Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation

(The TQCC of Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Hidden truncation in multivariate Pareto (II) data: properties and inference65
Comparison of persistence diagrams35
A risk-averse stochastic approximation of the optimal allocation of active redundancies to coherent systems20
Cost model of variable multiple dependent state sampling plan with rectifying inspection17
Ranked set sampling with lowest order statistics for Pareto distribution17
Forecasting overdispersed INAR(1) count time series with negative binomial marginal14
Applications of covering principle to clinical trials with multiple objectives14
Objective Bayesian inference for Birnbaum–Saunders distributions13
Parametric estimation and robust inference for current status data with Lindley lifetimes11
Cross-section asymptotic for random-effects panel data models with autoregressive errors11
Simulation of concomitants of records10
Doubly truncated expectation and variance of univariate generalized skew-elliptical distributions with applications9
A comparison of bootstrap approaches for homogeneity test based on dichotomous outcome in meta-analysis9
Model-based recursive partitioning algorithm to penalized non-crossing multiple quantile regression for the right-censored data9
Stress-strength reliability of multi-component system using response surface approach9
Superpopulation model inference for non-probability samples under informative sampling8
Practical efficient alpha: Encompassing all alphas of central composite design8
A multidimensional IRT model for ability-item-based guessing: the development of a two-parameter logistic extension model8
Clustering partially masked images with modified Radon transformation8
A comparison of nonparametric methods for multivariate two-sample tests8
Comment on Moriña and Navarro (2017)7
Response to Giraudo, Ricceri and Rosso (2022)7
Comparison of the robust methods in the general linear regression model7
The evaluation of the p -value as an estimator for the null hypothesis in the exponential distribution7
On the dynamical system of principal curves in7
Comparison of tests for association of 2 × 2 tables under multiple testing setting7
Trimmed scores regression for k -means clustering data with high-missing ratio7
Bayesian estimation for heterogeneous spatial autoregressive models with variance modelling7
Computational aspects of the kNN local linear smoothing for some conditional models in high dimensional statistics6
Estimation of correlation coefficient with general distortion measurement errors6
Empirical likelihood ratio test for autocorrelation in least squares regression6
A joint estimation for the high-dimensional regression modeling on stratified data6
A reversed-hazard-based nonlinear model for one-way classification6
On the maximum extropy negation of a probability distribution6
ANOVA with binary variables: the F-test and some alternatives6
Generalized inverse transformation method via representative points in statistical simulation6
Modeling systems with revealing and non-revealing failures undergoing periodic inspection6
Automatic clustering algorithm for interval data based on overlap distance6
Joint modeling of mixed skewed longitudinal responses using convolution of normal and log-normal distributions: a Bayesian approach6
Squared normal model and its generalization for the analysis of skewed positive data6
Nonparametric scale tests based on the notion of data depth6
Identification of parameters of Poisson distributions by the extreme order statistics6
The complete moment convergence for non-identically distributed martingale-difference random fields6
Moment estimation of uncertain autoregressive model and its application in financial market6
On classical and Bayesian inference for bivariate Poisson conditionals distributions: theory, methods and applications6
Alternative methods for interpreting Monte Carlo experiments6
Distribution approximation of covariance matrix eigenvalues6
Average derivation estimation with multiplicative distortion measurement errors6
Analyzing method comparison data with skew-normal measurement error models: incorporating generalized scale mixtures and varying degrees of freedom6
Multi-objective mathematical programming approach for multivariate compromise allocation for stratified random sampling5
A note on computing a confidence interval for the mean5
Budget constrained model selection for multiple linear regression5
Pairwise comparisons for Levene-style variability parameters5
Efficient minimal circular weakly balanced repeated measurements designs and their conversion into efficient minimal circular balanced and strongly balanced5
Combination of the modified Kibria–Lukman and the principal component regression estimators5
Locally penalized single-index model using B-splines and spherical coordinates5
Analysis of temperature and humidity in Oman using singular spectrum analysis5
Sample size determination in superiority or non-inferiority clinical trials with time-to-event data under exponential, Weibull and Gompertz distributions5
Orthogonal series method for uncertain nonparametric regression with application to carbon dioxide emissions5
On the generalized biased estimators for the gamma regression model: methods and applications5
Analysis of two Weibull populations under joint progressively hybrid censoring5
The generalized sigmoidal quantile function5
Copula based Bayesian data analysis of loss reserving5
Covariate-adjusted Bayesian estimation of the performance of a continuous diagnostic test with a limit of detection in the absence of a reference standard: a simulation study5
INAR(1) process with weighted negative binomial Lindley distributed innovations and applications to criminal and COVID-19 data4
Using data-driven techniques to predict outpatient ultrasound examination time for the multi-clinic outpatient appointment scheduling problem4
Application of Kalman Filtering with Bayesian formulation in adaptive sampling4
Stochastic modelling of volatility and inter-relationships in the Australian electricity markets4
Generalized asymmetric mixture normal distribution: properties and applications4
A novel multi-scale fractional-order Bernoulli grey model and its application on primary school scale prediction4
On a nonparametric estimation of ℙ( X < Y < Z ) in the presence of measurement errors4
Improvement of simultaneous prediction using principal components approach4
Liu-type shrinkage strategies in zero-inflated negative binomial models with application to Expenditure and Default Data4
Parametric hypothesis tests for exponentiality under multiplicative distortion measurement errors data4
A new cure rate model with discrete and multiple exposures4
Sequential monitoring clinical trial by conditional power under drift fractional Brownian motion4
On the trend detection of time-ordered intensity images of point processes on linear networks4
Effect of data preprocessing on ensemble learning for classification in disease diagnosis4
On the existence and generation of non- trivial BIBDs4
A Bayesian approach with double group sampling plan to estimate quality regions for proportion of nonconforming products in industry based on beta prior4
Convergence properties for randomly weighted sums of ρ -mixing sequences with related statistical applications4
Nonparametric sequential estimation of the cumulative function by orthogonal series and application in reliability4
Variable selection for uncertain regression models based on elastic net method4
Estimating propensity scores using neural networks and traditional methods: a comparative simulation study4
Restricted Liu estimator under stochastic linear restrictions in generalized linear models: theory and applications4
The regularization paths of total variation-penalized regression splines4
Nonparametric adaptive EWMA-type control chart with variable sampling intervals4
Potential bias introduced by not including multiple time-scales in survival analysis: a simulation study4
Detection and handling outliers in longitudinal data: wavelets decomposition as a solution4
Sparse calibration based on adaptive lasso penalty for computer models4
A new modeling method of gray GM (1, N) model and its application to predicting China’s clean energy consumption4
Comparison of deviance and ridge deviance residual-based control charts for monitoring Poisson profiles4
A new Liu-type estimator for the gamma regression model4
Estimating linear mixed effects models with truncated normally distributed random effects4
An improved permutation-based FDR estimator for heavy-tailed data4
Range-based volatility modeling in financial markets using a family of scale mixtures of Birnbaum-Saunders distribution4
Robust quadratic discriminant analysis using Sn covariance4
A new non-parametric test for testing positive quadrant dependence4
Improved maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the Gamma-Uniform distribution with bias-corrections4
Heteroscedasticity consistent ridge regression estimators in linear regression model4
K -depth tests for testing simultaneously independence and other model assumptions in time series4
Construction of some new Youden- m squares, incomplete Sudoku squares and PBIB designs4
Hybrid model approach in data mining4
The multivariate control chart with variable dimension for monitoring both location and dispersion4
Non-stationary spatial autoregressive modeling for the prediction of lattice data3
Copula-based measures and tests for conditional asymmetry3
Estimation of mean using under-reported and overdispersed count data3
Analysis of combined probability and nonprobability samples: a simulation evaluation and application to a teen smoking behavior survey3
A nonlinear mixed–integer programming approach for variable selection in linear regression model3
The multivariate exponentially weighted moving average chart for monitoring short production runs3
Influence diagnostics in geographically weighted ridge regression3
Procedure for the identification of multiple influential observations in block design for incomplete multi-response experiments in presence of masking3
Outlier detection in cylindrical data based on Mahalanobis distance3
Number of runs of ones of length exceeding a threshold in a modified binary sequence with locks3
Estimation of Lindley constant-stress model via product of spacing with Type-II censored accelerated life data3
A closed-form alternative estimator for GLM with categorical explanatory variables3
A distribution-free change-point monitoring scheme in high-dimensional settings with application to industrial image surveillance3
The role of weighting adjustment for attrition in longitudinal trajectory modeling: a simulation study3
Statistical inference of dependent competing risks from Marshall–Olkin bivariate Burr-XII distribution under complex censoring3
An almost unbiased Liu-type estimator in the linear regression model3
Power considerations for Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Anderson–Darling two-sample tests3
Maximum entropy and empirical likelihood in length-biased setting: a comparison study3
Adaptive cluster path sampling3
Parametric bootstrap procedures for three-factor ANOVA and multiple comparison procedures with unequal group variances3
Vine copula MFPCA residual control chart for sparse multivariate functional data3
An algorithm for computing generalized D -optimal allocation with cost consideration in regression models3
Constructing UpSet plot for survey data with weights using SAS and R software3
Simultaneous confidence regions for the difference between two multivariate complex normal means3
The Bayesian and Bayesian shrinkage estimators under square error and Al-Bayyati loss functions with right censoring scheme3
Low and high dimensional wavelet thresholds for matrix-variate normal distribution3
Exponential stochastic volatility model with Laplace returns and its variants3
Comparing the performances of symmetric and asymmetric generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedasticity models based on long-memory models under different distributions3
Estimation of the distribution function using moving extreme and MiniMax ranked set sampling3
Weighted exponential parameters estimation using maximum ranked set sampling with unequal samples3
Survival analysis using Dirichlet process mixture model with three-parameter Burr XII distribution as kernel3
Evaluation of threshold selection methods for adaptive wavelet quantile density estimation in the presence of bias3
Vasicek interest rate model under Lévy process and pricing bond option3
groupTesting: an R package for group testing estimation3
L p -Solutions of backward doubly SDEs with continuous and stochastic linear growth coefficients and p 3
An efficient new scrambled response model for estimating sensitive population mean in successive sampling3
On the effect of the Kaplan-Meier estimator’s assumed tail behavior on goodness-of-fit testing3
Statistical models of ballot truncation in ranked choice elections3
Sieve bootstrap test for changes between unit root and long memory process with time trend3
Construction of the average variance extracted index for construct validation in structural equation models with adaptive regressions3
A simulation-based study of ZIP regression with various zero-inflated submodels3
Ordinal family data analysis with measurement error in covariates3
A general estimation technique of population mean under stratified successive sampling in presence of random scrambled response and non-response3
Measure of predictability of a stationary two dimensionally indexed autoregressive moving-average models3
Shrinkage estimation and order selection in threshold autoregressive models via Bayesian empirical likelihood3
Generalized two-parameter estimators in the multinomial logit regression model: methods, simulation and application3
Adjusted curves for clustered survival and competing risks data3
Generalized q -logistic distribution3
New robust ridge estimators for the linear regression model with outliers3
Fisher information in ranked set sampling from the simple linear regression model3
Determining input factor importance in a compartmental model using screening methods3
Dispersion insensitive truncated models for inflated count data with upper bound3
Poisson-stopped sum Lévy-type processes with application to stochastic modeling of hospital arrivals3
Construction of uniform designs for high-dimensional screening via an adjusted multiple quadrupling algorithm3
Confidence intervals of proportion differences for stratified combined unilateral and bilateral data3
Memory-type ratio and product estimators for population variance using exponentially weighted moving averages for time-scaled surveys3
On the prediction of rare events when sampling from large data3
A modified ridge estimator in Cox regression model3
Estimation of C pm for autocorrelated data in the presence of random measurement errors2
Testing ARCH effect of high-dimensional time series data2
Bias assessment in local regression2
Functional partially linear single index models with measurement error in both functional and real covariates2
A dynamic sampling for monitoring nonparametric multivariate processes2
Improved Sieve Bootstrap based prediction intervals for time series2
Semiparametric regression models under skew scale mixtures of normal distributions2
Robust computationally intensive and asymptotic tests for compound symmetry structure2
Optimal intervals for the scaled-uniform model2
Sensitivity analysis and random dynamics for a mathematical model of tuberculosis transmission2
Rescaling bootstrap variance estimation technique under dual frame surveys with unknown domain sizes2
Separation of the refined estimator of the measure for symmetry in square contingency tables2
Comparison of two coefficients of variation: a new Bayesian approach2
Power comparison of the testing on the lifetime performance index for Rayleigh lifetime products under progressive type I interval censoring2
A new interpoint distance-based clustering algorithm using kernel density estimation2
Integrating clustering and sequential analysis for improving the spectral density estimation and dependency structure of time series2
D-optimal weighing designs with circular string property under SLS estimation2
Bayesian Elastic Net variable selection and application for spatial quantile panel autoregressive model2
Characterizing relationships between BLUPs under linear mixed model and some associated reduced models2
Estimating treatment effects in the presence of unobserved confounders2
Information analysis for past life based on geometric vitality function of k -records2
Alternative tests for the significance of the intraclass correlation coefficients under unequal family sizes2
Structural learning of functional directed graphical models with incomplete signals2
A one-chart scheme for joint monitoring of the two parameters of zero-inflated Poisson processes2
Distributed adaptive lasso penalized generalized linear models for big data2
Joint monitoring of mean and variance using Max-EWMA for Weibull process2
Whittle likelihood estimation in INAR( p ) process2
A markov-modulated risk model with transaction costs and threshold dividend strategy2
Homogeneity test and sample size of risk difference for stratified unilateral and bilateral data2
New metrics and approaches for predicting bankruptcy2
Time and magnitude monitoring using Weibull based Max-EWMA chart2
Asymptotic approximations of random ratio model based on AANA sequences2
Diagnostics for a two-stage joint survival model2
Calibration estimator of population mean under stratified two-phase sampling using two auxiliary variables2
Computational aspects of likelihood-based inference for the univariate generalized hyperbolic distribution2
Monitoring processes with ordinal data: an area-based approach2
Adaptive subsample estimation for multivariate normal distributions2
Signed integer-valued autoregressive model with time-varying coefficients2
Statistical inference under joint type-II censored data from two Burr-XII populations2
Searching for optimal Latin hypercube designs by a local greedy strategy2
Classification performance of machine learning methods in different data structures2
Local influence in linear mixed measurement error models with ridge estimation2
Inferences based on a balanced joint progressive type-II censoring scheme for Lindley distributed lifetimes2
Covariance monitoring of multimode multivariate IoT devices data2
A time-varying EWMA-CV control chart based on Upper Triangular Minimax ranked set sampling method2
Approximation of the lognormal distribution as a solution to the sum of lognormal variates2
Bayesian analysis of a multivariate spatial ordered probit model2
Regression analysis of asynchronous longitudinal data with informative dropout and dependent observation2
Viability for Itô stochastic systems with non-Lipschitzian coefficients and its application2
Comparison of some interval estimation methods for the parameters of the gamma distribution2
Confidence intervals for means and variances of nonnormal distributions2
Alternative general method of moments estimators in dynamic panel data models2
A novel hybrid robust tapering approach for nonlinear regression in the presence of autocorrelation and outliers2
Unified reciprocal LASSO estimation via least squares approximation2
Bounded unit root processes with non-stationary volatility2
Model misspecification of Log-Normal and Birnbaum-Saunders distributions2
Resampling-based simultaneous confidence intervals to compare scale using deviances2
Bayesian model selection for structural equation models for myopia data2
Bayesian analysis on a natural conjugate prior for the nonhomogeneous Poisson process with a power-law intensity under time-truncated sampling2
Estimating high-dimensional Hawkes process with time-dependent covariates2
A novel gray model based on normalized beta function and its applications2
Uncertain vector autoregressive smoothly moving average model2
Monitoring the coefficient of variation using a double-sampling control chart2
Confidence intervals of difference and ratio of means for zero-adjusted inverse Gaussian distributions2
Tests for comparing the means of two independent Conway-Maxwell Poisson distributions2
Multiple change-points estimation in panel data models via SaRa2
Multiple arbitrarily inflated Poisson regression analysis2
Evaluation of maximum likelihood procedures in ranked set sampling under imperfect ranking2
Partial least squares regression with conditional orthogonal projection for variable selection2
M/PH/1 queueing model with re-servicing2
Selective testing and its effect on false discovery rate controlling procedures under discrete framework2
Contextual tensor decomposition by projected alternating least squares2
Modified method of moments for generalized Laplace distributions2
Parametric bootstrap and fiducial inference for two-sample problems: two-parameter Maxwell distributions2
Classical and Bayesian inferences for two Topp-Leone models under joint progressive Type-II censoring2
Inference for a gradually deteriorating system with imperfect maintenance2
A Bayesian analysis of the incomplete block crossover design2
Partially balanced t-designs2
Detection of jumps in financial market2
Linear rank tests for left-truncated data using randomized block design: saddlepoint p -values and confidence intervals2
A class of bootstrap tests on the tail index2
A new LDA formulation with covariates2
Bayesian analysis for single-server Markovian queues based on the No-U-Turn sampler2
A new family of tests for DMTTF alternatives under complete and censored samples2
Bias reduction for standard and extreme estimates2
Bayesian estimation of multidimensional polytomous item response theory models with Q-matrices using Stan2
Effective estimation of nonlinear errors-in-variables models2