Maritime Policy & Management

(The median citation count of Maritime Policy & Management is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A safety compliance model for container terminal operations: the roles of the safety climate, non-compliance cost and safety self-efficacy92
Addressing some of bill of lading issues using the Internet of Things and blockchain technologies: a digitalized conceptual framework42
Container liner shipping schedule optimization with shipper selection behavior considered28
Blockchain adoption in the maritime industry: empirical evidence from the technological-organizational-environmental framework26
Impact of quarantine policies on port network performance and robustness during pandemics: a simulation-based analysis24
Shipping company’s choice of shore power or low sulfur fuel oil under different power structures of maritime supply chain23
The impact of Brexit on supply chain cost and Ro-Ro traffic at Dover23
A fuzzy evidential reasoning-based approach for assessing the navigation obstruction risk of shipwrecks in the Yangtze river23
Identify determinants of container ship size investment choice22
Container terminal automation: assessment of drivers and benefits22
Statistical arbitrage in the freight options market19
Quality design for maritime studies programme in the digital era19
The clustering strategy for stacks allocation in automated container terminals19
Pathways towards carbon reduction through technology transition in liner shipping19
Privileged or ordinary carrier: strategic choice in a competitive environment19
A novel Index-based quantification approach for port performance measurement: a case from Indian major ports18
Role of carbon emission linked financial leasing in shipping decarbonization18
Identification of a task-based implementation path for unmanned autonomous ships18
The contribution of Vessel Traffic Services to safe coexistence between automated and conventional vessels18
Green finance in bulk shipping17
The impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on corporate financial performance: an empirical study on shipping17
A multi-criteria decision support framework for assessing seaport sustainability planning: the case of Piraeus16
Analysis of safety climate effect on individual safety consciousness creation and safety behaviour improvement in shipping operations16
Port congestion and the economics of LPG seaborne transportation16
Identifying port congestion and evaluating its impact on maritime logistics16
Modeling the interactions among green shipping policies15
Exploring information demand in the maritime industry: a Google Trends approach14
Comparative evaluation of VAE-based monitoring statistics for real-time anomaly detection in AIS data14
Evaluation of factors affecting price in second hand ship market: Turkey application with the SWARA method14
Protection-level decision in the slot allocation of a carrier: trade-offs between advanced and spot market selling14
Quantitative risk analysis for operational transfer processes of maritime pilots13
Ship selection in port state control: status and perspectives13
Economic and environmental impacts of scrubbers investments in shipping: a multi-sectoral analysis13
Data-Driven Asset Health Index – an application to evaluate Quay Cranes in container ports12
Digitalization and new technologies for sustainable business models at the ship–port interface: a bibliometric analysis12
Economics of maritime business12
Effects of COVID-19 on passenger shipping activities and emissions: empirical analysis of passenger ships in Danish waters12
Measuring the dynamic term structure of the FFA market12
Determinants of digital transformation in container shipping lines: a theory driven approach11
The determinants of the rate of return on shipping sale-leasebacks*11
Feasibility and implications of the Northern sea route choice: the role of commodity prices, in-transit inventory, and alternative operational modes for the oil product tanker market11
Chartering contracts and financial performance of U.S. listed shipping firms11
A Simulation Based Meta-heuristic Approach for the Inbound Container Housekeeping Problem in the Automated Container Terminals10
Revenue efficiency and its drivers in the cruise industry10
Dynamic tugboat scheduling for container ports10
Integrated scheduling of yard cranes, external trucks, and internal trucks in maritime container terminal operation10
Container terminal competition and cooperation considering emission tax9
Green port management practices for sustainable port operations: a multi method study of Asian ports9
Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing for assessing maritime transport: a comprehensive literature review9
Assessment of container terminals competitiveness in the Brazilian market: a cluster analysis9
Which ports differ in the copycat effectiveness of the hinterland strategy? Based on port-hinterland distance correlation9
Shipping network design–infrastructure investment joint optimization model: a case study of West Africa8
The U.S. shipbuilding and repair industry’s considerations of coastal hazards resilience - a baseline survey8
Identifying the characteristics of China’s maritime trading partners on the basis of bilateral shipping connectivity: a cluster analysis8
Effective analysis of remote ship inspection in Asia-Pacific region and its impact on shipping trade under COVID-198
Evaluation of navigation capacity in the Northeast Arctic passage: evidence from multiple factors8
Articulating intermodal chains through short-sea shipping: a method for assessing the performance of East African ports8
Impact of Sulphur Emission Control Areas on port state control’s inspection outcome8
Modelling container ship transport flow: an application to alternative sea routes between Northeast Asia and Northwest Europe8
A comparative study of the determinants of capital structure in shipping companies: the case of Korea and Greece8
M&As and determinants of financial multiples in shipping: the European ro-pax and ferry market8
A review of the literature on the Belt and Road Initiative with factors influencing the transport and logistics8
When container specialisation makes a difference: an efficiency analysis of the Spanish port authorities8
Determinants and stressors of seafarers’ job satisfaction: evidence from a global survey7
Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on capesize and panamax sectors: the method of empirical mode decomposition7
Competitiveness throughout the seaport-hinterland: a container shipping analysis7
A deep learning approach for port congestion estimation and prediction7
Analysis and prediction of ship energy efficiency based on the MRV system7
Structure, characteristics and connectivity analysis of the Asian-Australasian cruise shipping network7
Analysis of maritime transportation research capability: authors, affiliations, and nationalities7
A Bayesian network-based TOPSIS framework to dynamically control the risk of maritime piracy7
Quantitative modelling of shipping freight rates: developments in the past 20 years7
Shore power management for green shipping under international river transportation7
Port activity and technical efficiency: determinants and external factors7
Logistics strategy simulation of second-ranked ports on the basis of Japan’s port reforms: a case study of Hakata Port7
Generating certification evidence for the certification of collision avoidance in autonomous surface vessels7
Potential demand for coastal shipping in Queensland: a behavioural econometric analysis7
Optimizing container relocation operations by using deep reinforcement learning7
A trip-level multi-dimensional approach for the operational efficiency analysis of container vessel trips based on automatic identification system data6
Port investment along the Maritime Silk Road considering mutual selections of the industries planned for transfer and recipient countries with location advantage6
Assessment of criteria of ship classification societies6
Maritime piracy and armed robbery analysis in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore through the utilization of natural language processing6
Investigating optimal green port investment strategies considering location-based externalities6
Subsidy strategy design for shore power utilization and promotion6
Analysis of fleet deployment in the international container shipping market using simultaneous equations modelling6
Round-trip multimodal transportation routes planning for foldable vehicle racks6
Maritime safety through multi-source data fusion: an AdaBoost-based approach for predictive ship detention by port state control6
Shipping stocks as lotteries6
An overview of maritime logistics: trends and research agenda6
Developing the seaport container terminal layout to enhance efficiency of the intermodal transportation system and port operations – case of the Port of Montreal6
Dual-channel ticketing and pricing strategies in cruise revenue management6
Road accident risk analysis of at- and near-port areas reflecting regional heterogeneous characteristics6
A methodology to model the evolution of system resilience for Arctic shipping from the perspective of complexity6
Deciphering spatial heterogeneity of maritime accidents considering impact scale variations6
The impact and importance of serious games in maritime education: an empirical application6
The role of policy in supporting SSS – the case of Quebec6
What’s inside the box? Approximating containerised trade flows based on trade commodity values6
Acknowledgement to reviewers 20236
Mismatch between volume and value: a new perspective on the significance of global ports6
Strategic planning for multimodal transportation in ports6
Investigating maritime traffic routes: integrating AIS data and topographic statistics6
Spatial evolution model of port group hinterland from the perspective of intermodal transport5
How unsafe acts occur: an automatic text mining study5
Capacity sharing within a shipping alliance: firm optimization and welfare analysis5
The spatial evolution and optimization of supply channels for marine products consumed in China5
The evolution and competition patterns of shipping networks under the influence of an Arctic route system5
Implications of Arctic shipping emissions for marine environment5
Agency encroachment and information sharing: cooperation and competition in freight forwarding market5
Women seafarers in Taiwan: policies, benefits, challenges, and bias in the data5
Passive or proactive capacity sharing? A perspective of cooperation and competition between two regional ports5
Multi-objective intermodal transportation planning with real-life application5
Economic and geopolitical uncertainty vs energy variables: exploring connectedness in the LNG freight market5
Emissions from container vessels in the port of Singapore5
The impact of COVID-19 on shipping freights: asymmetric multifractality analysis5
A quantitative liability risk assessment of oil spills in oil ports: the case of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area5
Developing and demonstrating a maturity model for smart ports4
A port performance measurement approach using a sustainability balanced scorecard based on stakeholders’ expectations4
Efficiency analysis of inland waterway locks in maritime transportation systems: practical, economic and policy implications4
Fuel consumption cost prediction model for ro-ro carriers: a machine learning-based application4
A mixed method for determination of cut-off dates in liner shipping4
Reconstructing and assessing global maritime transport network: based on the Port Cargo Composite Transport index4
Exploring the determinants of government ownership in port public-private partnerships4
Green supply chain management strategy and financial performance in the shipping industry4
Container shipping operational risks: an overview of assessment and analysis4
Adoption of socially interactive technologies for shipping services4
Investment obstacles of main countries situated along the 21st century Maritime Silk Road – a perspective of risk assessment4
What moves shipping markets?: A variance decomposition of price–charter ratios4
Policy-oriented analysis on the navigational rights of unmanned merchant ships4
Analysis and forecasting of the dry bulk shipping market: structural VAR models using FFA-spot-time charter rates4
Dynamic evolution of green total factor productivity growth of China’s coastal ports3
Shipping companies’ choice of low sulfur fuel oil with government subsidy and different maritime supply chain power structures3
Acknowledgement to reviewers 20203
Port Efficiency and the Financial Performance of Greek Public Ports Before and During the Economic Crisis3
Traffic and freight flow predictions and effects of capacity expansion in the urban–port road interface: The case of a port city in Poland3
Shipping market forecasting by forecast combination mechanism3
Mapping competence requirements for future shore control center operators3
Building a cruise industry resilience hierarchical structure for sustainable cruise port cities3
Exploration of machine learning methods for maritime risk predictions3
Priority analysis of port investment along the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road region: the case of Southeast Asia3
Assessing key performance indicators in the shipbuilding industry; an MCDM approach3
Shifting proximities: visualizing changes in the maritime connectivity of African countries (2006/2016)3
Agglomeration effects or port-related benefits? (Re)Location patterns of basic maritime industries: the case of Dalian City, China3
State of play in technology and legal framework of alternative marine fuels and renewable energy systems: a bibliometric analysis3
An investigation into the forces shaping the evolution of global shipping alliances3
Coordinated approaches for port state control inspection planning3
A bi-objective programming model for loading finished-vehicles in containers with adjustable brackets3
The motives for shipping asset securitisation: sale-leaseback transactions in the shipping industry3
Manufacturing diffusion trends from the perspective of trade network: the belt vs. the road3
Special issue on ‘Cruise and shipping’3
Ship detention prediction via feature selection scheme and support vector machine (SVM)3
Knowledge mapping of seafarers’ health research: a bibliometric analysis3