International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

(The median citation count of International Journal of Hydrogen Energy is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Modified equations for the performance of oxygen reduction reaction catalyst from rotating disk electrode to membrane electrode assembly723
Selection of competitive adsorption additives to relieve product inhibition of maleic acid hydrogenation in proton exchange membrane flow cell reactor: A molecular dynamics simulation677
Preparation, characterization and application of BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.2O3-δ for a high-performance and stable proton ceramic electrochemical cell652
Dynamic wetting of porous Ni substrate under MCFC conditions457
Performance assessment of thermochemical CO2/H2O splitting in moving bed and fluidized bed reactors449
Preparation of high-activity coal char-based catalysts from high metals containing coal gangue and lignite for catalytic decomposition of biomass tar415
Effect of Ni and SAPO-34 co-additive on enhancing hydrogen storage performance of MgH2380
Synthesis of nano-tube CoNi/N–C complex and its catalytic properties for highly efficient oxygen reduction361
Impact of microwave plasma treatment on tritium retention in submicronic tungsten dust343
Charge-compensated codoped pseudohexagonal zinc selenide nanosheets towards enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen production330
H2O2-assisted preparation of microspherical C60–TiO2 photocatalyst and its hydrogen evolution mechanism312
Sprouts-like Fe(OH)2 hetero-nanostructures assembly on selenium layered nickel foam (NiF–Se) as an efficient and durable catalyst for electro-oxidation of urea311
Surface modification of the p-type Cu2ZnSnS4 photocathode with n-type zinc oxide nanorods for photo-driven salt water splitting301
Mechanistic model for hydrogen accelerated fatigue crack growth in a low carbon steel299
Crystalline/amorphous CoP/MnOx heterostructure derived from phase separation for electrochemical catalysis of alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction293
In-situ investigation on hydrogenation-dehydrogenation of Pd–Ag alloy films291
Promotional effect of acetic acid on simultaneous NO and Hg0 oxidation over LaCoO3 perovskite275
Calcium-based pellets for continuous hydrogen production by sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming270
Calcium hydroxy phosphate-functionalized graphene oxide/Nafion composite membrane for direct methanol fuel cell264
Comparative investigation of electrolytic hydrogenation of pipe assortment steel under cathodic polarization256
Hydrogen interaction with vacancy defects in tungsten: Unraveling the influence on diffusion mechanisms and mechanical properties249
Anodic leaching plus chronopotentiometric aging of Ni2Fe ingot for sustainable oxygen evolution and urea oxidation reactions245
Investigation of Dunaliella salina microalgae as an effective dual-function material for hydrogen production and supercapacitor applications243
Numerical analysis on extinguishing of sprinklers in a hydrogen pool fire240
Hydrogen flow rate control in a liquid organic hydrogen carrier batch reactor for hydrogen storage238
The strain and sealing design of a portable hydrolysis reactor for hydrogen storage materials234
Design of pilot-scale delamination plant along with techno-economic and life cycle assessments considering renewable and non-renewable energy sources233
Design and optimization of the flexible poly-generation process for methanol and formic acid from CO2 hydrogenation under uncertain product prices232
Defect engineering on metal oxides (Zn, Mo and Fe) and their impact on the crude glycerol biofuel oxidation223
Partial oxidation of dimethoxymethane to syngas over granular and structured Pt-based catalysts216
On the applicability of carbon steels K55 and L80 for underground hydrogen storage208
Improving photofermentative hydrogen productivity of photosynthetic bacteria using a formulated Fe and Mo metal supplemented lignocellulosic substrate203
A cold start-up method with combining chemical-looping combustion and catalytic combustion for a methanol reformer186
Comparative analysis and optimisation of hydrogen combustion mechanism for laminar burning velocity calculation in combustion engine modelling184
Multi-interface anchoring enables atomic-level dispersion of Ru for efficient water oxidation180
Preparation and performance analysis of integrated electric heating hydrogen production foam catalyst179
Investigation of p-CuNb2O6 for use as photocathodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting177
X-ray CT-based numerical investigation of nickel foam-based GDLs under compression174
Thermal plasma synthesis of (La,Sr)CoO3-(La,Sr)2CoO4 composite cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC)170
Study on the catalytic thermal decomposition of metal-hydride (NaH) to enhance the hydrogen desorption characteristics166
Molten salt N-modified Mo2CT as a non-precious metal catalyst for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction166
Porous Ni–Fe–Cr electrocatalyst for the oxygen and hydrogen evolution reaction via facile one-step electrodeposition162
Analytical solution versus the Monte Carlo simulation for studying the H+ beam neutralization in H2 gas target neutralizer162
Integration of vanadium-chlorine thermochemical cycle with a nano-particle aided solar power tower for power and hydrogen cogeneration161
Design studies of a pure hydrogen production plant from biogas161
In-depth investigation on the influence of iron impurity on the oxygen evolution performance of iron-based catalysts161
Performance and durability studies of a catalyst-coated membrane containing a low-Ir-content Sr(Ti,Ir)O3 anode for use in proton exchange membrane water electrolysis160
H2 production by the unicellular freshwater cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942 PAMCOD strain159
Electrodeposited nickel nanocone/NiMoO4 nanocomposite designed as superior electrode materials for high performance supercapacitor159
An experimental and theoretical approach to organic functionalization of carbon nanofibers using fresh neem leaves154
Study of the composition and structure of ion-conducting membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol by 1H NMR spectroscopy153
Tungsten(VI) oxide supported rhodium(0) nanoparticles; highly efficient catalyst for H2 production from dimethylamine borane153
Refuse derived fuel hydrogasification coupled with methane steam reforming152
Tribute to the exceptional life of Prof. Armen Trchounian152
Bioelectricity generation and remediation of contaminated intertidal zone of Yamaguchi Bay, Japan151
Construction of surface active centers on the mesoporous Co/CeO2-δ catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation150
Guest editorial for special issue on biohydrogen generation from lab to industry: Challenges and perspectives149
Addressing the complex geometric effects on the three-dimensional transition to detonation in hydrocarbon-air mixtures using a parametrized level-set algorithm148
Recent advances and perspectives in diagnostics and degradation of electrochemical hydrogen compressors147
Pressurized hydrogen from charged liquid organic hydrogen carrier systems by electrochemical hydrogen compression147
Screening of recycled membrane with crystallinity as a fundamental property146
Machine learning-assisted tri-objective optimization inspired by grey wolf behavior of an enhanced SOFC-based system for power and freshwater production145
Semi-empirical degradation rate estimation of TiFe1-Mn alloy for thermochemical hydrogen compression durability tests145
Fabrication of three-dimensional nanocomposite with open cage fullerene polymer and MoS2 for enhanced electrochemical hydrogen evolution activity144
Gamma-ray-irradiated construction of CuCo-based nanocomposites for attractive hydrogen production and tandem hydrogenation143
Potential Social Impacts regarding working conditions of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles142
Improved pseudocapacitor and water splitting in cobalt-anchored vanadium carbide MXene nanocomposite141
Li2TiO3–LaSrCoFeO3 semiconductor heterostructure for low temperature ceramic fuel cell electrolyte140
Fully anhydrous HCl electrolysis using polybenzimidazole membranes138
Mechanism on catalytic cracking tar with CaO-based catalysts for hydrogen-rich gas by DFT and experiments136
Improved 3D porous structures of Ni electrodes prepared by high-pressure cold spray and post annealing for water splitting136
Fabrication of titanium bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells by uniform pressure electromagnetic forming135
MgO impregnation to Al2O3 supported Ni catalyst for SYNGAS production using greenhouse gases: Some aspects of chemical state of Ni species134
Study on low-vanadium Ti–Zr–Mn–Cr–V based alloys for high-density hydrogen storage133
Evaluation of the reactive-sintered (Mn,Co)3O4 spinel layer for SOFC cathode-side contact application133
LOHC-bound hydrogen for catalytic NOx reduction from O2-rich exhaust gas130
N-doped CoMo MOFs-derived carbon nanospheres electrocatalyst with Co/Mo–N bonds as bimetallic active sites for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction129
Bioinspired layered proton-exchange membranes with high strength and proton conductivity129
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Sr7Mn7O19.62-Dy2O3 nanocomposite synthesized via a green method128
MOFs in photoelectrochemical water splitting: New horizons and challenges128
Fabrication and characterization of rippled graphene/LDPE composites with enhanced hydrogen barrier properties126
Cu0·1In0·01/S-1 catalysts with high efficiency towards methanol steam reforming125
Role of intrinsic point defects on electrocatalytic activity of a metal-free two-dimensional Polyaramid for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction125
NiO nanoparticles-based gas sensors: A novel pulse-driven approach for enhanced and efficient hydrogen detection124
Porous heterojunction CoSe2–MoSe2 nanosheet arrays for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution124
Pd-CQDs/CdS ternary composite for highly efficient visible light driven H2 evolution under combined action of type I heterojunctions and Schottky junctions121
Exploration of hydrogen technology diffusion and network characteristics across multiple channels121
Parametric evaluation of the operating conditions for NO reduction in flameless combustion of an H2/NH3/N2 fuel mixture121
Ni–Co–Cu composite supported by graphene oxide doped with nitrogen as an anode catalyst in a high-performance glucose electrooxidation121
Degradation prediction of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on Bi-LSTM-GRU and ESN fusion prognostic framework120
Optimal design of locally improved structure for enhancing mass transfer in PEMFC cathode flow field118
Low-Pt supported on phosphorus-doped porous C3N4 as a photoanode for enhanced photo(electro)catalytic activity in hydrogen production118
Heterojunction construction via Fe-doped Ni0.85Se coupled with g-C3N4 for enhancing oxygen evolution reaction performance118
Research on the effects of coal dust parameters on the venting characteristics of gas/dust two-phase explosions118
Designing a type Ⅱ heterojunction ZnFe2O4/ ZnGa2O4 for photocatalytic reaction: Theoretical investigation117
Efficient ammonia conversion in proton conducting fuel cells: Combined application of dendritic anodes and nanofiber catalysts117
A novel Ti-doped BiVO4 photoanode with NiFeOx cocatalyst for fast charge transfer towards enhanced photoelectrochemical water oxidation117
Mechanism of chromium poisoning on La0.5Sr0.5Co0.25Fe0.75O3 cathode and enhancing chromium tolerance using a novel anion doping strategy116
Mechanochemical approach towards optimized Ni2+ spin configuration in NiO/TiO2 heterojunction with enhanced solar-driven H2 photoproduction114
ZnIn2S4 supported carbon dots/Ni3P hybrid for efficient photothermal catalytic hydrogen production from water113
Synergistic planning of an integrated energy system containing hydrogen storage with the coupled use of electric-thermal energy112
A theoretical study of the ability of 2D monolayer Au (111) to activate gas molecules111
The effect of methane addition on reacting hydrogen jets in crossflow111
The defect chemistry and machine learning study 5d transition metal doped on graphitic carbon nitride for bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst with low overpotential111
Development of an integrated membrane condenser system with LNG cold energy for water recovery from humid flue gases in power plants110
Cu+-ZrO2 interfacial sites with highly dispersed copper nanoparticles derived from Cu@UiO-67 hybrid for efficient CO2 hydrogenation to methanol110
A systematic review of machine learning methods applied to fuel cells in performance evaluation, durability prediction, and application monitoring110
Branched Glucan from Leuconostoc Mesenteroides as the channel for ionic migration in the fabrication of protonic (H+) battery110
Efficient anodic biochar oxidation over three-dimensional self-support nickel-iron nanosheet on nickel foam in biochar-assisted water electrolysis for hydrogen production110
Comparative performance analysis of diesel engine fuelled with hydrogen enriched edible and non-edible biodiesel110
Enhancing performance, reducing emissions, and optimizing combustion in compression ignition engines through hydrogen, nitrogen, and EGR addition: An experimental study109
A review of recent advances in alkaline electrolyzer for green hydrogen production: Performance improvement and applications109
The high-efficiency electrochemical catalysis of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes materials modified with Cu–Fe oxide alloy nanoparticles for HER and ORR108
Optimal sizing of photovoltaic systems based green hydrogen refueling stations case study Oman108
Energy management of a smart autonomous electrical grid with a hydrogen storage system107
Enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from reduced graphene oxide-defect rich TiO2-x nanocomposites107
Numerical simulation of water and heat transport in the cathode channel of a PEM fuel cell107
Experimental and numerical investigation on effects of pre-ignition positions on knock intensity of hydrogen fuel107
Electronic modulation of multi-element transition metal phosphide by V-doping for high-efficiency and pH-universal hydrogen evolution reaction106
Effects of hydrogen addition on combustion characteristics of a free-piston linear engine with glow-assisted ignition106
A critical survey of proton exchange membrane fuel cell system control: Summaries, advances, and perspectives106
Enhanced hydrogen production through alkaline electrolysis using laser-nanostructured nickel electrodes105
Large Eddy Simulation of rich ammonia/hydrogen/air combustion in a gas turbine burner105
ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulations of n-eicosane reaction mechanisms during pyrolysis and combustion105
Near-optimal energy management for plug-in hybrid fuel cell and battery propulsion using deep reinforcement learning104
Dynamic behavior of droplet transport on realistic gas diffusion layer with inertial effect via a unified lattice Boltzmann method104
The effects of hydrogen enriched natural gas under different engine loads in a diesel engine104
Dynamics characteristics analysis of the oil-free scroll hydrogen recirculating pump based on multibody dynamics simulation104
Elucidation of the optical, electronic, and photoelectrochemical properties of p-type CuFe2O4 photocathodes102
Rich-Quench-Lean model comparison for the clean use of humidified ammonia/hydrogen combustion systems101
Electronic band structure adjustable NiSxSe1-x ternary catalysts show omnipotent boosting ability in photoelectrochemistry, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis101
The effect of EGR and hydrogen addition to natural gas on performance and exhaust emissions in a diesel engine by AVL fire multi-domain simulation, GPR model, and multi-objective genetic algorithm101
The properties of ethylamine dehydrogenation and electrolysis using platinum catalyst for efficient, ambient hydrogen production100
Specific roles of Fe in NiFe-MOF nanosheet arrays on oxygen evolution reaction kinetics in alkaline media99
The H2 potential of the Colombian coals in natural conditions99
Graphite sheet-supported bimetallic RhNi thin film alloys for enhanced and durable hydrogen evolution in acidic environments99
The effect of hydrogen enrichment on thermoacoustic instabilities in laminar conical premixed methane/air flames99
Current progress on 3D graphene-based photocatalysts: From synthesis to photocatalytic hydrogen production98
Atomistic insight into dehydrogenation and oxidation of aluminum hydride nanoparticles (AHNPs) in reaction with gaseous oxides at high temperature98
High-performance hydrogen sensor based on γ-Fe2O3/α-Fe2O3 heterostructures produced by a one-step hydrothermal method97
Catalytic hydrogenation of acetophenone via an intensified trickle bed reactor for efficient hydrogen storage96
Trimetallic alloy nanoparticles as cocatalyst for improving the photocatalytic performance of graphitic carbon nitride for H2 production96
Two-dimensional MoSTe/MSi2N4 (M = Mo, W) van der Waals heterojunctions for photocatalytic water-splitting: A first-principles study95
Experiment and simulation study on transfer phenomena and performance optimization of MgH2 based hydrogen storage reactors95
Towards maximum efficiency of an open-cathode PEM fuel cell system: A comparative experimental demonstration95
Hydrogen supply chain for future hydrogen-fuelled railway in the UK: Transport sector focused94
A study of options to enhance the operation of a H2 direct reduction shaft furnace using a two-dimensional model94
Experimental investigation for the influence mechanism of air intake method and humidity level on performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells94
Scenarios of hydrogen-air ignition during the interaction of a shock wave with a destructible barrier94
Strategic integration of national grid or solar photovoltaic power with the on-site hydrogen vehicle refueling station at the hydrogen energy laboratory, BCSIR, Bangladesh94
MOF-derived carbon supported transition metal (Fe, Ni) and synergetic catalysis for hydrogen storage kinetics of MgH294
Highly accurate heat release rate marker detection in NH3–CH4 cofiring through machine learning and domain knowledge-based selection integration94
Pressure decline and gas expansion in underground hydrogen storage: A pore-scale percolation study94
A novel static mixer for blending hydrogen into natural gas pipelines93
MOF˗derived sulfur˗doped iron˗nickel bimetallic phosphide nanowires: A bifunctional electrode for hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions93
Risk-averse based optimal operational strategy of grid-connected photovoltaic/wind/battery/diesel hybrid energy system in the electricity/hydrogen markets93
A brief review of structural health monitoring based on flexible sensing technology for hydrogen storage tank92
Co/CoP@NC heterostructures as bifunctional catalysts to enhance the alkaline water splitting92
Highly durable anion exchange membranes with sustainable mitigation of hydroxide attacks for water electrolysis92
Green and one-pot synthesis of Co(II) citrate complex nanoparticles/graphene oxide nanocomposites towards photocatalytic hydrogen evolution92
The influence of thermal treatment on recirculating two phase anaerobic digestion system91
Effects of stagnation temperature on hysteresis in flame stabilization in a hydrogen-fueled strut-stabilized supersonic combustor91
Polydopamine-coated polyimide nanofiber to anchor HPW and construct the pocket-like composite membrane with excellent proton conductivity and stability91
Acknowledgment of reviewers 202091
Photo-stimulated hydrogen desorption from magnesium nanoparticles91
Interfacial engineering for promoting charge transfer in MoS2/CoFeLDH heterostructure electrodes for overall water splitting90
The public's acceptance toward building a hydrogen fueling station near their residences: The case of South Korea90
Ammonia mitigation and induction effects on hydrogen environment embrittlement of SCM440 low-alloy steel90
Overview of hydrogen production from biogas reforming: Technological advancement89
Techno-economic study and process simulation for a small-scale hydrogen production plant based on ammonia decomposition89
Design and performance analyses of graphene-nano plasmonic devices for wireless gas sensor applications89
Multiscale modeling of degradation of full solid oxide fuel cell stacks89
Hydrogen production by oxidation of aluminum nanopowder in water under the action of laser pulses89
Hydrogen-based solutions to help the electrical grid management: Application to the Terceira Island case89
ZIF-8@ZIF-67 derived Fe–CoS2/CNT carbon polyhedron for enhanced electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction88
Enhancement of hydrogen storage properties of NaAlH4 catalyzed by CuFe2O488
A novel lithium decorated N-doped 4,6,8-biphenylene for reversible hydrogen storage: Insights from density functional theory88
Combustion and emission characteristics of NH3/CH4/air in a model swirl combustor: Comparison between premixed and non-premixed modes88
Risk-based optimal operation of power, heat and hydrogen-based microgrid considering a plug-in electric vehicle87
Branched polybenzimidazole/polymeric ionic liquid crosslinked membranes with high proton conductivity and oxidation stability for HT-PEMFCs87
Improved hydrogen desorption properties of exfoliated graphite and graphene nanoballs modified MgH287
Enhancing the performance of TiO2 nanotube-based hydrogen sensors through crystal structure and metal electrode87
Improvements of combustion, emissions and exergy in petrol engine using oxyhydrogen from different configurations87
Numerical investigation on the effects of inhomogeneous gas diffusion layer and impact of interfacial contact resistance on the performance of polymer electrolyte fuel cells87
A case study on hydrogen refueling station techno-economic viability86
Photocatalytic production of hydrogen and methane from glycerol reforming over Pt/TiO2–Nb2O586
A novel geothermal source integrated system to meet the building demands: Exergo-economic and optimization assessment86
Electrospun prussian blue analogue derived NiCo@N-doped carbon nanofibers as efficient and highly stable electrocatalysts for neutral overall water splitting86
Enhancing the efficiency of sodium borohydride hydrolysis with a novel CoB-Triton catalyst85
An efficient and durable solid oxide fuel cell integrated with coal gasification system85
Varying load distribution impacts on the operation of a hydrogen generator plant85
Hydrogen flame acceleration and explosion overpressure characteristics in a closed obstructed duct84
Determining the challenges of transition to a hydrogen economy through developing a quantitative index84
High-performance La–Mg–Ni-based alloys prepared with low cost raw materials84
Surface exsolving perovskite ceramics as catalyst for microwave methane pyrolysis to co-generate hydrogen and carbon nanotube84
Boiling effect on oxygen evolution reaction-Theoretical analysis of its mass transfer enhancement mechanism84
Methane internal steam reforming in solid oxide fuel cells at intermediate temperatures84
Facile synthesis of polyoxometalate-based composite with doped ternary NiCoFe cations as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction84
The influence of the size of a one-faced metallic head in Janus nanoparticles as a co-catalyst on the photocatalytic efficiency of hydrogen evolution under vis light irradiation84
Optimal design of a hydrogen tube skid for stable charging, storage, and discharging84
Theoretical study on the inherent relationship between laminar burning velocity, ignition delay time, and NO emission of ammonia-syngas-air mixtures under gas turbine conditions84
Electrical/flow heterogeneity of gas diffusion layer and inlet humidity induced performance variation in polymer electrolyte fuel cells83
Effects of inclusions on the fatigue life of SNCM439 steel in high-pressure hydrogen gas83
Synthesis of flowerlike ceria–zirconia solid solution for promoting dry reforming of methane83
Efficient conversion of ethanol to electricity using large-scale flat-tube solid oxide fuel cells83
Propulsion of a hydrogen-fuelled LH2 tanker ship83
Effects of H2 addition on soot formation in counterflow diffusion flames of propane: A comparative analysis with He and N2 addition83
Comparative analysis of associated cost of nuclear hydrogen production using IAEA hydrogen cost estimation program83
Effects of different ratios of flexible links and rigid structures in side chains on membrane properties for HT-PEM applications82
Unleashing the potential of NiO@V2CTx MXene-derived electrocatalyst for hydrogen and oxygen evolution82
Orientated carbon nanotubes boosting faster charge transfer for bifunctional HER and OER82
Cold start optimization of the proton-exchange membrane fuel cell by penetrating holes in the cathode micro-diffusion layer82
Solar-driven chemical looping reforming of methane over SrFeO3-δ-Ca0.5Mn0.5O nanocomposite foam82
Theoretical and experimental design for promoting the oxygen reduction activity of SrCoO3 perovskite-based cathode for PCFCs by bimetal-ions doping82
Synergistic interface engineering and structural optimization of Fe-BDC/CoWO4/NF electrodes for super-efficient seawater oxidation81
Methane dissociation mechanism on Ni–La1−Sr ScO3−α cermet for proton ceramic electrochemical devices81
Fe–Ni-doped metal-organic framework derived CoSe2 as an efficient and stable electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction81
Constructing an oxide-fluoride heterojunction supported on carbon cloth as a highly active and stable catalyst for enhancing overall water-splitting80
Effects of gas-diffusion layer properties on the performance of the cathode for high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell80
Mechanisms of hydrides’ nucleation and the effect of hydrogen pressure induced driving force on de-/hydrogenation kinetics of Mg-based nanocrystalline alloys80
Optimizing polymer electrolyte membrane thickness to maximize fuel cell vehicle range80
Moisture migration in the cathode GDL of PEMFC under variable physical parameters based on a modified two-fluid model80
A market opportunity in power generation for hydrogen energy storage systems80
Iron and phosphorus dual-doped NiMoO4 with nanorod structure as efficient oxygen evolution catalyst in alkaline seawater80
Failure analysis of corroded high-strength pipeline subject to hydrogen damage based on FEM and GA-BP neural network79
In situ construction of heterostructure NiSe–NiO nanoarrays with rich oxygen vacancy on MXene for efficient oxygen evolution79
Ultra-fast electrodeposition of dynamic hydrogen bubble template nickel sulfide on a porous copper layer as an electrocatalyst toward hydrogen evolution reaction79
Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of calcium hydride79
Efficient and stable heterostructured air electrode for solid oxide steam electrolysis79
Analysis and optimization of a hybrid system for the production and use of green hydrogen as fuel for a commercial boiler79
Effects of chemisorption impurities on hydrogen diffusion mechanism from Pd(100) surface into subsurface79
Optimizing annealing treatment of mesoporous MoO2 nanoparticles for enhancement of hydrogen evolution reaction79
Optimization of performance and emission parameters of hydrogen enriched dual fuel diesel engine using response surface methodology79
An efficient data-driven approach for modeling and optimization of reactivity-controlled compression ignition engine fueled with polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers and hydrogen78
Fluorine doping as a feasible method to enhancing functional properties of Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 electrolyte78
Electrochemical oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene in a solid oxide electrolysis cell with in situ grown metal-oxide interface active electrodes78
Ambient electrosynthesis of NH3 from N2 using Bi-doped CeO2 cube as electrocatalyst78
Study of hydrogen depolarization anodes for zinc electrowinning of hydrogen-participated hydrometallurgy and their evaluation under industrial conditions78
Effect of Escherichia coli on the photocatalytic behavior of TiO2 nanoparticles for H2 evolution from water77
Binder-free bifunctional SnFe sulfide/oxyhydroxide heterostructure electrocatalysts for overall water splitting77
Hydrogen energy systems for underwater applications77
Low-temperature hydrogen release exceeding 7 wt% from LiBH4-mannitol composites77
Progress and challenges of green hydrogen gas production: Leveraging on the successes of biogas77
Exploring the hydrogen and methane storage capacities of novel DUT MOFs at room temperature: A Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulation study77
Nanoconfinement effects on hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 and LiBH477
Cattle manure thermochemical conversion to hydrogen-rich syngas, through pyrolysis and gasification77
Hairy sphere-like Ni9S8/CuS/Cu2O composites grown on nickel foam as bifunctional electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution and urea electrooxidation77
Highly active and stable IrO2 and IrO2–Ta2O5 catalysts for oxygen evolution reaction77
Impact of economic development on CO2 emission in Africa; the role of BEVs and hydrogen production in renewable energy integration77
Adaptive design for the connection of multicell HHO generator with solar photovoltaic panels76