Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods

(The median citation count of Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Ridge-GME estimation in linear mixed models33
Likelihood ratio test for change in persistence25
Stochastic comparisons of linear degradation and failure time models with dependent failure modes19
L 0 -regularization for high-dimensional regression with corrupted data19
A testing procedure in clinical trials with multiple binary endpoints18
An extensible framework for the probabilistic search of stochastically-moving targets characterized by generalized Gaussian distributions or experimentally-defined regions of interest15
Orderings for series and parallel systems comprising heterogeneous new extended Weibull components15
Non parametric estimation of reliability for parallel system under ranked set sampling13
On complete convergence for weighted sums of coordinatewise widely orthant dependent random vectors in Hilbert spaces13
New precise model of studentized principal components12
Asymptotic properties of MLE’s of parameters of exponentiated exponential lifetime distributions12
A joint monitoring of the process mean and variance with a TEWMA-Max control chart12
Estimation of the scale parameter of a family of distributions using a newly derived minimal sufficient statistic12
Robust multiple-set linear canonical analysis based on minimum covariance determinant estimator12
Systematic deviation in mean of log bayes factor: Implication and application11
K-optimal designs for the second-order Scheffé polynomial model10
A novel method of generating distributions on the unit interval with applications10
Non parametric maximin aggregation for data with inhomogeneity10
Modeling periodically inspected k/r-out-of-n system9
Ultrahigh dimensional single index model estimation via refitted cross-validation9
On the convergence for weighted sums of Hilbert-valued coordinatewise pairwise NQD random variables and its application9
The Inertial properties of EWMA control charts9
An extended exponential SEMIFAR model with application in R9
Model averages sharpened into Occam’s razors: Deep learning enhanced by Rényi entropy9
An extended exponential hyper-Poisson distribution: Properties and applications9
Estimating a parametric function involving several exponential populations8
Robust Bayesian estimator in a normal model with uncertain hierarchical priors8
Optimal investment strategies for an insurer with liquid constraint8
Integrated QSS-RS plans based on the process yield index for lot acceptance determination8
Adaptive bridge estimator for Cox model with a diverging number of parameters8
Testing normality in the time series of EMP indices: an application and power-comparison of alternative tests7
Law of the logarithm and law of the iterated logarithm for a class of random variables with non-identical distributions7
Modified ridge-type estimator for the inverse Gaussian regression model7
Multivariate wavelet density estimation for strong mixing stratified size-biased sample7
Estimation of coefficient of quartile deviation in case of missing data7
Equilibrium strategy for a multi-period weighted mean-variance portfolio selection in a Markov regime-switching market with uncertain time-horizon and a stochastic cash flow7
Limit distribution of the least square estimator with observations sampled at random times driven by standard Brownian motion7
Dalenius and Vitale randomized response technique for complex survey designs7
Complete consistency for the weighted least squares estimators in semiparametric regression models7
Nonexistence of robust designs against presence of more than one outlier in a restricted class7
An issue about the efficacy for the time-to-event outcome based on accelerated failure time model with interaction of unrecognized heterogeneity and main effect7
Saddle-point p-values and confidence intervals based on log-rank tests when dependent subunits of clustered survival data are randomized by random allocation design6
A network Poisson model for weighted directed networks with covariates6
Maximum likelihood estimation of spatial lag models in the presence of the error-prone variables6
Strong law of large numbers under moment restrictions in sublinear expectation spaces6
Consistent ridge estimation for replicated ultrastructural measurement error models6
Minimal circular generalized strongly balanced and their conversion into circular balanced and strongly balanced repeated measurements designs6
The weighted ridge estimation for linear mixed models with measurement error under stochastic linear mixed restrictions6
Dispersion and variability orders of mixture exponential distributions and their sample spacings, and some associated characterizations6
Parameter estimation for Vasicek model driven by a general Gaussian noise6
Two-stage conditional density estimation based on Bernstein polynomials6
Generalized location-scale mixtures of elliptical distributions: Definitions and stochastic comparisons6
A multitest procedure for testing MTP2 for Gaussian distributions6
Parametric Lorenz curves based on the beta system of distributions6
Whittle likelihood estimation in INAR(1) process6
Estimating parameters of the gamma distribution easily and efficiently6
Stochastic comparisons of finite mixture models with generalized Lehmann distributed components6
Robust consumption for individuals with pessimistic survival beliefs6
On the linearly extended negative quadrant dependent random variables and its inequalities6
Comparing the extremes order statistics between two random variables sequences using transmuted distributions6
Robustness of definitive screening composite designs to missing observations6
System signatures: A review and bibliometric analysis6
On the probability of (falsely) connecting two distinct components when learning a GGM6
Extensions of fractional cumulative residual entropy with applications6
System reliability of the functions using Pareto-Rayleigh distribution6
Some properties of q-Gaussian distributions6
Negation of a probability distribution: An information theoretic analysis6
Artificial intelligence in portfolio formation and forecast: Using different variance-covariance matrices6
Asymptotic properties of GEE estimator for clustered ordinal data with high-dimensional covariates6
Theoretical results and modeling under the discrete Birnbaum-Saunders distribution6
Inference for sparse linear regression based on the leave-one-covariate-out solution path6
Convergence results for stochastic convex feasibility problem using random Mann and simultaneous projection iterative algorithms in Hilbert space6
Behavioral mean-risk portfolio selection in continuous time via quantile6
Asymptotics of M-estimators for moderate deviations from a unit root model with possibly infinite variance5
Exact sampling distribution of the general case sample correlation matrix5
A remark about a learning risk lower bound5
D-optimal designs for mixture experiments with various correlation structures5
A calibration-based approach on estimation of mean of a stratified population in the presence of non response5
Estimating powers of the scale parameters under order restriction for two shifted exponential populations with a common location5
Uniform-in-bandwidth consistency results in the partially linear additive model components estimation5
On the effect of items measuring different factors across individuals on item inter-correlations5
Lower bounds of the average mixture discrepancy for row augmented designs with mixed four- and five-level5
Moments of doubly truncated multivariate normal mean-mixture distributions5
Foreign exchange option pricing under the 4/2 stochastic volatility model with CIR interest rates.5
On infinitely divisible multivariate gamma distributions5
Asymptotic properties of the wavelet estimator in non parametric regression model with martingale difference errors5
Optimal preventive replacement policies for a system with discrete scheduled times5
A robust scalar-on-function logistic regression for classification5
Sample size analysis for two-sample linear rank tests5
Least squares estimators for reflected Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes4
A sample size-dependent prior strategy for bridging the Bayesian-frequentist gap in point null hypothesis testing4
A measure of orthogonality for the central composite designs4
Penalized quantile regression for spatial panel data with fixed effects4
Take a look at the hierarchical Bayesian estimation of parameters from several different angles4
Inequality restricted estimator for gamma regression: Bayesian approach as a solution to the multicollinearity4
A new fractional modified exponential curve model and its applications4
Stochastic comparisons on extreme order statistics from observations associated by FGM copula4
Empirical likelihood in single-index partially functional linear model with missing observations4
Forecasting short-term mortality trends using Bernstein polynomials4
High-dimensional asymptotic expansion of the null distribution for Schott’s test statistic for complete independence of normal random variables4
Comparison of higher degree stop-loss transforms4
Estimation of uncertainty distribution function by the principle of least squares4
A statistical study for some classes of first-order mixed generalized binomial autoregressive models4
Experience rating of risk premium for Esscher premium principle4
On μ – statistical uniform convergence and Dini’s theorem4
Bayesian Φ q -optimal designs for multi-factor additive non linear models with heteroscedastic errors4
Expected spacing4
A class of location invariant estimators for heavy tailed distributions4
Influence of environmental factors on stress-strength systems with replaceable components4
On strong deviation theorems concerning array of dependent random sequence4
Viability property for multi-dimensional stochastic differential equation and its applications to comparison theorem4
An IM-based efficient test for non inferiority of the odds ratio between two independent binomial proportions4
Moment-based approximations for stochastic control model of type ( s , S )4
Random logistic machine (RLM): Transforming statistical models into machine learning approach4
Censored panel quantile regression with fixed effects via an asymmetric link function4
Adaptive lasso variable selection method for semiparametric spatial autoregressive panel data model with random effects4
Cluster-weighted modeling with measurement error in covariates4
Phase-type stress-strength reliability models under progressive type-II right censoring4
A forced optional randomized response model for estimating the proportion of sensitive attribute4
On the method of moments approach applied to a (generalized) gamma population4
Modeling and analysis for a repairable system with multi-state components under K-mixed redundancy strategy4
Estimation of finite population distribution function in a complex survey sampling4
Prediction variance capability of orthogonal uniform composite designs and orthogonal array composite designs in the spherical region4
Jackknife Kibria-Lukman estimator for the beta regression model4
Jajte-type strong limit theorem for pairwise negatively quadrant dependent random variables3
A comparative analysis of proposed quantitative randomized response model3
An inventory system with replacement and refurbishment of failed items3
On cumulative residual (past) extropy of extreme order statistics3
On the variance estimator and its bounds in general linear models under linear restrictions3
Bootstrap inference on the Behrens–Fisher-type problem for the skew-normal population under dependent samples3
Tests for symmetry based on the integrated empirical process3
Restricted Stein-rule estimation in ultrastructural linear measurement error models3
The parameter estimations for uncertain regression model with autoregressive time series errors3
A Generalized General Minimum Lower Order Confounding Criterion for General Orthogonal Designs3
A new measure for assessment of clustering based on kernel density estimation3
An improved banded estimation for large covariance matrix3
Conservative sample size for multiple regression models3
Testing the ratio of two Poisson means based on an inferential model3
A flexible bivariate distribution for count data expressing data dispersion3
An extended Markov-switching model approach to latent heterogeneity in departmentalized manpower systems3
Exact laws of large numbers for k -th order statistics from the asymmetrical Cauchy distribution3
Simultaneous test for linear model via projection3
A randomization tool for obtaining efficient estimators through focus group discussion in sensitive surveys3
Unit root tests and their challenges3
On impurity functions in decision trees3
On randomly periodic strongly dependent time series, with applications to neural respiratory drive data3
Rate of convergence of discretized drift parameters estimators in the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model3
Some properties of weighted survival extropy and its extended measures3
A measure of variability within parametric families of continuous distributions3
Meta-analysis of exponential lifetime data from Type-I hybrid censored samples3
Linear approximate Bayes estimator for regression parameter with an inequality constraint3
M/M/1 queue with bi-level network process and bi-level vacation policy with balking3
Reinsurance contract design with heterogeneous beliefs and learning3
About the use of the overlap coefficient in the binary classification context3
Run orders in factorial designs: A literature review3
An asymptotic result of conditional logistic regression estimator3
Estimation of sensitive trait proportion using Kuk’s randomized response model with auxiliary information3
A note on second-order stochastic dominance for linear combinations of dependent Bernoulli random variables3
Letter on the paper “On the two-parameter Bell–Touchard discrete distribution”3
A non-uniform bound on binomial approximation withw-functions3
The effect of parameters estimation on the performance of variables control charts under repetitive sampling3
On the asymptotic normality of trimmed and winsorized L -statistics3
Precise asymptotics for complete integral convergence in the law of iterated logarithm under the sub-linear expectations3
Statistical design of ATS-unbiased charts with runs rules for monitoring exponential time between events3
Estimation of the multivariate symmetric stable distribution using the method of moments3
Equivalence of state equations from different methods in high-dimensional regression3
Mean time to failure of a k -out-of- n system with a single cold standby unit having dependent components3
Robust posterior inference for Youden’s index cutoff3
An improvement decision-making method by similarity and belief function theory3
Generalized weighted survival and failure entropies and their dynamic versions3
Supplementary notes on the least variance ratio estimator3
Supplementary notes on the minimax and orthogonal least squares line fitting procedures3
Statistical inference of a partitioned linear random-effects model3
Harris skewed normal distribution3
Statistical inference of varying-coefficient partial functional spatial autoregressive model3
A comparative analysis of several multivariate zero-inflated and zero-modified models with applications in insurance3
High-dimensional linear mixed model selection by partial correlation3
Detecting influential data in multivariate survival models3
On use of randomized response technique for estimating sensitive subpopulation total3
Reliability and expectation bounds based on Hardy’s inequality3
Regression to the mean: Estimation and adjustment under the bivariate normal distribution3
Constructing minimum aberration split-plot designs via complementary designs when the subplot factors are more important3
On polynomials associated with Cauchy–Stieltjes kernel families3
Interpoint distance-based two-sample tests for functional data3
On the rate of asymptotic normality of integral weighted kernel estimator in a non parametric regression model for φ -mixing random variables3
A note on estimating multivariate Gaussian mixtures with unknown number of components3
A hybrid method for density power divergence minimization with application to robust univariate location and scale estimation2
Estimating time-varying treatment switching effect using accelerated failure time model with application to vascular access for hemodialysis2
On integer partitions and the Wilcoxon rank-sum statistic2
A new sine similarity measure based on evidence theory for conflict management2
On the complete consistency of the kernel estimator of spot volatility2
Bayesian analysis of multiple break-points threshold ARMA model with exogenous inputs2
Optimal periodic dividends with penalty payments under a diffusion model2
A comparison between penalized logistic regressions and classification tree approaches2
Precise large deviations for sums of dependent random variables with subexponential distribution2
An almost sure limit theorem for the maximum interpoint distance of random vectors in spaces of growing dimension2
A generalized class of estimators for the mean using multiauxiliary information in adaptive cluster sampling2
Nonparametric empirical Bayes estimation based on generalized Laguerre series2
K-combined random fields: Basic properties and stochastic orderings2
Variable selection for high-dimensional incomplete data using horseshoe estimation with data augmentation2
Order restricted classical and Bayesian inference of a multiple step-stress model from two-parameter Rayleigh distribution under Type I censoring2
Normal approximation for call function by refined Lindeberg principle2
A note on asymptotic distributions in a directed network model with degree heterogeneity and homophily2
Scalable and efficient inference via CPE2
Homogeneity test of several high-dimensional covariance matrices for stationary processes under non-normality2
Correction to the paper “A new extension of the FGM copula with an application in reliability” by Rasha Ebaid, Walid Elbadawy, Essam Ahmed & Abdalla Abdelghaly2
Universal optimality of circular balanced repeated measurements designs through method of cyclic shifts2
Gibbs sampling for Bayesian estimation of triple seasonal autoregressive models2
Distribution of weighted Lancaster’s statistic for combining independent or dependent P-values, with applications to human genetic studies2
A stratified estimation for sensitive variable using correlated scrambling variables2
A modified one stage multiple comparison procedure of exponential location parameters with the control under heteroscedasticity2
Hidden Markov model with Pitman-Yor priors for probabilistic topic model2
Consistency of the frequency polygon estimators of density function and density mode under m -END samples2
Asymptotic in a class of network models with an increasing sub-Gamma degree sequence2
A correction to Begg’s test for publication bias2
Testing independence between discrete random variables2
New heteroscedasticity-adjusted ridge estimators in linear regression model2
Construction of circular quasi rees neighbor designs which can be converted into minimal circular balanced and strongly balanced neighbor designs2
The Bessel function expression of characteristic function2
Likelihood ratio and dispersive orders of parallel and series systems consisting of dependent multiple-outlier components2
Comparison of difference based variance estimators for partially linear models2
Determination of warranty length for one-shot devices with Rayleigh lifetime distribution2
Correction notice to “Heine process as a q-analog of the Poisson process-waiting and interarrival times”2
Lack-of-partial-memory and aging properties of multivariate generalized Marshall-Olkin distributions2
Estimating parameters from the generalized inverse Lindley distribution under hybrid censoring scheme2
The Generalized Multiple CO-inertia Analysis (GMCOA)2
Results on conditional variance in parallel system and lower bounds for varextropy2
On modified Anderson-Darling test statistics with asymptotic properties2
Bi-seasonal discrete time risk model with income rate two2
A general adaptive ridge regression method for generalized linear models: an iterative re-weighting approach2
Feature screening filter for high dimensional survival data in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space2
Identification of survival relevant genes with measurement error in gene expression incorporated2
Testing distribution for multiplicative distortion measurement errors2
Strongly almost convergence in sequences of complex uncertain variables2
Matrix spaces and ordinary least square estimators in linear models for random matrices2
Quantile-based cumulative Kullback-Leibler divergence in past lifetime: Some properties and applications2
On the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson point process2
Exact convergence rate in central limit theorem for a supercritical branching process with immigration in a random environment2
A composite Bayesian approach for quantile curve fitting with non-crossing constraints2
A note on convex stochastic dominance and diversification with applications2
Complete convergence for moving average process generated by extended negatively dependent random variables under sub-linear expectations2
Dispersive and star ordering of sample extremes from dependent random variables following the proportional odds model2
Confidence bands for hazard rate function based on a debiased estimation2
An economic-statistical design of synthetic Tukey’s control chart with Taguchi’s asymmetric loss functions under log-normal distribution2
On The Least Absolute Deviations Method for Ridge Estimation of Sure Models2
Some properties of 2-orthogonal polynomials associated with inverse Gaussian distribution2
A nonparametric Bayesian analysis for meningococcal disease counts based on integer-valued threshold time series models2
Option pricing with exchange rate risk under regime-switching multi-scale jump-diffusion models2
Inconsistency for the Gaussian QMLE in GARCH-type models with infinite variance2
Stationary joint distribution of a discrete-time group-arrival and batch-size-dependent service queue with single and multiple vacation2