Maritime Policy & Management

(The H4-Index of Maritime Policy & Management is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A safety compliance model for container terminal operations: the roles of the safety climate, non-compliance cost and safety self-efficacy92
Addressing some of bill of lading issues using the Internet of Things and blockchain technologies: a digitalized conceptual framework28
Container liner shipping schedule optimization with shipper selection behavior considered26
Impact of quarantine policies on port network performance and robustness during pandemics: a simulation-based analysis23
Blockchain adoption in the maritime industry: empirical evidence from the technological-organizational-environmental framework23
The impact of Brexit on supply chain cost and Ro-Ro traffic at Dover23
A fuzzy evidential reasoning-based approach for assessing the navigation obstruction risk of shipwrecks in the Yangtze river22
Shipping company’s choice of shore power or low sulfur fuel oil under different power structures of maritime supply chain22
Privileged or ordinary carrier: strategic choice in a competitive environment19
Statistical arbitrage in the freight options market19
Identify determinants of container ship size investment choice19
The clustering strategy for stacks allocation in automated container terminals19
Container terminal automation: assessment of drivers and benefits19
Pathways towards carbon reduction through technology transition in liner shipping18
A novel Index-based quantification approach for port performance measurement: a case from Indian major ports18
Quality design for maritime studies programme in the digital era18
Identification of a task-based implementation path for unmanned autonomous ships18
The contribution of Vessel Traffic Services to safe coexistence between automated and conventional vessels17
Role of carbon emission linked financial leasing in shipping decarbonization17