Australian Educational Researcher

(The median citation count of Australian Educational Researcher is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The impact of COVID-19 on student learning in New South Wales primary schools: an empirical study103
Vulnerable learners in the age of COVID-19: A scoping review68
Exploring universal design for learning as an accessibility tool in higher education: a review of the current literature43
Under pressure and overlooked: the impact of COVID-19 on teachers in NSW public schools30
Attracting, retaining and sustaining early childhood teachers: an ecological conceptualisation of workforce issues and future research directions25
On ‘being first’: the case for first-generation status in Australian higher education equity policy20
Teacher self-efficacy and reform: a systematic literature review15
‘One student might get one opportunity and then the next student won’t get anything like that’: Inequities in Australian career education and recommendations for a fairer future14
Gender equity in early childhood picture books: a cross-cultural study of frequently read picture books in early childhood classrooms in Australia and the United States13
The enactment of agency in international academic mobility: a case of Chinese female PhD students in Australia13
Exploring teachers’ relational agency in content–language teacher collaboration in secondary science education in Australia12
Overrepresentation of Indigenous students in school suspension, exclusion, and enrolment cancellation in Queensland: is there a case for systemic inclusive school reform?11
Participatory design for community-based research: a study on regional student higher education pathways11
Indigenous early career researchers: creating pearls in the academy11
‘Kindness and empathy beyond all else’: Challenges to professional identities of Higher Education teachers during COVID-19 times11
Aspiring to higher education in regional and remote Australia: the diverse emotional and material realities shaping young people’s futures11
Feeling for the Anthropocene: Placestories of living justice11
Do disadvantaged schools have poorer teachers? Rethinking assumptions about the relationship between teaching quality and school-level advantage10
School autonomy reform and social justice: a policy overview of Australian public education (1970s to present)10
Secondary teachers’ perceptions of the importance of pedagogical approaches to support students’ behavioural, emotional and cognitive engagement9
Re-imagining transdisciplinary education work through liminality: creative third space in liminal times9
Australian policy on international students: pivoting towards discourses of diversity?9
I see you. Do you see me? Investigating the representation of diversity in prize winning Australian early childhood picture books9
Artefacts, practices and pedagogies: teaching writing in English in the NAPLAN era8
Activating and reinforcing graduates’ capabilities: early lessons learned from a Teaching Performance Assessment8
Fresh evidence on the relationship between years of experience and teaching quality8
Practices for inclusion, structures of marginalisation: experiences of refugee background students in Australian secondary schools8
Actualising the affordances of innovative learning environments through co-creating practice change with teachers8
Schooling upheaval during COVID-19: troubling consequences for students’ return to school8
Inclusive, colour-blind, and deficit: Understanding teachers' contradictory views of Aboriginal students’ participation in education8
Indigenous institutional theory: a new theoretical framework and methodological tool7
(In)equality of opportunity: educational attainments of young people from rural, regional and urban Australia7
Important non-academic attributes in Australian initial teacher education7
How news media literacy is taught in Australian classrooms7
Re-visiting the Australian Media Arts curriculum for digital media literacy education7
Secondary students’ access to careers information: the role of socio-economic background7
The social life of literacy education: how the 2018 #phonicsdebate is reshaping the field7
Gender, achievement level and sociocultural factors in the mathematics course choices of Year 10 students in Western Australia7
“I miss seeing the kids!”: Australian teachers’ changing roles, preferences, and positive and negative experiences of remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic7
“In any crisis there is an opportunity for us to learn something new”: Australian teacher experiences during COVID-197
Indigenous education policy, practice and research: unravelling the tangled web7
The systemic neoliberal colonisation of higher education: a critical analysis of the obliteration of academic practice6
School climate, student engagement and academic achievement across school sectors in Australia6
Leadership practices contributing to STEM education success at three rural Australian schools6
Career change teachers in hard-to-staff schools: should I stay or leave?6
Sovereign and pseudo-hosts: The politics of hospitality for negotiating culturally nourishing schools6
‘But we’re not a multicultural school!’: locating intercultural relations and reimagining intercultural education as an act of ‘coming-to-terms-with our routes’6
Do the numbers add up? Questioning measurement that places Australian ECEC teaching as ‘low quality’6
Teaching academics in higher education: resisting teaching at the expense of research6
Teenagers learn through play too: communicating high expectations through a playful learning approach6
Shape-shifting and pushing against the odds: staff perceptions of the experiences of first generation students in South Africa and the UK6
Student activism, sexual consent and gender justice: enduring difficulties and tensions for schools6
Supporting engagement and retention of online and blended-learning students: A qualitative study from an Australian University6
Sociality, resilience and agency: how did young Australians experience online learning during Covid-19?6
Does socioeconomic status impact the relationship between school absence and outcomes?6
Engaging rurality in Australian education research: addressing the field6
‘I’m trying to tell you this man is dangerous… and no one’s listening’: family violence, parent–school engagement and school complicity6
Critical considerations of the challenges of teaching national literatures in Australia in the 21st century6
Applying Decolonising Race Theory to the Aboriginal Voices project6
Structures and systems influencing quality improvement in Australian early childhood education and care centres6
Cultures of Success: How elite students develop and realise aspirations to study Medicine6
What needs to happen for school autonomy to be mobilised to create more equitable public schools and systems of education?6
Mixed Messages: The enduring significance of email in school principals’ work6
Voices in practice: challenges to implementing differentiated instruction by teachers and school leaders in an Australian mainstream secondary school5
Personalization in Australian K-12 classrooms: how might digital teaching and learning tools produce intangible consequences for teachers’ workplace conditions?5
The promise of Appreciative Inquiry as a tool to developing home–school relationships for secondary Pacific students5
Publishing in the academy: An arts-based, metaphorical reflection towards self-care5
The interactive effects of gender and implicit theories of abilities on mathematics and science achievements5
Student voice in pedagogical decision-making: nexus of transformation and problematic alliance5
Pre-service teachers becoming researchers: the role of professional learning groups in creating a community of inquiry5
“You get to ‘feel’ your culture”: Aboriginal students speaking back to deficit discourses in Australian schooling5
Educator perspectives on teaching students from traumatic backgrounds and the potential for reflective circles5
‘Teachers are the guinea pigs’: teacher perspectives on a sudden reopening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Challenges, implications and the future of the Australian Curriculum: The Arts5
Are we there yet? Research with and for teachers and children and the possibilities of schooling in a complex world5
Support to stay and thrive: mapping challenges faced by Australia’s early years educators to the national workforce strategy 2022–20315
Understanding creativity in primary English, science, and history5
Lessons to learn, discourses to change, relationships to build: How Decolonising Race Theory can articulate the interface between school leadership and Aboriginal students’ schooling experiences5
Philanthropy, marketing disadvantage and the enterprising public school5
Should Australia have a law against cyberbullying? Problematising the murky legal environment of cyberbullying from perspectives within schools5
Activist women, schooling and the rise of grassroots Christian conservatism5
Doing decolonisation: cultural reconnection as political resistance in schooling5
Navigating the neo-academy: Experiences of liminality and identity construction among early career researchers at one Australian regional university5
Developing culturally relevant and collaborative research approaches: A case study of working with remote and regional Aboriginal students to prepare them for life beyond school5
The public–private debate: school sector differences in academic achievement from Year 3 to Year 9?5
Was COVID-19 an unexpected catalyst for more equitable learning outcomes? A comparative analysis after two years of disrupted schooling in Australian primary schools5
Teachers’ representations of genders and sexualities in primary school: the power of curriculum and an institutional ideological code5
Research is…making the emotional dimensions of academics’ research visible5
Validity and the design of classroom assessment in teacher teams4
‘I’m not from a country, I’m from Australia.’ Costumes, scarves, and fruit on their heads: The urgent need for Culturally Responsive Pedagogy when sharing diverse books with children4
Teacher and student perceptions of oral classroom feedback practices: a video-stimulated recall study4
Got sick of surveys or lack of social capital? An investigation on the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on institutional surveying4
The musings of an Aboriginal researcher: disrupting the thesis template4
Warming up or cooling out? Educational desire and higher education participation in an Asian context4
Becoming an English language teacher over lines of desire: Stories of lived experiences4
Positioning the technologies curriculum: a snapshot of Australian initial teacher education programs4
‘Why can't we be smart?’ Exploring School Community partnerships through Decolonising Race Theory4
Examination-oriented or quality-oriented? A question for fellows of an alternative teacher preparation program in China4
The systemic implications of housing affordability for the teacher shortage: the case of New South Wales, Australia4
Paradoxes of in-school teacher coaching by outsiders4
Co-designing a curriculum model for career education: perspectives from regional communities in Australia4
Promoting students’ safety and wellbeing: ethical practice in schools4
An autoethnography of an international doctoral student’s multidimensional identity construction4
A crisis in search of a narrative: Australia, COVID-19 and the subjectification of teachers and students in the national interest4
Primary early childhood educators’ perspectives of trauma-informed knowledge, confidence, and training4
Teaching creative writing in primary schools: a systematic review of the literature through the lens of reflexivity4
The sophisticated literacy practitioner and the global pandemic4
Why interculturalism does not always translate into action: Insights from teachers in an Australian primary school3
Identity matters: Aboriginal educational sovereignty and futurity pushing back on the logic of elimination3
What can Australian schools do better? Supporting students during menstruation3
The changing rationalities of Australian federal and national inclusive education policies3
“It’s kind of like a cut and paste of the syllabus”: a teacher’s experience of enacting the Queensland Earth and Environmental Science syllabus, and implications for Education for Sustainable Developm3
Transitioning into the first year of teaching: changes and sources of teacher self-efficacy3
Oral defence as a feedback mechanism in doctoral development and examination3
Intellectual freedom and teaching performance assessment in Australia3
Mediating teachers’ assessment work3
Gender differences in reading and numeracy achievement across the school years3
Teacher of mathematics identity as a predictor of teacher wellbeing3
Early career researchers’ collective advocacy work within an Australian university context3
Radical rubrics: implementing the critical and creative thinking general capability through an ecological approach3
Supporting children’s mental health in primary schools: a qualitative exploration of educator perspectives3
Connecting rights and inequality in education: openings for change3
“She Just Saw Me - She Didn’t Teach Me”: the perspectives of Australian Sudanese and South Sudanese youth on the student/teacher relationship in Australian schools3
University and school research partnerships as a source of professional growth in regional communities3
Sustaining interdisciplinary work in trauma-informed education3
Home language literacy practices: learning opportunities for primary EAL students3
Researching teachers’ time use: Complexity, challenges and a possible way forward3
Australian teachers’ views on how primary science education can be improved3
“It takes a whole school to raise a teacher”: examining executive staff support and perception of casual relief teachers in Australian schools3
I belong; hence, I engage? A cohort study of transitions between school engagement classes and academic achievement: The role of relational school climate3
The role of gender, setting and experience in teacher beliefs and intentions in social and emotional learning and respectful relationships education3
Recognising the impact of highly accomplished and lead teachers3
Raising an Indigenous academic community: a strength-based approach to Indigenous early career mentoring in higher education3
Culture and geography: how do primary students map their local environment?3
Examining pedagogies for teaching phonics: lessons from early childhood classrooms3
Re-imagining family engagement as a two-way street3
Intercultural teacher–student relationships: a qualitative study of students on 2+2 tertiary joint programs2
Investigating teacher influence on student engagement in high schools2
‘Teaching up’ at school and home: young people’s contemporary gender perspectives2
‘I left the teaching profession … and this is what I am doing now’: a national study of teacher attrition2
Aboriginal cultural educators teaching the teachers: mobilisng a collaborative cultural mentoring program to affect change2
A taxonomy of clinical reasoning for pre-service teachers on professional experience2
The complexities of negotiating school choice for parents with gender diverse children2
Quality early childhood education through self, workplace, or regulatory support: exploring the efficacy of professional registration for early childhood teachers in Australia2
Making friends in Australia: expectations and experiences of Chinese international students in Australian secondary schools2
Asking for a friend: seeking teacher help for the homophobic harassment of a peer2
Where are the students? A close reading of priorities and silences in scholarly and public debates on VCE English (1990–2021)2
Correction to: Overrepresentation of Indigenous students in school suspension, exclusion, and enrolment cancellation in Queensland: is there a case for systemic inclusive school reform?2
Supporting the inclusion of gender and sexuality diversity in schools: Auditing Australian education departmental policies2
Supporting a healthy start to school: a case study of the Griffith University-Nerang Alliance initiative2
An affective cartography of choice, aspiration and belonging; mapping students’ feelings during an Australian rural student science exchange program2
Counter-narrative as method: Researching immigrant teachers differently2
Teacher critical reflection: what can be learned from quality research?2
Raising the social status of teachers: teachers as social entrepreneurs2
“Good” choices vs “what really works”: a comparison of evidence-based practice in medicine and education2
Professional identity and agency in immigrant teachers’ professional transition to work in Australia2
Improving the accessibility of subject English for students with language and/or attention difficulties2
Assessing ethical capability: a framework for supporting teacher judgement of student proficiency2
Implementing the National Quality Standard in schools: leadership that motivates improvement initiatives through psychological ownership2
Nodes of tension: negotiating epistemic fluency in interdisciplinary co-teaching2
Assessing primary school preservice teachers’ confidence to apply their TPACK in specific categories of technologies using a self-audit survey2
New possibilities for engaging school teachers in widening participation: professional development to support student aspirations2
How educators in high-quality preschool services understand and support early self-regulation: a qualitative study of knowledge and practice2
Suspensions in QLD state schools, 2016–2020: overrepresentation, intersectionality and disproportionate risk2
Meeting the demands for social justice through visual arts in the curriculum2
Engaging diverse voices across sites of curriculum making in Australia: realities and possibilities2
“What’s going on in my body?”: gaps in menstrual health education and face validation of My Vital Cycles®, an ovulatory menstrual health literacy program2
Enabling higher degree pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students2
A differentiated approach to Indigenous pedagogies: addressing gaps in teachers’ knowledge2
The curriculum of privilege: elite private boys’ school alumni’s engagements with gender justice1
Structure and agency in the development of education policies for refugee-background students1
Effect sizes of writing modality on K-6 students’ writing and reading performance: a meta-analysis1
Teaching project management to primary school children: a scoping review1
‘I want to make a difference’: Students co-researching school cultures of gender and sexuality1
Pre-service teachers' use of ICT to collaborate to complete assessment tasks1
Navigating the transition into higher degree research: an exploration of candidates’ experiences1
Deconstructing gendered approaches in ‘single-sex’ flexi schools: two Australian case studies1
Digital technologies and the early childhood sector: are we fostering digital capabilities and agency in young children?1
The basic principles of a socially just arts curriculum, and the place of drama1
School uniforms that hurt: an Australian perspective on gendered mattering1
From assimilation towards reconciliation with Amy Levai, nee O’Donoghue (1930–2013), South Australia’s first qualified Aboriginal infant teacher1
From disenfranchisement to hope through youth-adult participatory action research1
Preparation for doctoral research: a narrative review1
“I come from a poor family”: deciphering how working-class young men aspire to and experience their journeys in STEM higher education1
Takanga ‘enau fohe: a scoping review of the educational successes and challenges of Pacific learners in Australia 2010–20211
Transitional pathways through middle school for First Nations students in the Northern Territory of Australia1
Financialisation of schooling in Australia through private debt: a case study of Edstart1
Dividing practices: Senior English and social inequality in New South Wales1
‘Girls do this, guys do that’: how first-in-family students negotiate working-class gendered subjectivities during a time of social change1
'Everyone would freak out, like they’ve never seen a boy before’: young people’s experiences of single-sex secondary schooling in NSW1
The impact of professional learning and development on primary and intermediate teachers’ digital technologies knowledge and efficacy beliefs1
Locating the place of ‘design’ across the Australian Curriculum: a detailed analysis of three learning areas1
Fairness perceptions of educational inequality: the effects of self-interest and neoliberal orientations1
Online learning environment and student engagement: the mediating role of expectancy and task value beliefs1
In their own voice: The role of the Shape of the Australian Curriculum: The Arts Paper Writers in ensuring equitable access to quality Arts education in Australia1
A critique of ‘Strong Beginnings’ initial teacher education reforms: mandating neuroscience as core curriculum within the ‘what works’ movement1
How do occupational goals influence adult women’s and men’s decisions to opt out of aspired mathematics-related careers during adolescence?1
A policy document analysis of student digital rights in the Australian schooling context1
Competitive grants in autonomous public schools: how school principals are labouring for public school funding1
Surviving the educational landscape: a case study of leadership, policy tensions and marketisation1
Developing trauma-informed university supports for refugee background students in Australia: Refocusing through an ethics of care lens1
Attending to slow violence: From Pride to Stand Out1
Stigma, stereotypes and support: the 3S in navigating complex journeys from Intensive English Centres to higher education for students from refugee backgrounds in Australia1
Educators reflecting on sleep and rest time dilemmas in ECEC: where is the “critical” in reflective practices?1
Correction to: Structure and agency in the development of education policies or refugee-background students1
Occupational (In)visibility: The emerging role of the Remote Education Tutor as an educational conduit1
Student voice and agency for transformative change in matters that matter: Impactful inquiry in primary science1
Australia’s ECEC workforce pipeline: Who and how many are pursuing further qualifications?1
STEM in the classroom: a scoping review of emerging research on the integration of STEM education within Australian schools1
LANTITE’s impact on teacher diversity: Unintended consequences of testing pre-service teachers1
A digital career choice: rural students’ perceptions of the value of digital media learning based on their career aspirations1
Negotiating senses of belonging and identity across education spaces1
Parent involvement in positive behaviour intervention and supports in Australia: teacher and parent/caregiver perspectives1
The genesis, development and implementation of an interdisciplinary university Cross-School Research Group1
Indigenous languages & education: Do we have the right agenda?1
Public commentary on teacher quality: an analysis of media comment on the teaching performance assessment1
Correction to: Attracting, Retaining and Sustaining Early Childhood Teachers: An Ecological Conceptualisation of Workforce Issues and Future Research Directions1
What’s the use of educational research? Six stories reflecting on research use with communities1
International Trauma-Informed Practice Principles for Schools (ITIPPS): expert consensus of best-practice principles1
Interdisciplinarity for social justice enterprise: intersecting education, industry and community arts perspectives1
Primary specialisations in Australia: graduates’ perceptions of outcome and impact1
Closing special schools: lessons from Canada1
Personalised outreach to students on leave of absence to reduce attrition risk1
Technology and aesthetics in school excellence policies: the case of Through Growth to Achievement1
Music in the Australian arts curriculum: social justice and student entitlement to learn in the arts1