International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology

(The TQCC of International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Emotional States Related to Sexual Offending Versus Violent Offending Using a Schema Therapy Perspective33
The Effects of Vocational Education on Recidivism and Employment Among Individuals Released Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic30
The Role of Gender Stereotypes, Sexual Myths, and Professional Experience on the Attitudes Toward Female-Perpetrated Sexual Abuse Among Turkish Professionals19
Effectiveness of Moral Developmental Interventions for Youth Engaged in Delinquent Behavior: A Meta-Analysis18
Involvement in Crime and Delinquency and the Development of Technological and Computer Skills: A Longitudinal Analysis15
Multiple Disadvantage and Social Networks: Toward an Integrated Theory of Health Care Use During Reentry From Criminal Justice Settings15
Residential Instability and Suicidal Ideation Among Persons on Parole14
Sexual Offending: The Intrepid Professional-Adventurer and The Dejected Revenger-Victim14
The Gray Pains of Imprisonment: Examining the Perceptions of Confinement among a Sample of Sexagenarians and Septuagenarians13
Parental Divorce and Adolescent Offending: A Comparison Between Children of Discordant Siblings12
The Synergistic Effects of Risk-Principle Adherence in the Supervision and Treatment of Individuals Who Have Sexually Offended11
Adolescent Delinquency and Adulthood Economic Disadvantage and Job Benefits: Results From a Longitudinal Sample of Males and Females11
The Greentown Project: Building Evidence to inform Intervention Design for Juveniles Caught-up in Local Criminal Networks11
A Content Analysis of Prison Websites: Exploring Approaches to Rehabilitation in Latin America10
Applying a Maternal Standards of Care Audit Tool and Quality Improvement Process to Improve Healthcare for Pregnant Women in Prison10
Ben Crewe on the Bench? Bringing the Dimensional Pains of Punishment into the Courtroom9
The Impact of Life Domains on Developmental Trajectories of Peer Delinquency among Korean Adolescents: A Partial Test of Agnew’s General Theory of Crime and Delinquency with a Group-Based Trajectory M9
Using Strength and Risk Factors to Inform Treatment Typologies Over Time for Men on Community Supervision9
Psychological Normality or Abnormality: A Case Study on Salafi-Jihadists in the Middle-East9
Benefits of Art therapy in Prison Population with a Diagnosis of Mental Illnes: A Systematic Review8
Exploring Models of Care and the Perceived Impact in an Offender Rehabilitation Program8
Inmates’ Adaptation to Prison: Investigating the Mediating Role of Resilience in the Relationship between Religiosity and Prison Adjustment8
Wrongful Convictions and Erroneous Acquittals: Applying Packer’s Model to Examine Public Perceptions of Judicial Errors in Australia7
Redemption or Manipulation? Revisiting the Art of a Serial Killer—A Dialogue7
Procedural Justice in Their Eyes: A Qualitative Interview Study Among Detainees7
Do Triarchic Psychopathy Components of New Zealand High-Risk Parolees Predict Probation Officer Relationship Quality, Quality of Life on Parole, and Recidivism?7
Low Self-Control and Perceptions of Procedural Justice Among Urban-Born Youth: The Moderating Role of Officer Intrusiveness7
Adolescent Violent Delinquency Associated With Increased Emergency Department Usage in Young Adulthood7
Religion, Accountability, and the Risk of Aggressive Misconduct Among Prisoners: Preliminary Evidence of Restorative Rehabilitation7
Psychopathic Traits in a Swedish Court-Ordered Forensic Sample: Preferential Associations of Boldness, Meanness, and Disinhibition7
“People say you’re going home, but I don’t have a home”: Housing After Prison7
Screening for Light Personalities in Portugal: A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Light Triad Scale With an At-risk-of-delinquency Sample7
Pornography Use and Sexual Offending: An Examination of Perceptions of Role and Risk6
“One of Us”: Reframed Labels, Compassion and Hope in Voluntary Prison Work With Ex-Servicemen6
Motivations for Seeking Laser Tattoo Removal and Perceived Outcomes as Reported by Justice Involved Adults6
Addressing Military Sexual Violence by Proposing a Social Media Influencer Model6
Differentiating Categories of Violent Adolescent Offending and the Associated Risks in Police and Youth Offending Service Records6
Results From a Non-Randomized Pilot Study Evaluating the Impact of a Novel Group Treatment Program Targeting Aggressive Script Rehearsal and Emotion Regulation in a Sample of Incarcerated Males6
Puberty Timing and Adolescent Antisocial Behavior: The Role of Callous-Unemotional Traits, Sensation Seeking, and Parental Hostility6
Collaborative Healthcare in Incarcerated Settings6
Criticism, Compassion, and Conspiracy Theories: A Thematic Analysis of What Twitter Users Are Saying About COVID-19 in Correctional Settings6
Assessing Rural-Urban Differences in Screening for Mental Health Needs Among Individuals in County Jails6
Police Job Stress, Workload and Burnout in Nigeria: The Tired and Frustrated Cops6
Treatment Evaluation in Forensic Psychiatry. Which One Should Be Used: The Clinical Judgment or the Instrument-based Assessment of Change?6
Formerly Detained Adolescents’ Narratives: On the Interplay between Quality of Life and Desistance5
Critical Social Media Analysis: Problematising Online Policy Representations of the Impact of Imprisonment on Families5
From Their Angle: A Look at the Emotional World of Defense Attorneys Who Represent Sex Offenders5
Religion and Misconduct Among Prison Inmates in South Korea5
Callous-Unemotional Traits are Associated With Child-to-Parent Aggression5
Fear of Crime among Female North Korean Defectors in South Korea5
Sociodemographic and psycho social Differences Between Hate Crime Offenders and Other Non-Bias-Motivated Criminals: Implications for Prison Rehabilitation Programs5
Developing an Intervention to Improve Occupational Participation for Justice-Involved People with a Personality Disorder: Defining and Describing Intervention Components5
Creating a Benevolent World: Exploration of a Music-Based Rehabilitation Program for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals5
Unmasking the Pandemic’s Dark Side: Exploring the Roles of Stress, Emotions, and Alcohol Use in Violent Behavior Across Six Countries5
Longitudinal Change of Risk Factors During Treatment in High-Security Forensic Psychiatry in Flanders5
The Pragmatic American Revisited: A Direct Replication of5
The Importance of Positive Social Support During Reentry From Prison: Examining the Role of Volunteer Mentoring5
Parenting Attitudes and Abusive Parenting among Incarcerated Mothers in Japan5
The Role of Situational Factors in Child-to-Parent Abuse: Implications for Assessment, Management, and Intervention5
Unfeeling or Uncontrolled? PCL-R Subfactor-Specific Anomalies in Psychological Processing During Criminal Behavior5
Stalking Victimization and Emotional Consequences: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between American and Spanish University Students4
Predictors of General Deviance in the Context of COVID-194
Understanding Violent Extremism: Identifying Motivational Classes in Male Jihadist Detainees4
Gender-responsive Classification of Women in Prison: A Typology Based on Mental Health Symptoms and Coping Strategies4
Effects of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Male Portuguese Prisoners4
Retraction: Halfway Out: An Examination of the Effects of Halfway Houses on Criminal Recidivism4
Who’s Prone to Breaking the Rules?—Predictors of Challenging Patient Behavior in Forensic Addiction Treatment4
Major Depressive Disorder as a Driver of Dual Systems Model Development During Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Among Justice-Involved Youth: Is Salience Age-Graded?4
A Proposal for a Best-evidence Model of Care and Program Logic for Supported Accommodation for People Released From Prison4
Power and Intimacy Motives in Narratives About Closeness Presented by People Staying in a Penitentiary Institution4
Wildlife Trade and Law Enforcement: A Proposal for a Remodeling of CITES Incorporating Species Justice, Ecojustice, and Environmental Justice4
Entrepreneurship and Criminal Justice Populations: A Social Cognitive Perspective4
The Practice of Spiritual Criminology: A Non-Doing Companionship for Crime Desistance4
Impressive Factors of the Victimization of Shiite Muslim Minorities in Afghanistan: A Case Study District 13 of Kabul during the Pre-Taliban Period4
The Motherhood Experiences of Women Incarcerated at the Johannesburg Maximum Correctional Facility, in the Gauteng Province, South Africa4
The Impact of an Expressive Writing and Storytelling Program on Ex-Offenders: A Pilot Study4
Expanding the IDEA: Ongoing- and Evolving-Evaluation of an Art Therapy in Prisons Program4
Systematic Aggression Registration in Forensic Psychiatric Care: A Qualitative Study on Preconditions for Successful Implementation4
Exploring the Motivations and Personality Traits of Pro-Russian Collaborationists in Ukraine3
Expanding Knowledge About Music and Well-Being in Carceral Settings: A Methodological Review3
Who Are the Compliant Correctional Clients? New Evidence on Protective Factors among Federal Supervised Releases3
Offending Trajectories in Violent Offenders: Criminal History and Early Life Risk Factors3
Protecting Parents, Idealizing the Past, Blaming Friends: Life Stories of Men Imprisoned for Violence3
Modeling Recovery Housing Retention and Program Outcomes by Justice Involvement among Residents in Virginia, USA: An Observational Study3
Religion and Responsibility-Taking Among Offenders in Colombia and South Africa: A Qualitative Assessment of a Faith-Based Program in Prison3
Drug Addiction and Incarceration: A Call for Research and Transparency Among Prison-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Programs3
Canadian Youth Correctional Officers’ Views on Their Work and Relationships With Youth in Their Care3
Understanding Engagement With Forensic Smartphone Apps: The Service Design Engagement Model3
Corrigendum to Examining Perceived Coercion in Drug Treatment Courts3
Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue: The Virtues of Justice: Rethinking Crime and Punishment3
Veiling Religion: The Public Face of Czech Re-Entry Faith-Based Organizations3
The Effect of Nine-in-One-Drawing Therapy on Anxiety, Depression, and Psychological Resilience of Community Correction Objects3
Domestic Violence During the Corona Pandemic: A Comparison of Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic Incidents of Domestic Violence in the Netherlands3
Experiences of Loneliness: COVID-19 Versus Incarceration3
The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Mental Illness, and Personality Differences on Attitudes Toward Self-Efficacy Among Females on Parole/Probation3
Reexploring Female Pathways to Incarceration: Assessing the Role of Mental Illness3
Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue: New Findings on Family Factors in Juvenile Delinquency Prevention3
Retraction “Proof in the Science of the Criminal Process in Ukraine: Conceptual Approaches to Understanding the Essence”3
Psychometric Examination of the Proposed Specifiers for Conduct Disorder Self-Report (PSCD) Among an Adult Community Sample From Brazil3
Prison Visitation and Concerns about Reentry: Variations in Frequency and Quality of Visits are Associated with Reentry Concerns among People Incarcerated in Prison3
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly? A Triarchic Perspective on Psychopathy at Work3
The Moderating Roles of Resilience and Coping Strategy on Well-Being of Victimized Forensic Workers3
Individual Characteristics and Organizational Attributes: An Assessment of Probation Officer Burnout and Turnover Intent3
Researching Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Youth Justice System: Reflections on Methodology From a Members of a Non-Indigenous Research Team3
The Unusual Case of Sexual Homicide Against Males: Comparisons and Classification3
Should Relapse Always Be Punished? A Survey Study into Forensic Social Professionals’ Attitudes to Substance Use3
Understanding the Self-Harming Behavior of Filipino Male Detainees (32–58 Years Old): A Descriptive Phenomenology3
The Contribution of Static and Dynamic Factors to Recidivism Prediction for Black and White Youth Offenders3