Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

(The TQCC of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Recycling and adapting Constantine Manasses’ Aristandros and Kallithea in the Palaiologan Chapters in Political Verse2
Philhellenism and after: Greece in E.F. Benson's life and work2
Living by his wit: Tzetzes' Aristophanic variations on the conundrums of a ‘professional writer’1
Vaticinium de restitutione Constantinopoleos (BHG 1875b): Edition and translation of a post-Byzantine prophecy1
Alexander Kitroeff, The Greeks and the Making of Modern Egypt. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2019. Pp 2491
The voices of the tale: the storyteller in early Byzantine collective biographies, miracle collections, and collections of edifying tales1
Vangelis Hatzivasiliou, Η κίνηση του εκκρεμούς: Άτομο και κοινωνία στη νεότερη ελληνική πεζογραφία 1974–2017. Athens: Polis, 2018. Pp 910.1
Lambros Kamperidis and Denise Harvey (eds.), Alexandros Papadiamandis, The Boundless Garden. Selected Short Stories, Volume II. Limni, Evia: Denise Harvey (Publisher), 2019. Pp. xx, 363.1
Trine Stauning Willert and Gerasimus Katsan (eds.), Retelling the Past in Contemporary Greek Literature, Film, and Popular Culture. Lanham: Lexington Books, Pp. 276.1
Katerina Krikos-Davis (ed.), George Seferis, Μέρες Η (2 Γενάρη 1961–16 Δεκέμβρη 1963) and Μέρες Θ (1 Φεβρουαρίου 1964–11 Μάη 1971). Pp. 384 + 352 Athens: Ikaros 2018, 2019.1
Evan Jones (tr.), C.P. Cavafy, The Barbarians Arrive Today: Poems and Prose. Manchester: Carcanet Classics, 2020. Pp. 338.1
The Battle of Peta (1822): when the Philhellenes fought like the Greek irregulars1
Narrative coherence inDigenes Akrites(G)0
Eleni Kakoulidi-Panou, Eleni Karantzola, Katerina Tiktopoulou, Δημώδης Πεζός Λόγος του 16ου αιώνα. Athens: Μορφωτικό Ίδρυμα Εθνικής Τραπέζης, 2023. Pp. cxii + 761.0
Marjorie Chambers, Yannis Ritsos Among his Contemporaries. Twentieth-Century Greek Poetry Translated by Marjorie Chambers. London: Colenso Books, 2018. Pp. xvii, 233.0
BYZ volume 45 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
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The metropolitan and the Theban silk industry: a hypothetical reconstruction0
George Andreiomenos (ed.), Γιάννης Ρίτσος, Πρώιμα ποιήματα και πεζά. Athens: Kedros 2018. Pp. 288.0
Constructing continuity: heritage listing and monument preservation in Greater Athens from the 1920s to the 1970s0
E. McGreer (tr.), Byzantium in the Time of Troubles: The Continuation of the Chronicle of John Skylitzes (1057–1079). Leiden: Brill, 2020, Pp. xvi, 216.0
BYZ volume 45 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Marc D. Lauxtermann, Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres: Texts and Contexts. Volume Two. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2019. Pp. 431.0
Monks, laity and the prospect of self-sufficiency: Souflar Metochi of Vatopedi Monastery0
Peter Mackridge (1946–2022)0
Petros T. Pizanias, The Making of the Modern Greeks, 1400–1820, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2020. Pp. xiii, 544.0
BYZ volume 46 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Panagiotis Agapitos (tr.), The Tale of Livistros and Rodamne: A Byzantine Love Romance of the 13th Century. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2021. Pp. 224.0
Kazantzakis and America0
Greek identity and education in the seventeenth century: Theophilos Korydalleus’ political movement in the Orthodox East0
Konstantinos Dapontes, Selected Writings: Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Elina Tsalicoglou. Cambridge, MA 2019, Pp. lxvii, 1280
The controversy over Ancient Greek as a school subject: education, ideology, and politics in times of crisis0
Tuning the pen: poetry writing and patronage networks around the end of the Byzantine empire0
Constructing the ‘theatre of power’: the performance of speeches of Emperor Leo VI the Wise0
Βασίλης Μακρυδήμας, Στον αστερισμό των αντιθέσεων. Ο κριτικός και δοκιμιογράφος Τ.Κ. Παπατσώνης. Αthens: Gutenberg 2021. pp. 499.0
Michael Llewellyn-Smith, Venizelos: The Making of a Greek Statesman, 1864-1914. London: Hurst, 2012. Pp. 3200
Joseph A. Munitiz, S.J. (1931-2022)0
Mark Whittow (1957–2017): a tribute0
The international dimensions of the Metapolitefsi, 1974–1976: a reassessment0
Emmanuel Roïdes, Pope Joan Translated by David Connolly. Athens: Aiora Press, 2019. Pp. 2310
Seeing Byzantium through Edwin Freshfield's eyes: Arts and Crafts, antiquarianism, and learned societies at the end of the nineteenth century0
Elizabeth Jeffreys (22 July 1941–12 September 2023)0
Greek Folk Songs, translated by Joshua Barley. Athens: Aiora Press, 2022. Pp. 184.0
Class and society in Ithaca under Tocco and early Venetian rule (1357–ca. 1600)0
A repentant sinner: representing the self in Nikephoros Ouranos’ catanyctic alphabet0
Did the Byzantines call themselves Byzantines? Elements of Eastern Roman identity in the imperial discourse of the seventh century0
Martha Karpozilou, Τα ελληνικά περιοδικά του 19ου αιώνα, Athens: Library of the Hellenic Parliament, 2021. Pp. 220 and 410.0
Haunted pasts and the future of Byzantine historiography: George Sphrantzes’ Chronicon Minus as witness literature0
Dimitris Tziovas, Greece from Junta to Crisis: Modernization, Transition and Diversity, London: I.B. Tauris 2021. Pp. viii + 3090
‘The English despot’: Francis Noel-Baker and his support for the Colonels’ regime0
Fragments from Ottoman Zagori: continuity and change in a montane landscape through a local perspective0
Rico Franses, Donor Portraits in Byzantine Art: the vicissitudes of contact between human and divine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Pp. xiii, 247, 64 figs.0
Mark Mazower, The Greek Revolution: 1821 and the Making of Modern Europe. London: Allen Lane, 2021 and Paschalis M. Kitromilides and Constantinos Tsoukalas (eds), The Greek Revolution: A Critical Dict0
BYZ volume 47 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
Catherine Vanderheyde, La Sculpture byzantine du IXe au XVe siècle: contexte – mise en oeuvre – décors. Paris: Éditions A. & J. Picard, 2020. Pp. 364, 193 figs.0
Remarks on the collection of Byzantine lead seals of the Barber Institute of Fine Arts (University of Birmingham): mobility, networks, and identity in eastern Pontos0
Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Religion and Politics in the Orthodox World: The Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Challenges of Modernity, Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. xiv, 130 + 10 b/w illustrat0
Georgia Gotsi, Ελίζαμπεθ Μ. ´Εντμοντς, μια βικτωριανή βιογραφεί τον Ρήγα, Εισαγωγή – Κείμενο – Σχόλια. Athens: Ε.Ι.Ε. /Ι.Ι.Ε, 2020. Pp. 1610
David Holton, Geoffrey Horrocks, Marjolijne Janssen, Tina Lendari, Io Manolessou and Notis Toufexis, The Cambridge Grammar of Medieval and Early Modern Greek. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 200
Speros Vryonis, Jr. (1928–2019)0
Art and female agency in late Byzantium: three methodological case studies.0
Scott Fitzgerald Johnson, Literary Territories: Cartographical Thinking in Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. Pp. xiv, 195.0
Florin Leonte, Imperial Visions of Late Byzantium: Manuel II Palaiologos and Rhetoric in Purple. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. Pp. 3440
Scotland's ‘Vagabonding Greekes’, 1453–16880
Another reconsideration of the Madaba map0
A taste for all things Byzantine: Byzantium in the collections of Antonis Benakis0
Reassessing a Late Byzantine masterpiece: the Deesis mosaic in the Hagia Sophia of Constantinople0
Paschalis M. Kitromilides (ed.), Η Κυπριακή Συλλογή Πετραρχικών και άλλων Αναγεννησιακών Ποιημάτων, Introduction: Elsi Mathiopoulou-Tornaritou, Accompanying texts: Giovanna Carbonaro, Eirini Papadaki.0
Georgia Gotsi and Despina Provata (eds.), Languages, Identities and Cultural Transfers. Modern Greeks in the Press (1850–1900). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021, Pp. 270.0
Dimitris Papanikolaou, Greek Weird Wave: a cinema of biopolitics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. Pp. xiv, 268 - Marios Psarras, The Queer Greek Weird Wave: ethics, politics and the crisi0
Andrew Mellas, Liturgy and the Emotions in Byzantium: compunction and hymnody. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. xii, 206.0
Kostas Yiavis, Imperios and Margarona. The Rhymed Version. Critical Edition with Introduction, Commentary and Index–Glossary. Athens: ΜΙΕΤ 2019. Pp. 523 + 31 plates.0
Making sense of an execution: Patriarch Gregory V between the Sublime Porte and the Patriarchate0
The historiography of the Greek-Turkish War in Asia Minor: Britain, Greece, and others, 1915 - 19230
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A change of heart? Theophilos on his deathbed0
Elisavet Kotzia, Ελληνική Πεζογραφία 1974–2010: Το μέτρο και τα σταθμά. Athens: Polis, 2020. Pp 751.0
Middle and Late Byzantine sigillographic evidence from western Anatolia: eighth- to early twelfth-century lead seals from Bergama (ancient Pergamon)0
The Albanoi in Michael Attaleiates’ History: revisiting the Vranoussi-Ducellier debate0
Marriage, comedy, and the patristic tradition in the first Ptochoprodromic poem0
BYZ volume 46 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
BYZ volume 48 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
BYZ volume 45 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
BYZ volume 48 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
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BYZ volume 47 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Έρωτος Αποτελέσματα (1792): Τα στιχουργήματα. Φιλολογική επιμέλεια Ναταλία Δεληγιαννάκη, γλωσσάρι Peter Mackridge. Athens: Μορφωτικό Ίδρυμα Εθνικής Τραπέζης, 2018. Pp. 309.0
The Rebellious 1960s via the Prosperous 1990s: Youth, Modernity and Consumption in Antonis Kokkinos’Τέλος εποχής(End of an Era) (1994)0
Buket Kitapçı Bayrı, Warriors, Martyrs, and Dervishes – moving frontiers, shifting identities in the land of Rome (13th-15th centuries). Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020. Pp. xii, 259.0
Founding fathers of Greek history-writing in early modern Constantinople0
Building women's social capital in Late Antique Egypt: business owners and civic administrators0
Reading social change on a potter's wheel: Chalcis (Euboea) from the Byzantine to the Modern Greek era0
Legal pluralism for whose sake? Ottoman law, Greek jurists, and religious privileges0
Some remarks on Elytis’ Crinagoras0
‘The Way We Were’: a journey in the last fifty years of Byzantine archaeology (1975-2024)0
‘And thus a shared marriage bound us to Germany’: the image of Wilhelmine Germany in the Kingdom of Greece (1889–1914)0
Local involvement in modern Greek revivals of ancient theatres: Delphi and Epidaurus in the inter-war period0
The Presence of Christ in the Eucharist κατ' οὐσίαν. On the interpretation and the source of a fragment from the Homily of George Scholarios and its impact on the Eucharistic doctrine of the Greek Ort0
The Ledra Palace Hotel and the ‘difficult history’ of modern Cyprus0
Anthony Kaldellis, Romanland: Ethnicity and Empire in Byzantium, Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2019. Pp. xv, 373.0
Early Byzantine sigillographic evidence from western Anatolia: sixth- and seventh-century lead seals from Bergama (ancient Pergamon)0
Rock-cut façades: conveyors of ‘false’ monumentality in Byzantine Cappadocia0
The Preacher and the King: vision and meaning in Atheniensis 2110
Nathanael Aschenbrenner and Jake Ransohoff (eds), The Invention of Byzantium in Early Modern Europe. Washington, DC, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection 2021, Pp. xviii + 457.0
The abduction of General Kreipe in Crete: bloodless or bloody?0
Stories of emperors, sultans, and cities: comparing protagonists in the histories of Doukas and Leonardo Bruni0
Ingela Nilsson, Writer and Occasion in Twelfth-century Byzantium: the authorial voice of Constantine Manasses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. x, 222.0
The weak life of the nation: Spyridon Zambelios’ philosophical history and its Hegelian roots0
The popular perception of Byzantium in contemporary Turkish culture0
Pınar Üre, Reclaiming Byzantium: Russia, Turkey and the Archaeological Claim to the Middle East in the 19th Century. London: I B Tauris 2020. Pp. 2120
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Robert G. Ousterhout, Eastern Medieval Architecture. The building traditions of Byzantium and neighboring lands. New York: Oxford University Press 2019, Pp. 7830
Essence and accident: Byzantine portraiture and Aristotelian philosophy0
Gioula Koutsopanagou, The British Press and the Greek Crisis, 1943–1949: Orchestrating the Cold-War ‘Consensus’ in Britain. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Pp. xii, 375.0
Generic self-awareness in a Komnenian novel: the hero in Drosilla and Charikles0
Στέφανος Κακλαμάνης, Ἡ Κρητικὴ ποίηση στὰ χρόνια τῆς Ἀναγέννησης (14ος – 17ος αἰ.), 3 volumes, Athens: Μορφωτικὸ Ἵδρυμα Ἐθνικῆς Τραπέζης, 2019–20.0
Mathieu Couderc, Identités subies, identités integrées: Les Grecs dans l'Europe du Nord-Ouest (XVe-XVIe siècle). Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2023. Pp. 627.0
Antioch's Last Heirs: The Hatay Greek Orthodox Community between Greece, Syria and Turkey0
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BYZ volume 47 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
BYZ volume 48 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
Baukje van den Berg, Homer the Rhetorician: Eustathios of Thessaloniki on the Composition of the Iliad (Oxford Studies in Byzantium). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. XVIII, 2600
‘The sublime objects of liminality’: the Byzantine insular-coastal koine and its administration in the passage from Late Antiquity to the early Middle Ages (ca. 600–ca. 850)0
Gonda van Steen, Adoption, Memory and the Cold War: Kid pro quo? Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2019. Pp. 330, xx.0
Alexander Riehle (ed.), A Companion to Byzantine Epistolography (Brill's Companions to the Byzantine World 7). Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2020. Pp. xii, 531.0
Petros Bouras-Vallianatos, Innovation in Byzantine Medicine. The Writings of John Aktouarios (c. 1275-x. 1330). Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020. Pp. xviii + 342.0
Inter-faith relations and their spatial representation in the Late Medieval Aegean: the double-apsed churches of Kythnos in the Western Cyclades0
The semantron to Western ears: othering through sound0
Paula Meehan's Greek journey: environmental footsteps0
An antidote to anarchy? Images of monarchy in Greece in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries0
Personal responses to danger in Greek graffiti: inscriptional formulae and self-expression at three late antique and Byzantine sites0
Holy icon or sacred body? The image of the emperor in the iconoclastic controversy0