Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design

(The TQCC of Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Representing capabilities of novel semi-analytical triangular plate elements18
Identification of the 3D crystallographic orientation using 2D deformations13
Free vibration analysis of bio-inspired helicoid laminated composite plates12
Validating out of the box: Identifying a campaign of physical tests11
Dynamic calculation of stress influence law of rubber core sealing surface of the rotating blowout preventer with defects11
Anti-plane analysis of a crack terminating at interface of the isotropic half-planes bonded to intact orthotropic layers10
Strain gauge placement optimization methodology to measure multiaxial loads of complex structure10
Evaluation of heterogeneous mechanical tests for model calibration of sheet metals10
Study on the calculation method of time-varying meshing stiffness of herringbone gear under the influence of crack-pitting coupling9
Thermodynamical interactions in a double porosity model with diffusion and microtemperatures7
Stress concentration in shape memory alloy sheets with circular cavities: Effects of transformation, saturation, and plasticity7
A complete characterization of THE fracture forming limits in bulk forming by means of an upset geometry sequence6
Use of a digital image correlation method for full-field shrinkage measurement in injection molding6
Predictive modeling of spring-back in pre-punched sheet roll forming using machine learning6
Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn6
Effect of initial stress and rotation on magneto-thermoelastic half-space with gravity field and without energy dissipation6
Numerical investigation of the effect of geometric defects on dynamic frequency responses in body-centered cubic lattice structures6
Crashworthiness design and enhanced energy absorption of multi-cell thin-walled circular tubes6
GFRP reinforced high performance glass–bolted joints: Development of a simplified finite element-based method for analysis6
Analysis of finite creep strains in aluminum plates at static and cyclic loading5
Free vibration characteristics of viscoelastic nano-disks based on modified couple stress theory5
Nonlocal dual-phase-lag thermoviscoelastic response of a polymer microbeam incorporating modified couple stress and fractional viscoelastic theories5
Compound influence of surface and flexoelectric effects on static bending response of hybrid composite nanorod5
Bending analysis of nanobeams based on the integral form of nonlocal elasticity using the numerical Rayleigh-Ritz technique5
Thermoelastic stress mitigation and weight reduction of functionally graded multilayer nonuniform thickness disc5
Incorporation of the effect of strain rate in Mie-Gruneisen equation of state for polyethylene5
Strain gauge-based method to determine in-cylinder projectile velocity and gas pressure5
Numerical study on the dynamic characteristics of the drive shaft system with diaphragm crack5
A computationally efficient C0 continuous finite element model for thermo-mechanical analysis of cross-ply and angle-ply composite plates in non-polynomial axiomatic framework5
Investigation of circular aluminium tube expansion by rigid die as energy absorbers using digital image correlation technology4
Evaluation and optimization of meshless methods to estimation of the 3D-stress intensity factors in mode I–III for fatigue life prediction cracked shaft under uni and multi-axial cyclic loading4
A computational method for determining the linear elastic properties of 2D aperiodic lattice structures4
Investigating the effect of hot preforming combined with superplastic forming on thickness distribution and forming time of Ti-6Al-4V alloy using finite element analysis4
Experimental and numerical analysis of residual stresses induced by the manufacturing process of longitudinal welded tubes4
Effect of porosity and skew edges on transient response of functionally graded sandwich plates4
Numerical and experimental investigation on critical stresses due to rail cant4
Influence of discontinuities on the fracture behaviour of CNT reinforced composites subjected to thermo-mechanical load using XIGA4
Comparative static analysis of functionally graded porous curved beams: Deterministic versus stochastic approaches4
Industrial application of a low-cost structural health monitoring system in large-scale airframe tests3
A novel dynamic stiffness matrix for the nonlocal vibration characteristics of porous functionally graded nanoplates on elastic foundation with small-scale effects3
Dislocations in an arbitrary angle wedge. Part II: Cracks in the wedge3
Influence of pore shape on impact dynamics characteristics of functionally graded brittle materials3
Nonlinear temperature dependent and visco-elastic foundation effects on the free vibration of functionally graded sandwich plates with ceramic foam core3
Compressive strain measurements in porous materials using micro-FE and digital volume correlation3
Predicting and improving the novel process parameters involved in deep drawing process of Inconel 718 sheet at room temperature using hybrid DNN-SSO approach3
Dual-phase-lag thermoelastic damping analysis of a functionally graded sandwich micro-beam resonators incorporating double nonlocal effects3
A new higher-order beam theory for buckling and free vibration responses of laminated composite and functionally graded porous beams3
On applicability of MQ-RPIM and MLPG meshless methods with 3D extended-enriched base functions for estimation of mode I stress intensity factor and fatigue crack growth in cyclic tensile and bending l3
Optimization of design and fatigue simulations for an electric assisted bicycle frame using uniform design and grey relational analysis3
Enhancing mechanical properties of consolidated nanocrystalline copper powder by means of equal channel angular pressing method3
Failure mechanics analysis of AISI 4340 steel using finite element modeling of the milling process3
An extensive study on strain dependence of glass fiber-reinforced polymer-based composites3
Non-linear analysis of the flexural-torsional stability of slender tropical glulam beams3
Stability analysis of arbitrary restrained nanobeam embedded in an elastic medium via nonlocal strain gradient theory3