Health Care Management Review

(The median citation count of Health Care Management Review is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The gender pay gap in medicine: A systematic review41
How psychological safety and feeling heard relate to burnout and adaptation amid uncertainty29
Caring work environments and clinician emotional exhaustion21
Employee silence in health care: Charting new avenues for leadership and management14
From spreading to embedding innovation in health care: Implications for theory and practice12
Reducing burnout and enhancing work engagement among clinicians11
Cognitive crafting and work engagement: A study among remote and frontline health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic10
Disruptive behavior in a high-power distance culture and a three-dimensional framework for curbing it10
Practices to support relational coordination in care transitions: Observations from the VA rural Transitions Nurse Program10
Enhancing the value to users of machine learning-based clinical decision support tools: A framework for iterative, collaborative development and implementation10
Advancing health equity through organizational change: Perspectives from health care leaders9
Through the looking glass8
Patient–provider therapeutic connections to improve health care: Conceptual development and systematic review of patient measures7
The buffering effects of psychological capital on the relationship between physical violence and mental health issues of nurses and personal care assistants working in aged care facilities7
Factors associated with patient trust in their clinicians: Results from the Healthy Work Place Study7
Reducing burnout among nurses: The role of high-involvement work practices and colleague support7
Examination of nursing home financial distress via Porter’s five competitive forces framework7
Australian cancer nurses’ experiences of burnout6
Managing intergroup silos to improve patient flow5
If you say so5
A text mining study of topics and trends in health care management journals: 1998–20185
Understanding the relationship between absence constraints and presenteeism among nurses and midwives: Does social support matter?5
Voice is not enough5
The effects of leadership for self-worth, inclusion, trust, and psychological safety on medical error reporting4
Examining regulatory focus in the acceleration and deceleration of engagement and exhaustion cycles among nurses4
Association between physician practice Medicaid acceptance and employing nurse practitioners and physician assistants4
Institutional factors associated with hospital partnerships for population health: A pooled cross-sectional analysis4
Relationships and resilience at work and at home4
The role of health care organizations in patient engagement: Mechanisms to support a strong relationship between patients and clinicians4
Strategic use of health information exchange and market share, payer mix, and operating margins4
Information system use antecedents of nursing employee turnover in a hospital setting4
Travel nurses and patient outcomes4
Managing community engagement initiatives in health and social care: lessons learned from Italy and the United Kingdom4
Evaluating a patient safety learning laboratory to create an interdisciplinary ecosystem for health care innovation4
Cultural diversity in health care teams: A systematic integrative review and research agenda4
Resiliency-based adaptations used by primary care physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic3
The effect of participation in accountable care organization on electronic health information exchange practices in U.S. hospitals3
A double-edged sword: The effects of social network ties on job satisfaction in primary care organizations3
Promoting high-functioning mental health treatment teams in the context of low staffing ratios3
Provision of chaplaincy services in U.S. hospitals3
The relative importance of reputation and pride as predictors of employee turnover in an academic medical center3
Information tools for care coordination in patient handover: Is an electronic medical record enough to support nurses?3
Dispersion in the hospital network of shared patients is associated with less efficient care3
A systematic review of respect between acute care nurses and physicians3
Fostering organizational resilience: The relevance of organization theory in a postpandemic world2
The organizational and environmental characteristics associated with hospitals’ use of intensivists2
Factors affecting collaboration between clinical and community service organizations2
Were hospitals with sustained high performance more successful at reducing mortality during the pandemic’s second wave?2
Being “low on the totem pole”: What makes work worthwhile for medical assistants in an era of primary care transformation2
Pursuing innovation in academic medical centers2
Learning from patients2
System justification theory as a foundation for understanding relations among toxic health care workplaces, bullying, and psychological safety2
Assessing health care leadership and management for resilience and performance during crisis: The HERO-362
A moderated moderation analysis of perceived adaptivity and organizational support for innovation in the relationship between role overload and emotional exhaustion2
Comparing health care system and physician practice influences on social risk screening2
Antecedents of geographical expansion: The case of federally qualified health centers2
More isn’t always better1
Rethinking how health care professionals cope with stress: A process model for COVID-19 and beyond1
Psychological work climates and health care worker well-being1
A qualitative study of the dark and bright sides of physicians' electronic health record work outside work hours1
The impact of Maryland’s payment reforms on hospital community benefit efforts1
Factors associated with difficulty in adapting and intent to leave among new graduate nurses in South Korea1
Strategy research in a polarized and politicized environment1
Hospice inpatient services provision, utilization, and financial performance1
Functional diversity and team innovation1
Strategic use of tobacco treatment specialists as an innovation for tobacco cessation health systems change within health care organizations1
A framework of the institutional policies and practice environments of nurse practitioner primary care models1
In the eye of the storm1
Physician role differentiation: Patients, practice patterns, and performance1
Centralization and democratization: Managing crisis communication in health care delivery1
Overcoming walls and voids: Responsive practices that enable frontline workers to feel heard1
Exploring system features of primary care practices that promote better providers’ clinical work satisfaction: A qualitative comparative analysis1
Making do by getting real1