Medical Education

(The median citation count of Medical Education is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Social media in undergraduate medical education: A systematic review58
Peer‐assisted learning in medical education: A systematic review and meta‐analysis52
Thinking about social power and hierarchy in medical education52
Confidence‐competence alignment and the role of self‐confidence in medical education: A conceptual review49
Evaluation in health professions education—Is measuring outcomes enough?48
Scoping reviews in medical education: A scoping review43
Gender in authorship and editorship in medical education journals: A bibliometric review42
The wolf you feed: Challenging intraprofessional workplace‐based education norms39
Longitudinal qualitative research in medical education: Time to conceptualise time35
The voices of medical education scholarship: Describing the published landscape34
Entrustable professional activities in entry‐level health professional education: A scoping review33
Putting self‐regulated learning in context: Integrating self‐, co‐, and socially shared regulation of learning33
Why impaired wellness may be inevitable in medicine, and why that may not be a bad thing32
Maintaining health professional education during war: A scoping review29
Improving uncertainty tolerance in medical students: A scoping review28
Exploring patients’ and physicians’ perspectives about competent health advocacy27
Student engagement in undergraduate medical education: A scoping review27
Going against the grain: An exploration of agency in medical learning26
Professional identity formation within longitudinal integrated clerkships: A scoping review26
Optimising the delivery of remediation programmes for doctors: A realist review26
Delineating the field of medical education: Bibliometric research approach(es)26
How medical school alters empathy: Student love and break up letters to empathy for patients25
Contextual Competence: How residents develop competent performance in new settings25
Towards equitable learning environments for medical education: Bias and the intersection of social identities24
International medical graduates' experiences before and after migration: A meta‐ethnography of qualitative studies23
Trust, power and learning in workplace‐based assessment: The trainee perspective23
The curious case of case study research23
Medical student engagement during COVID‐19: Lessons learned and areas for improvement23
A multi‐pronged, antiracist approach to optimize equity in medical school admissions22
Autonomy and developing physicians: Reimagining supervision using self‐determination theory22
A research approach for co‐designing education with healthcare consumers22
‘I found myself a despicable being!’: Medical students face disturbing moral dilemmas21
Junior doctors' experiences with interprofessional collaboration: Wandering the landscape21
CARDA: Guiding document analyses in health professions education research21
Meritocratic and fair? The discourse of UK and Australia's widening participation policies21
Invoking culture in medical education research: A critical review and metaphor analysis20
Artificial intelligence and the adoption of new technology in medical education20
Promoting inclusivity in health professions education publishing20
Emotion as reflexive practice: A new discourse for feedback practice and research20
Feedback from health professionals in postgraduate medical education: Influence of interprofessional relationship, identity and power20
Professional identity formation, intersectionality and equity in medical education19
Why do few medical students report their experiences of mistreatment to administration?19
Assessment tools in pre‐licensure interprofessional education: A systematic review, quality appraisal and narrative synthesis19
More than moving online: Implications of the COVID‐19 pandemic on curriculum development19
Optimising planned medical education strategies to develop learners' person‐centredness: A realist review19
Autonomous motivation explains interprofessional education outcomes19
Emotion in remediation: A scoping review of the medical education literature19
Exploring health care graduates' conceptualisations of preparedness for practice: A longitudinal qualitative research study19
A scoping review of approaches for measuring ‘interdependent’ collaborative performances18
‘A whole lot of uncertainty’: A qualitative study exploring clinical medical students' experiences of uncertainty stimuli18
Quality assurance in health professions education: Role of accreditation and licensure18
Empathy in health professions education: What works, gaps and areas for improvement18
The social construction of teacher and learner identities in medicine and surgery18
Attaining full professor: Women’s and men’s experiences in medical education18
Re‐opening Pandora's box: Who owns professionalism and is it time for a 21st century definition?17
Learner conceptions of health advocacy: ‘Going above & beyond’ or ‘kind of an expectation’17
A systematic review of large language models and their implications in medical education17
Deliberate reflection and clinical reasoning: Founding ideas and empirical findings16
A longitudinal, narrative study of professional socialisation among health students16
Representation, interaction and interpretation. Making sense of the context in clinical reasoning16
Applicants' perception of fit to residency programmes in the video‐interview era: A large multidisciplinary survey15
The medical pause: Importance, processes and training15
Disability inclusion in medical education: Towards a quality improvement approach15
The influence of psychological safety on feedback conversations in general practice training15
Medical students' experiences and needs from written reflective journal feedback15
Differential diagnosis checklists reduce diagnostic error differentially: A randomised experiment14
Intention mutability and translation of rural intention into actual rural medical practice14
Implementing longitudinal integrated curricula: Systematic review of barriers and facilitators14
Using a time out: Reimagining professional identity formation after the pandemic14
Implementation of virtual OSCE in health professions education: A systematic review14
Widening how we see the impact of culture on learning, practice and identity development in clinical environments14
The logic behind entrustable professional activity frameworks: A scoping review of the literature14
Patient involvement in assessment of postgraduate medical learners: A scoping review14
Bricolage: A tool for race‐related, historically situated complex research14
‘Yourself in all your forms’: A grounded theory exploration of identity safety in medical students14
The potential of narrative analysis for HPE research: Highlighting five analytic lenses14
Medical student learner neglect in the clinical learning environment: Applying Glaser’s theoretical model14
Interprofessional identity and motivation towards interprofessional collaboration13
Heard, valued, supported? Doctors' wellbeing during transitions triggered by COVID‐1913
Navigating landscapes of practice: A longitudinal qualitative study of physicians in medical education13
Skeptical self‐regulation: Resident experiences of uncertainty about uncertainty13
Medical educators’ views and experiences of trigger warnings in teaching sensitive content13
Exploring power dynamics and their impact on intraprofessional learning13
Negotiating legitimacy and belonging: Disabled students' and practitioners' experience13
Gender bias in resident evaluations: Natural language processing and competency evaluation13
Weighting admission scores to balance predictiveness‐diversity: The Pareto‐optimization approach12
How argumentation theory can inform assessment validity: A critical review12
When I say … privilege12
Burnout, wellbeing and how they relate: A qualitative study in general practice trainees12
Goal co‐construction and dialogue in an internal medicine longitudinal coaching programme12
The F3 phenomenon: Early‐career training breaks in medical training. A scoping review12
Altruism or nationalism? Exploring global discourses of medical school regulation12
Understanding the impact of academic difficulties among medical students: A scoping review12
Student perspectives on programmatic assessment in a large medical programme: A critical realist analysis11
Making prospective entrustment decisions: Knowing limits, seeking help and defaulting11
The impact of shared social spaces on the wellness and learning of junior doctors: A scoping review11
An act of performance: Exploring residents’ decision‐making processes to seek help11
Admissions experiences of aspiring physicians from low‐income backgrounds11
A phenomenological exploration of the impact of COVID‐19 on the medical education community11
The development of professional identity in clinical psychologists: A scoping review11
When I say … diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)11
The problem with solutions11
“I might not fit that doctor image”: Ideal worker norms and women medical students11
The organizational growth mindset: Animating improvement and innovation in medical education11
Desirable Difficulty: Theory and application of intentionally challenging learning11
Doctors' attitudes to maintenance of professional competence: A scoping review11
What about the supervisor? Clinical supervisors’ role in student nurses’ peer learning: A phenomenographic study10
Exploring how feedback reflects entrustment decisions using artificial intelligence10
When I say … microlearning10
Incentives for clinical teachers: On why their complex influences should lead us to proceed with caution10
More than meets the eye: The impact of imposter syndrome on feedback receptivity10
The fatigue paradox: Team perceptions of physician fatigue10
How workplace‐based assessments guide learning in postgraduate education: A scoping review10
Disability, program access, empathy and burnout in US medical students: A national study10
Medical competence as a multilayered construct10
Love and breakup letter methodology: A new research technique for medical education10
Quantifying teaching quality in medical education: The impact of learning gain calculation10
When I say… health advocacy10
Demonstrating equivalence and non‐inferiority of medical education concepts9
Competence committees: The steep climb from concept to implementation9
Medical students' views on the value of trigger warnings in education: A qualitative study9
When I say … feedback literacy9
Perspectives on physician leadership: The role of character‐based leadership in medicine9
When I say… socialisation9
Who's on your team? Specialty identity and inter‐physician conflict during admissions9
Self in medicine: Determinants of physician well‐being and future directions in improving wellness9
Thinking with two brains: Student perspectives on the presentation of race in pre‐clinical medical education9
Medical student engagement in small‐group active learning: A stimulated recall study9
Dual and duelling purposes: An exploration of educators' perspectives on the use of reflective writing to remediate professionalism in residency9
‘Nurses whisper.’ Identities in nurses’ patient safety narratives of nurse‐trainee doctors’ interactions9
The experiences of autistic medical students: A phenomenological study9
State of the science: Quality improvement of medical curricula—How should we approach it?8
Designing the learning of intraprofessional collaboration among medical residents8
Getting airtime: Exploring how patients shape the stories they tell health practitioners8
Patients' perspectives on medical students' professionalism: Blind spots and opportunities8
Exploring the use of rating scales with entrustment anchors in workplace‐based assessment8
Early generalist placements are associated with family medicine career choice: A systematic review and meta‐analysis8
‘Just pretending’: Narratives of professional identity transitions in internal medicine8
Qualitative analysis of medical student reflections on the implicit association test8
An intersectional participatory action research approach to explore and address class elitism in medical education8
When I say… empathic dissonance8
Longitudinal training models for entrusting students with independent patient care?: A systematic review8
Patient‐present teaching in the clinic: Effect on agency and professional behaviour8
Resident duty hours and resident and patient outcomes: Systematic review and meta‐analysis8
Training physicians and residents for the use of Electronic Health Records—A comparative case study between two hospitals7
Identifying validity evidence for uncertainty tolerance scales: A systematic review7
Determining influence, interaction and causality of contrast and sequence effects in objective structured clinical exams7
Physician‐faculty perceptions towards teaching incentives: A case study at a children’s hospital7
Prescribing decision making by medical residents on night shifts: A qualitative study7
‘Excuse the cat…’ Reflections on online mentoring during the COVID‐19 pandemic7
Virtual education strategies in the context of sustainable health care and medical education: A topic modelling analysis of four decades of research7
Qualitative ego networks in health professions education: Capturing the self in relation to others7
Hetero‐ and cisnormativity—UK pharmacy education as a queer opponent7
Building a theoretical model for virtual interprofessional education7
Quality and constructed knowledge: Truth, paradigms, and the state of the science7
The potential use of Bayesian Networks to support committee decisions in programmatic assessment7
Whiteness theory and the (in)visible hierarchy in medical education7
Practical guidelines to build Sense of Community in online medical education7
Fate and future of the medical students in Ukraine: A silently bubbling educational crisis7
Health educators' professional agency in negotiating their problem‐based learning (PBL) facilitator roles: Q study7
Making it fair: Learners’ and assessors’ perspectives of the attributes of fair judgement7
Normalising disclosure or reinforcing heroism? An exploratory critical discourse analysis of mental health stigma in medical education7
Identifying characteristics of a skilled communicator in the clinical encounter7
Task complexity and cognitive load in simulation‐based education: A randomised trial7
When I say resistance7
Unpacking economic programme theory for supervision training: Preliminary steps towards realist economic evaluation7
Publishing during COVID‐19: Lessons for health professions education research7
Situational judgement test performance and subsequent misconduct in medical students7
Revealing the impact of the hidden curriculum on faculty teaching: A qualitative study6
Faculty perspectives on facilitating medical students' longitudinal learning: A mixed‐methods study6
Professional identity struggle and ideology: A qualitative study of residents' experiences6
When I sayresponse process validity evidence6
Urban ideals and rural realities: Physiotherapists navigating paradox in overlapping roles6
Is person‐centred medical education an aim or an empty promise?6
Learning technology in health professions education: Realising an (un)imagined future6
When I say psychological debriefing6
Beyond brick and mortar: Staying connected in post‐pandemic blended learning environments6
Student ethnicity predicts social learning experiences, self‐regulatory focus and grades6
When I stood up for something it's because I felt a… moral violation’: Trainees' acts of resistance against social harm and injustice6
Transforming global health professions education for sustainability6
Learner engagement and teaching effectiveness in livestreamed versus in‐person CME6
The promise of a health professions education imagination6
Adding guidance to deliberate reflection improves medical student’s diagnostic accuracy6
Medical student engagement during the COVID‐19 pandemic—A student perspective6
Prioritising and reflecting on context in medical education6
Structural individualism or collaborative mindsets: Next steps for peer learning6
Responding to change in a medical student rural community service: Insights from activity theory6
Faculty development participants' experiences of working with change in clinical settings6
Changing workplace‐based education norms through ‘collaborative intentionality’6
Scratching beneath the surface: How organisational culture influences curricular reform6
‘I was uncertain, but I was acting on it’: A longitudinal qualitative study of medical students' responses to uncertainty6
A critical look at ideas, concerns and expectations in clinical communication6
Competent to provide compassionate care? A critical discourse analysis of accreditation standards6
Emancipatory knowledge and epistemic reflexivity: The knowledge and practice for change?6
Facilitating international medical graduates' acculturation: From theory to practice6
Preparing for selection success: Socio‐demographic differences in opportunities and obstacles6
Athletes in medicine: A systematic review of performance of athletes in medicine6
Let me be perfectly queer: Improving sexual orientation and gender identity data collection6
A scoping review of self‐monitoring in graduate medical education6
Exploring mechanisms underlying learning from deliberate reflection: An experimental study5
Smartphone‐based augmented reality physiology and anatomy laboratories5
Materials matter: Understanding the importance of sociomaterial assemblages for OSCE candidate performance5
When I say … Identity5
Exploring nurses' role in guiding residents' workplace learning: A mixed‐method study5
Economic evaluation of CPD activities for healthcare professionals: A scoping review5
How do cognitive processes influence script concordance test responses?5
The contribution of undergraduate medical education dress codes to systemic discrimination: A critical policy analysis5
Rise of the Med‐Ed‐ists: Achieving a critical mass of non‐practicing clinicians within medical education5
Striving to thrive or striving to survive: Professional identity constructions of medical trainees in clinical assessment activities5
Is two a crowd? A qualitative analysis of dyad learning in an OBGYN clinical clerkship5
Medical students' rural practice intention: Academic performance matters5
The shift from disbelieving underperformance to recognising failure: A tipping point model5
Opening up learning conversations: Including patients5
His opportunity, her burden: A narrative critical review of why women decline academic opportunities5
How can medical educators be good ancestors?5
Strangers in a strange land: The experience of physicians undergoing remediation5
Understanding moral empathy: A verbatim‐theatre supported phenomenological exploration of the empathy imperative5
Is uncertainty tolerance an epiphenomenon?5
vOSCEs 2.0: Operationalising a universal low‐cost virtual OSCE5
Demonstrating causality, bestowing honours, and contributing to the arms race: Threats to the sustainability of HPE research5
Dealing with uncertainty in clinical reasoning: A threshold model and the roles of experience and task framing5
Entrustment decisions and the clinical team: A case study of early clinical students5
The many spaces of psychological safety in health professions education5
Gender‐focused training improves leadership of female medical students: A randomised trial5
Patient outcomes in a Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship: A systematic literature review5
What is the association between student well‐being and high‐stakes examination scores?5
‘My doctor self and my human self’: A qualitative study of physicians' presentation of self on social media5
The hunter and the lion: Amplifying health care consumers' voices in health care education5
Dyadic explanations during preparatory self‐study enhance learning: A randomised controlled study4
Health advocacy among medical learners: Unpacking contextual barriers and affordances4
Enhancing remediation by focusing on affective experience4
You never forget your first? Impact of interview timing on institutional rank order4
Approaches to interpersonal conflict in simulation debriefings: A qualitative study4
Before the scalpel: Exploring surgical residents' preoperative preparatory strategies4
Rethinking assessment in response to generative artificial intelligence4
Inferring signs from purposeful samples: The role of context in competency assessment4
Beyond competence: Towards a more holistic perspective in medical education4
Supportive and collaborative interdependence: Distinguishing residents’ contributions within health care teams4
The medical internship as a meaningful transition: A phenomenographic study4
Navigating the burden of proof and responsibility: A narrative inquiry into Indigenous medical learners' experiences4
From bones to bytes: Do manipulable 3D models have added value in osteology education compared to static images?4
Good for patients but not learners? Exploring faculty and learner virtual care integration4
On identity, agency and (sub)culture4
Fewer medical students are open to body donation after dissecting human cadavers4
Learning by doing: A phenomenological study of medical student leaders4
In support of appropriate psychological debriefing4
Social inclusivity – Medical education’s next hurdle4
Funding of health professional education: China’s 20‐year process and a global comparison4
Lessons in implementing virtual case‐based learning4
‘Oh yes, that is also reflection’—Using discursive psychology to describe how GP registrars construct reflection4