Computers & Education

(The median citation count of Computers & Education is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
A systematic review of research on online teaching and learning from 2009 to 2018262
Comparative analysis of Student's live online learning readiness during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the higher education sector249
Digital competence in higher education research: A systematic literature review199
From dual digitalization to digital learning space: Exploring the digital transformation of higher education128
Effects of teacher role on student engagement in WeChat-Based online discussion learning128
Signaling in virtual reality influences learning outcome and cognitive load127
A systematic review of online examinations: A pedagogical innovation for scalable authentication and integrity121
Mapping computational thinking through programming in K-12 education: A conceptual model based on a systematic literature Review121
A self-determination theory (SDT) design approach for inclusive and diverse artificial intelligence (AI) education119
How can the digital competences of pre-service teachers be developed? Examining a case study through the lens of DigComp and DigCompEdu118
The relation between in-service teachers' digital competence and personal and contextual factors: What matters most?117
Developing a short assessment instrument for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK.xs) and comparing the factor structure of an integrative and a transformative model115
Successful design and delivery of online professional development for teachers: A systematic review of the literature114
A study of how immersion and interactivity drive VR learning113
Effects of artificial Intelligence–Enabled personalized recommendations on learners’ learning engagement, motivation, and outcomes in a flipped classroom112
The effectiveness of partial pair programming on elementary school students’ Computational Thinking skills and self-efficacy108
Augmented reality tools for sports education and training106
Individual motivation and social media influence on student knowledge sharing and learning performance: Evidence from an emerging economy105
Automated detection of emotional and cognitive engagement in MOOC discussions to predict learning achievement103
Immersive virtual reality as a tool to learn problem-solving skills100
Learning to code and the acquisition of computational thinking by young children97
A review of automated feedback systems for learners: Classification framework, challenges and opportunities96
Is the use of ICT in education leading to higher student outcomes? Analysis from the Spanish Autonomous Communities96
Impact of immersing university and high school students in educational linear narratives using virtual reality technology96
Variability of teachers’ technology integration in the classroom: A matter of utility!95
Assessment of cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning outcomes in massive open online courses: A systematic literature review95
Self-regulated learning support in flipped learning videos enhances learning outcomes91
A meta-analysis addressing the relationship between teaching presence and students’ satisfaction and learning90
Remediating learning from non-immersive to immersive media: Using EEG to investigate the effects of environmental embeddedness on reading in Virtual Reality86
Massive LMS log data analysis for the early prediction of course-agnostic student performance84
Can digital technologies improve students' efficiency? Exploring the role of Virtual Learning Environment and Social Media use in Higher Education84
Effects of a social regulation-based online learning framework on students’ learning achievements and behaviors in mathematics83
Learning analytics in European higher education—Trends and barriers81
An empirical study of techno-stressors, literacy facilitation, burnout, and turnover intention as experienced by K-12 teachers77
How digitalised are vocational teachers? Assessing digital competence in vocational education and looking at its underlying factors77
The mediating and buffering effect of academic self-efficacy on the relationship between smartphone addiction and academic procrastination76
Applying a business simulation game in a flipped classroom to enhance engagement, learning achievement, and higher-order thinking skills75
Measuring digital literacy across three age cohorts: Exploring test dimensionality and performance differences74
Understanding learners’ acceptance of high-immersion virtual reality systems: Insights from confirmatory and exploratory PLS-SEM analyses74
Problem- based learning in live online classes: Learning achievement, problem-solving skill, communication skill, and interaction73
Virtual reality for fire safety training: Influence of immersion and sense of presence on conceptual and procedural acquisition73
Usage of social media, student engagement, and creativity: The role of knowledge sharing behavior and cyberbullying73
Active learning with online video: The impact of learning context on engagement72
Ten years of augmented reality in education: A meta-analysis of (quasi-) experimental studies to investigate the impact71
Same benefits, different communication patterns: Comparing Children's reading with a conversational agent vs. a human partner71
The mediating role of digital informal learning in the relationship between students' digital competence and their academic performance69
Serious games to prevent and detect bullying and cyberbullying: A systematic serious games and literature review68
Toward a framework that connects individual TPACK and collective TPACK: A systematic review of TPACK studies investigating teacher collaborative discourse in the learning by design process68
An empirical analysis of knowledge co-construction in YouTube comments68
Applying the UTAUT model to explain the students' acceptance of an early warning system in Higher Education67
Effectiveness of digital-based interventions for children with mathematical learning difficulties: A meta-analysis66
A systematic review of the literature regarding socially assistive robots in pre-tertiary education66
Fostering pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): A quasi-experimental field study66
Exploring the structural relationships between course design factors, learner commitment, self-directed learning, and intentions for further learning in a self-paced MOOC65
Cognitive and emotional engagement while learning with VR: The perspective of multimodal methodology65
What to teach? Strategies for developing digital competency in preservice teacher training63
The impact of teacher education courses for technology integration on pre-service teacher knowledge: A meta-analysis study63
Cyberbullying in elementary and middle school students: A systematic review63
Learning analytics dashboards for adaptive support in face-to-face collaborative argumentation63
A cognitive definition of computational thinking in primary education61
Students matter the most in learning analytics: The effects of internal and instructional conditions in predicting academic success60
Effects of a formative assessment-based contextual gaming approach on students’ digital citizenship behaviours, learning motivations, and perceptions59
The use of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in blended learning courses and the functional value perceived by students59
The influence of digital educational games on preschool Children's creative thinking59
Associations between learning analytics dashboard exposure and motivation and self-regulated learning58
University students’ use of mobile technology in self-directed language learning: Using the integrative model of behavior prediction58
Effects of digital escape room on gameful experience, collaboration, and motivation of elementary school students58
An analysis of children’ interaction with an AI chatbot and its impact on their interest in reading56
Key factors in MOOC pedagogy based on NLP sentiment analysis of learner reviews: What makes a hit56
Determinants of mobile learning acceptance for STEM education in rural areas55
University students’ profiles of online learning and their relation to online metacognitive regulation and internet-specific epistemic justification55
The potential of 360-degree virtual reality videos to teach water-safety skills to children54
Investigating relationships among blended synchronous learning environments, students’ motivation, and cognitive engagement: A mixed methods study54
Two decades of game concepts in digital learning environments – A bibliometric study and research agenda54
Understanding feedback in online learning – A critical review and metaphor analysis53
Programming attitudes predict computational thinking: Analysis of differences in gender and programming experience53
The influence of technology acceptance, academic self-efficacy, and gender on academic achievement through online tutoring53
Beyond ChatGPT: A conceptual framework and systematic review of speech-recognition chatbots for language learning52
“Think globally, act locally”: A glocal approach to the development of social media literacy52
What matters in AI-supported learning: A study of human-AI interactions in language learning using cluster analysis and epistemic network analysis52
Exploration of learner-content interactions and learning approaches: The role of guided inquiry in the self-directed online environments51
Digital inequality at home. The school as compensatory agent50
Teaching and social presences supporting basic needs satisfaction in online learning environments: How can presences and basic needs happily meet online?50
Exploring the influence of teachers' beliefs and 3D printing integrated STEM instruction on students’ STEM motivation50
The longitudinal trajectories of online engagement over a full program49
The qualitative evidence behind the factors impacting online learning experiences as informed by the community of inquiry framework: A thematic synthesis49
Observing 360-degree classroom videos – Effects of video type on presence, emotions, workload, classroom observations, and ratings of teaching quality49
Effect of different mind mapping approaches on primary school students’ computational thinking skills during visual programming learning48
A multigroup analysis of factors underlying teachers’ technostress and their continuance intention toward online teaching48
Understanding the determinants of learner engagement in MOOCs: An adaptive structuration perspective48
Understanding student teachers’ collaborative problem solving: Insights from an epistemic network analysis (ENA)48
The effects of ICT-based social media on adolescents' digital reading performance: A longitudinal study of PISA 2009, PISA 2012, PISA 2015 and PISA 201848
When makers meet the metaverse: Effects of creating NFT metaverse exhibition in maker education48
Innovation in physical education: Teachers’ perspectives on readiness for wearable technology integration47
Trends and exemplary practices of STEM teacher professional development programs in K-12 contexts: A systematic review of empirical studies47
Pre-class video watching fosters achievement and knowledge retention in a flipped classroom47
Mobile learning and pedagogical opportunities: A configurative systematic review of PreK-12 research using the SAMR framework47
Assessing learning in technology-rich maker activities: A systematic review of empirical research47
Exploring student and teacher usage patterns associated with student attrition in an open educational resource-supported online learning platform46
Diverse approaches to learning with immersive Virtual Reality identified from a systematic review46
Measuring the effect of continuous professional development on elementary teachers’ self-efficacy to teach coding and computational thinking46
On the predictors of computational thinking and its growth at the high-school level46
Predicting achievement and providing support before STEM majors begin to fail45
Classroom management competency enhancement for student teachers using a fully immersive virtual classroom45
Studying interrelations of computational thinking and creativity: A scoping review (2011–2020)45
Developing an AI-based chatbot for practicing responsive teaching in mathematics44
Educational scalability in MOOCs: Analysing instructional designs to find best practices44
Designing digital game-based learning for professional upskilling: A systematic literature review44
Initial teacher training for twenty-first century skills in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0): A scoping review43
Learning from text, video, or subtitles: A comparative analysis43
Leveraging process data to assess adults’ problem-solving skills: Using sequence mining to identify behavioral patterns across digital tasks43
Exploring teacher immediacy-(non)dependency in the tutored augmented reality game-assisted flipped classrooms of English for medical purposes comprehension among the Asian students43
Classroom complexity affects student teachers’ behavior in a VR classroom43
Examining the characteristics of game-based learning: A content analysis and design framework43
From the learner's perspective: A systematic review of MOOC learner experiences (2008–2021)43
Robot tutor and pupils’ educational ability: Teaching the times tables43
How do students generate ideas together in scientific creativity tasks through computer-based mind mapping?43
Early childhood educators’ teaching of digital citizenship competencies42
Enhancing problem-solving skills with smart personal assistant technology42
Effects of a concept mapping-based two-tier test strategy on students’ digital game-based learning performances and behavioral patterns42
Promoting pre-class guidance and in-class reflection: A SQIRC-based mobile flipped learning approach to promoting students’ billiards skills, strategies, motivation and self-efficacy42
Usage of augmented reality (AR) and development of e-learning outcomes: An empirical evaluation of students’ e-learning experience42
From top to bottom: How positions on different types of leaderboard may affect fully online student learning performance, intrinsic motivation, and course engagement42
MOOC discussion forums: The interplay of the cognitive and the social41
Gender difference in the association between internet addiction, self-esteem and academic aspirations among adolescents: A structural equation modelling41
In-service teachers' conceptions of mobile technology-integrated instruction: Tendency towards student-centered learning40
How pedagogical agents communicate with students: A two-phase systematic review39
The assessment of collaborative problem solving in PISA 2015: An investigation of the validity of the PISA 2015 CPS tasks39
The dynamics of an online learning community in a hybrid statistics classroom over time: Implications for the question-oriented problem-solving course design with the social network analysis approach39
Engagement and disengagement in online learning39
FAQ chatbot and inclusive learning in massive open online courses39
Elementary teachers’ perceptions of automated feedback and automated scoring: Transforming the teaching and learning of writing using automated writing evaluation39
Predictive effects of undergraduate students’ perceptions of social, cognitive, and teaching presence on affective learning outcomes according to disciplines39
The impact of video lecturers’ nonverbal communication on learning – An experiment on gestures and facial expressions of pedagogical agents38
Taking action to reduce dropout in MOOCs: Tested interventions38
The power of feedback and reflection: Testing an online scenario-based learning intervention for student teachers38
Media comparison studies dominate comparative research on augmented reality in education38
Multivariate analysis of teachers’ digital information skills - The importance of available resources38
Virtual reality for car-detailing skill development: Learning outcomes of procedural accuracy and performance quality predicted by VR self-efficacy, VR using anxiety, VR learning interest and flow exp38
Towards the successful game-based learning: Detection and feedback to misconceptions is the key38
The learning behaviours of dropouts in MOOCs: A collective attention network perspective37
Factors influencing students’ perceived impact of learning and satisfaction in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning37
Social interaction and agency in self-organizing student teams during their transition from face-to-face to online learning36
Improving the quality of teaching by utilising written student feedback: A streamlined process35
Factors associated with teachers' competence to develop students’ information literacy: A multilevel approach35
A multilevel investigation of factors influencing university students’ behavioral engagement in flipped classrooms35
Digital Game-Based Learning effectiveness assessment: Reflections on study design35
The SES-based difference of adolescents’ digital skills and usages: An explanation from family cultural capital35
University students’ approaches to online learning technologies: The roles of perceived support, affect/emotion and self-efficacy in technology-enhanced learning35
Self-regulation and emotion matter: A case study of instructor interactions with a learning analytics dashboard34
“DNT LET ’EM H8 U!”: Applying the routine activity framework to understand cyberhate victimization among adolescents across eight countries34
Critical attitude and ability associated with students’ self-confidence and attitude toward “predict-observe-explain” online science inquiry learning34
Teamwork competency and satisfaction in online group project-based engineering course: The cross-level moderating effect of collective efficacy and flipped instruction34
Process analysis of teachers’ self-regulated learning patterns in technological pedagogical content knowledge development34
Investigating the effects of beat and deictic gestures of a lecturer in educational videos34
Goal-oriented active learning (GOAL) system to promote reading engagement, self-directed learning behavior, and motivation in extensive reading33
Design-based research on integrating learning technology tools into higher education classes to achieve active learning33
Effectiveness of digital games in producing environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviors: A mixed methods study33
Robots in situated learning classrooms with immediate feedback mechanisms to improve students' learning performance33
The parents' tale: Why parents resist the educational use of smartphones at schools?33
Large scale analytics of global and regional MOOC providers: Differences in learners’ demographics, preferences, and perceptions33
Using a design-based research approach to develop and study a web-based tool to support collaborative learning33
Contrasting levels of student engagement in blended and non-blended learning scenarios33
ICT-related behavioral factors mediate the relationship between adolescents’ ICT interest and their ICT self-efficacy: Evidence from 30 countries33
Moral considerations on social robots in education: A multi-stakeholder perspective33
Unintended consequences of spatial presence on learning in virtual reality32
Expectations for supporting student engagement with learning analytics: An academic path perspective32
Examining the relationship between peer feedback classified by deep learning and online learning burnout32
Using the theory of planned behavior and the role of social image to understand mobile English learning check-in behavior32
Examining temporal dynamics of self-regulated learning behaviors in STEM learning: A network approach32
A review study on eye-tracking technology usage in immersive virtual reality learning environments32
Facilitating critical thinking in decision making-based professional training: An online interactive peer-review approach in a flipped learning context31
Fostering motor skills in physical education: A mobile technology-supported ICRA flipped learning model31
Teacher beliefs, classroom process quality, and student engagement in the smart classroom learning environment: A multilevel analysis31
Digital expansions of physical learning spaces in practice-based subjects - blended learning in Art and Craft & Design in teacher education31
Automated detection of cognitive engagement to inform the art of staying engaged in problem-solving30
Computational thinking for teachers: Development of a localised E-learning system30
The role of feedback and guidance as intervention methods to foster computational thinking in educational robotics learning activities for primary school30
Understanding socio-technological challenges of smart classrooms using a systematic review30
Peer feedback to support collaborative knowledge improvement: What kind of feedback feed-forward?30
The varied experience of undergraduate students learning chemistry in virtual reality laboratories30
Predicting preservice teachers' intention to use technology-enabled learning30
Video-based reflection in teacher education: Comparing virtual reality and real classroom videos29
Capturing schools' digital capacity: Psychometric analyses of the SELFIE self-reflection tool29
Can an online educational game contribute to developing information literate citizens?29
Uncovering students’ problem-solving processes in game-based learning environments29
Rural teachers’ sharing of digital educational resources: From motivation to behavior29
Developing a Topic Analysis Instant Feedback System to facilitate asynchronous online discussion effectiveness28
Teaching with technology: A large-scale, international, and multilevel study of the roles of teacher and school characteristics28
Identifying regulation profiles during computer-supported collaborative learning and examining their relation with students' performance, motivation, and self-efficacy for learning28
“Development and validation of the ICAP Technology Scale to measure how teachers integrate technology into learning activities”28
Criteria for selecting apps: Debating the perceptions of young children, parents and industry stakeholders28
The longitudinal association between engagement and achievement varies by time, students’ profiles, and achievement state: A full program study28
A cross-cultural perspective on the relationships among social media use, self-regulated learning and adolescents’ digital reading literacy27
Do curious students learn more science in an immersive virtual reality environment? Exploring the impact of advance organizers and epistemic curiosity27
Exploring the behavioral patterns of students learning with a Facebook-based e-book approach27
First inspire, then instruct to improve students’ creativity27
The informed use of pre-work activities in collaborative asynchronous online discussions: The exploration of idea exchange, content focus, and deep learning26
The use and effects of incentive systems on learning and performance in educational games26
Understanding what determines university students’ behavioral engagement in a group-based flipped learning context26
Socioeconomic status and social networking site addiction among children and adolescents: Examining the roles of parents' active mediation and ICT attitudes26
The effects of instructors' use of online discussions strategies on student participation and performance in university online introductory mathematics courses26
Teaching teachers to use technology through massive open online course: Perspectives of interaction equivalency26
Facebook is not a silver bullet for teachers’ professional development: Anatomy of an eight-year-old social-media community26
Backward evaluation in peer assessment: A scoping review25
Effect of Socratic Reflection Prompts via video-based learning system on elementary school students’ critical thinking skills25
Enhancing student's computational thinking skills with student-generated questions strategy in a game-based learning platform25
Exploring empathy in cyberbullying with serious games25
Khan academy effectiveness: The case of math secondary students' perceptions25
Are schools digitally inclusive for all? Profiles of school digital inclusion using PISA 201825
Learning analytics on structured and unstructured heterogeneous data sources: Perspectives from procrastination, help-seeking, and machine-learning defined cognitive engagement25
Effects of pre-tests and feedback on performance outcomes and persistence in Massive Open Online Courses25
Making sources visible: Promoting multiple document literacy with digital epistemic scaffolds24
Effect of augmented reality-based virtual educational robotics on programming students’ enjoyment of learning, computational thinking skills, and academic achievement24
How CSCL roles emerge, persist, transition, and evolve over time: A four-year longitudinal study23
SpeakApp-Kids! Virtual reality training to reduce fear of public speaking in children – A proof of concept23
Supporting students’ intrinsic motivation for online learning tasks: The effect of need-supportive task instructions on motivation, self-assessment, and task performance23
Digital reading in a second or foreign language: A systematic literature review23
Effect of digital writing instruction with tablets on primary school students’ writing performance and writing knowledge23
Effects of chatbot-assisted in-class debates on students’ argumentation skills and task motivation23
Open to MOOCs? Evidence of their impact on labour market outcomes23
Class size affects preservice teachers’ physiological and psychological stress reactions: An experiment in a virtual reality classroom23
Profiles of undergraduates’ networks addiction: Difference in academic procrastination and performance22
Assessing the benefits of gamification in mathematics for student gameful experience and gaming motivation22
Analysis of the determining factors of good teaching practices of mobile learning at the Spanish University. An explanatory model22
Performing versus observing: Investigating the effectiveness of group debriefing in a VR-based safety education program22
Conceptions of the metaverse in higher education: A draw-a-picture analysis and surveys to investigate the perceptions of students with different motivation levels22
Teacher professional identity and the nature of technology integration22
Impact of AI assistance on student agency22
Unplugged or plugged-in programming learning: A comparative experimental study22
Assessing digital self-efficacy: Review and scale development22
To capture the research landscape of lecture capture in university education21
Developing students’ digital competences through collaborative game design21
Encouraging gameful experience in digital game-based learning: A double-mediation model of perceived instructional support, group engagement, and flow21
Enhancing EFL pre-service teachers’ affordance noticing and utilizing with the Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence strategies: An exploratory study of a customizable virtual environment platform21
Deploying multimodal learning analytics models to explore the impact of digital distraction and peer learning on student performance21
A profile analysis of online assignment motivation: Combining achievement goal and expectancy-value perspectives21
Revealing the regulation of learning strategies of MOOC retakers: A learning analytic study21
Linking self-report and process data to performance as measured by different assessment types20
Offline and online user experience of gamified robotics for introducing computational thinking: Comparing engagement, game mechanics and coding motivation20
Effects of solo vs. collaborative play in a digital learning game on geometry: Results from a K12 experiment20
Analysing user reviews of inquiry-based learning apps in science education20
The impact of esports participation on the development of 21st century skills in youth: A systematic review20
The effects of web-based inquiry learning mode with the support of collaborative digital reading annotation system on information literacy instruction20
Enhancing argumentative writing with automated feedback and social comparison nudging20
The strength and direction of the difficulty adaptation affect situational interest in game-based learning20
Effect sizes and research directions of peer assessments: From an integrated perspective of meta-analysis and co-citation network20
Prompting in-depth learning in immersive virtual reality: Impact of an elaboration prompt on developing a mental model20
Research on the mechanism of knowledge diffusion in the MOOC learning forum using ERGMs20
Empowering the collective reflection-based argumentation mapping strategy to enhance students’ argumentative speaking20