Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation

(The H4-Index of Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Construction of the average variance extracted index for construct validation in structural equation models with adaptive regressions58
Employing long short-term memory and Facebook prophet model in air temperature forecasting55
Beta ridge regression estimators: simulation and application35
On the estimation of Bell regression model using ridge estimator30
Nested cross-validation with ensemble feature selection and classification model for high-dimensional biological data22
Generalized two-parameter estimators in the multinomial logit regression model: methods, simulation and application20
Moment estimation for uncertain regression model with application to factors analysis of grain yield17
Estimation of Lindley constant-stress model via product of spacing with Type-II censored accelerated life data17
A comparison of methods for clustering longitudinal data with slowly changing trends16
Absolute logarithmic calibration for correlation coefficient with multiplicative distortion16
A novel family of variance estimators based on L-moments and calibration approach under stratified random sampling14
The expected-based value-at-risk and expected shortfall using quantile and expectile with application to electricity market data14
Estimation of population mean in presence of missing data under simple random sampling13