Australian Mammalogy

(The TQCC of Australian Mammalogy is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The myth of wild dogs in Australia: are there any out there?23
A brief history of the northern quoll (19
Canids potentially threaten bilbies at Astrebla Downs National Park13
Humerus midshaft histology in a modern and fossil wombat13
Incidence of sarcoptic mange in bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus)11
Factors that drive koala roadkill: an analysis across multiple scales in New South Wales, Australia10
A 6-year study of mitigating koala roadkill during an upgrade of the Pacific Highway at Lindsay’s cutting, Coffs Harbour New South Wales10
Research priorities for the ghost bat (9
Geometric differences between the crania of Australian hopping mice (9
The vegetation structure and condition of contracting lowland habitat for Leadbeater's possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri)9
A trial of transmitter attachment methods for Shark Bay bandicoots (Perameles bougainville)8
Torn limb from limb: the ethology of prey-processing in Tasmanian devils (8
Demographic trends and reproductive patterns in the northern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii) at Epping Forest National Park (Scientific), central Queensland7
White-footed dunnarts (6
Sniffing out danger: rapid antipredator training of an endangered marsupial6
Diet, feeding behaviour and echidna beaks: a review of functional relationships within the tachyglossids6
The importance of species-specific survey designs: prey camera trap surveys significantly underestimate the detectability of endangered spotted-tailed quolls6
First use of a microchip-automated nest box5
Home ranges of rusa deer (5
Non-preferred habitat increases the activity area of the endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) in a semi-arid landscape5
The importance of appropriate taxonomy in Australian mammalogy5
Square salads: exploring the diet of the southern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) via DNA metabarcoding5
Identification of roadkill hotspots and the factors affecting wombat vehicle collisions using the citizen science tool, WomSAT5
Burrow use by bilbies in temperate South Australia5
New Guinean bandicoots: new insights into diet, dentition and digestive tract morphology and a dietary review of all extant non-Australian Peramelemorphia5
Repeatable measure of cage trap behaviour to quantify boldness and agitation in a macropod4
Dingoes have greater suppressive effect on fox populations than poisoning campaigns4
A review of progress of a research program for the endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) in the multi-use landscapes of the Pilbara4
A pain in the neck: weak links are not a reliable release mechanism for radio-collars4
Gut passage time and viability of seeds consumed by Australian marsupials4
Koala road kills are linked to landscape attributes on Central Queensland’s Peak Downs Highway4
Regional patterns of continuing decline of the eastern quoll†3
Greater glider (Petauroides volans) den tree and hollow characteristics3
First record of3
Apparent piebald variants in quolls (Dasyurus): examples of three recent cases in the spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus3
Temporal effect of feeding on the body temperature and behaviour of captive koalas (3
Australian terrestrial mammals: how many modern extinctions?3
The population density and trap-revealed home range of short-eared possums (3
Site fidelity and other attributes of infrequently trapped bats over two decades in a montane wet sclerophyll forest3
DIY radio-collar attachment for small macropods3
Growth and behavioural development of the fawn-footed mosaic-tailed rat (Melomys cervinipes)3
Molecular relationships of the red-bellied dasyure (3
Reassessment of the subspecific status of the Australian Wet Tropics yellow-bellied glider, Petaurus australis3
Effectiveness of thermal cameras compared to spotlights for counts of arid zone mammals across a range of ambient temperatures3
Greater glider (3
Comparison of spotlighting and trapping in population surveys of the squirrel glider3