Journal of Peasant Studies

(The median citation count of Journal of Peasant Studies is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
From extractivism to global extractivism: the evolution of an organizing concept88
Climate change and agrarian struggles: an invitation to contribute to aJPSForum62
Concentration and crises: exploring the deep roots of vulnerability in the global industrial food system54
Riverhood: political ecologies of socionature commoning and translocal struggles for water justice51
Generic, growing, green?: The changing political economy of the global pesticide complex50
What grows from a pandemic? Toward an abolitionist agroecology50
‘Murderous energy’ in Oaxaca, Mexico: wind factories, territorial struggle and social warfare49
Thresholds of resistance: agroecology, resilience and the agrarian question33
Global extractivisms and transformative alternatives33
A climate-smart world and the rise of Green Extractivism25
Crisis politics and US farm labor: health justice and Florida farmworkers amid a pandemic25
The ties that bind? Agroecology and the agrarian question in the twenty-first century24
Climate justice24
Power for the Plantationocene: solar parks as the colonial form of an energy plantation24
Sanitizing agri-food tech: COVID-19 and the politics of expectation24
Why are the farmers of Punjab protesting?22
Life on the land: new lives for agrarian questions21
Placing Cambodia’s agrarian transition in an emerging Chinese food regime21
Ruptures in the agroecological transitions: institutional change and policy dismantling in Brazil20
Twenty-five years under the wind turbines in La Venta, Mexico: social difference, land control and agrarian change20
‘We are the oceans, we are the people!’: fisher people’s struggles for blue justice20
‘Neither war nor peace’: failed ceasefires and dispossession in Myanmar’s ethnic borderlands19
Farmers’ protests in India: introduction to the JPS Forum19
Is there a future for indigenous and local knowledge?19
Oro blanco: assembling extractivism in the lithium triangle19
Class, caste and agrarian change: the making of farmers’ protests19
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and critical agrarian studies19
Heroes of the developing world? Emerging powers in WTO agriculture negotiations and dispute settlement18
The farm laws struggle 2020–2021: class-caste alliances and bypassed agrarian transition in neoliberal India18
Commons, co-ops, and corporations: assembling Indonesia’s twenty-first century land reform18
From resolving land disputes to agrarian justice – dealing with the structural crisis of plantation agriculture in eastern DR Congo17
A green new deal for agriculture: for, within, or against capitalism?17
Emancipatory agroecologies: social and political principles17
The gender and geography of agricultural commercialisation: what implications for the food security of Ghana’s smallholder farmers?16
Coalitions for land grabbing in wartime: state, paramilitaries and elites in Colombia16
Do women like to farm? Evidence of growing burdens of farming on women in rural India16
No cash, no food. Gendered reorganization of livelihoods and food security in Cambodia15
Global labor value chains, commodification, and the socioecological structure of severe exploitation. A case study of the Thai seafood sector15
Necroeconomics: dispossession, extraction, and indispensable/expendable laborers in contemporary Myanmar15
Forest, agriculture, and migration: contemplating the future of forestry and agriculture in the middle-hills of Nepal14
Violent silence: framing out social causes of climate-related crises14
Anticipatory ruination14
La Via Campesina – transforming agrarian and knowledge politics, and co-constructing a field: alaudatio14
Why and how is China reordering the food regime? The Brazil-China soy-meat complex and COFCO’s global strategy in the Southern Cone13
Emerging ‘agrarian climate justice’ struggles in Myanmar13
Climate change and class conflict in the Anthropocene: sink or swim together?13
Petty commodity production13
Politically engaged, pluralist and internationalist: critical agrarian studies today12
Reading markets politically: on the transformativity and relevance of peasant markets12
Migration, environmental change and agrarian transition in upland regions: learning from Ethiopia, Kenya and Nepal12
Beyond bad weather: climates of uncertainty in rural India12
Neoliberal extractivism: Brazil in the twenty-first century11
The politics of mechanisation in Zimbabwe: tractors, accumulation and agrarian change11
The ideology of innovation: philanthropy and racial capitalism in global food governance11
An air of legality – legalization under conditions of rightlessness in Indonesia11
Shifting frontiers: the making of Matopiba in Brazil and global redirected land use and control change11
Persistent rurality in Mexico and ‘the right to stay home’11
Excavating agrarian transformation under ‘secure’ crop booms: insights from the China-Myanmar borderland11
Caporalato capitalism. Labour brokerage and agrarian change in a Mediterranean society10
Productive farmers and vulnerable food securers: contradictions of gender expertise in international food security discourse10
The resurgence of agricultural mechanisation in Ethiopia: rhetoric or real commitment?10
Navigating the spaces between human rights and justice: cultivating Indigenous representation in global environmental governance10
Adapting to climate change among transitioning Maasai pastoralists in southern Kenya: an intersectional analysis of differentiated abilities to benefit from diversification processes.10
The feminist dimensions of food sovereignty: insights from La Via Campesina’s politics10
Why do farmers' cooperatives fail in a market economy? Rediscovering Chayanov with the Chinese experience10
I will follow? Authoritarian populism, past and present10
Using property law to expand agroecology: Scotland’s land reforms based on human rights9
Global land deals: what has been done, what has changed, and what's next?9
Imagined transitions: agrarian capitalism and climate change adaptation in Colombia9
The environmentalization of the agrarian question and the agrarianization of the climate justice movement9
‘Nothing about us, without us’: reflections on the challenges of building Land in Our Hands, a national land network in Myanmar/Burma9
Land relations, resource extraction and displacement effects in island Papua New Guinea9
Agrarian class relations in Rwanda: a labour-centred perspective9
‘Feeding the world, byte by byte’: emergent imaginaries of data productivism9
The politics of Myanmar’s agrarian transformation9
Rethinking food regime as gender regime: agrarian change and the politics of social reproduction9
Food sovereignty and solidarity initiatives in rural Ukraine during the war8
Agricultural market law, regulation and resistance: a reflection on India’s new ‘farm laws’ and farmers’ protests8
The last enclosure: smoke, fire and crisis on the Indonesian forest frontier8
Climate change as the last trigger in a long-lasting conflict: the production of vulnerability in northern Guinea-Bissau, West Africa8
Rescaling the land rush? Global political ecologies of land use and cover change in key scenario archetypes for achieving the 1.5 °C Paris agreement target8
Social differentiation of the peasantry (Marxist)8
Food anarchy and the State monopoly on hunger8
It’s about time: temporal and spatial fixes find vertical farms and local food in the shadow of COVID-198
Advocating afforestation, betting on BECCS: land-based negative emissions technologies (NETs) and agrarian livelihoods in the global South8
Tractors, states, markets and agrarian change in Africa8
Climate refugees or labour migrants? climate reductive translations of women’s migration from coastal Bangladesh8
Terms of trade and the cost of cotton: the paradox of commercial agriculture in India7
Re-making Pascua Lama: corporate financialisation and the production of extractive space7
Climate rentierism after coal: forests, carbon offsets, and post-coal politics in the Appalachian coalfields7
COVID-19, lockdown and peasants in Zimbabwe7
Proyectos de muerte and proyectos de vida: Indigenous counter-hegemonic praxis to sustainable development in the Sierra Norte de Puebla, Mexico7
The imperial maize assemblage: maize dialectics in Malawi and India7
The Plantationocene as analytical concept: a forum for dialogue and reflection7
‘If there's no evidence, there's no victim’: undone science and political organisation in marginalising women as victims of DBCP in Nicaragua7
The politics of transnational fishers' movements7
Agricultural and land commercialization – feminist and rights perspectives7
Forest as ‘nature’ or forest as territory? Knowledge, power, and climate change conservation in the Peruvian Amazon6
Food security and power struggle in the Chinese ‘battle of the beans’6
Urbanization in (post-) New Order Indonesia: connecting unevenness in the city with that in the countryside6
The political economy of opium reduction in Myanmar: the case for a new ‘alternative development’ paradigm led by and for opium poppy farmers6
The new Guarani reductions: aftermaths of collective titling in Northern Paraguay6
Seed sovereignty as decommodification: a perspective from subsistence peasant communities in Southern Mexico6
Food, famine and the free trade fallacy: the dangers of market fundamentalism in an era of climate emergency6
The rise of Arab Gulf agro-capital: continuity and change in the corporate food regime6
‘Our struggle is for humanity’: a conversation with Morgan Ody, general coordinator of La Via Campesina International, on land, politics, peasant life and a vision for hope in our changing world6
Rethinking ‘just transitions’ from coal: the dynamics of land and labour in anti-coal struggles6
‘Waiting for the call to prayer’: exploitation, accumulation and social reproduction in rural Java6
Illicit crops in the frontier margins: Amazonian indigenous livelihoods and the expansion of coca in Peru5
Food sovereignty and agroecology praxis in a capitalist setting: the need for a radical pedagogy5
Resilience and conflict: rethinking climate resilience through Indigenous territorial struggles5
Resisting, leveraging, and reworking climate change adaptation projects from below: placing adaptation in Ecuador’s agrarian struggle5
Food sovereignty and property in Cuba and the United States5
Patagonian ground rules: institutionalizing access at the frontier5
Shaping our collective futures: activism, analysis, solidarity5
Old tractors, new policies and induced technological transformation: agricultural mechanisation, class formation, and market liberalisation in Ghana5
Global value chains, food and just transition: a multi-scale approach to Brazilian soy value chains4
‘Enclosure with Chinese characteristics’: a Polanyian approach to the origins and limits of land commodification in China4
Land acquisition through Bricolage? Politics of smallholder acacia plantation expansion in upland Central Vietnam4
The political life of mitigation: from carbon accounting to agrarian counter-accounts4
Being a peasant is about resistance: West African peasant movements and the struggle for agrarian justice4
To do, to know, and to be . A firsthand account of Cuban agroecology4
Ecologies of contention: how more-than-human natures shape contentious actions and politics4
The rhino horn trade and radical inequality as environmental conflict4
Defending Shan State's customary tenure systems from below through collective action research4
Dynamic farmers, dead plantations, and the myth of the lazy native4
The spatial politics of land policy reform in Myanmar and Laos4
Placing land and food struggles in agriculture-industry power asymmetry: insights from Wanbao Village, Taiwan4
Prefiguring buen sobrevivir : Lenca women’s (e)utopianism amid climate change4
A ‘cultural transformation’ at the US Department of Agriculture?: Examining racial (in)equality through federal farmland protection programs in Georgia4
Uneven resilience and everyday adaptation: making Rwanda's green revolution ‘climate smart’4
Breeding confusion: hybrid seeds and histories of agriculture4
Can states be decolonized? Indigenous peoples and radical constitutional reform in Bolivia4
Batwa return to their Eden? Intricacies of violence and resistance in eastern DRCongo’s Kahuzi-Biega National Park4
A feminist methodology for implementing the right to food in agrarian communities: reflections from Cambodia and Ghana4
Soil as a site of struggle: differentiated rifts under different modes of farming in intensive commercial agriculture in urbanizing China4
Enacting democracy in a de facto state: coca, cocaine and campesino unions in the Chapare, Bolivia4
The moral economy of labour and resistance to commoditisation in the Matagalpa highlands of Nicaragua4
Unanticipated transformations of infrapolitics4
Governance of the commons and social values: a dialogue between Elinor Ostrom’s work and the francophone theory of reciprocity4
It wasn’t an intellectual construction: the founding of La Via Campesina, achievements and challenges – a conversation4
Implementing the voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests from the working with people model: lessons from Colombia and Guatemala3
Between necessity and compulsion: opium poppy cultivation and the exigencies of survival in Badakhshan, Afghanistan3
Gender and generation in rural politics in Myanmar: a missed space for (re)negotiation?3
EcoSol-agroecology networks respond to the Covid-19 crisis: building an economy of proximity in Brazil’s Baixada Santista region3
Plantation pasts, plantation futures: resisting zombie water infrastructures in Maui, Hawai’i3
The abolition of agricultural taxes and the transformation of clientelism in the countryside of post-Mao China3
Chinese contract labor, the corporeal rift, and ecological imperialism in Peru’s nineteenth-century guano boom3
Deception and default in a global marketplace: the political economy of livestock export trade in Ethiopia3
Situating ethno-territorial claims: dynamics of land exclusion in the Guarayos Forest Reserve, Bolivia3
Performing property in Göllüce: land enclosures and commoning struggles in 1960s Turkey3
Under the canopy of development aid: illegal logging and the shadow state3
Rural urbanisation and home gardening in southern Mexico: agrobiodiversity loss and alternative pathways3
Extracting labour from the neighbour: class dynamics of agrarian change in Sumatran oil palm3
From land enclosures to lab enclosures: digital sequence information, cultivated biodiversity and the movement for open source seed systems3
Transforming critical agrarian studies: Solidarity, scholar-activism and emancipatory agendas in and from the Global South*3
Critical agrarian studies and crises of the world-historical present3
Precarity, illicit markets, and the ‘mystery’ of prices3
The long reach of commodity frontiers: social reproduction and food procurement strategies among migrant workers in Kenya’s flower farms3
Indigenous communal land titling, the microfinance industry, and agrarian change in Ratanakiri Province, Northeastern Cambodia3
Land rush3
Linking climate-smart agriculture to farming as a service: mapping an emergent paradigm of datafied dispossession in India3
Harvesting consent: South Asian tea plantation workers’ experience of Fairtrade certification3
The incumbent advantage: corporate power in agri-food tech3
Indebtedness to care: land, loans, and love in financializing Nepal3
To cover the land in green: rain-fed agriculture and anti-colonial land reclamation in Palestine3
Coal extraction, dispossession and the ‘classes of labour’ in coalfields of eastern India3
Examining land rental markets’ linkages to land and water control in Colombia’s irrigation megaprojects: integrating the political economy of agrarian change and the political ecology of vulnerability3
State property vs. customary ownership: a comparative framework in West Africa3
The making of peasant subalternity in Portugal: histories of marginalisation and resistance to agrarian modernisation3
Development or dispossession? Exploring the consequences of a major Chinese investment in rural Cambodia3
Diffuse land control, shifting pastoralist institutions, and processes of accumulation in southern Kenya3
Protests, neoliberalism and right-wing populism amongst farmers in India3
Reflecting on the Plantationocene: the political economy of sugarcane plantations in Guangxi, China2
A missing link in the agrarian question: the role of ground-rent and landed property in capital accumulation. The case of Argentina (1993-2019)2
Embedding the poor into the industrial system: what we can learn from poverty alleviation through industrial development in China2
Beyond land rights registration: understanding the mundane elements of land conflict in Ethiopia2
Participatory guarantee systems in Senegal: shifting labour dynamics in agroecology2
Networking Shangnan's tea: socio-economic relations, commodities and agrarian change in rural China2
Drugs, frontier capitalism and illicit peasantries: towards a comparative research agenda2
Between the mine and the farm: livelihood diversification and social differentiation in the Bolivian highlands2
Escaping capitalist market imperatives: commercial coca cultivation in the Colombian Amazon2
Sustaining agrarian struggles through painting invasion and resistance: the work of BoyD2
A political economy perspective on alternative development coalitions: the case of paramilitary territories in Colombia2
The moral economy of isolates: ‘Escape agriculture’ and warzone public authority2
Dina , domination, and resistance: indigenous institutions, local politics, and resource governance in Madagascar2
Drugs and extractivism: opium cultivation and drug use in the Myanmar-China borderlands2
Food sovereignty and displacement: gardening for food, mental health, and community connection2
Thirty years of sowing hope to globalise the struggle: women and youth of La Via Campesina in the construction of food sovereignty – a conversation2
Land grabbing on the edge of empire: the longue durée of fee-simple forest lands and indigenous resistance in British Columbia2
From silk to concrete: exploring the socio-spatial aspects of the Agrarian question(s) in Mount Lebanon2
Will community rights secure pastoralists’ access to land? The Community Land Act in Kenya and its implications for Samburu pastoralists2
Smallholder farming for sustainable development: lessons on public policy from the Cuban agroecological transition2
Development, governmentality and the sedentary state: the productive safety net programme in Ethiopia’s Somali pastoral periphery2
Household diversification and market dependence: understanding vulnerability in rural West Africa2
The evolution of China’s rural water governance: water, techno-political development and state legitimacy2
Teodor Shanin’s scientific legacy: genres and models for understanding social worlds2
Agri-food globalization and food security in Brazil: recent trends and contradictions2
The legal geographies of Indigenous consultation and conservation law in Chile2
Updating Karl Polanyi’s ‘double movement’ for critical agrarian studies2
Of zinc roofs and mango trees: tractors, the state and agrarian dualism in Mozambique2