
(The TQCC of Cephalalgia is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
CLOCK gene circannual expression in cluster headache100
A male-specific mechanism of meningeal nociceptor sensitization promoting migraine headache80
Insights from triggers and prodromal symptoms on how migraine attacks start: The threshold hypothesis73
20th Congress of the International Headache Society September 8-12, 202165
Erenumab versus topiramate for the prevention of migraine – a randomised, double-blind, active-controlled phase 4 trial65
International Classification of Headache Disorders-4 – Work in Progress 162
CORRIGENDUM to ‘Safety findings from Phase 3 lasmiditan studies for acute treatment of migraine: Results from SAMURAI and SPARTAN’60
A response: Update on cough, exertional and sex headache54
Building community and visibility: A year of social media growth for Cephalalgia50
The incremental burden and healthcare resource utilization among people with migraine in Europe: Insights from the 2020 European National Health and Wellness Survey49
Diagnostic utility of T2*-weighted GRE in migraine with aura attack. The cortical veins sign47
Cumulative exposure to estrogen may increase the risk of migraine in women47
What do people want to know about “Growing Up with Migraine”? Results of a preference survey of people with lived experience to guide future research46
Primary headache disorders in Latin America and the Caribbean: A meta-analysis of population-based studies45
Development of a text message-based headache diary in adolescents and children43
COVID-19-related headache and sinonasal inflammation: A longitudinal study analysing the role of acute rhinosinusitis and ICHD-3 classification difficulties in SARS-CoV-2 infection42
The prevalence of headache disorders in children and adolescents in Iran: a schools-based study41
The molecular clock gene cryptochrome 1 (CRY1) and its role in cluster headache41
Additional effects of pain neuroscience education combined with physiotherapy on the headache frequency of adult patients with migraine: A randomized controlled trial41
Treatment patterns and characteristics of headache in patients in Japan: A retrospective cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of health insurance claims data38
Fremanezumab for the Preventive Treatment of Migraine: Subgroup Analysis by Number of Prior Preventive Treatments with Inadequate Response37
Smooth muscle ATP-sensitive potassium channels mediate migraine-relevant hypersensitivity in mouse models37
Polygenic risk provides biological validity for the ICHD-3 criteria among Finnish migraine families33
Comment on “Effect of COVID vaccination on monthly migraine days”33
Hypersensitivity to CGRP as a predictive biomarker of migraine prevention with erenumab31
Late Breaking Author Index30
Galcanezumab treatment changes visual related EEG connectivity patterns in migraine patients28
Mutation screening and association analysis of NOTCH3 p.R544C in patients with migraine with or without aura27
Time and headache: Insights into timing processes in primary headache disorders for diagnosis, underlying pathophysiology and treatment implications27
Author Index26
Systemic allergic reaction to galcanezumab (emgality): a case report26
Grey matter structure within the visual networks in migraine with aura: multivariate and univariate analyses26
Intravenous lacosamide and phenytoin for the treatment of acute exacerbations of trigeminal neuralgia: A retrospective analysis of 144 cases26
The time sequence of brain MRI findings in spontaneous intracranial hypotension26
Localized and widespread pressure pain hypersensitivity in patients with episodic or chronic migraine: A systematic review and meta-analysis25
Cutaneous allodynia in pediatric and adolescent patients and their mothers: A comparative study25
The prevalence and burden of medication overuse headache in Greece25
Cephalalgia: a legacy of excellence, a vision for tomorrow25
CGRP monoclonal antibody prevents the loss of diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC) in a mouse model of post-traumatic headache24
Inhibiting PAC1 receptor internalization and endosomal ERK pathway activation may ameliorate hyperalgesia in a chronic migraine rat model24
A reply, drug-induced reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome: Lessons from the real world24
Evaluating the efficacy of CGRP mAbs and gepants for the preventive treatment of migraine: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of phase 3 randomised controlled trials24
Doubtful use of placebo following placebo in recent controlled trials of lasmiditan and ubrogepant for the treatment of migraine attacks24
Visual snow syndrome or “what's in a name?”23
CGRP-dependent signalling pathways involved in mouse models of GTN- cilostazol- and levcromakalim-induced migraine23
Timing of headache after COVID-19 vaccines and its association with cerebrovascular events: An analysis of 41,700 VAERS reports22
Longitudinal differences in iron deposition in periaqueductal gray matter and anterior cingulate cortex are associated with response to erenumab in migraine22
Other primary headaches: Distinct clinical features and uncertain pathophysiology22
Profile of Chinese Cluster Headache Register Individual Study (CHRIS): Clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment status data of 816 patients in China21
Mesocorticolimbic system abnormalities in chronic cluster headache patients: A neural signature?21
Activation of the trigeminal system as a likely target of SARS-CoV-2 may contribute to anosmia in COVID-1920
Latent class analysis of migraine associated vestibular-auditory symptoms20
Visual migraine aura iconography: A multicentre, cross-sectional study of individuals with migraine with aura20
Migraine and work – beyond absenteeism: Migraine severity and occupational burnout – A cohort study20
Glucocorticoid signaling mediates stress-induced migraine-like behaviors in a preclinical mouse model20
The epidemiology of airplane headache: A cross-sectional study on point prevalence and characteristics in 50,000 travelers20
Randomized controlled studies evaluating Topiramate, Botulinum toxin type A, and mABs targeting CGRP in patients with chronic migraine and medication overuse headache: A systematic review and meta-ana19
Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes – International (CaMEO-I) Study: Methods and multi-country baseline findings for diagnosis rates and care19
The impact of epigenetic mechanisms in migraine: Current knowledge and future directions19
The effect of low dose thyroid replacement therapy in patients with episodic migraine and subclinical hypothyroidism: A randomised placebo-controlled trial18
The effect of blood pressure lowering medications on the prevention of episodic migraine: A systematic review and meta-analysis18
Effects of cluster headache preventatives on mouse hypothalamic transcriptional homeostasis17
High perceived isolation and reduced social support affect headache impact levels in migraine after the Covid-19 outbreak: A cross sectional survey on chronic and episodic patients17
Epicranial headache part 1: Primary stabbing headache17
Open-label trials for CGRP-targeted drugs in migraine prevention: A narrative review17
TOP-PRO study: A randomized double-blind controlled trial of topiramate versus propranolol for prevention of chronic migraine16
Orofacial pain for clinicians: A review of constant and attack-like facial pain syndromes16
Characterizing opioid use in a Dutch cohort with migraine16
Evaluation of outcomes of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-targeting therapies for acute and preventive migraine treatment based on patient sex16
Distinguishing persistent post-traumatic headache from migraine: Classification based on clinical symptoms and brain structural MRI data15
Questionnaire and structural imaging data accurately predict headache improvement in patients with acute post-traumatic headache attributed to mild traumatic brain injury15
Intravenous fosphenytoin as treatment for acute exacerbation of trigeminal neuralgia: A prospective systematic study of 15 patients15
Placebo and nocebo in the treatment of migraine: How much does real world effectiveness depend on contextual effects?15
Abstracts of the 20th Biennial Migraine Trust International Symposium, London UK, 5th to 8th September 202415
Indirect costs attributed to headache: A nation-wide survey of an active working population15
Lasmiditan efficacy in the acute treatment of migraine was independent of prior response to triptans: Findings from the CENTURION study15
The Secondary Headaches15
Harassment in the headache field: a global web-based cross-sectional survey15
Letter to the editor regarding “Efficacy and tolerability of combination treatment of topiramate and greater occipital nerve block versus topiramate monotherapy for the preventive treatment of chronic15
Efficacy and tolerability of combination treatment of topiramate and greater occipital nerve block versus topiramate monotherapy for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine: A randomized controll15
Impact on monthly migraine days of discontinuing anti-CGRP antibodies after one year of treatment – a real-life cohort study15
Genome-wide association study reveals susceptibility loci for self-reported headache in a large community-based Asian population15
Co-morbidity between trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias and complex regional pain syndrome: Two case reports14
Migraine therapeutics differentially modulate the CGRP pathway14
Trajectory of treatment response in the child and adolescent migraine prevention (CHAMP) study: A randomized clinical trial14
Place of next generation acute migraine specific treatments among triptans, non-responders and contraindications to triptans and possible combination therapies14
Assessing migraine therapeutics14
Recovery and long-term outcome after neurosurgical closure of spinal CSF leaks in patients with spontaneous intracranial hypotension14
Systemic lupus erythematosus mimicking retinal migraine: a case report14
The prevalence of migraine in Argentina: A reappraisal14
The first prevalence study of primary headaches in adults in a post-conflict area of Serbia13
Letter to the editor regarding “Safety profile of erenumab, galcanezumab and fremanezumab in pregnancy and lactation: Analysis of the WHO pharmacovigilance database”13
The effects of certain TRP channels and voltage-gated KCNQ/Kv7 channel opener retigabine on calcitonin gene-related peptide release in the trigeminovascular system13
Triptan non-response in a London tertiary headache centre: What can we learn? A retrospective study13
An evolving machine-learning-based algorithm to early predict response to anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies in patients with migraine13
Telemedicine in headache care: A systematic review13
Clarification on the incidence and sex-specificity of sexual dysfunction as an adverse event of CGRP-targeting medications13
Oxygen inhalation has no effect on provoked cranial autonomic symptoms using kinetic oscillation stimulation in healthy volunteers13
What do patients’ efficacy and tolerability ratings of acute migraine medication tell us? Cross-sectional data from the DMKG Headache Registry13
Pain in the temple? Headache, muscle pain or both: A retrospective analysis13
Evaluation and treatment of headache associated with moyamoya disease – a narrative review13
History of maternal migraine and its association with preeclampsia: A case–control study in a low-resource setting in Sudan, Africa12
Paroxysmal hemicrania and hemicrania continua: Review on pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment12
Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in an antimigraine-treated preclinical model of cortical spreading depolarization12
Impact of anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies on migraine attack accompanying symptoms: A real-world evidence study12
Paroxysmal localized Hyperhidrosis, a case-report: When excessive sweating occurs in combination with severe headaches12
Photophobia and allodynia in persistent post-traumatic headache are associated with higher disease burden12
Response to letter to the Editor: Assessing migraine therapeutics12
Migraine evolution after the cessation of CGRP(-receptor) antibody prophylaxis: a prospective, longitudinal cohort study12
Corrigendum to “Evaluating the efficacy of CGRP mAbs and gepants for the preventive treatment of migraine: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of phase 3 randomised controlled trials”12
The genetics and chronobiology of cluster headache12
Interim analysis of the Registry for Load and Management of Medication Overuse Headache (RELEASE): A multicenter, comprehensive medication overuse headache registry11
Manual joint mobilisation techniques, supervised physical activity, psychological treatment, acupuncture and patient education in migraine treatment. A systematic review and meta-analysis11
Time to retire ‘New daily persistent headache’: Mode of onset of chronic migraine and tension-type headache11
Guidelines of the International Headache Society for clinical trials with neuromodulation devices for the treatment of migraine11
Greater occipital nerve block in migraine may have a place in migraine treatment11
Persistent headache attributed to past cervicocephalic artery dissection: clinical characteristics and contributors to headache persistence11
Pain sensitivities predict prophylactic treatment outcomes of flunarizine in chronic migraine patients: A prospective study11
Response to letter to the editor: “What predicts citation counts and translational impact in headache research? A machine learning analysis”11
Vagus nerve stimulation inhibits cortical spreading depression via glutamate-dependent TrkB activation mechanism in the nucleus tractus solitarius11
Migraine and the risk of stroke in a middle-aged and elderly population: A prospective cohort study11
The role of cytokines in migraine: A systematic review11
Board Walk – April 202110
Effect of Altmetric score on manuscript citations: A randomized-controlled trial10
Developing an artificial intelligence-based headache diagnostic model and its utility for non-specialists’ diagnostic accuracy10
Guidelines of the International Headache Society for controlled trials of pharmacological preventive treatment for persistent post-traumatic headache attributed to mild traumatic brain injury10
Measuring headache day severity using multiple features in daily diary designs10
An altered reward system characterizes chronic migraine with medication overuse headache10
Population-based prevalence of cranial autonomic symptoms in migraine and proposed diagnostic appendix criteria10
Diagnosis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension - the importance of excluding secondary causes: A systematic review10
Real-world effectiveness of fremanezumab for the preventive treatment of migraine: Interim analysis of the pan-European, prospective, observational, phase 4 PEARL study10
Headache trajectories in children and adolescents with new onset continuous headache10
Randomised, controlled trial of erenumab for the prevention of episodic migraine in patients from Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America: The EMPOwER study10
Personal view: Modelling pain mechanisms of migraine without aura10
Weight loss with atogepant during the preventive treatment of migraine: A pooled analysis9
Activation of ATP-sensitive potassium channels triggers migraine attacks independent of calcitonin gene-related peptide receptors: a randomized placebo-controlled trial9
Epicranial headaches part 2: Nummular headache and epicrania fugax9
Identification and characterization of migraine in pregnancy: A Norwegian registry-based cohort study9
Prevalence and clinical features of hemicrania continua in clinic-based studies: A systematic review and meta-analysis9
DNA-methylation and immunological response in medication overuse headache9
Headache characteristics and postoperative course in Chiari I malformation9
Naratriptan is as effective as sumatriptan for the treatment of migraine attacks when used properly. A mini-review9
Safety and tolerability of fremanezumab in patients with episodic and chronic migraine: a pooled analysis of phase 3 studies9
Headache in progressive facial hemiatrophy (Parry-Romberg syndrome): A paradigmatic case and systematic review of the literature9
Combination of acupuncture and medical training therapy on tension type headache: Results of a randomised controlled pilot study9
Comment on ‘'Correlation between endometriosis and migraine features: Results from a prospective case-control study'‘9
Effect of single dose Erenumab on cortical responses evoked by cutaneous a-delta fibers: A pilot study in migraine patients9
Effectiveness of onabotulinumtoxinA (BOTOX®) for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine: A meta-analysis on 10 years of real-world data9
Body mass index and migraine in adolescence: A nationwide study9
A need for an expert consensus guideline on performing peripheral nerve blocks in headache patients9
Altered interictal serum histamine and immunoglobulin E but unchanged tryptase levels in individuals with episodic and chronic migraine9
Corrigendum to: Evaluation of outcomes of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-targeting therapies for acute and preventive migraine treatment based on patient sex9
CGRP-antibodies, topiramate and botulinum toxin type A in episodic and chronic migraine: A systematic review and meta-analysis9
A prolactin-dependent sexually dimorphic mechanism of migraine chronification9