Croatian Medical Journal

(The median citation count of Croatian Medical Journal is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Changes in information-seeking patterns and perception of health crisis management in a year of COVID-19 pandemic: a repeated cross-sectional study124
Arthroscopic resection of localized tenosynovial giant cell tumor in the deep infrapatellar bursa: a case report22
Forty years of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Croatia: First-World options and First-World science20
Incidence and risk factors for venous and arterial thromboses in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019: data on 4014 patients from a tertiary center registry19
SARS-CoV-2 infection among physicians over time in Ontario, Canada: a population-based retrospective cohort study16
Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia with a novel mutation in TSC1: a case report15
Pharmacogenetic distinction of the Croatian population from the European average15
Biomechanical stability analysis of transpedicular screws combined with sublaminar hook-rod system using the finite element method14
A contribution to the understanding of ocular and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in astronauts during long-lasting spaceflight12
Social media use, habits and attitudes toward e-professionalism among medicine and dental medicine students: a quantitative cross-sectional study12
Clinical characteristics and laboratory parameters of deep venous thrombosis after SARS-CoV-2 infection in a non-hospital setting – a single-center retrospective study11
Cystic dysplasia of the rete testis accompanying ipsilateral renal agenesis in a young adult: a case report10
Exploring the adoption of ChatGPT in academic publishing: insights and lessons for scientific writing10
Societal changes bring about the imperative to readjust the medical gaze10
Survival after hospital discharge in patients hospitalized for acute coronavirus disease 2019: data on 2586 patients from a tertiary center registry10
Pathohistological features of the aging human lacrimal gland9
Nocturnal visual hallucinations in patients with disorders of arousal: a novel behavioral and EEG pattern9
The association between fear of COVID-19 and depression, anxiety, and psychosis among Lebanese chronic patients with schizophrenia: any moderating effect of spirituality?9
Biomarker changes in suspected idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus patients undergoing external lumbar drainage: a pilot study8
Gamma knife thalamotomy in treating refractory tremor: initial clinical experience in Croatia8
Evaluation of evidence-based medicine adoption among Nigerian surgeons: competence, knowledge, attitudes, practices, and barriers8
No increase in GFAP and S-100B in very preterm infants with mild periventricular leukomalacia or intraventricular hemorrhage: a pilot study8
How does one find a satisfying career? An open letter to people <20 years old (None of whom probably read the Croatian Medical Journal, so feel free to pass this on.)7
The impact of COVID-19 on sustainable development7
Forty years of successful assisted reproductive technologies in Croatia7
Polypharmacy - is there a cure for drug therapy problems?7
Prevalence of burnout among health care workers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic: a cross-sectional study6
The anatomy lesson of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: irreplaceable tradition (cadaver work) and new didactics of digital technology6
Complex patients – an academism or reality?6
Can laboratory evaluation differentiate between coronavirus disease-2019, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus infections? A retrospective cohort study5
Re-building the network: mental health system reform in Croatia5
The applicability of magnetic resonance imaging classification system (MRICS) for cerebral palsy and its association with perinatal factors and related disabilities in a Croatian population-based samp5
Waning immunity six months after BioNTech/Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination among nursing home residents in Zagreb, Croatia5
Serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance of invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates among Croatian adults during a fifteen-year period (2005-2019)5
SIRT1 and Klotho expression in the heart and kidneys of rats with acute and chronic renovascular hypertension5
The mediating role of depressive, anxiety, and physical symptoms on work ability index in employed women with breast cancer: a prospective study from Croatia5
Vitamin D in liver cancer: novel insights and future perspectives5
Distribution of human papillomavirus genotypes in women with high-grade cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical carcinoma and analysis of human papillomavirus-16 genomic variants5
Non-REM parasomnias: a scoping review of dreams and dreamlike mentation5
Identification of skeletal remains in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the homeland war – a 30-year review4
Crude annual incidence rate of medullary thyroid cancer and RET mutation frequency4
A novel alpha-1 antitrypsin gene variant in a patient with Kartagener's syndrome: a case report4
Ornidazole suppresses CD133+ melanoma stem cells via inhibiting hedgehog signaling pathway and inducing multiple death pathways in a mouse model4
Comparison of prognostic scores for alcoholic hepatitis: a retrospective study4
Propensity-score matched comparison between minimally invasive and conventional aortic valve replacement4
Effectiveness of the oxygen reserve index in detecting and preventing hyperoxia in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation: a randomized controlled trial4
The role of glycans in personalization of preventive health care4
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation in the first 500 patients: a single-center retrospective study4
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease – a growing public health problem4
Anterior quadratus lumborum block for ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized controlled trial4
Limitations of life-sustaining treatments in intensive care units in Croatia: a multicenter retrospective study4
The first case report of distal 16p12.1p11.2 trisomy and proximal 16p11.2 tetrasomy inherited from both parents4
Occurrence of metopic suture in modern and archaeological Croatian population4
What can we learn about bone density in COPD patients from a chest CT? A systematic review4
Senhance robot-assisted adrenalectomy: a case series4
CMJ joins the call of health journals for immediate actions on global environmental crisis4
Gardner P, Snyderman C, Jankowitz B. Vascular Challenges in Skull Base Surgery. Thieme, New York, USA, 2022, 242 pages. 410 illustrations. ISBN 978-1-68420-068-94
Clinical relevance of the TECTA c.6183G>T variant identified in a family with autosomal dominant hearing loss: a case report4
Enterobacter cloacae septicemia in a triple-cannula extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circulatory support treated with Seraph-100 Microbind affinity blood filter3
The role of mesencephalic aqueduct obstruction in hydrocephalus development: a case report3
Sex differences in oxidative stress level and antioxidative enzymes expression and activity in obese pre-diabetic elderly rats treated with metformin or liraglutide3
Plasma levels of soluble TGF β receptor type III: no apparent promise as a marker in acute pancreatitis3
Solving problems that do not exist and not solving problems that do exist, magnetic personalities included3
Pediatric tertiary emergency care departments in Zagreb, Rijeka, and Split before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a Croatian national multicenter study3
A meaningful, passionate lifeColleagues, friends, and family celebrate the life of Moses Schanfield (1944-2021)3
Parents’ attitudes toward childhood COVID-19 immunization in Croatia: a multicenter cross-sectional study3
Lung long distance: histopathological changes in lung tissue after COVID-19 pneumonia3
A remote care model for patients at high risk of hospital admission due to COVID-19 deterioration: who makes it at home? – a multicenter follow-up case from Slovenia3
Importance of numerical density of tubulointerstitium infiltrates in the prognosis of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies-associated glomerulonephritis3
Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, an often unrecognized clinical entity: a case report of a novel mutation in the COL3A1 gene3
The impact of earthquakes on the frequency and prognosis of the most common emergency cardiac conditions3
Neurodevelopmental disorder caused by an inherited novel KMT5B variant: case report3
Effect of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on people with Parkinson's disease: experience from a Croatian regional center3
Association of the imaging characteristics of desmoplasia on digital breast tomosynthesis and the Ki-67 proliferation index in invasive breast cancer3
Risk factors for non-melanoma skin cancer development in renal transplant recipients: a 40-year retrospective study in Croatia3
The prognostic role of diabetes mellitus type 2 in the setting of hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis3
Evaluation of colon mucosa using screening colonoscopy and flexible spectral imaging color enhancement in patients with long lasting ulcerative colitis3
The effect of outpatient antibiotic treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 on the outcomes in the emergency department: a propensity score matching study3
Modeling the COVID-19 epidemic in Croatia: a comparison of three analytic approaches3
The effect of standard-dose wintertime vitamin D supplementation on influenza infection in immunized nursing home elderly residents3
Do you remember tuberculosis?3
The effect of somatic mutations in mitochondrial DNA on the survival of patients with primary brain tumors2
Use of sedative pharmacological agents among biomedical students during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a cross-sectional pilot study2
Toxicity of benzodiazepines in the treatment of insomnia disorders in older adults: a systematic literature review2
Asking for trouble and getting what we ask for: African swine fever2
Nearly coming full circleThe 13th ISABS–Mayo Clinic Conference, Split, Croatia, June 17–20, 20242
Cognitive functioning is prognostic in patients with IDH1-wild type and MGMT-unmethylated high-grade gliomas2
Could choosing risdiplam instead of nusinersen in the treatment of type 1 spinal muscular atrophy be a huge cost-minimization opportunity?2
Outcomes of 1.3 million patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention according to the presence of cancer and atrial fibrillation: a retrospective study2
Eduardo E. Benarroch. Neuroscience for Clinicians: Basic Processes, Circuits, Disease Mechanisms, and Therapeutic Implications
Oxford University Press; 2021. 832 pages. ISBN: 9780190948894 (hardcover)2
Pregnant couples’ attitude toward extended pre-conceptional genomic screening2
Croatian Medical Journal – an encomium: vivat, crescat, floreat!2
Tissue engineering and future directions in regenerative medicine for knee cartilage repair: a comprehensive review2
The Croatian version of the Body Image Scale: translation and validation2
Relationship between disease impact scores and C-reactive protein/albumin ratio in patients with psoriatic arthritis2
The effect of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors on the detection of prostate cancer with multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging and prostate biopsy2
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Lebanese university students related to sexually transmitted diseases: a cross-sectional study2
Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect healthWealthy nations must do much more, much faster2
Epidemiological characteristics, baseline clinical features, and outcomes of critically ill patients treated in a coronavirus disease 2019 tertiary center in continental Croatia2
Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis, Jay A. Jacobson, and Charles B. Smith. Patient as Victim and Vector: Ethics and Infectious Disease, second editionOxford University Press; 592 pages; e-book ISBN2
Non-invasive prenatal testing of beta-hemoglobinopathies using next generation sequencing, in-silico sequence size selection, and haplotyping2
Mandatory vaccination in child daycare and its relevance to coronavirus disease 20192
Novel micro-MRI approach for subchondral trabecular bone analysis in patients with hip osteoarthritis is comparable to micro-CT approach2
Nothing lasts forever2
Compassionate mesenchymal stem cell treatment in a severe COVID-19 patient: a case report2
Precise identification of cascading alpha satellite higher order repeats (HORs) in T2T-CHM13 assembly of human chromosome 32
Human whole mitochondrial genome sequencing and analysis: optimization of the experimental workflow2
Joseph Francis Domin's (1754-1819) first description of human resuscitation with electricity one hundred years before clinical defibrillation2
Experience with comprehensive pharmacogenomic multi-gene panel in clinical practice: a retrospective single-center study1
Bibliometric indicators of the Croatian Medical Journal – can small non-profit journal compete in the bibliometrics arena?1
Simple-minded solutions to complex problems1
Benign and malignant prostate neoplasms show different spatial organization of collagen1
Palliative care – too complex to make it simple1
Markers of cardiac injury in patients with liver cirrhosis1
Geriatric rehabilitation center outcomes after successful weaning from extremely prolonged mechanical ventilation in older adults1
Anti-obesity effect of collagen peptides obtained from Diplulmaris antarctica, a jellyfish of the Antarctic region1
Atrial fibrillation as a contributing factor in the diagnostic algorithm for coronary subclavian steal syndrome and cardiac tamponade following coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a case study1
Random mutations and job opportunities1
Emergency medicine: navigating the challenges of complex patients1
Salivary cortisol response to psychosocial stress in patients with first-episode psychosis1
Journal editors and academic medicine1
Behavioral correlates of health literacy among university students of health sciences in Kosovo: a cross-sectional study1
Determinants and reasons for coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine hesitancy in Croatia1
Health workforce shortage – doing the right things or doing things right?1
Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic two years later… What’s next?1
Is perfect prompting possible for chatbots?In Reply to: Comparing ChatGPT’s ability between writing versus reviewing papers – then what?1
Clinical application of the RONNA G4 system – preliminary validation of 23 robotic frameless brain biopsies1
Strong association of TLR2 and TLR3 polymorphisms with keratoacanthoma and common warts: a case-control study1
Fecal microbiota transplantation – where are we?1
Lupus anticoagulant-hypoprothrombinemia syndrome with severe bleeding diathesis after coronavirus disease 2019: a case report1
A survey on practitioners’ attitudes toward artificial intelligence in radiology1
Infection with human cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and high-risk types 16 and 18 of human papillomavirus in EGFR-mutated lung adenocarcinoma1
Association between serological indicators of past contacts with Herpesviridae and a slower resolution of chronic spontaneous urticaria in children1
In reply:1
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – a procoagulant condition?1
The burden of viral lower respiratory tract infections during the neonatal period: six-year experience at a tertiary referral hospital1
The association of bone mineral density Z-score with the early postoperative remission and characteristics of bone mineral loss in patients with Cushing’s disease: a retrospective study1
New-onset refractory status epilepticus after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a review of literature1
Immune-mediated diseases after coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination: rare but important complication1
Is the use of specific time cut-off or “golden period” for primary closure of acute traumatic wounds evidence based? A systematic review1
Uroguanylin increases Ca2+ concentration in astrocytes via guanylate cyclase C-independent signaling pathway1
Beyond the business-to-client model: how the business-to-business model can transform the complex patient care1
Translation of the Headache-Attributed Restriction, Disability, Social Handicap and Impaired Participation (HARDSHIP) questionnaire into the Croatian language, and its diagnostic validation1
The burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in Croatia in 2019: a country-level systematic analysis1
Necrotic ulcerative stomatitis in a patient with long-standing celiac disease: a case report1
Lycopene improves autophagy and attenuates carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats1
Ovarian tissue bank1
Is artificial intelligence really a new topic in medical education?1
In Reply: We do not stand a ghost of a chance of detecting plagiarism with ChatGPT employed as a ghost author1
A new generation of health professionals – ethical dilemmas and challenges1
Medicinal signaling cells niche in stromal vascular fraction from lipoaspirate and microfragmented counterpart1
A potential effect of psilocybin on anxiety in neurotic personality structures in adolescents1
Large multi-modal models – the present or future of artificial intelligence in medicine?1
Holistic care and complex needs: unveiling the full potential of modern nursing1
The effect of parity on obstetric and perinatal outcomes in pregnancies at the age of 40 and above: a retrospective study0
Effects of an intravenous lidocaine bolus before tracheal extubation on recovery after breast surgery – Lidocaine at the End (LATE) study: a randomized controlled clinical trial0
Innovative statistical approaches: the use of neural networks reduces the sample size in the splenectomy-MCAO mouse model0
Cultivating Andrija Štampar’s legacy: from international health and positive health to person-centered care0
Personalized medicine: the future is here0
Comparing ChatGPT’s ability to write and review papers: then what?0
Neuroprotective effects of goji berry (Lycium barbarum L.) polysaccharides on depression-like behavior in ovariectomized rats: behavioral and biochemical evidence0
Evaluation of continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions in prevention of microaspiration during general anesthesia: a randomized controlled pilot study0
Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency0
Increased carotid intima-media thickness is associated with higher odds of unfavorable outcomes in adults without advanced vascular diseases presenting with non-severe COVID-19 pneumonia: a nested cas0
The physiology and pathophysiology of cerebrospinal fluid: new evidence0
Hospitalists: the missing link in complex patient care0
The card game of publish or perish: a satirical approach to the reality of academic publishing0
Results of the National Breast Cancer Screening Program in Croatia (2006-2016)0
Laterality of deep white matter hyperintensities correlates with basilar artery bending and vertebral artery dominance0
Intermittent tramadol vs tramadol administration via patient-controlled pump after lumbar discectomy: a randomized controlled trial0
Diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of CT pulmonary artery to aorta diameter ratio in screening for pulmonary hypertension in end-stage COPD patients0
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Zagreb: the first 40 years0
Neurological side effects after SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations require thorough and comprehensive investigations0
We can reject a zombie apocalypse0
Tom Lawry. Hacking Healthcare: How AI and the Intelligence Revolution Will Reboot an Ailing SystemRoutledge. Taylor & Francis Group, A Productivity Press Book: 376 pages; hard copy. ISBN: 988-1-030
Candidate-gene studies related to drug pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety, and efficacy in the era of extensive technological developments: could we empower them by more efficient implementati0
Genetic sub-structuring of Croatian island populations in the Southeastern European context: a meta-analysis0
Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics0
Clinical and pathohistological characteristics of Alport spectrum disorder caused by COL4A4 mutation c.193-2A>C: a case series0
Rescue extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pediatric patients: a nine-year single-center experience in Zagreb, Croatia0
Improvement in the outcomes of mantle cell lymphoma in the last decade: a real-life non interventional study of the Croatian Cooperative Group for Hematologic Diseases0
Liver transplantation in patients with neuroendocrine tumors: a case series and literature review0
Undiagnosed hypertension in Croatia0
A pattern of antibiotic drug resistance of Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi among children with enteric fever in a tertiary care hospital in Lahore, Pakistan0
Exploring changes in the perception of e-professionalism among medical and dental students: a quantitative cross-sectional study0
Diagnostic validation of two SARS-CoV-2 immunochromatographic tests in Slovenian and Croatian hospitals0
Differences between COVID-19-vaccinated and unvaccinated participants from Croatia0
Prognostic relevance of autophagy-related markers p62, LC3, and Beclin1 in ovarian cancer0
Exploring ChatGPT's abilities in medical article writing and peer review0
The COVID-19 lockdown promotes changes in sleep habits in the Croatian general population0
Screening for diabetic peripheral neuropathy at community pharmacies in Slovakia0
Does switching from coated colchicine to compressed colchicine improves treatment response in patients with familial Mediterranean fever?0
The promise of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus0
Conceptualization of pain in Croatian adults: a cross-sectional and psychometric study0
Regulator of calcineurin 3 as a novel predictor of diagnosis and prognosis in pan-cancer0
Does the use of AI tools in academic publisinng represent a new form of ghost authorship?0
Twelfth ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 22-27, 20220
Temel Y, Leentjens AFG, de Bie RMA, Chabardes S, Fasano A, editors. Fundamentals and clinics of deep brain stimulation: an interdisciplinary approachSpringer Nature Switzerland AG; 2020. ISBN 978-3-030
How health care professionals confront and solve ethical dilemmas – a tale of two countries: Slovenia and Croatia0
COVID-19 prevalence and mortality is associated with the allele frequency of CCR5-Δ320
A novel mutation of congenital nephrotic syndrome in a Slovenian child eventually receiving a renal transplant0
Intraoperative superior hypogastric plexus block for pain relief after a cesarean section: a case-control study0
The knowledge about long-term consequences of preterm birth among health professionals, educational professionals, and parents in Slovenia0
The impact of Plan S on scholarly journals from less developed European countries0
Next-generation sequencing of von Willebrand factor and coagulation factor VIII genes: a cross-sectional study in Croatian adult patients diagnosed with von Willebrand disease0
The Applied Genomics Development Strategy by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts paves the way for the future development of applied genomics in Croatia0
In Reply to: Neurological side effects after SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations require thorough and comprehensive investigations0
Compassionate mesenchymal stem cell treatment in a severe COVID-19 patient: a case report0
The cost of care for people living with stable HIV in Croatia and the efficiency of EmERGE0
Challenging pharmacotherapy management of a psychotic disorder due to a delicate pharmacogenetic profile and drug-drug interactions: a case report and literature review0
Interleukin-2 gene methylation levels and interleukin-2 levels associated with environmental exposure as risk biomarkers for preterm birth0
Alcohol use among Croatian adolescents: the alignment of 13-year-old and 15-year-old girls with boys, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic0
Formation and elimination of soluble fibrin and D-dimer in the bloodstream0
The efficacy of surgical treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations in a single academic institution: a case series0
Liver transplantation in hepatocellular carcinoma – should we perform downstaging?0
Opportunities and risks of ChatGPT in medicine, science, and academic publishing: a modern Promethean dilemma0
Children as complex patients0
Reducing the risks of nuclear war—the role of health professionals0
Breast lump as the initial presentation of metastatic uterine leiomyosarcoma: a case report and comprehensive literature review0
Successful treatment of late obstetric ethylene glycol intoxication with ethanol via the enteral route: a case report0
Spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas: a report on outcomes in a single-center retrospective cohort treated surgically and/or endovascularly0
Editors’ role in shaping the publishing environment and guiding authors in the era of artificial intelligence0
Scientists from small countries on the hunt for scientometric figures – global indicators and local finances0
Intravenous infusion of angiotensin II for treatment of cardiopulmonary bypass-induced vasoplegic shock after implantation of left ventricular assist device: a case report0
Person-centered care in ophthalmology: current knowledge and perspectives0
Fragmentation, dehumanization, commodification: crisis of medicine0
Strong and weak points in the quality of life of school-age children with newly diagnosed uncomplicated epilepsy over the first six months: golden hours for prevention0
The role of the European Union in health policies of member states – an example of the rare diseases policy in Croatia0
Could fluvoxamine keep COVID-19 patients out of hospitals and intensive care units?0
Analysis of health care professionals’ incident reports on medical devices in Croatia0
Is there a relationship between attitudes of general practitioners/family doctors and attitudes of their patients regarding industry-sponsored clinical investigations? A cross-sectional survey in a co0
Healthcare professionals’ perspective on managing the healthcare system in Croatia: a cross-sectional study0
Bilateral facial nerve palsy as a presentation of coexisting neuroborreliosis and post-acute COVID-19 syndrome0
18F-FET and 18F-choline PET-CT in patients with MRI-suspected low-grade gliomas: a pilot study0
Applicability and prognostic value of frailty assessment tools among hospitalized patients with advanced chronic liver disease0
The gp130/STAT3-endoplasmic reticulum stress axis regulates hepatocyte necroptosis in acute liver injury0
Factors contributing to variability in metformin concentration in polycystic ovary syndrome0
Tuberculosis in schools: an outbreak in northeastern Italy and some key health protection interventions0
New perspectives in the genetic diagnosis of male infertility0
Spectrum of genetic variants in 306 patients with non-syndromic hearing loss from Croatia0
4-phenyl butyric acid improves hepatic ischemia/reperfusion and affects gene expression of ABC transporter Abcc5 in rats0
The construction of the Split Sleep Questionnaire on sleep habits during the COVID-19 pandemic in the general population0
Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik: 50 years of fostering science without borders0
Cross-cultural adaptation and reproducibility of the EPIC-Norfolk food frequency questionnaire in young people living in Croatia0
Comparison of recovery after sugammadex or neostigmine reversal of rocuronium in geriatric patients undergoing spine surgery: a randomized controlled trial0
Dense single nucleotide polymorphism testing revolutionizes scope and degree of certainty for source attribution in forensic investigations0
Benign fasciculation syndrome and migraine aura without headache as possible adverse events after BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination: a web-based survey0
The SPARE score reliably predicts the conversion from open partial to radical nephrectomy0
Before attributing facial diplegia to neuroborreliosis, a plethora of differential diagnoses must be ruled out0
The visibility of the periventricular crossroads of pathways in preterm infants as a predictor of neurological outcome and occurrence of neonatal epileptic seizures0