Canadian Public Policy-Analyse de Politiques

(The median citation count of Canadian Public Policy-Analyse de Politiques is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Pervasive Economic Fallacy in Assessing the Cost of Public Funds42
Two Decades of Poverty Reduction Politics in Canada: Better for Single-Parent Families and Single Working-Age Adults?18
Will the Increased Investment in Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada Pay off? It Depends!13
Paths to Permanence: Permit Categories and Earnings Trajectories of Workers in Canada's International Mobility Program12
The Big Short: Expansion of Early Childhood Education in Post-Pandemic Canada12
A Scientific Approach to Addressing Social Issues Using Administrative Data10
Policies for Other People: Reflections from an Economist on Research and Federal Policy Regarding Indigenous Nations in Canada after 197510
Economic Security and Fertility: Evidence from the Mincome Experiment9
The Future of Long-Term Care in Quebec: What Are the Cost Savings from a Realistic Shift toward More Home Care?9
Impacts of COVID-19 on Physician Labour Market Activities8
The Factory and the Hub: An Anatomy of Canada’s Import Dependence on the US8
Job Attributes and Occupational Changes: A Shift-Share Decomposition by Gender and Age Group for Canada, 2006–20167
What Happened to the Immigrant Life Satisfaction Gap?7
Homeless Shelter Use by Age and Community with Implications for the Cost of Maintaining City-Wide Systems of Emergency Shelters: A Comparison of Calgary and Toronto6
Non-Profit Long-Term Care in Ontario: How Financially Robust Is the System?6
Examining the Stability and Durability of Child Care Arrangements during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada6
Putting Passenger Rail Back on Track: A Multiple Streams Framework Analysis of High-Frequency Rail Policy in Canada6
Recognizing Indigenous Rights in Canada: Property Rights and Natural Resource Values6
Child Penalties in Canada6
The Great Rise . . . and Then the Great Fall: Toronto Police Service's Enforcement of the Ontario Safe Streets Act, 2000–20225
How Stringent Should Vehicle Emission Standards Be? Simulating Impacts on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Zero-Emissions Vehicle Sales, and Cost-Effectiveness5
Igniting an Intersectional Shift in Public Policy Research (and Training)5
COVID-19 Health Precautions: Identifying Demographic and Socio-Economic Disparities and Changes over Time5
Exploring the Landscape of Canadian Climate Policy5
On the Role of Import Intermediaries in Canada4
Navigating Uncertainties: Evaluating the Shift in Canadian Immigration Policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic4
The Economic and Long-Term Health Consequences of Canadian COVID-19 Lockdowns4
A Half-Century of Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques: Early Ambitions and Evolution with Specific Reference to Income Security Research4
Police Funding and Crime Rates in 20 of Canada's Largest Municipalities: A Longitudinal Study4
Economic Inequality and COVID-19 Deaths and Cases in the First Wave: A Cross-Country Analysis4
A Mechanism for Budgeting Faculty Support Services: Ask the Deans4
On Reducing the Sexual Assault of Women: What Can Economists Contribute to the Debate?4
The Transformation of Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program4
Prevalence of High-Cost Loans among the Debts of Canadian Insolvency Filers4
Cohort Size and Youth Earnings: Evidence from Ontario4
Playing with Fire? Household Debt near Retirement in Canada4
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Specific Claims Settlements in Canada: The Case of Little Red River Cree Nation4
A Machine-Learning Analysis of the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Small Business Owners and Implications for Canadian Government Policy Response4
Inter-Jurisdictional Retirement in Canada4
Earnings Inequality Between and Within Firms in Canada’s Commercial Sector3
A Basic Income for Nunavut: Addressing Poverty in Canada's North3
An Overview of Indigenous Economies within Canada3
Debt, Financial Vulnerability, and Repayment Behaviour in Older Canadian Households3
New Insights on the Energy Impacts of Telework in Canada3
Life Expectancy of Couples in Canada3
Long-Term Care Staffing Policies Pre-COVID-19 and Pandemic Responses: A Case Comparison of Ontario and British Columbia3
End of the Line: The Effects of Large Passenger Rail Cuts on Local Economic Outcomes3
Role of Child Care in Creating Inclusive Communities and Access for All3
Evaluating Foreign Skills: Effects of Credential Assessment on Skilled Immigrants’ Labour Market Performance in Canada2
Indigenous-Driven Youth Consultations: Reclaiming the Process through Meaningful Participation2
Policing, Lethal Force, and the Struggle for Equal Treatment: The Doug Purvis Memorial Lecture2
Perceptions of Canadian Federal Policy Responses to COVID-19 among People with Disabilities and Chronic Health Conditions2
Canadian Policing and Body-Worn Cameras: Factors to Contemplate in Developing Body-Worn Camera Policy2
The Differential Impact of COVID-19 on Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Canada2
Employment Probability of Visible Minority Immigrants in Canada by Generational Status, Circa 20162
The Rise (and Fall?) of Inflation in Canada: A Detailed Analysis of Its Post-Pandemic Experience2
Impacts of an African Swine Fever Outbreak on Ontario’s Pork Industry2
Child Welfare Workers with Occupational Stress Injuries: A Content Analysis of Workers’ Compensation Legislation in Canada2
How Municipal Actors Leverage Evidence to Support Urban Planning: Perspectives from the City of Regina2
Net Child Care Costs in Canada2
Replacement Rates of Public Pensions in Canada: Heterogeneity across Socio-Economic Status2
How Progressive Is the Canadian Personal Income Tax? A Buffett Curve Analysis2
A Researcher’s Guide to the Labour Force Survey: Its Evolution and the Choice of Public Use versus Master Files1
The Youngest Bilingual Canadians: Insights from the 2016 Census Regarding Children Aged 0–9 Years1
Effect of Retirement on Life Satisfaction in Canada: Evidence from the 2008–2009 Canadian Community Health Survey–Healthy Aging1
Assessing the Removal of Regional Health Authorities in Ontario1
New Canadians Working amid a New Normal: Recent Immigrant Wage Penalties in Canada during the COVID-19 Pandemic1
The Association of Education with Entrepreneurial Propensity and Entrepreneurial Income of Recent Canadian Graduates: A Tax Data Analysis1
Superstar Search: Studying the Current and Potential Populations of Canadian Exporters and Foreign Direct Investors Abroad1
Determinants of Family Stress and Domestic Violence: Lessons from the COVID-19 Outbreak1
Understanding Opportunities for Meaningful Engagement in Water Power Licensing1
Une évaluation de l’effet du crédit d’impôt pour prolongation de carrière sur l’emploi et le taux d’activité des travailleurs de 60 ans et plus au Québec1
The Wrongs of Property Rights: The Erosion of Indigenous Communal Land Rights and Its Welfare Consequences1
Assessing Labour Market Conditions in Canada with Public-Use Microdata1
The Alberta Pension Advantage? A Quantitative Analysis of a Separate Provincial Plan1
Regressiveness of Differentiated Excise Taxation1
Fiscal Impact of Recent Immigrants to Canada1