Agricultural Systems

(The TQCC of Agricultural Systems is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Modeling impacts of climate change on crop yield and phosphorus loss in a subsurface drained field of Lake Erie region, Canada314
Women's access to agriculture extension amidst COVID-19: Insights from Gujarat, India and Dang, Nepal157
Sustainable production and dissemination of genetically improved farmed tilapia seed in smallholder farming systems: A case study from Timor-Leste142
Stability of farm income: The role of agricultural diversity and agri-environment scheme payments138
Positive deviant strategies implemented by organic multi-species livestock farms in Europe124
Adapting sweet cherry orchards to extreme weather events – Decision Analysis in support of farmers' investments in Central Chile122
Redefining the link between rainfall and crop establishment in dryland cropping systems107
Combining remote sensing-derived management zones and an auto-calibrated crop simulation model to determine optimal nitrogen fertilizer rates89
The agronomic and economic viability of innovative cropping systems to reduce Fusarium head blight and related mycotoxins in wheat80
Editorial Board75
Exploring opportunities for diversification of smallholders' rice-based farming systems in the Senegal River Valley75
A food tax only minimally reduces the N surplus of Swiss agriculture75
Bridging the gap between models and users: A lightweight mobile interface for optimized farming decisions in interactive modeling sessions75
Integrated analysis of opportunities and trade-offs for mixed crop-livestock farm types in Amhara, Ethiopia70
Editorial Board69
Improving crop yield prediction accuracy by embedding phenological heterogeneity into model parameter sets67
Understanding the effects of tree-crop intercropping systems on crop production in China by combining field experiments with a meta-analysis67
The economic potential of organic production for stockless arable farms importing biogas digestate: A case study analysis for western Germany67
Crop – Livestock integration via maize straw recycling increased carbon sequestration and crop production in China66
Editorial Board66
Tracking down coupled innovations supporting agroecological vegetable crop protection to foster sustainability transition of agrifood systems64
Optimal nitrogen fertilizer decisions for rice farming in a cascaded tank system in Sri Lanka: An analysis using an integrated crop, hydro-nutrient and economic model63
The impact of climate change on land productivity. A micro-level assessment for Italian farms62
Multilevel life cycle assessment to evaluate prospective agricultural development scenarios in a semi-arid irrigated region of Tunisia61
The relative productivity of organic agriculture must be considered in the full food-system context. A comment on Connor (2022)61
Downscaling the APSIM crop model for simulation at the within-field scale59
Microbial applications and agricultural sustainability: A simulation analysis of Dutch potato farms55
The unpacking and repacking of agricultural innovation: Embrapa's translation roles and positions in the introduction of the pyramid model and hybrid pigs in Brazil53
Steering the herd or missing the mark? Navigating the role of research for development projects as innovation intermediaries in the Indonesian cattle sector53
Comparing the sustainability of smallholder and business farms in the North China Plain; a case study in Quzhou52
Linking indigenous with scientific knowledge about enset (Ensete ventricosum) disease management in Gamo highlands of Ethiopia: Evidence from local people response, soil physicochemical and microbial 51
Dynamics of crop category choices reveal strategies and tactics used by smallholder farmers in India to cope with unreliable water availability51
The Crop Generator: Implementing crop rotations to effectively advance eco-hydrological modelling50
Modeling smallholder agricultural systems to manage Striga in the semi-arid tropics50
Decision support system for Western Flower Thrips management in roses production49
Estimating biological capacity for grass-finished ruminant meat production in New England and New York49
Spatio-temporal design of strip cropping systems48
An analytical framework to estimate the economics and adoption potential of dual land-use systems: The case of agrivoltaics47
Transitions through the dynamics of adaptive cycles: Evolution of the Finnish agrifood system46
A systems thinking approach to understand the drivers of change in backyard poultry farming system46
Quantifying spatial distributions and temporal trends of livestock populations across pastoral agroecosystems at high resolution45
Towards sustainable fruit production: Identifying challenges and optimization strategies44
From emerging theories to messy realities: Inclusive innovation in agriculture and food systems43
A system readiness approach to support the packaging and scaling of innovation bundles for farming systems transformation43
Nitrate leaching and nitrogen balances for integrated willow-poultry organic systems in Denmark42
Quantifying the adoption of conservation agriculture: Development and application of the Conservation Agriculture Appraisal Index41
Can citizen science in water-related nature-based solutions deliver transformative participation in agri-food systems? A review40
Developing a sustainable assessment framework for identifying industrial water suitability: Perspective on the water-energy-food nexus40
Nitrogen fertilizer use and climate interactions: Implications for maize yields in Kansas40
Using conditional Kendall's tau estimation to assess interactions among variables in dairy-cattle systems39
Editorial Board39
Eco-efficiency in the agricultural landscape of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany38
Research agenda for holistically assessing agricultural strategies for human micronutrient deficiencies in east and southern Africa38
Understanding farms trajectories methods to build sustainable futures on pioneer fronts: Lessons from a systematic literature review and a framework proposal37
Integrating an abandoned farmland simulation model (AFSM) using system dynamics and CLUE-S for sustainable agriculture36
Climate and biodiversity impact of beef and lamb production – A case study in Sweden36
Irrigation expansion shows potential for increased maize yield and reduced nitrogen leaching in the Midwest US36
FACE-ing climate change: Propagation of risks and opportunities for cropping systems in mid-high-latitude regions: A case study between U.S. and China corn belts36
Challenges and opportunities for human-centered design in CGIAR35
Special issue opening editorial: Designing, assessing and scaling approaches for integrated seed sector development34
Promoting sustainable potato production - Insights from an integrated life cycle environmental–economic assessment34
The amplified effect of market size on innovation: A comparative analysis of pea and wheat seed value chains in France33
Creating territorialized sustainability indices to evaluate pollination33
Use of digital technology for research data and information transfer within the Australian grains sector: A case study using Online Farm Trials33
Refining a middle-range theory of inclusive innovation processes in agrifood systems in the Global South33
Structural change in agriculture and farmers' social contacts: Insights from a Swiss mountain region32
Bioeconomic simulation of Rhipicephalus microplus infestation in different beef cattle production systems in the Brazilian Cerrado32
Climate change impacts on phenology and yield of hazelnut in Australia31
Variety and on-farm seed management practices affect potato seed degeneration in the tropical highlands of Ecuador31
Evaluation of climate change impacts and effectiveness of adaptation options on nitrate loss, microbial respiration, and soil organic carbon in the Southeastern USA31
Projected climate effects on soil workability and trafficability determine the feasibility of converting permanent grassland to arable land31
Forecasting global crop yields based on El Nino Southern Oscillation early signals31
Field scale SWAT+ modeling of corn and soybean yields for the contiguous United States: National Agroecosystem Model Development30
Relatives, neighbors, or friends: Information exchanges among irrigators on new on-farm water management tools30
Coupling landscape-scale diagnostics surveys, on-farm experiments, and simulation to identify entry points for sustainably closing rice yield gaps in Nepal30
Examining the synergistic effect of cocoa-plantain intercropping system on gross margin: A system dynamics modelling approach30
Five mechanisms blocking the transition towards ‘nature-inclusive’ agriculture: A systemic analysis of Dutch dairy farming29
Improving economic and environmental outcomes in oil palm smallholdings: The relationship between mulching, soil properties and yields29
Alternative practices to pesticide use in the Guadeloupe banana belt: Do biophysical constraints limit agroecological transitions?28
Assessing and reducing the environmental impact of dairy production systems in the northern US in a changing climate28
Farmers' information needs, access and its impact: Evidence from different cotton producing regions in the Maharashtra state of India28
Soybean performance under moisture limitation in a temperate tree-based intercropping system27
Visualising adoption processes through a stepwise framework: A case study of mechanisation on the Nepal Terai27
Multi-actor co-innovation partnerships in agriculture, forestry and related sectors in Europe: Contrasting approaches to implementation27
Identifying best practice in Less Favoured Area mixed livestock systems27
Tailoring management practices to the structure of smallholder households in Sudano-Sahelian Burkina Faso: Evidence from current practices27
Changing perspectives on chicken-pastured orchards for action: A review based on a heuristic model27
What determines the acceptance of Climate Smart Technologies? The influence of farmers' behavioral drivers in connection with the policy environment27
Resilience or how do we enable agricultural systems to ride the waves of unexpected change?27
Perennial transitions from market gardening towards mixed fruit tree - vegetable systems26
Assessing yield and economic impact of introducing soybean to the lowland rice system in southern Brazil26
Simulating grazing beef and sheep systems26
Immediate impacts of COVID-19 crisis on agricultural and food systems in the Caribbean26
Carbon footprint and water footprint of rice and wheat production in Punjab, India26
The importance of proximity dimensions in agricultural knowledge and innovation systems: The case of banana disease management in Rwanda26
Carbon footprint and economic performance of dairy farms: The case of protected designation of origin farms in France26
Land use changes and economic effects of alternative fertilizer policies: A simulation analysis with a bio-economic model for a Tank Village of Sri Lanka26
Assessment of COVID-19 impacts on U.S. counties using the immediate impact model of local agricultural production (IMLAP)25
How to make regenerative practices work on the farm: A modelling framework25
The effect of climate variability on Colombian coffee productivity: A dynamic panel model approach25
Agronomy explains large yield gaps in smallholder oil palm fields25
Simulating climate change impacts on cotton using AquaCrop model in China25
Practice insights for the responsible adoption of smart farming technologies using a participatory technology assessment approach: The case of virtual herding technology in Australia25
Assessing the effect of intercropped leguminous service crops on main crops and soil processes using APSIM NG25
Typology analysis of Egyptian agricultural households reveals increasing income diversification and abandonment of agricultural activities24
Organic waste recycling for green and sustainable nitrogen management of fruit production systems in China24
Agroecological alternatives for small and medium tropical crop farmers in the Ecuadorian Amazon for adaptation to climate change24
Exploring decision-making in campaign-based watershed management by using a role-playing game in Boset District, Ethiopia24
Whole-farm yield map datasets – Data validation for exploring spatiotemporal yield and economic stability24
Assessment of food-feed competition for producing milk in cow dairy farms24
Fostering action perspectives to support crop diversification: Lessons from 25 change-oriented case studies across Europe24
Towards a new efficiency paradigm for drip irrigation? Changes in water allocation and management in irrigation and wetland systems23
Improved representation of cattle herd dynamics for bio-physical modelling of pathways to a climate neutral land sector23
Climate mitigation potential and economic costs of natural climate solutions for main cropping systems across China23
A GIS-based framework for local agricultural decision-making and regional crop yield simulation23
Experiences and challenges of agricultural development in an artificial oasis: A review23
Viability of temperate fruit tree varieties in Spain under climate change according to chilling accumulation23
Revisiting cropping systems research: An ecological framework towards long-term weed management23
Establishing an Agri-food living lab for sustainability transitions: Methodological insight from a case of strengthening the niche of organic vegetables in the Vestfold region in Norway22
Modelling policies towards pesticide-free agricultural production systems22
Mapping development potential of dry-season small-scale irrigation in Sub-Saharan African countries under joint biophysical and economic constraints - An agent-based modeling approach with an applicat22
The fruits of knowledge co-creation in agriculture and food-related multi-stakeholder platforms in sub-Saharan Africa – A systematic literature review22
A meta-analysis of the possible impact of climate change on global cotton yield based on crop simulation approaches22
COVID-19 impacts on agriculture and food systems in Nepal: Implications for SDGs22
Precision farming: what do Italian farmers really think? An application of the Q methodology21
Performance, meat quality, profitability, and greenhouse gas emissions of suckler bulls from pasture-based compared to an indoor high-concentrate weanling-to-beef finishing system21
Empathising, defining and ideating with the farming community to develop a geotagged photo app for smart devices: A design thinking approach21
Double cropping and manure management mitigate the environmental impact of a dairy farm under present and future climate21
Assessing the multidimensional elements of sustainability in European agroforestry systems21
Immediate impact of COVID-19 pandemic on farming systems in Central America and Mexico21
Concepts of agricultural marginal lands and their utilisation: A review21
Scenarios for European agricultural policymaking in the era of digitalisation21
Ancient irrigation systems in Asia and Africa: Typologies, degradation and ecosystem services21
Adoption pathway analysis: Representing the dynamics and diversity of adoption for agricultural practices21
Farm-level modelling of bioeconomic, greenhouse gas emissions and feed-food performance of pasture-based dairy-beef systems21
Climate change-induced aridity is affecting agriculture in Northeast Italy21
Yield gap analysis to identify attainable milk and meat productivities and the potential for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in cattle systems of Colombia21
Sustainable management of sweet potatoes: A review on practices, strategies, and opportunities in nutrition-sensitive agriculture, energy security, and quality of life21
Unveiling grain production patterns in China (2005–2020) towards targeted sustainable intensification20
Revisiting irrigation efficiency before restoring ancient irrigation canals in multi-functional, nature-based water systems20
Soil fertility in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Punjab, Pakistan: The role of institutional factors and sustainable land management practices20
Corrigendum to “Impacts of environmental feedbacks on the production of a Central Queensland beef enterprise in a future climate” [Agricultural Systems 214 (2024) 1–13/103838]20
Disentangling management factors influencing nitrogen balance in producer fields in the western Corn Belt20
Managing salinity for sustainable agricultural production in salt-affected soils of irrigated drylands20
Determinants of adoption of climate resilient agricultural solutions20
Impacts of environmental feedbacks on the production of a Central Queensland beef enterprise in a future climate20
Immediate effects of COVID-19 on the global dairy sector20
Assessing the vulnerability and risk of maize to drought in China based on the AquaCrop model20
Corrigendum to “Productivity or stability? Exploring maize-legume intercropping strategies for smallholder conservation agriculture farmers in Zimbabwe” [Agricultural Systems, Volume 185, November 20220
Identifying spatial and temporal dynamics and driving factors of cultivated land fragmentation in Shaanxi province19
Advancing quantification of Australia's beef cattle and sheep emissions accounts - Carbon sinks and emissions hot spots battle it out en route to net zero19
Autonomous field management – An enabler of sustainable future in agriculture19
Crop-livestock integration provides opportunities to mitigate environmental trade-offs in transitioning smallholder agricultural systems of the Greater Mekong Subregion19
Integrated crop-livestock farms have higher topsoil nitrogen and carbon than crop-only farms in Chilean Mediterranean climate volcanic soils19
The dairy production system in the north of Sweden under possible future food scenarios19
Biological nitrogen fixation of legumes crops under organic farming as driven by cropping management: A review19
Production viability index for annual agricultural crops19
Agriculture-livestock-forestry nexus and household income diversification: Experiences from selected villages of West Bengal, India19
Poverty dynamics and the determining factors among East African smallholder farmers19
Multi-criteria assessment of cropping systems for the sustainable intensification in the Pampas18
Assessing impact of salinity and climate scenarios on dry season field crops in the coastal region of Bangladesh18
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on apple orchards in Europe18
Modeling cover crop biomass production and related emissions to improve farm-scale decision-support tools18
Season-specific management strategies for rainfed soybean in the South American Pampas based on a seasonal precipitation forecast18
Biomass flows in an agro-pastoral village in West-Africa: Who benefits from crop residue mulching?18
Influence of farm diversity on nitrogen and greenhouse gas emission sources from key European dairy cattle systems: A step towards emission mitigation and nutrient circularity18
Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in pasture-based dairy-beef production systems18
Projecting potential impact of COVID-19 on major cereal crops in Senegal and Burkina Faso using crop simulation models18
Prospective crop yield and income return based on a retrospective analysis of a long-term rainfed agriculture experiment in Nebraska18
Impact of rice (O. sativa L.) straw incorporation induced changes in soil physical and chemical properties on yield, water and nitrogen–balance and –use efficiency of wheat (T. aestivum L.) in rice–wh18
Translating theory into practice: A flexible decision-making tool to support the design and implementation of climate-smart agriculture projects17
Climate change impacts on long-term field experiments in Germany17
Integrating sustainability assessment tools with life cycle analysis for agroecological systems: A UK case study17
The immediate impact of the first waves of the global COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural systems worldwide: Reflections on the COVID-19 special issue for agricultural systems17
Pathways toward inclusive low-emission dairy development in Tanzania: Producer heterogeneity and implications for intervention design17
Assessing smallholder sustainable intensification in the Ethiopian highlands17
Studying inclusive innovation with the right data: An empirical illustration from Ethiopia17
Economic and environmental consequences of nitrogen application rates, timing and methods on corn in Ontario17
Improving livelihood through crop-livestock integration: Insights from a farm trajectory model17
Farmer decision making for hybrid maize seed purchases: Effects of brand loyalty, price discounts and product information17
Crop diversification improves cropping system sustainability: An 8-year on-farm experiment in South-Western France17
Effectiveness and upscaling potential of climate smart agriculture interventions: Farmers' participatory prioritization and livelihood indicators as its determinants17
Sustainable intensification of crop production under alternative future changes in climate and technology: The case of the North Savo region17
Editorial Board17
Shade versus intensification: Trade-off or synergy for profitability in coffee agroforestry systems?17
Tailor-made solutions for regenerative agriculture in the Netherlands16
Food security outcomes in agricultural systems models: Current status and recommended improvements16
The spatial-temporal coupling pattern of grain yield and fertilization in the North China plain16
Marginal climate change abatement costs in Swiss dairy production considering farm heterogeneity and interaction effects16
The role of inter-specific competition for water in maize-legume intercropping systems in northern Tanzania16
Exploring strategies to control the cost of food security: Evidence from Bangladesh16
Determinants of phosphorus balance and use efficiency in diverse dairy farming systems16
Multilevel environmental assessment of regional farming activities with Life Cycle Assessment: Tackling data scarcity and farm diversity with Life Cycle Inventories based on Agrarian System Diagnosis16
Climate change brings both opportunities and challenges to rural revitalization in China: Evidence from apple geographical indication predictions16
Mixed farming and agroforestry systems: A systematic review on value chain implications16
No more double cropping in Mato Grosso, Brazil? Evaluating the potential impact of climate change on the profitability of farm systems16
An integrated socio-cyber-physical system framework to assess responsible digitalisation in agriculture: A first application with Living Labs in Europe15
Can the transition of multiple cropping systems affect the cropland change?15
Diffusion of organic farming among Dutch pig farmers: An agent-based model15
Increased mineral fertilizer use on maize can improve both household food security and regional food production in East Africa15
Optimal manure utilization chain for distributed animal farms: Model development and a case study from Hangzhou, China15
Further consideration of working conditions is needed in farm resilience assessment15
Studying beef production evolution to plan for ecological intensification of grazing ecosystems15
Changes in land use of temperate forests associated to avocado production in Mexico: Impacts on soil properties, plant traits and insect-plant interactions15
Matching the model to the available data to predict wheat, barley, or canola yield: A review of recently published models and data15
Limited capability of organic farming and conservation tillage to enhance agroecosystem resilience to severe drought15
Impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural production and food systems in late transforming Southeast Asia: The case of Myanmar15
Quantification of sustainable animal manure utilization strategies in Hangzhou, China15
Avoidance of tree-site mismatching of modelled cacao production systems across climatic zones: Roots for multifunctionality15
Modeling the effect of multiple pests on ecosystem services provided by fruit crops: Application to apple15
Selected shade tree species improved cocoa yields in low-input agroforestry systems in Ghana15
Field validation of a farmer supplied data approach to close soybean yield gaps in the US North Central region15
Impact assessment of common bean availability in Brazil under climate change scenarios15
A simulation of variable rate nitrogen application in winter wheat with soil and sensor information - An economic feasibility study15
Optimizing the sowing window for direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) considering high yield and methane emissions in Central China14
A scheme for distribution of genetically improved oil palm plants well suited to local conditions14
Exploring farmers' perceptions of the technological characteristics of traceability systems14
Investigating the dynamics of resilience and greenhouse gas performance of pastoral cattle systems in southern Ethiopia14
A framework for the assessment of farm diversification options in broadacre agriculture14
Editorial Board14
Importance of (semi)natural vegetation on farms for achieving multiple objectives: A conceptual model based on temperate southern Australia14
Nutrient use efficiency of intensive dairy farms in China – Current situation and analyses of options for improvement14
Enhancing the ability of agriculture to cope with major crises or disasters: What the experience of COVID-19 teaches us14
Smallholder social networks: Advice seeking and adaptation in rural Kenya14
Does human intervention modulate the above-ground carbon biomass of agroforestry systems? A study of homegardens in Jaffna peninsula, Sri Lanka14
Metabolic assessment of biological mechanisms underlying agroecological systems: The example of parasite dilution and forage niche sharing in mixed-grazing14
Gender, agriculture policies, and climate-smart agriculture in India13
Improved descriptions of soil hydrology in crop models: The elephant in the room?13
New standards in stochastic simulations of dairy cow disease modelling: Bio-economic dynamic optimization for rational health management decision-making13
Calibrating APSIM for forage sorghum using remote sensing and field data under sub-optimal growth conditions13
Agriculture development through multi-stakeholder partnerships in developing countries: A systematic literature review13
Editorial Board13
Understanding the dynamics of integrated rice–crawfish farming in Qianjiang county, China using Landsat time series images13
Holistic agricultural diversity index as a measure of agricultural diversity: A cross-sectional study of smallholder farmers in Lilongwe district of Malawi13
How to find alternative crops for climate-resilient regional food production13
Evaluating environmental and economic trade-offs in cattle feed strategies using multiobjective optimization13
Designing a research agenda for coupled innovation towards sustainable agrifood systems13
Modelling the production, profit, and greenhouse gas emissions of Irish sheep flocks divergent in genetic merit13
Using locally available fertilisers to enhance the yields of swidden farmers in Papua New Guinea13
Shortening harvest interval, reaping benefits? A study on harvest practices in oil palm smallholder farming systems in Indonesia13
Conservation agriculture improves agronomic, economic, and soil fertility indicators for a clay soil in a rainfed Mediterranean climate in Morocco13
Quantifying farmers' preferences for cropping systems intensification: A choice experiment approach applied in coastal Bangladesh's risk prone farming systems13
Relative yield of food and efficiency of land-use in organic agriculture - A regional study13
An integrative bio-physical approach to determine the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sinks of a cow and her offspring in a beef cattle operation: A system dynamics approach13
SPAGRI-AI: Smart precision agriculture dataset of aerial images at different heights for crop and weed detection using super-resolution13
Combining qualitative and quantitative methodology to assess prospects for novel crops in a warming climate13
Analysis of perceived robustness, adaptability and transformability of Spanish extensive livestock farms under alternative challenging scenarios13
Conventionalised vs. agroecological practices on organic vegetable farms: Investigating the influence of farm structure in a bifurcation perspective13
Developing integrated rice-animal farming based on climate and farmers choices13
Are the planning targets of liquid biofuel development achievable in China under climate change?13