International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Hydrogen Energy is 110. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Modified equations for the performance of oxygen reduction reaction catalyst from rotating disk electrode to membrane electrode assembly723
Selection of competitive adsorption additives to relieve product inhibition of maleic acid hydrogenation in proton exchange membrane flow cell reactor: A molecular dynamics simulation677
Preparation, characterization and application of BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.2O3-δ for a high-performance and stable proton ceramic electrochemical cell652
Dynamic wetting of porous Ni substrate under MCFC conditions457
Performance assessment of thermochemical CO2/H2O splitting in moving bed and fluidized bed reactors449
Preparation of high-activity coal char-based catalysts from high metals containing coal gangue and lignite for catalytic decomposition of biomass tar415
Effect of Ni and SAPO-34 co-additive on enhancing hydrogen storage performance of MgH2380
Synthesis of nano-tube CoNi/N–C complex and its catalytic properties for highly efficient oxygen reduction361
Impact of microwave plasma treatment on tritium retention in submicronic tungsten dust343
Charge-compensated codoped pseudohexagonal zinc selenide nanosheets towards enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen production330
H2O2-assisted preparation of microspherical C60–TiO2 photocatalyst and its hydrogen evolution mechanism312
Sprouts-like Fe(OH)2 hetero-nanostructures assembly on selenium layered nickel foam (NiF–Se) as an efficient and durable catalyst for electro-oxidation of urea311
Surface modification of the p-type Cu2ZnSnS4 photocathode with n-type zinc oxide nanorods for photo-driven salt water splitting301
Mechanistic model for hydrogen accelerated fatigue crack growth in a low carbon steel299
Crystalline/amorphous CoP/MnOx heterostructure derived from phase separation for electrochemical catalysis of alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction293
In-situ investigation on hydrogenation-dehydrogenation of Pd–Ag alloy films291
Promotional effect of acetic acid on simultaneous NO and Hg0 oxidation over LaCoO3 perovskite275
Calcium-based pellets for continuous hydrogen production by sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming270
Calcium hydroxy phosphate-functionalized graphene oxide/Nafion composite membrane for direct methanol fuel cell264
Comparative investigation of electrolytic hydrogenation of pipe assortment steel under cathodic polarization256
Hydrogen interaction with vacancy defects in tungsten: Unraveling the influence on diffusion mechanisms and mechanical properties249
Anodic leaching plus chronopotentiometric aging of Ni2Fe ingot for sustainable oxygen evolution and urea oxidation reactions245
Investigation of Dunaliella salina microalgae as an effective dual-function material for hydrogen production and supercapacitor applications243
Numerical analysis on extinguishing of sprinklers in a hydrogen pool fire240
Hydrogen flow rate control in a liquid organic hydrogen carrier batch reactor for hydrogen storage238
The strain and sealing design of a portable hydrolysis reactor for hydrogen storage materials234
Design of pilot-scale delamination plant along with techno-economic and life cycle assessments considering renewable and non-renewable energy sources233
Design and optimization of the flexible poly-generation process for methanol and formic acid from CO2 hydrogenation under uncertain product prices232
Defect engineering on metal oxides (Zn, Mo and Fe) and their impact on the crude glycerol biofuel oxidation223
Partial oxidation of dimethoxymethane to syngas over granular and structured Pt-based catalysts216
On the applicability of carbon steels K55 and L80 for underground hydrogen storage208
Improving photofermentative hydrogen productivity of photosynthetic bacteria using a formulated Fe and Mo metal supplemented lignocellulosic substrate203
A cold start-up method with combining chemical-looping combustion and catalytic combustion for a methanol reformer186
Comparative analysis and optimisation of hydrogen combustion mechanism for laminar burning velocity calculation in combustion engine modelling184
Multi-interface anchoring enables atomic-level dispersion of Ru for efficient water oxidation180
Preparation and performance analysis of integrated electric heating hydrogen production foam catalyst179
Investigation of p-CuNb2O6 for use as photocathodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting177
X-ray CT-based numerical investigation of nickel foam-based GDLs under compression174
Thermal plasma synthesis of (La,Sr)CoO3-(La,Sr)2CoO4 composite cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC)170
Study on the catalytic thermal decomposition of metal-hydride (NaH) to enhance the hydrogen desorption characteristics166
Molten salt N-modified Mo2CT as a non-precious metal catalyst for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction166
Porous Ni–Fe–Cr electrocatalyst for the oxygen and hydrogen evolution reaction via facile one-step electrodeposition162
Analytical solution versus the Monte Carlo simulation for studying the H+ beam neutralization in H2 gas target neutralizer162
Design studies of a pure hydrogen production plant from biogas161
In-depth investigation on the influence of iron impurity on the oxygen evolution performance of iron-based catalysts161
Integration of vanadium-chlorine thermochemical cycle with a nano-particle aided solar power tower for power and hydrogen cogeneration161
Performance and durability studies of a catalyst-coated membrane containing a low-Ir-content Sr(Ti,Ir)O3 anode for use in proton exchange membrane water electrolysis160
Electrodeposited nickel nanocone/NiMoO4 nanocomposite designed as superior electrode materials for high performance supercapacitor159
H2 production by the unicellular freshwater cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942 PAMCOD strain159
An experimental and theoretical approach to organic functionalization of carbon nanofibers using fresh neem leaves154
Tungsten(VI) oxide supported rhodium(0) nanoparticles; highly efficient catalyst for H2 production from dimethylamine borane153
Study of the composition and structure of ion-conducting membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol by 1H NMR spectroscopy153
Refuse derived fuel hydrogasification coupled with methane steam reforming152
Tribute to the exceptional life of Prof. Armen Trchounian152
Bioelectricity generation and remediation of contaminated intertidal zone of Yamaguchi Bay, Japan151
Construction of surface active centers on the mesoporous Co/CeO2-δ catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation150
Guest editorial for special issue on biohydrogen generation from lab to industry: Challenges and perspectives149
Addressing the complex geometric effects on the three-dimensional transition to detonation in hydrocarbon-air mixtures using a parametrized level-set algorithm148
Recent advances and perspectives in diagnostics and degradation of electrochemical hydrogen compressors147
Pressurized hydrogen from charged liquid organic hydrogen carrier systems by electrochemical hydrogen compression147
Screening of recycled membrane with crystallinity as a fundamental property146
Machine learning-assisted tri-objective optimization inspired by grey wolf behavior of an enhanced SOFC-based system for power and freshwater production145
Semi-empirical degradation rate estimation of TiFe1-Mn alloy for thermochemical hydrogen compression durability tests145
Fabrication of three-dimensional nanocomposite with open cage fullerene polymer and MoS2 for enhanced electrochemical hydrogen evolution activity144
Gamma-ray-irradiated construction of CuCo-based nanocomposites for attractive hydrogen production and tandem hydrogenation143
Potential Social Impacts regarding working conditions of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles142
Improved pseudocapacitor and water splitting in cobalt-anchored vanadium carbide MXene nanocomposite141
Li2TiO3–LaSrCoFeO3 semiconductor heterostructure for low temperature ceramic fuel cell electrolyte140
Fully anhydrous HCl electrolysis using polybenzimidazole membranes138
Mechanism on catalytic cracking tar with CaO-based catalysts for hydrogen-rich gas by DFT and experiments136
Improved 3D porous structures of Ni electrodes prepared by high-pressure cold spray and post annealing for water splitting136
Fabrication of titanium bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells by uniform pressure electromagnetic forming135
MgO impregnation to Al2O3 supported Ni catalyst for SYNGAS production using greenhouse gases: Some aspects of chemical state of Ni species134
Study on low-vanadium Ti–Zr–Mn–Cr–V based alloys for high-density hydrogen storage133
Evaluation of the reactive-sintered (Mn,Co)3O4 spinel layer for SOFC cathode-side contact application133
LOHC-bound hydrogen for catalytic NOx reduction from O2-rich exhaust gas130
Bioinspired layered proton-exchange membranes with high strength and proton conductivity129
N-doped CoMo MOFs-derived carbon nanospheres electrocatalyst with Co/Mo–N bonds as bimetallic active sites for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction129
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Sr7Mn7O19.62-Dy2O3 nanocomposite synthesized via a green method128
MOFs in photoelectrochemical water splitting: New horizons and challenges128
Fabrication and characterization of rippled graphene/LDPE composites with enhanced hydrogen barrier properties126
Cu0·1In0·01/S-1 catalysts with high efficiency towards methanol steam reforming125
Role of intrinsic point defects on electrocatalytic activity of a metal-free two-dimensional Polyaramid for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction125
Porous heterojunction CoSe2–MoSe2 nanosheet arrays for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution124
NiO nanoparticles-based gas sensors: A novel pulse-driven approach for enhanced and efficient hydrogen detection124
Exploration of hydrogen technology diffusion and network characteristics across multiple channels121
Ni–Co–Cu composite supported by graphene oxide doped with nitrogen as an anode catalyst in a high-performance glucose electrooxidation121
Parametric evaluation of the operating conditions for NO reduction in flameless combustion of an H2/NH3/N2 fuel mixture121
Pd-CQDs/CdS ternary composite for highly efficient visible light driven H2 evolution under combined action of type I heterojunctions and Schottky junctions121
Degradation prediction of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on Bi-LSTM-GRU and ESN fusion prognostic framework120
Heterojunction construction via Fe-doped Ni0.85Se coupled with g-C3N4 for enhancing oxygen evolution reaction performance118
Research on the effects of coal dust parameters on the venting characteristics of gas/dust two-phase explosions118
Optimal design of locally improved structure for enhancing mass transfer in PEMFC cathode flow field118
Low-Pt supported on phosphorus-doped porous C3N4 as a photoanode for enhanced photo(electro)catalytic activity in hydrogen production118
Efficient ammonia conversion in proton conducting fuel cells: Combined application of dendritic anodes and nanofiber catalysts117
A novel Ti-doped BiVO4 photoanode with NiFeOx cocatalyst for fast charge transfer towards enhanced photoelectrochemical water oxidation117
Designing a type Ⅱ heterojunction ZnFe2O4/ ZnGa2O4 for photocatalytic reaction: Theoretical investigation117
Mechanism of chromium poisoning on La0.5Sr0.5Co0.25Fe0.75O3 cathode and enhancing chromium tolerance using a novel anion doping strategy116
Mechanochemical approach towards optimized Ni2+ spin configuration in NiO/TiO2 heterojunction with enhanced solar-driven H2 photoproduction114
ZnIn2S4 supported carbon dots/Ni3P hybrid for efficient photothermal catalytic hydrogen production from water113
Synergistic planning of an integrated energy system containing hydrogen storage with the coupled use of electric-thermal energy112
The effect of methane addition on reacting hydrogen jets in crossflow111
The defect chemistry and machine learning study 5d transition metal doped on graphitic carbon nitride for bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst with low overpotential111
A theoretical study of the ability of 2D monolayer Au (111) to activate gas molecules111
A systematic review of machine learning methods applied to fuel cells in performance evaluation, durability prediction, and application monitoring110
Branched Glucan from Leuconostoc Mesenteroides as the channel for ionic migration in the fabrication of protonic (H+) battery110
Efficient anodic biochar oxidation over three-dimensional self-support nickel-iron nanosheet on nickel foam in biochar-assisted water electrolysis for hydrogen production110
Comparative performance analysis of diesel engine fuelled with hydrogen enriched edible and non-edible biodiesel110
Development of an integrated membrane condenser system with LNG cold energy for water recovery from humid flue gases in power plants110
Cu+-ZrO2 interfacial sites with highly dispersed copper nanoparticles derived from Cu@UiO-67 hybrid for efficient CO2 hydrogenation to methanol110