Linear & Multilinear Algebra

(The median citation count of Linear & Multilinear Algebra is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On the description of identifiable quartics16
Inequalities for products of singular values of matrices15
Representations and geometrical properties of generalized inverses over fields14
Orthogonality over finite fields14
Zero-nonzero tree patterns that allow Sn∗13
Polynomial eigenvalue estimation: numerical radii versus norms12
On the left (right) invertibility of operator matrices11
New additive results for the Drazin inverse of multivalued operators10
Domain of generalized difference operator Δ i 3 of order three on the hahn sequence space h and matrix transfor9
Sufficient spectral conditions for graphs being k-edge-Hamiltonian or k-Hamiltonian8
Fredholm theory on Krein spaces and its application to pseudospectrum8
Null ideals of sets of 3 × 3 similar matrices with irreducible characteristic polynomial8
The parallel sum in C* -algebras8
On the signless Laplacian spectrum of k -uniform hypergraphs8
Optimization of some types of Rényi divergences between unitary orbits8
On simple evolution algebras of dimension two and three. Constructing simple and semisimple evolution algebras8
The solution of the Loewy–Radwan conjecture8
Matchings in graphs from the spectral radius7
Revisit on spectral geometric mean7
A smallest singular value method for nonlinear eigenvalue problems7
Spherical Aluthge transform, spherical p and log -hyponormality of commuting pairs of operators II7
Structured strong linearizations of structured rational matrices7
One-matching bi-Cayley graphs and homogeneous bi-Cayley graphs over finite cyclic groups7
Biderivations, commuting mappings and 2-local derivations of -graded Lie algebras of maximal class7
Some properties of c-K-g-frames in Hilbert C*-modules7
Vertex-removal, vertex-addition and different notions of similarity for vertices of a graph7
Approximation by modified q-Gamma type operators via A-statistical convergence and power series method7
Matrices over commutative rings as sums of higher powers6
Further characterizations of the CMP inverse of matrices6
Principal angles and pairs of totally geodesic submanifolds of the real hyperbolic space6
Scaffoldings of totally positive matrices and line insertion6
Hadamard product and related inequalities in the Jordan spin algebra6
Derivations of triangular matrix rings6
Improved uniqueness conditions of solution for multilinear pagerank and its application6
Hankel determinant of linear combination of the shifted catalan numbers6
New backward error bounds of Rayleigh–Ritz projection methods for quadratic eigenvalue problem6
The minimum number of multiplicity 1 eigenvalues among real symmetric matrices whose graph is a 2-linear tree5
The q-derivative formula and determinant identities5
Strong commutativity preserving maps on rank k strictly triangular matrices5
A quantitative Popoviciu type inequality for four positive semi-definite matrices5
Procrustes problem for the inverse eigenvalue problem of normal (skew) J -Hamiltonian matrices and normal J -symplectic matrices5
The signless p-Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with given matching number5
Relative Rota–Baxter Leibniz algebras, their characterization and cohomology5
Some numerical radius inequality for several semi-Hilbert space operators5
On the Lie triple derivations5
Antinorms on cones: duality and applications5
Square roots of complex symmetric operators5
Minimal divergence for border rank-2 tensor approximation4
Matrix computations with the Omega calculus4
On the range of upper triangular relation matrices4
q-Numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space4
A randomised iterative method for solving factorised linear systems4
Comparing eigenvector and degree dispersion with the principal ratio of a graph4
Bottleneck matrices of maximal outerplanar graphs with isomorphic underlying trees4
Exact sequences in the cohomology of a Lie superalgebra extension4
The spectra of graphs based on general graph operations4
On some building blocks of hypergraphs4
New views of the doubly stochastic single eigenvalue problem4
A new perspective on the quaternionic numerical range of normal matrices4
Weighted index-MP matrices4
Lieb type convexity for positive operator monotone decreasing functions4
Derivations and derivable maps on von Neumann algebras4
Symmetric ideals of generalized summing multilinear operators4
On some properties of vector space based graphs4
Contractive symmetric matrix completion problems related to graphs4
Singular value decomposition for skew-Takagi factorization with quantum applications4
Some operator inequalities via convexity3
Extremal realization spectra by two acyclic matrices whose graphs are caterpillars3
Fields of invariants for unipotent radicals of parabolic subgroups3
Local derivations on the Lie algebra W (2, 2)3
Parter vertices and generalization of the downer branch mechanism in the general setting3
Norm inequalities for hyperaccretive quasinormal operators, with extensions of the arithmetic-geometric means inequality3
The commuting graph of the ring M 3 (F q )3
Extensions of the arithmetic–geometric means and Young's norm inequalities to accretive operators, with applications3
Modulus-based matrix splitting iteration methods with new splitting scheme for horizontal implicit complementarity problems3
A new approach to MacMahon’s Partition Analysis and associated applications3
A new closed-form expression for the solution of ODEs in a ring of distributions and its connection with the matrix algebra3
Distinct eigenvalues are realizable with generic eigenvectors3
On the maximal numerical range of the bimultiplication M2,A,B3
Exponential stability of switched block triangular systems under arbitrary switching3
Isotropy groups of the action of orthogonal similarity on symmetric matrices3
The Berkani's property and a note on some recent results3
On C-tensor and its application to eigenvalue localization3
Proximinality of subspaces and the quotient lifting property3
Traces of multiadditive maps on rank- s matrices3
Complete characterization of path-factor and path-factor covered graphs via Q -index and D -index3
Minimizers for the energy of eccentricity matrices of trees3
Spectrum of proper power graphs of the direct product of certain finite groups3
A new system of sylvester-like matrix equations with arbitrary number of equations and unknowns over the quaternion algebra3
A unified criterion for distinguishing graphs by their spectral radius3
Spectral radii of friendship graphs and their connected induced subgraphs3
On a question of Bhatia, Friedland and Jain II3
( w,v )-core–EP inverse and ( w,v )-pseudo-core inverse3
Cartesian decomposition of C-normal operators3
Lattice properties of partial orders for complex matrices via orthogonal projectors3
Simultaneous spectral decomposition in Euclidean Jordan algebras and related systems3
On the spectral radius and the energy of eccentricity matrices of graphs3
Sparse least squares solutions of multilinear equations3
Cohomologies and relative Rota-Baxter-Nijenhuis structures of 3-LieRep pairs3
On log-sum inequalities3
Sharper bounds for the numerical radius3
The core-EP inverse: a numerical approach for its acute perturbation3
The products of involutions in the centralizer of a Weyr matrix with nonhomogeneous Weyr structure3
The incomplete matrix beta function and its application to first Appell hypergeometric matrix function3
On subdirect sums of Nekrasov matrices3
An efficient approach for enclosing the solution set of the interval coupled Sylvester matrix equations2
A modified generalized SOR-like method for solving an absolute value equation2
The -positive semidefinite matrices A such that are nonsingular2
Sampling expansions associated with quaternion difference equations2
Construction of finite tight frames via singular value decomposition2
Intermixing pairs of generalized inverses2
The star order for idempotent operators2
The tan Θ theorem for definite matrix pairs2
Formulas for the eigendiscriminants of ternary and quaternary forms2
On the Bohr and Selberg inequalities in 2-*-inner product spaces2
Compressed commuting graphs of matrix rings2
On the spectral radius of the adjacency matrix and signless Laplacian matrix of a graph2
Weighted generalized core–EP inverse2
Further inequalities involving the weighted geometric operator mean and the Heinz operator mean2
On the star and minus orders on Hilbert space operators2
A q -analoque of the distance matrix of a tree with matrix weights2
Inequalities and equalities on the joint and generalized spectral and essential spectral radius of the Hadamard geometric mean of bounded sets of positive kernel operators2
Kemeny's constant and enumerating Braess edges in trees2
An improvement of spectral conditions for Hamilton-connected graphs2
The evolution operator of evolution algebras2
A generalized arithmetic-geometric mean-type inequality of measurable operator2
On an algorithm converging to hyperstochastic tensors2
A Radon–Nikodým theorem for local completely positive invariant multilinear maps2
Inequalities on 2 × 2 block positive semidefinite matrices2
Inequalities for arithmetic–geometric–harmonic means of sector matrices2
Characterization of self-adjoint domains for regular odd order C -symmetric differential operators2
Invertibility of circulant matrices of arbitrary size2
A strict inequality on the energy of edge partitioning of graphs2
Weighted Jordan homomorphisms2
Forms of biisometric operators and biorthogonality2
Exponential map of finite potent endomorphisms and explicit algebraic solutions of some infinite linear systems of differential2
Lie triple centralizers of the algebra of dominant block upper triangular matrices2
Orthogonal complements and extending orthogonal subsets of semimodules2
On perturbation bounds of generalized core inverses of matrices2
A bivariate extension of the Crouzeix–Palencia result with an application to Fréchet derivatives of matrix functions2
On exp(Der(E)) of nilpotent evolution algebras of maximal nilindex2
The spanning k-trees, perfect matchings and spectral radius of graphs2
Maps preserving some spectral domains of skew products of operators2
Quantum hitting time according to a given distribution2
Linear orthogonality preservers between function spaces associated with commutative JB -triples2
( m , C )-Isometric Toeplitz operators with rational symbols2
On the consistency of the matrix equation XTA X = B when B is skew-symmetric: improving the previous characterization2
Ordering of graphs with fixed size and diameter by A α -spectral radii2
The breadth of Lie poset algebras2
Generalized Drazin-meromorphic invertible operators and Browder type theorems2
A preconditioned two-sweep shift splitting method for non-Hermitian positive definite linear systems2
Products of generalized n -projections2
Decay estimates of Green's matrices for discrete-time linear periodic systems2
Multi-step inertial forward-backward-half forward algorithm for solving monotone inclusion2
A remark on the spectrum of fractional difference operator2
Generalized Locally Toeplitz matrix-sequences and approximated PDEs on submanifolds: the flat case2
On determinants involving tangent functions2
On double cosets of groups GL ( n ) with respect to subgroups of block strictly triangular matrices2
Sharp lower bounds for the Laplacian Estrada index of graphs2
Rank one quaternionic operators and additive preservers2
On the spectrum of fractional difference operator2
Birkhoff–James orthogonality and algebraic maximal numerical range in C*-algebras2
Broadcasting coherence via incoherent operations2
Generalized Larcombe–Fenessey invariants of matrix powers2
Quasi-radial operators on the Fock space and C* -algebras of entire functions2
Unitary canonical forms over Clifford algebras, and an observed unification of some real-matrix decompositions2
“The periodic determinantal property for (0, 1) double banded matrices”: a correction and some comments2
Ordering graphs by their largest (least) Aα-eigenvalues2
Endomorphisms of the riordan group, some new facts2
The Aα-spectral radius of dense graphs2
Extremal marginals of an unbounded local completely positive and local completely contractive map2
Some new facts about linear maps that preserve the orthogonal group2
Another proof of a result on the doubly superstochastic matrices1
Norm inequalities for positive definite matrices related to a question of Bourin1
Rational matrix digit systems1
Power-product matrix: nonsingularity, sparsity and determinant1
On the solutions of a class of tensor equations1
The generalized Brauer–Ostrowski theorem for matrices of operators1
Competition periods of multipartite tournaments1
Graphs with the minimal Laplacian coefficients1
Representations of the weighted WG inverse and a rank equation's solution1
On the strength of general polynomials1
Nonsurjective zero product preservers between matrix spaces over an arbitrary field1
The images of multilinear and semihomogeneous polynomials on the algebra of octonions1
A Kantorovich type inequality for positive matrices1
Modified block product preconditioner for a class of complex symmetric linear systems1
Subdifferential set of the joint numerical radius of a tuple of matrices1
-(bi)derivations and transposed Poisson algebra structures on Lie algebras1
New log-majorization results concerning eigenvalues and singular values and a complement of a norm inequality1
Zeta functions of signed graphs1
Investigation for the k -analogue of τ -Gauss hypergeometric matrix functions and associated fractional calculus1
Two-step Noda iteration for irreducible nonnegative matrices1
Jordan derivations on Hilbert C*-modules1
Divisibility among power matrices associated with multiplicative functions1
Local automorphisms of complex solvable Lie algebras of maximal rank1
2-Local superderivations on the Lie superalgebra of Block type1
Metrics related to oscillator algebras1
Trace maximization algorithm for the approximate tensor diagonalization1
On new quantum divergences1
Von Neumann regular matrices revisited1
On the smallest eigenvalue of Dα-matrix of connected graphs1
Sets of range uniqueness for multivariate polynomials and linear functions with rank k1
Classification of graphs by Laplacian eigenvalue distribution and independence number1
Orthogonal decomposition of tensor trains1
A smoothing analysis for multigrid methods applied to tempered fractional problems1
Some properties of the q -numerical radius1
The set of stable indices of 0–1 matrices with a given order1
On resistance matrices of weighted balanced digraphs1
Characterization of C-symmetric Toeplitz operators for a class of conjugations in Hardy spaces1
Visualization for Petrov's odd unitary group1
Birkhoff–von Neumann's theorem, doubly normalized tensors, and joint measurability1
The Jordan algebraic structure of the rotated quadratic cone1
The effect on Aα-eigenvalues of mixed graphs and unit gain graphs by adding edges in clusters1
Global solutions of approximation problems in Krein spaces1
C -normality of rank-one perturbations of normal operators1
Chain graph sequences and Laplacian spectra of chain graphs1
Weighted Reed–Solomon convolutional codes1
One-sided w-core inverses in rings with an involution1
Some new results on the property ( R ) under compact perturbations1
VDR decomposition of Chebyshev-Vandermonde matrices with the Arnoldi Process1
Poisson triple systems1
Quantum walks in the normalized Laplacian1
On supmodular matrices1
Leibniz algebras and graphs1
Some quantum MDS codes from GRS codes1
On the smallest positive eigenvalue of bipartite unicyclic graphs with a unique perfect matching II1
Laplacian eigenvalue distribution, diameter and domination number of trees1
Orthogonality Hilbert ????-modules and operators preserving multi-????-linearity1
Matrix power means and new characterizations of operator monotone functions1
A note on numerical ranges of tensors1
Further results on weighted core inverse in a ring1
Two novel numerical methods for the diagonalisation of a reduced biquaternion matrix in the reduced biquaternionic algebra1
On singular pencils with commuting coefficients1
Optimal Parseval frames: total coherence and total volume1
Arbitrary positive powers of semicirculant andr-circulant matrices1
Laplace and Dirac operators on graphs1
On analytic structure of weighted shifts on generalized directed semi-trees1
Structured backward errors for block three-by-three saddle point systems1
Solving system of nonlinear matrix equations over Hermitian positive definite matrices1
Convex-cyclic weighted translations on locally compact groups1
On the maximal α-spectral radius of graphs with given matching number1
Conditions for matchability in groups and field extensions1
Block full rank linearizations of rational matrices1
Coherence invariant maps on order-3 symmetric tensors1
Increasable doubly substochastic matrices with application to infinite linear equations1
Graphs of commutatively closed sets1
A certain Bruhat order on doubly substochastic matrices1
On the p-numerical radii of Hilbert space operators1
Perturbations of tempered spectra1
Ever-reaching probabilities and mean first passage times of higher order ergodic Markov chains1