Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and B

(The median citation count of Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and B is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Coping with the cold and fighting the heat: thermal homeostasis of a superorganism, the honeybee colony42
Magnetic maps in animal navigation29
Broadband 75–85 MHz radiofrequency fields disrupt magnetic compass orientation in night-migratory songbirds consistent with a flavin-based radical pair magnetoreceptor29
To eat or not to eat: a Garcia effect in pond snails (Lymnaea stagnalis)28
Acoustic particle motion detection in the snapping shrimp (Alpheus richardsoni)24
Magnetoreception and magnetic navigation in fishes: a half century of discovery18
Olfactory navigation in arthropods17
Localisation of cryptochrome 2 in the avian retina15
One hundred years of phase polymorphism research in locusts14
Behavioral performance and division of labor influence brain mosaicism in the leafcutter ant Atta cephalotes14
Lineages to circuits: the developmental and evolutionary architecture of information channels into the central complex12
The sky compass network in the brain of the desert locust12
A spider in motion: facets of sensory guidance12
Visual navigation: properties, acquisition and use of views12
Neuroanatomical differentiation associated with alternative reproductive tactics in male arid land bees, Centris pallida and Amegilla dawsoni12
Oxygen sensing in crustaceans: functions and mechanisms12
Jump takeoff in a small jumping spider12
Contact chemoreception in multi-modal sensing of prey by Octopus12
The discovery of the use of magnetic navigational information11
Why is it so difficult to study magnetic compass orientation in murine rodents?11
Optic flow based spatial vision in insects11
Coleoptera claws and trichome interlocking11
Contribution of cryptochromes and photolyases for insect life under sunlight10
Leg loss decreases endurance and increases oxygen consumption during locomotion in harvestmen10
Comparative psychophysics of colour preferences in two species of non-eusocial Australian native halictid bees10
Waterfall low-frequency vibrations and infrasound: implications for avian migration and hazard detection10
Trapped indoors? Long-distance dispersal in mygalomorph spiders and its effect on species ranges9
Scanning behaviour in ants: an interplay between random-rate processes and oscillators9
What view information is most important in the homeward navigation of an Australian bull ant, Myrmecia midas?9
Einstein, von Frisch and the honeybee: a historical letter comes to light8
Light, flight and the night: effect of ambient light and moon phase on flight activity of pteropodid bats8
Measuring strain in the exoskeleton of spiders—virtues and caveats8
Lesions of abdominal connectives reveal a conserved organization of the calling song central pattern generator (CPG) network in different cricket species8
Gripping performance in the stick insect Sungaya inexpectata in dependence on the pretarsal architecture8
Magnetosensation during re-learning walks in desert ants (Cataglyphis nodus)8
A flavonoid, quercetin, is capable of enhancing long-term memory formation if encountered at different times in the learning, memory formation, and memory recall continuum8
Spatial acuity-sensitivity trade-off in the principal eyes of a jumping spider: possible adaptations to a ‘blended’ lifestyle8
Evolutionary kinematics of spinneret movements for rapid silk thread anchorage in spiders8
Hearing in Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus): sensitivity to infrasound8
Role of the pheromone for navigation in the group foraging ant, Veromessor pergandei7
Neurophysiology goes wild: from exploring sensory coding in sound proof rooms to natural environments7
Time measurement in insect photoperiodism: external and internal coincidence7
The influence of stimulus history on directional coding in the monarch butterfly brain7
The amphibian magnetic sense(s)7
Understanding the limits to the hydraulic leg mechanism: the effects of speed and size on limb kinematics in vagrant arachnids7
Navigation and dance communication in honeybees: a cognitive perspective7
Allometric escape and acoustic signal features facilitate high-frequency communication in an endemic Chinese primate7
Behavioural function and development of body-to-limb proportions and active movement ranges in three stick insect species6
Modular timer networks: abdominal interneurons controlling the chirp and pulse pattern in a cricket calling song6
Spatial resolution and sensitivity of the eyes of the stingless bee, Tetragonula iridipennis6
Epigenetics and seasonal timing in animals: a concise review6
Visual discrimination and resolution in freshwater stingrays (Potamotrygon motoro)6
Visual detection thresholds in the Asian honeybee, Apis cerana6
The effect of change in mass distribution due to defensive posture on gait in fat‐tailed scorpions6
Measuring auditory cortical responses in Tursiops truncatus6
Polarized iridescence of the tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa latipes6
Uncovering how animals use combinations of magnetic field properties to navigate: a computational approach6
Early olfactory, but not gustatory processing, is affected by the selection of heritable cognitive phenotypes in honey bee6
Approaches to studying injury-induced sensitization and the potential role of an endocannabinoid transmitter6
“It is becoming increasingly difficult to find reviewers”—myths and facts about peer review6
Female preferences for the spectral content of advertisement calls in Cope’s gray treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis)6
Environmental sources of radio frequency noise: potential impacts on magnetoreception6
Jumping of flea beetles onto inclined platforms6
How might magnetic secular variation impact avian philopatry?6
Photoperiod controls egg laying and caudodorsal cell hormone expression but not gonadal development in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis5
The Journal of Comparative Physiology A: rooted in great tradition, committed to innovation and discovery5
Electrophysiology and the magnetic sense: a guide to best practice5
Locomotion and kinematics of arachnids5
Spatial tuning of translational optic flow responses in hawkmoths of varying body size5
Development of hearing in the big brown bat5
Ingeborg Beling and the time memory in honeybees: almost one hundred years of research5
Drosophila ezoana uses morning and evening oscillators to adjust its rhythmic activity to different daylengths but only the morning oscillator to measure night length for photoperiodic responses5
Neurons sensitive to non-celestial polarized light in the brain of the desert locust5
Performance of polarization-sensitive neurons of the locust central complex at different degrees of polarization5
Aerodynamics and the role of the earth’s electric field in the spiders’ ballooning flight5
Visual control of refuge recognition in the whip spider Phrynus marginemaculatus5
On the origin and evolution of the dual oscillator model underlying the photoperiodic clockwork in the suprachiasmatic nucleus5
Ant foragers might present variation and universal property in their movements4
Forward masking in a bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus: dependence on azimuthal positions of the masker and test sources4
Neural mechanism of circadian clock-based photoperiodism in insects and snails4
Opsin knockdown specifically slows phototransduction in broadband and UV-sensitive photoreceptors in Periplaneta americana4
The potential underlying mechanisms during learning flights4
Seeing the world through the eyes of a butterfly: visual ecology of the territorial males of Pararge aegeria (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)4
The circadian and photoperiodic clock of the pea aphid4
Integration of photoperiodic and temperature cues by the circadian clock to regulate insect seasonal adaptations4
Insect magnetoreception: a Cry for mechanistic insights4
One hundred years of excellence: the top one hundred authors of the Journal of Comparative Physiology A4
The role of learning-walk related multisensory experience in rewiring visual circuits in the desert ant brain4
Optocollic responses in adult barn owls (Tyto furcata)4
Impact of central complex lesions on innate and learnt visual navigation in ants4
Male antiphonal calls and phonotaxis evoked by female courtship calls in the large odorous frog (Odorrana graminea)4
Fluoride alters feeding and memory in Lymnaea stagnalis4
Magnetotactic bacteria: concepts, conundrums, and insights from a novel in situ approach using digital holographic microscopy (DHM)4
Ruth Beutler: the woman behind Karl von Frisch4
Organization of the parallel antennal-lobe tracts in the moth4
Integration of ocular and non-ocular photosensory information in the brain of the terrestrial slug Limax4
DPOAEs and tympanal membrane vibrations reveal adaptations of the sexually dimorphic ear of the concave-eared torrent frog, Odorrana tormota4
Echo feedback mediates noise-induced vocal modifications in flying bats4
Effect of levodopa/carbidopa on stress response in zebrafish4
Neuroethology of sound localization in anurans4
From the eye to the wing: neural circuits for transforming optic flow into motor output in avian flight4
The importance of time of day for magnetic body alignment in songbirds4
Comparative biology of spatial navigation in three arachnid orders (Amblypygi, Araneae, and Scorpiones)4
Cochlear tuning and the peripheral representation of harmonic sounds in mammals4
Stable flies sense and behaviorally respond to the polarization of light3
In-air hearing in Hawaiian monk seals: implications for understanding the auditory biology of Monachinae seals3
Giant steps: adhesion and locomotion in theraphosid tarantulas3
Crickets in the spotlight: exploring the impact of light on circadian behavior3
Anxiety induces long-term memory forgetting in the crayfish3
Behind the mask(ing): how frogs cope with noise3
Physiological properties of the visual system in the Green Weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina3
Role of legs and foot adhesion in salticid spiders jumping from smooth surfaces3
Olfactory learning and memory in the greater short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx: the influence of conspecifics distress calls3
Molecular identification of an androgen receptor and the influence of long-term aggressive interaction on hypothalamic genes expression in black rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii)3
Honeybee queen mandibular pheromone fails to regulate ovary activation in the common wasp3
Roles for cerebellum and subsumption architecture in central pattern generation3
Sub-cell scale features govern the placement of new cells by honeybees during comb construction3
Slingshot spiders build tensed, underdamped webs for ultrafast launches and speedy halts3
Tensile mechanical properties and finite element simulation of the wings of the butterfly Tirumala limniace3
Avian navigation: the geomagnetic field provides compass cues but not a bicoordinate “map” plus a brief discussion of the alternative infrasound direction-finding hypothesis3
Flat on its back: the impact of substrate on righting methods of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys3
Investigating the interactions between multiple memory stores in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis3
Birth temperature followed by a visual critical period determines cooperative group membership3
The seasons within: a theoretical perspective on photoperiodic entrainment and encoding3
Cribellate thread production as model for spider’s spinneret kinematics3
Functional compliance and protective stiffness: cross-veins in the hind wing of locust Locusta migratoria3
Sexual discrimination and attraction through scents in the water vole, Arvicola terrestris3
A formative journal for a formative career: a personal recollection of how JCPA has inspired and guided my research life3
Global inhibition in head-direction neural circuits: a systematic comparison between connectome-based spiking neural circuit models3
Clock-talk: have we forgotten about geographic variation?3
Threatened chronotopes: can chronobiology help endangered species?3
What do oysters smell? Electrophysiological evidence that the bivalve osphradium is a chemosensory organ in the oyster, Magallana gigas3
Morphology and receptive field organization of a temporal processing region in Apteronotus albifrons3
Effect of natural abiotic soil vibrations, rainfall and wind on anuran calling behavior: a test with captive-bred midwife toads (Alytes obstetricans)3
Model organisms and systems in neuroethology: one hundred years of history and a look into the future3
Peking geckos (Gekko swinhonis) traversing upward steps: the effect of step height on the transition from horizontal to vertical locomotion3
The effect of urethane and MS-222 anesthesia on the electric organ discharge of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus3
Suggested reviewers: friends or foes?3
A clock for all seasons in the subterranean3