International Statistical Review

(The TQCC of International Statistical Review is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
A Critical Review of LASSO and Its Derivatives for Variable Selection Under Dependence Among Covariates43
Predictive Inference Based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Output37
A Review of Spatial Causal Inference Methods for Environmental and Epidemiological Applications35
Priors in Bayesian Deep Learning: A Review32
Prediction, Estimation, and Attribution30
Data Integration by Combining Big Data and Survey Sample Data for Finite Population Inference20
Rethinking the Effective Sample Size19
Initialization of Hidden Markov and Semi‐Markov Models: A Critical Evaluation of Several Strategies18
Bias, Fairness and Accountability with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithms18
Spatial Regression With Partial Differential Equation Regularisation17
Ranks and Pseudo‐ranks—Surprising Results of Certain Rank Tests in Unbalanced Designs12
Another Look at the Lady Tasting Tea and Differences Between Permutation Tests and Randomisation Tests11
Enhancing Data Science Ethics Through Statistical Education and Practice9
On the Effects of Spatial Confounding in Hierarchical Models9
Supervised Machine Learning Techniques: An Overview with Applications to Banking9
Stable Discovery of Interpretable Subgroups via Calibration in Causal Studies8
Modern Strategies for Time Series Regression8
Variable Selection for Interval‐censored Failure Time Data6
Reluctant Generalised Additive Modelling6
Efficient and robust propensity‐score‐based methods for population inference using epidemiologic cohorts6
Correspondence Analysis Using the Cressie–Read Family of Divergence Statistics6
A Review of Seasonal Adjustment Diagnostics5
Temporal Models for Demographic and Global Health Outcomes in Multiple Populations: Introducing a New Framework to Review and Standardise Documentation of Model Assumptions and Facilitate Model Compar5
Modelling Excess Zeros in Count Data: A New Perspective on Modelling Approaches5
White Noise Test from Ordinal Patterns in the Entropy–Complexity Plane5
Statistical analysis of longitudinal studies4
A Statistical Review of Template Model Builder: A Flexible Tool for Spatial Modelling4
Practical Review and Comparison of Modified Covariance Estimators for Linear Mixed Models in Small‐sample Longitudinal Studies with Missing Data4
Estimating Sampling Errors in Consumer Price Indices4
Directions Old and New: Palaeomagnetism and Fisher (1953) Meet Modern Statistics4
From Pareto to Weibull – A Constructive Review of Distributions on +4
Rao–Blackwellisation in the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Era3
Constructing Flexible, Identifiable and Interpretable Statistical Models for Binary Data3
A Review of Data‐Driven Discovery for Dynamic Systems3
Are You All Normal? It Depends!3
ABC of the future3
Likelihood‐Based Inference for the Finite Population Mean with Post‐Stratification Information Under Non‐Ignorable Non‐Response3
An Efficient Test for Homogeneity of Mean Directions on the Hyper‐sphere3
Nonparametric Testing of the Dependence Structure Among Points–Marks–Covariates in Spatial Point Patterns3
Path algorithms for fused lasso signal approximator with application to COVID‐19 spread in Korea2
C. Radhakrishna Rao: A Century in Statistical Science2
Increasing Trust in New Data Sources: Crowdsourcing Image Classification for Ecology2
Spatial Sampling for Non‐compact Patterns2
Survival Modelling for Data From Combined Cohorts: Opening the Door to Meta Survival Analyses and Survival Analysis Using Electronic Health Records2
Double Empirical Bayes Testing2
A Legacy of EM Algorithms2
Unlucky Number 13? Manipulating Evidence Subject to Snooping2
The Data Science Process: One Culture2
A joint normal‐binary (probit) model2
Fisher's g Revisited2
A Survey of Monte Carlo Methods for Noisy and Costly Densities With Application to Reinforcement Learning and ABC2
A Conversation With Paul Embrechts2
Optimal Treatment Regimes: A Review and Empirical Comparison2
Simultaneous inference for linear mixed model parameters with an application to small area estimation2
Deconfounding and Causal Regularisation for Stability and External Validity2
Sparser Ordinal Regression Models Based on Parametric and Additive Location‐Shift Approaches2