Economy and Society

(The median citation count of Economy and Society is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The New Permanent Universal Owners: Index funds, patient capital, and the distinction between feeble and forceful stewardship55
Decarbonizing capital: Investment, divestment and the qualification of carbon assets40
Data money: The socio-technical infrastructure of cryptocurrency blockchains32
Climate change and insurance29
Housing and economic inequality in the long run: The retreat of owner occupation29
Recentering central banks: Theorizing state-economy boundaries as central bank effects26
Configuring the digital farmer: A nudge world in the making?25
Does economics have an ‘Africa problem’?22
Rescaling index insurance for climate and development in Africa22
Life and debt: A view from the south18
Governing urban resilience: Insurance and the problematization of climate change16
Elinor Ostrom and public health15
Bridges, platforms and satellites: Theorizing the power of global philanthropy in international development14
Hazardous simulations: Pricing climate risk in US coastal insurance markets14
Uncomfortable knowledge in central banking: Economic expertise confronts the visibility dilemma14
Accumulation by immobilization: Migration, mobility and money in Libya13
(De-)assetizing pharmaceutical patents: Patent contestations behind a blockbuster drug13
Justifying inherited wealth: Between ‘the bank of mum and dad’ and the meritocratic ideal12
Child labour, cobalt and the London Metal Exchange: Fetish, fixing and the limits of financialization12
Institutionalizing neoclassical economics in Africa: Instruments, ideology and implications11
State financialization: Permanent austerity, financialized real estate and the politics of public assets in Italy11
Global health, accelerated: Rapid diagnostics and the fragile solidarities of ‘emergency R&D’11
Affective technologies of welfare deterrence in Australia and the United Kingdom10
What happened to the theory of African capitalism?10
Europe’s ‘Hamiltonian moment’? On the political uses and explanatory usefulness of a recurrent historical comparison10
Money for everything? Universal basic income in a crisis9
Growth at risk: Boundary walkers, stylized facts and the legitimacy of countercyclical interventions9
Beds for rent9
Narrating imagined crises: How central bank storytelling exerts infrastructural power8
The role played by large firms in generating income inequality: UK FTSE 100 pay practices in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries8
Strategic ignorance and crises of trust: Un-anticipating futures and governing food supply chains in the shadow of Horsegate8
The allure of finance: Social impact investing and the challenges of assetization in financialized capitalism8
Living, not just surviving: The politics of refusing low-wage jobs in urban South Africa8
Dependence on independence: Central bank lawyers and the (un)making of the European economy7
Insurantialization and the moral economy ofex anterisk management in the Caribbean7
The emergence of regulatory capitalism in Africa7
Demodystopias: Narratives of ultra-low fertility in Asia6
From social security to state-sanctioned insecurity: How welfare reform mimics the commodification of labour through greater state intervention6
Insurance and the temporality of climate ethics: Accounting for climate change in US flood insurance6
The (anti) politics of central banking: Monetary policy, class conflict and the limits of sovereignty in South Africa6
Acceleration, development and technocapitalism at the Silicon Cape of Africa6
More-than-national and less-than-global: The biochemical infrastructure of vaccine manufacturing6
Machine learning and social action in markets: From first- to second-generation automated trading6
Enacting a rational actor: Roboadvisors and the algorithmic performance of ideal types6
Bloomberg and the GameStop saga: The fear of stock market democracy5
Changing government in China through philanthropy: On socialist spiritual civilization, civilized cities and good communists5
Carbon capital: The lexicon and allegories of US hydrocarbon finance5
Independence without purpose? Macroprudential regulation at the Bundesbank5
Resurgent charity and the neoliberalizing social5
Economy and society in COVID times5
Recentring the margins: Theorizing African capitalism after 50 years5
‘Hodling’ on: Memetic storytelling and digital folklore within a cryptocurrency world5
The expansionary strategies of intellectual monopolies: Google and the digitalization of healthcare5
Gender-affirmative technologies and the contemporary making of gender in India4
The marketization of the French public finance before capitalism: The paulette edict of 16044
Grounding urban production: Resident claims-making as financialization in Mumbai’s ‘slum’ lands4
Understanding generational housing inequalities beyond tenure, class and context4
Financialization and assetization: Assets as sites of financial power struggles4
The dynamic imaginaries of the Ethereum project4
The challenges of assets: Anatomy of an economic form4