Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics

(The TQCC of Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The effects of diffusion on the principal eigenvalue for age-structured models with random diffusion20
Nonlocal anisotropic interactions of Coulomb type12
PRM volume 154 issue 2 Cover and Front matter8
PRM volume 154 issue 2 Cover and Back matter8
Robustness of nonuniform mean-square exponential dichotomies7
Existence of weak solutions to an anisotropic parabolic–parabolic chemotaxis system7
Shape sensitivity of the Hardy constant involving the distance from a boundary submanifold7
Avoidance loci and tropicalizations of real bitangents to plane quartics6
Fixed point sets and the fundamental group II: Euler characteristics6
PRM volume 154 issue 4 Cover and Back matter6
Remarks on countable subadditivity6
PRM volume 153 issue 3 Cover and Back matter6
PRM volume 151 issue 4 Cover and Back matter5
Compact and weakly compact Lipschitz operators5
On the first eigenvalue of the Laplace operator for compact spacelike submanifolds in Lorentz–Minkowski spacetime ????m5
Derived homotopy algebras5
Generalized small cancellation conditions, non-positive curvature and diagrammatic reducibility5
Well-posedness of the free surface problem on a Newtonian fluid between cylinders rotating at different speeds5
PRM volume 151 issue 3 Cover and Back matter5
Stability of concordance embeddings5
Local well-posedness and global analyticity for solutions of a generalized 0-equation5
Exponential decay for the KdV equation on ℝ with new localized dampings5
On the fractional Lazer-McKenna conjecture with critical growth4
On a critical time-harmonic Maxwell equation in nonlocal media4
Flat model structures and Gorenstein objects in functor categories4
On k-folding map-germs and hidden symmetries of surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space4
Riemannian approximation in Carnot groups4
Index estimates of compact hypersurfaces in smooth metric measure spaces4
On the global existence of solutions to chemotaxis system for two populations in dimension two4
Iterates of meromorphic functions on escaping Fatou components4
Invariant set generated by a nonreal number is everywhere dense4
Existence and regularity of time-dependent pullback attractors for the non-autonomous nonclassical diffusion equations4
On a class of difference operator and its applications to a family of analytic functions4
On a quasilinear elliptic problem involving the 1-Laplacian operator and a discontinuous nonlinearity4
Multiscale linearization of nonautonomous systems3
PRM volume 152 issue 6 Cover and Front matter3
Toeplitz determinants with a one-cut regular potential and Fisher–Hartwig singularities I. Equilibrium measure supported on the unit circle3
On the number of conjugacy classes of a primitive permutation group3
The Fokker–Planck equation for the time-changed fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck stochastic process3
Spectral asymptotics for linear elasticity: the case of mixed boundary conditions3
PRM volume 154 issue 5 Cover and Front matter3
On the linearized Whitham–Broer–Kaup system on bounded domains3
Qualitative properties of singular solutions to fractional elliptic equations3
The cyclicity of the period annulus of a reversible quadratic system3
The homotopy classification of four-dimensional toric orbifolds3
Weighted estimates for Bochner–Riesz operators on Lorentz spaces3
Intersection configurations in free and free times free-abelian groups3
Decay of weak solutions to Vlasov equation coupled with a shear thickening fluid3
A new inner approach for differential subordinations3
Stability and exponential decay for magnetohydrodynamic equations2
On a class of special Euler–Lagrange equations2
On the dimension of planar self-affine sets with non-invertible maps2
Locations of interior transition layers to inhomogeneous transition problems in higher -dimensional domains2
Asymptotic profiles of a nonlocal dispersal SIS epidemic model with saturated incidence2
On a class of self-similar sets which contain finitely many common points2
Global well-posedness and decay estimates for three-dimensional compressible Navier–Stokes–Allen–Cahn systems2
Maximal noncompactness of limiting Sobolev embeddings2
On the Sobolev stability threshold for shear flows near Couette in 2D MHD equations2
Finite presentability of twisted Brin–Thompson groups2
On finite groups with exactly one vanishing conjugacy class size2
Nonlinear elasticity with vanishing nonlocal self-repulsion2
PRM volume 153 issue 6 Cover and Front matter2
Asymptotic behaviour in a doubly haptotactic cross-diffusion model for oncolytic virotherapy2
Singularities of 3-parameter line congruences in2
On a supersonic-sonic patch arising from the two-dimensional Riemann problem of the compressible Euler equations2
Global dynamics for the stochastic nonlinear beam equations on the four-dimensional torus2
Various topological complexities of small covers and real Bott manifolds2
On two congruence conjectures of Z.-W. Sun involving Franel numbers2
Lipschitz-free spaces and subsets of finite-dimensional spaces2
Lorentz and Gale–Ryser theorems on general measure spaces2
A criterion to detect a non-trivial homology of an invariant set of a flow in $\mathbb{R}^3$2
Coisotropic Ekeland–Hofer capacities2
Dynamics of projectable functions: towards an atlas of wandering domains for a family of Newton maps2
On the spectrum of non-self-adjoint Dirac operators with quasi-periodic boundary conditions2
Brownian motion on the golden ratio Sierpinski gasket2
Liouville-type results for positive solutions of pseudo-relativistic Schrödinger system2
On the topological complexity and zero-divisor cup-length of real Grassmannians1
Large deviation principle for slow-fast rough differential equations via controlled rough paths1
Moser's theorem with frequency-preserving1
Fractional time differential equations as a singular limit of the Kobayashi–Warren–Carter system1
PRM volume 153 issue 2 Cover and Front matter1
Sharp conditions for the validity of the Bourgain–Brezis–Mironescu formula1
Desingularization of 2D elliptic free-boundary problem with non-autonomous nonlinearity1
Existence results for a nonlinear nonautonomous transmission problem via domain perturbation1
On the Γ-convergence of the Allen–Cahn functional with boundary conditions1
PRM volume 153 issue 2 Cover and Back matter1
Integral representation of hydraulic permeability1
A note on monotonicity and Bochner formulas in Carnot groups1
Optimal decay for solutions of nonlocal semilinear equations with critical exponent in homogeneous groups1
The dual tree of a fold map germ from to1
Fixed point sets and the fundamental group I: semi-free actions on G-CW-complexes1
Harnack type estimates to non-linear elliptic systems in the plane1
Finely quasiconformal mappings1
The mod-p homology of the classifying spaces of certain gauge groups1
Karamata's theorem for regularized Cauchy transforms1
Remarks on a formula of Ramanujan1
PRM volume 152 issue 3 Cover and Front matter1
Structural stability of transonic shock flows with an external force1
Parrondo's paradox for homoeomorphisms1
Bifurcation structure of coexistence states for a prey–predator model with large population flux by attractive transition1
Topological regularity of isoperimetric sets in PI spaces having a deformation property1
From the Mayer–Vietoris spectral sequence to überhomology1
Kolmogorov’s theorem for degenerate Hamiltonian systems with Hölder continuous parameters1
Global regularity for the micropolar Rayleigh-Bénard problem with only velocity dissipation1
Girth, magnitude homology and phase transition of diagonality1
The homotopy decomposition of the suspension of a non-simply-connected five-manifold1
Right-angled Artin groups, polyhedral products and the -generating function1
Discs area-minimizing in mean convex Riemanniann-manifolds1
Equivariant stable sheaves and toric GIT1
The Daugavet and Delta-constants of points in Banach spaces1
Transportation on spheres via an entropy formula1
Index estimates for closed minimal submanifolds of the sphere1
One-sided estimates via function1
Simple dynamics in non-monotone Kolmogorov systems1
Optimal inverse problems of potentials for two given eigenvalues of Sturm–Liouville problems1
The space of commuting elements in a Lie group and maps between classifying spaces1
PRM volume 152 issue 2 Cover and Front matter1
A note on the differentiability of discrete Palmer's linearization1
Classification of simple smooth modules over the Heisenberg–Virasoro algebra1
PRM volume 151 issue 5 Cover and Back matter1
Adhesion and volume filling in one-dimensional population dynamics under Dirichlet boundary condition1
The structure of finite groups whose elements outside a normal subgroup have prime power orders1
The existence of unbounded solutions of asymmetric oscillations in the degenerate resonant case1
Pointwise Assouad dimension for measures1
Existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions to differential equations with attractive singularities1
Tropical graph curves1
Global regularity criterion for the dissipative systems modelling electrohydrodynamics involving the middle eigenvalue of the strain tensor1
The cohomology rings of real toric spaces and smooth real toric varieties1
Decay at infinity for solutions to some fractional parabolic equations1
Existence and analyticity of solutions of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation with singular data1
Spreading speeds and traveling wave solutions of diffusive vector-borne disease models without monotonicity1
Coupling capacity in C*-algebras1
Generic properties of topological groups1
L p positivity preservation and self-adjointness of Schrödinger operators on incomplete Riemannian manifolds1
Spreading primitive groups of diagonal type do not exist1
Corrigendum to “Topological complexity of real Grassmannians”1
The fundamental gap of a kind of sub-elliptic operator1
Singer conjecture for varieties with semismall Albanese map and residually finite fundamental group1
On stable commutator length of non-filling curves in surfaces1
Harnack inequality for the nonlocal equations with general growth1
Global boundedness and large time behaviour in a higher-dimensional quasilinear chemotaxis system with consumption of chemoattractant1
Non-bifurcation of critical periods from semi-hyperbolic polycycles of quadratic centres1
Concentrating standing waves for Davey–Stewartson systems1
Shape index, Brouwer degree and Poincaré–Hopf theorem1
Reconstruction of topological graphs and their Hilbert bimodules1
Dual exponential polynomials and a problem of Ozawa1
On a class of bivariate distributions built of q-ultraspherical polynomials1
PRM volume 151 issue 2 Cover and Back matter1
PRM volume 152 issue 6 Cover and Back matter1
The socle of subshift algebras, with applications to subshift conjugacy1
Estimate, existence and nonexistence of positive solutions of Hardy–Hénon equations1
Topological volumes of fibrations: a note on open covers1
The ground states of quasilinear Hénon equation with double weighted critical exponents1
On regular algebraic hypersurfaces with non-zero constant mean curvature in Euclidean spaces1
PRM volume 153 issue 6 Cover and Back matter1
The Cauchy problem for an inviscid Oldroyd-B model in three dimensions: global well posedness and optimal decay rates1
PRM volume 153 issue 4 Cover and Back matter1
On large solutions for fractional Hamilton–Jacobi equations1
Wold decomposition on odometer semigroups1
Numerical invariants on twisted noncommutative polyballs: curvature and multiplicity1
Bifurcation of the travelling wave solutions in a perturbed (1 + 1)-dimensional dispersive long wave equation via a geometric approach1
Semilinear elliptic equations involving power nonlinearities and Hardy potentials with boundary singularities1
Corrigendum: Dynamics of a susceptible—infected—susceptible epidemic reaction—diffusion model1
Catenaries and minimal surfaces of revolution in hyperbolic space1