Functions6
Non-Lipschitz Uniform Domain Shape Optimization in Linear Acoustics6
How Much Testing and Social Distancing is Required to Control COVID-19? Some Insight Based on an Age-Differentiated Compartmental Model6
Relaxation in Population Dynamics Models with Hysteresis6
Learning-Ability of Discrete-Time Iterative Learning Control Systems with Feedforward6
Kalman Filtering over the Random Delay and Packet Drop Channel6
An Enhanced Strategy for Adaptive Output-Feedback Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems6
Numerical Estimation of a Diffusion Coefficient in Subdiffusion6
On Minimality of Initial Data Required to Uniquely Characterize Every Trajectory in a Discrete $n$-D System6
A Mean Field Game Approach to Equilibrium Pricing with Market Clearing Condition6
Controllability of Network Opinion in Erdös--Rényi Graphs Using Sparse Control Inputs6
Is Global Asymptotic Stability Necessarily Uniform for Time-Invariant Time-Delay Systems?6
Backward Stochastic Volterra Integro-Differential Equations and Applications in Optimal Control Problems6
Dynamic Programming Equation for the Mean Field Optimal Stopping Problem6
Avoiding Observability Singularities in Output Feedback Bilinear Systems6
ISS Lyapunov Strictification via Observer Design and Integral Action Control for a Korteweg–de Vries Equation6
Stabilizability of Game-Based Control Systems6
On Identification of Boolean Control Networks6
Viscosity Solutions for Obstacle Problems on Wasserstein Space6
Null Controllability for Fourth Order Stochastic Parabolic Equations6
The Controllability of Fokker--Planck Equations with Reflecting Boundary Conditions and Controllers in Diffusion Term6
The Maximization of the $p$-Laplacian Energy for a Two-Phase Material6
A Stochastic Model of Economic Growth in Time-Space6
Relaxed Multibang Regularization for the Combinatorial Integral Approximation5
Exact Boundary Controllability of Nodal Profile for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems and Its Asymptotic Stability5
Stability Verification for a Class of Stochastic Hybrid Systems by Semidefinite Programming5
Controlling Swarms toward Flocks and Mills5
Analysis of a Greedy Reconstruction Algorithm5
Duality and Approximation of Stochastic Optimal Control Problems under Expectation Constraints5
Optimal Investment Timing for Carbon Emission Reduction Technology with a Jump-Diffusion Process5
Path-Dependent Hamilton--Jacobi Equations with Super-Quadratic Growth in the Gradient and the Vanishing Viscosity Method5
On Stabilization of Discrete Time-Varying Systems5
Networked Robust Stability for LTV Systems with Simultaneous Uncertainties in Plant, Controller, and Communication Channels5
A Fredholm Transformation for the Rapid Stabilization of a Degenerate Parabolic Equation5
Tracing Locally Pareto-Optimal Points by Numerical Integration5
Cournot--Nash Equilibrium and Optimal Transport in a Dynamic Setting5
Robust Retirement with Return Ambiguity: Optimal \(\boldsymbol{G}\)-Stopping Time in Dual Space5
Exact Boundary Synchronization by Groups for a Coupled System of Wave Equations with Coupled Robin Boundary Controls on a General Bounded Domain5
Time-Domain Decomposition for Optimal Control Problems Governed by Semilinear Hyperbolic Systems5
Optimal Ergodic Control of Linear Stochastic Differential Equations with Quadratic Cost Functionals Having Indefinite Weights5
Optimal Installation of Solar Panels with Price Impact: A Solvable Singular Stochastic Control Problem5