Jewish History

(The TQCC of Jewish History is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
“Jewish Political Circles Denounce Every Kind of Terror?” Jewish Media Response to Kristallnacht in Japanese-Controlled Harbin2
Our Small World: Hebrew Children’s Letters and Modern Upbringing in Czarist Russia1
An Ambivalent Coexistence: Jews and Christians in Late Ottoman Edirne1
The Impact of Ḥasidei Ashkenaz in Northern France: The Evidence of Sefer Ḥasidut and Ḥayyei ‘Olam1
The Lord’s Justice: Blood Libel, Legalism, and Neighborly Negotiation in an Eighteenth-Century Private Town1
Walking the Even Tenor of Our Ways: Liberty and Tradition in Isaac Leeser’s Claims of the Jews to an Equality of Rights1
Rav Hai Gaon’s Jurisprudential Monograph Kitāb Adab al-Qaḍā: A Reconstructed Text from the Cairo Genizah1
Tabling Codification of Jewish Law: Perspectives on Sixteenth-Century Ventures1
In This Land: Jewish Life and Legal Culture in Late Medieval Provence. By Pinchas Roth.1
West and East in Ashkenaz in the Time of Judah he-Ḥasid1
From Thieves to Martyrs: The Story of Two Jews from Early Modern Moravia1
Home and Away: The Opposition to Travel in Sefer Ḥasidim1
Reconsidering Early Modern Jewry: Reflections on the Methodology of Legal History1
Jews “Holding the Keys to the Church” and the Posthumous Career of Zelman Wolfowicz of Drohobych1
Suspicion and Evidence: Manuscript Sources of the Hermeneutic Gates of German Pietism1
Rabbi Isaac of Rus’ and His Esoteric Teachings1
Becoming a Cold Warrior: The Peregrinations of a Soviet Jewish Defector0
International Jewish Humanitarianism in the Age of the Great War. By Jaclyn Granick.0
The Jew Is to Be Burned: A Turning Point in the Communist Approach to the “Jewish Question” on the Eve of Catastrophe0
Jewish Life in Medieval Spain: A New History. By Jonathan Ray.0
La povertà degli ebrei: Voci dal ghetto. By Luciano Allegra.0
The Architecture of Gender: Women in the Eastern European Synagogue0
Who Was a Ḥasid or Ḥasidah in Medieval Ashkenaz? Reassessing the Social Implications of a Term0
Population Research and the Modernization of German Jewry0
The Misadventures of Luis Méndez Chávez and the Origins of the Sephardic Colonization Movement0
“Burning Villages”: Leo Katz’s Novels on the 1907 Romanian Peasants’ Revolt and the Question of Antisemitism0
Where Did Rav and Shmuel Preside? Lingering Institutional Assumptions in the Study of the Late Antique Rabbis0
Conversion, Circumcision, and Ritual Murder in Medieval Europe. By Paola Tartakoff.0
Assessing the Manuscripts of Sefer Ḥasidim0
Bernhard Blechmann’s Body: The “Jewish Race” in Nineteenth-Century Physical Anthropology in Transnational Perspective0
Sacred Sororities: Devotion and Death in Early Modern Jewish Communities0
Rescue the Surviving Souls: The Great Jewish Refugee Crisis of the Seventeenth Century. By Adam Teller.0
Imitator of the Old Law/Advocate of Revealed Grace: Visualizing Jews and Christians in Twelfth-Century Regensburg0
Protecting the Image: Was Rav Hayyim of Volozhin’s Portrayal of the Vilna Gaon an Altered Image?0
A Jew in the Roman Bathhouse: Cultural Interaction in the Ancient Mediterranean. By Yaron Z. Eliav.0
The Conversos of Valencia: Prosopography of a Socio-Religious Community (1391–1420)0
Manuscript Marginalia in a Fourteenth-Century Torah Commentary and the History of Jewish Reading: Ephraim ben Shabbetai on Eleazar Ashkenazi’s Revealer of Secrets0
The Conflation of Judaism and Islam in Hernando de Talavera’s Conversion Plan0
Rain of Ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust. By Ari Joskowicz.0
Remaking a Kabbalist: Manuscript and Print Cultures in Early Modern Italy0
Introduction: Sefer Ḥasidim—Book, Context, and Afterlife0
Major Trends in the Historiography of European Ashkenazic Jews from the 1970s to the Present0
Accusation and Innuendo: Oligarchic Jewish Politics in Fourteenth Century Valencia0
Distant Relatives: Shklov Jews and Their Correspondence with the Ten Tribes from Bukhara0
Was Judah he-Ḥasid the “Author” of Sefer Ḥasidim?0
The Latin Inscription of Rabbi Jacob of Mérida: Dating and Contextualization0
Between Neighbors and Strangers: Representations of the Indigenous People of America and Construction of Jewish Identity in Early Modern Western Europe0
Composing Arugat ha-Bosem: How Piyyut Commentary Became Associated with Ḥasidei Ashkenaz0
Maḥzor Vitry: A Study of Liturgical-Halakhic Compendia from Medieval Franco-Germany0
Yiddish in Israel: A History. By Rachel Rojanski.0
The Dreyfus Affair’s Forgotten Hero: Bernard Lazare and the First Modern Fight against Antisemitism0
Jews, Economic Metaphors, and the Healthy Body Politic: The Jewish Role in Christian Economic Narratives and the Birth of Modern Economics0
Introduction: Cultural and Religious Boundary-Crossing in Early Modern Spain0
Social and Educational Consciousness in Twentieth- Century Moroccan Judeo-Arabic Halakhic Literature0
“Polishing” the Jewish Masses: Personal Hygiene, Public Health, and Jews in Fin de Siècle Warsaw0
Praying in French in the Nineteenth Century: Religion and Identity0
Conflicted Disciples: Graetz Through the Eyes of Dubnow, Baron, and Scholem0
A Hebrew Fragment in the Municipal Archive in Münster as a Witness to a Little-Known Ritual Practice0
The Distinction between Sage and Exilarch in Sassanian Babylonia: The Case of (Rav) Huna bar Natan0
Judah he-Ḥasid and the Tosafists of Northern France0
Yiddish and Social Science at the YIVO Economic-Statistical Section, 1926–19390
Swaying in Three Directions: Ilya Galant in Russian/Ukrainian-Jewish Historiography0
Entangled Discourses of Dissent in Early Modern Spain0
Conversos, Moriscos, and the Eucharist in Early Modern Spain: Some Reflections on Jewish Exceptionalism0
“It Requires Privacy”: Sharing a House in Thirteenth-Century Paris0
A Sage of the Golden Age of Safed: Rabbi Moses Najara0
Where to Turn? How One Italian Rabbi Understood Ashkenaz, ca. 16000
Law and Spirituality in Jewish History: On the Contribution of Isadore (Yitzḥak) Twersky0
Old Prophesies, Multiple Modernities: The Stormy Afterlife of a Medieval Pietist in Early Modern Ashkenaz0
Reading Against the Grain, Readings of Substitution: Catholic Books as Inspiration for Judaism in Early Modern Iberia0
Imagination and History Converge: The Danites in the Middle Ages0