Progress in Energy and Combustion Science

(The median citation count of Progress in Energy and Combustion Science is 33. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
MILD combustion of low calorific value gases553
Premixed flame ignition: Theoretical development406
Norman Chigier (1933 – 2022)387
Editorial Board368
Mechanical stimulation of gasless reaction in inorganic systems: A mini review368
Editorial Board287
Editorial Board212
Classification and computation of extreme events in turbulent combustion187
A review on the recent advances of flash boiling atomization and combustion applications186
Alkali metal release in thermochemical conversion of biomass and coal: Optical measurements and modeling185
Lithium Plating Mechanism, Detection, and Mitigation in Lithium-Ion Batteries174
Advances and challenges of ammonia delivery by urea-water sprays in SCR systems173
Synthesis and characterization of emulsion fuels –Implications to spray and engine studies164
Gel propellants155
Modelling treatment of deposits in particulate filters for internal combustion emissions144
Progress and challenges on the thermal management of electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies: Fuel cells, electrolysers, and supercapacitors136
Intrinsic thermoacoustic instabilities130
Recent advances in CO2 hydrogenation to value-added products — Current challenges and future directions128
Flame-made chemoresistive gas sensors and devices126
The suitability of different swirl number definitions for describing swirl flows: Accurate, common and (over-) simplified formulations121
Progress in CFD Simulations of Fluidized Beds for Chemical and Energy Process Engineering115
Micro/nano-encapsulated phase-change materials (ePCMs) for solar photothermal absorption and storage: Fundamentals, recent advances, and future directions114
Activation mechanisms in the catalyst coated membrane of PEM fuel cells110
Turbulent combustion modeling for internal combustion engine CFD: A review109
Particle-based high-temperature thermochemical energy storage reactors108
Machine learning technology in biodiesel research: A review107
Editorial Board107
Carbons as low-platinum catalyst supports and non-noble catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells106
Soot inception: Carbonaceous nanoparticle formation in flames96
Chemical looping-based energy transformation via lattice oxygen modulated selective oxidation96
Editorial Board95
Editorial Board93
Editorial Board89
Editorial Board86
Relaxation of electronic excitation in nitrogen/oxygen and fuel/air mixtures: fast gas heating in plasma-assisted ignition and flame stabilization84
Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Capture, Storage and Utilization: Review of Materials, Processes and Technologies83
Pyrolysis technology for plastic waste recycling: A state-of-the-art review81
What fuel properties enable higher thermal efficiency in spark-ignited engines?79
Current status and challenges of plasma and plasma-catalysis for methane coupling: A review79
Biochar as the effective adsorbent to combustion gaseous pollutants: Preparation, activation, functionalization and the adsorption mechanisms79
Spray–turbulence–chemistry interactions under engine-like conditions76
Laser sensors for energy systems and process industries: Perspectives and directions74
Progress in multiscale research on calcium-looping for thermochemical energy storage: From materials to systems72
Editorial Board72
Review of thermoelectric generation for internal combustion engine waste heat recovery71
Challenges and Opportunities for Application of Reactivity-Controlled Compression Ignition Combustion in Commercially Viable Transport Engines70
Advances in biomass torrefaction: Parameters, models, reactors, applications, deployment, and market66
Use of hydrogen in dual-fuel diesel engines65
Elucidation of single atom catalysts for energy and sustainable chemical production: Synthesis, characterization and frontier science62
Direct absorption solar collectors: Fundamentals, modeling approaches, design and operating parameters, advances, knowledge gaps, and future prospects61
Methods for the conversion of biomass waste into value-added carbon nanomaterials: Recent progress and applications61
Editorial Board60
Editorial Board58
Editorial Board58
Selective ring-opening of polycyclic to monocyclic aromatics: A data- and technology-oriented critical review57
Supersonic separation towards sustainable gas removal and carbon capture56
A review of diaphragmless shock tubes for interdisciplinary applications55
Spark ignition transitions in premixed turbulent combustion51
Progress in biomass torrefaction: Principles, applications and challenges51
Classical and reactive molecular dynamics: Principles and applications in combustion and energy systems49
Influence of functional groups on low-temperature combustion chemistry of biofuels49
Green, Turquoise, Blue, or Grey? Environmentally friendly Hydrogen Production in Transforming Energy Systems49
Laser processing of graphene and related materials for energy storage: State of the art and future prospects48
Sorption direct air capture with CO2 utilization48
Pool fire dynamics: Principles, models and recent advances47
Modeling and optimization of anaerobic digestion technology: Current status and future outlook46
Review and assessment of the ammonium perchlorate chemistry in AP/HTPB composite propellant gas-phase chemical kinetics mechanisms45
Analysis of Dry Reforming as direct route for gas phase CO2 conversion. The past, the present and future of catalytic DRM technologies42
Transcritical diffuse-interface hydrodynamics of propellants in high-pressure combustors of chemical propulsion systems42
Thermo-kinetic multi-zone modelling of low temperature combustion engines41
Critical review on the synthesis, characterization, and application of highly efficient metal chalcogenide catalysts for fuel cells41
Challenges and opportunities of Rankine cycle for waste heat recovery from internal combustion engine38
Recent advances on nanofluids for low to medium temperature solar collectors: energy, exergy, economic analysis and environmental impact37
Advanced modeling approaches for CFD simulations of coal combustion and gasification37
The story of NCN as a key species in prompt-NO formation36
Co-pyrolysis of waste plastic and solid biomass for synergistic production of biofuels and chemicals-A review35
Mass spectrometric sampling of flames: how ionic equilibria in flames produce sampling falsifications and “fake” ions, but provide kinetic and thermodynamic data on the reaction occurring33
Combustion chemistry of aromatic hydrocarbons33