Psychological Research-Psychologische Forschung

(The TQCC of Psychological Research-Psychologische Forschung is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Instructing item-specific switch probability: expectations modulate stimulus–action priming48
The influence of Facebook intrusion and task context on cognitive control25
Behavioral and ERP effects of encoded facial expressions on facial identity recognition depend on recognized facial expressions24
Effects of repeated testing in a pen-and-paper test of selective attention (FAIR-2)23
Temporal integration of feature probability distributions22
Modeling body size information within weight labels using probability distributions21
What we imagine learning from watching others: how motor imagery modulates competency perceptions resulting from the repeated observation of a juggling action21
The surprising role of stimulus modality in the dual-task introspective blind spot: a memory account20
The spatial extent of focused attention modulates attentional disengagement19
Does belief in free will influence biological motion perception?18
Aerobic fitness and fine motor skills are related to switching and updating in typically developing children18
Independent subsequent memory effects of conflict resolution and response inhibition17
Scaling preferences using probabilistic choice models: is there a ratio-scale representation of subjective liking?17
Octave illusion: stimulation frequencies can modulate perception17
Investigating task preparation and task performance as triggers of the backward inhibition effect17
What am I doing? It depends: agency and action identification16
The role of motor inhibition in implicit negation processing: two Go/No-Go behavioral studies16
Interaction of motor practice and memory training in expressive piano performance: expanding the possibilities of improvisation16
Implementation of the diffusion model on dot-probe task performance in children with behavioral inhibition16
Arousal, interindividual differences and temporal binding a psychophysiological study15
The dilemma of trauma-focused therapy: effects of imagery rescripting on voluntary memory14
Differences in motor imagery abilities in active and sedentary individuals: new insights from backward-walking imagination14
Anticipation of aversive visual stimuli lengthens perceived temporal duration14
Does hunger promote the detection of foods? The effect of value on inattentional blindness13
Enhanced declarative memory in long-term mindfulness practitioners13
How flexible is cognitive control? (Mouse) tracking conflict adaptation across context similarities13
Practice reduces the costs of producing head fakes in basketball13
The SNARC effect: a preregistered study on the interaction of horizontal, vertical, and sagittal spatial–numerical associations12
Time-based task expectancy: perceptual task indicator expectancy or expectancy of post-perceptual task components?12
A differential impact of action–effect temporal contiguity on different measures of response inhibition in the Go\No-Go and Stop-signal paradigms12
Abstract concepts and simulated competition12
Instructed speed and accuracy affect binding12
Inhibition and individual differences in behavior and emotional regulation in adolescence11
Altered temporal awareness during Covid-19 pandemic11
Time reproduction, bisection and doubling: a novel paradigm to investigate the effect of the internal clock on time estimation11
How does it feel? Passage of time judgments in speeded RT performance11
Proactive control of attention in math-anxious individuals10
The repetition of errors in recall: a review of four ‘fragmentation’ experiments10
Selective effects of focusing on spatial details in episodic future thinking for self-relevant positive events10
Gesture production at encoding supports narrative recall10
The Z-Box illusion: dominance of motion perception among multiple 3D objects10
“That’s just like, your opinion, man”: the illusory truth effect on opinions10
The fronto-central N2 but not parietal P3 reflects response inhibition in the count/no-count task10
Spatial cueing effects do not always index attentional capture: evidence for a priority accumulation framework9
Intuition in chess: a study with world-class players9
The joint effect of framing and defaults on choice behavior9
Sensorimotor processing is dependent on observed speed during the observation of hand–hand and hand–object interactions9
Behavioral impulse and time pressure jointly influence intentional inhibition: evidence from the Free Two-Choice Oddball task9
When does imagery require motor resources? A commentary on Bach et al., 20228
How general is ensemble perception?8
The ordinal distance effect in working memory: does it exist in the absence of confounds?8
Visual–haptic integration, action and embodiment in virtual reality8
The impact of food stimuli and fasting on cognitive control in task switching8
Protective effects of education on the cognitive decline in a mental rotation task using real models: a pilot study with middle and older aged adults8
Self-prioritization depends on assumed task-relevance of self-association8
Forward effects from action observation: the role of attentional focus8
The effect of pain on reference memory for duration8
Is justice grounded? How expertise shapes conceptual representation of institutional concepts8
The categorical use of a continuous time representation8
Overlearned sequence and perceived time: possible involvement of attention8
When time does not matter: cultures differ in their use of temporal cues to infer agency over action effects8
Reconceptualizing mind wandering from a switching perspective8
Task performance errors and rewards affect voluntary task choices8
Item-specific and relational encoding are effective at reducing the illusion of competence7
A Bayesian computational model to investigate expert anticipation of a seemingly unpredictable ball bounce7
Does mindfulness help to overcome stereotype threat in mental rotation in younger and older adolescents?7
The influence of object size on second-order planning in an overturned cup task7
The temporal dynamics of task processing and choice in a novel multitasking paradigm7
The angry versus happy recognition advantage: the role of emotional and physical properties7
The time course of salience: not entirely caused by salience7
Does cognitive inhibition contribute to working memory and reasoning during childhood?7
Length is not all that matters: testing the role of number identity and the ratio of fillers in comparisons of multi-digits with different digit length7
Executive functioning and divergent thinking predict creative problem-solving in young adults and elderlies7
The role of objective and subjective effort costs in voluntary task choice7
Sustained visual attention improves visuomotor timing7
Memory for abstract control states does not decay with increasing retrieval delays7
Context dependency of time-based event-related expectations for different modalities7
Motor restrictions impair divergent thinking during walking and during sitting7
Differential relationships between thought dimensions and momentary affect in daily life7
Forests or trees? The effect of generating solutions to distant analogies on global–local processing7
The effects of posture on mind wandering6
Enhancing cognitive abilities in young adults with ADHD through instrumental music training: a comparative analysis of musicians and non-musicians6
The effect of emotional arousal on visual attentional performance: a systematic review6
Temporal context effects are associated with cognitive status in advanced age6
A functional role for oculomotor preparation in mental arithmetic evidenced by the abducted eye paradigm6
Perception and action as viewed from the Theory of Event Coding: a multi-lab replication and effect size estimation of common experimental designs6
One more trip to Barcetona: on the special status of visual similarity effects in city names6
Hyper-binding: the surprising roles of age and affect6
On preventing attention capture: Is singleton suppression actually singleton suppression?6
Binding a stimulus after, but not before, response execution: examining the temporal binding window of event files6
Do intuitive ideas of the qualities that should characterize involuntary and voluntary memories affect their classification?6
The interconnection of orthographic, phonetic, and semantic skills with arithmetic fluency6
The salience of an agency experience influences its ability to improve memory6
Different effects of smooth pursuit eye movements on motion-based stimulus response congruency6
Social cues tip the scales in emotional processing of complex pictures6
The process-disruption hypothesis: how spelling and typing skill affects written composition process and product6
Collaborative inhibition effect: the role of memory task and retrieval method6
Cross-dimensional magnitude interaction is modulated by representational noise: evidence from space–time interaction6
Quantifying the roles of conscious and unconscious processing in insight-related memory effectiveness within standard and creative advertising5
Investigating facilitatory versus inhibitory effects of dynamic social and non-social cues on attention in a realistic space5
The structure of cognitive strategies for wayfinding decisions5
Empowering episodic memory through a model-based egocentric navigational training5
Correction to: Modelling concrete and abstract concepts using brain-constrained deep neural networks5
Individual differences in dimensions of mind wandering: the mediating role of emotional valence and intentionality5
Effects of the use of autobiographical photographs on emotional induction in older adults: a systematic review5
Multiple mental representations in picture processing5
Parafoveal syntactic processing from word N + 2 during reading: the case of gender-specific German articles5
Learning a covert sequence of effector movements: limits to its acquisition5
Estimating the distribution of numerosity and non-numerical visual magnitudes in natural scenes using computer vision5
SNARC effect in a transfer paradigm: long-lasting effects of stimulus-response compatibility practices5
The role of emotion recognition in reappraisal affordances5
Unintentional response priming from verbal action–effect instructions5
Who did I lie to that day? Deception impairs memory in daily life5
The contributions of working memory domains and processes to early mathematical knowledge between preschool and first grade5
Uncertainty salience reduces the accessibility of episodic future thoughts5
Factors influencing passage of time judgment in individuals’ daily lives: evidence from the experience sampling and diary methods4
Effects of temporal order and intentionality on reflective attention to words in noise4
Return-sweep saccades in oral reading4
A dimensional measure of safety behavior: A non-dichotomous assessment of costly avoidance in human fear conditioning4
Diametrical modulation of tactile and visual perceptual thresholds during the rubber hand illusion: a predictive coding account4
Insight problem solving is not that special, but business is not quite 'as usual': typical versus exceptional problem-solving strategies4
Foot cues can elicit covert orienting of attention4
Evaluating individual differences in rewarded Stroop performance: reliability and associations with self-report measures4
Perceptual grouping in complex rhythmic patterns4
Differences of resource allocation to active and passive states in visual working memory4
Implications of neural integration of math and spatial experiences for math ability and math anxiety4
The effect of inverting decades and units on the retention of two-digit numbers in working memory: a matter of the output mode4
More or less of me and you: self-relevance augments the effects of item probability on stimulus prioritization4
Reduced flexibility of cognitive control: reactive, but not proactive control, underpins the congruency sequence effect4
Effects of global information on the estimation of point-light walker directions4
In Colore Veritas? Color effects on the speed and accuracy of true/false responses4
Theoretical psychology: discursive transformations and continuity in Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung4
Temporal learning in the suprasecond range: insights from cognitive style4
Emotion and prospective memory: effects of emotional targets and contexts4
Effects of alerting signals on the spatial Stroop effect: evidence for modality differences4
Cognitively demanding stimuli can acquire positive valence4
The experiential basis of compatibility effects in reading-by-rotating paradigms4
Are three zebras more than three frogs: examining conceptual and physical congruency in numerosity judgements of familiar objects4
A longitudinal study of math skills in heritage bilingual children: profiles of strengths and weaknesses4
When eyes beat lips: speaker gaze affects audiovisual integration in the McGurk illusion4
Visible skin disease symptoms of another person reduce automatic imitation of their hand movements4
A multi-representation approach to the contextual interference effect: effects of sequence length and practice4
Regional accents modulate perspective in geographical space4
What’s behind deliberation? The effect of task-related mind-wandering on post-incubation creativity4
The influence of cooperative action intention on object affordance: evidence from the perspective-taking ability of individuals4
Impact of chronic physical activity on individuals’ creativity4
The effects of errorless psychomotor training in the Y balance lower limb reaching task4
The power of music: impact on EEG signals4
Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence of different processes during a target identification task assessing perceptual learning4
Mind wandering increases linearly with text difficulty3
Sequence representations after action-imagery practice of one-finger movements are effector-independent3
Multisensory synchrony of contextual boundaries affects temporal order memory, but not encoding or recognition3
Examining the effect size and duration of retrieval-induced facilitation3
Candidate brain regions for motor imagery practice: a commentary on Rieger et al., 20233
Inhibition of cued but not executed task sets depends on cue-task compatibility and practice3
Individual differences in the frequency of voluntary & involuntary episodic memories, future thoughts, and counterfactual thoughts3
Decomposing geographical judgments into spatial, temporal and linguistic components3
Exploring in a climbing task during a learning protocol: a complex sense-making process3
Learning of across- and within-task contingencies modulates partial-repetition costs in dual-tasking3
Working memory control predicts fixation duration in scene-viewing3
Does perceptual grouping improve visuospatial working memory? Optimized processing or encoding bias3
Can you accurately monitor your behaviors while multitasking? The effect of multitasking on metacognition3
It’s SNARC o’ clock: manipulating the salience of the context in a conceptual replication of Bächtold et al.’s (1998) clockface study3
Concrete constraints on abstract concepts—editorial3
The dissociation between age of acquisition and word frequency effects in Chinese spoken picture naming3
The CASE of brand names during sentence reading3
Math anxiety relates positively to metacognitive insight into mathematical decision making3
Neuromuscular effects suggest that imagery engages motor components directly – a commentary on Frank et al. (2023)3
Perceived spatial presence and body orientation affect the recall of out-of-sight places in an immersive sketching experiment3
Self-other distinction modulates the social softness illusion3
The Simon effect under reversed visual feedback3
Ordered spatial configuration protects representations of dissimilar items and reduces the similarity effect in visual working memory3
Can frequent long stimulus onset ansynchronies (SOAs) foster the representation of two separated task-sets in dual-tasking?3
Picture this! Suggested instructions for guiding the Neuroscience of action imagery: A commentary on Krüger et al. (2022)3
The visual size of graspable objects is needed to induce the potentiation of grasping behaviors even with verbal stimuli3
Reading about a RELO-VUTION3
Beta and gamma binaural beats enhance auditory sentence comprehension3
Imagery practice of motor skills without conscious awareness?: a commentary to Frank et al.3
Time, valence, and imagination: a comparative study of thoughts in restricted and unrestricted mind wandering3
Haptic object recognition based on shape relates to visual object recognition ability3
Effect of additional tasks on the reaction time of braking responses in simulated car driving: beyond the PRP effect3
Imagery and motor learning: a special issue on the neurocognitive mechanisms of imagery and imagery practice of motor actions3
The effect of typicality training on costly safety behavior generalization3
The good, the bad, and the red: implicit color-valence associations across cultures3
Emotions in motion: affective valence can influence compatibility effects with graspable objects3
The visual encoding of graspable unfamiliar objects3
The effect of incentivization on the conjunction fallacy in judgments: a meta-analysis3
Learning via imagery – merging techniques to improve the outcomes: a commentary on Frank et al. (2023)3
Daily mindfulness training reduces negative impact of COVID-19 news exposure on affective well-being3
The effects of self-selected background music and task difficulty on task engagement and performance in a visual vigilance task3